People often remark that we look like a small shop from the street, but once you are inside the store just keeps going! We have four main rooms of books, housing more than 150,000 volumes of new, used, and rare books, and the Annex Gallery.
To give you a taste of the physical store, here's a brief tour, section by section.
Decorative Arches

The fancy arches at the front of the store are architectural fragments from a mansion torn down in Barberton, Ohio. Befittingly, we keep our leatherbound and decorative bindings here, including large sets, and individual volumes. Pretty books, mostly dating between 1880-1920, but there are some earlier ones too, as well as some contemporary Easton Press books. Looking for something pretty for your shelves? This is the place to start.


The Nature section includes books on flower gardening, garden writing, fish, birds, and all sorts of animals. Around the corner from this alcove, you'll find nature writers, Earth Sciences, Ecology, and homesteading/vegetable gardening/urban farming. The Nature alcove also includes all of our cookbooks. (The best food is natural, right?) General cookbooks, international cookbooks, vegetarian, desserts, books on cooking with particular ingredients (e.g., garlic or pasta) or implements (e.g., a grill), vintage cookbooks, and books on beer and wine. You'll also find food writers like Michael Pollan and Michael Ruhlman in this section.


Lots of art books make up the east wall of the entrance here at Loganberry Books. Rolling book ladders help you access them, from general art history to specific monographs. We have particular strengths in Asian and early American art, but many other genres as well.

The Science section includes hard sciences, like Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Medicine, as well as Social Sciences, including Psychology, Education, Family and Child Development, Women's Studies, Self-help, Sociology, Political Science, and Economics/Business.


The Design Alcove is home to photography, architecture and interior design books. From camera guide books, architectural styles, biographies of architects, vintage designers and fix-it-up guides, there is a feast for visual artists.



Our collectible alcove has books on the decorative arts, or 3D Arts, as we like to call them. We have particular strengths in early American furniture, Oriental Rugs, Books on Books and paper arts. Adjoining this section is our Illustrated section with works by Jessie Willcox Smith, Arthur Rackham, Leonard Baskin, Rockwell Kent, Scribner Classics and other notable illustrators.

Some customers think the Sanctuary holds all the really expensive stuff. That's not entirely true. The Sanctuary holds all the really cool stuff. Literature first editions, prints, ephemera, first editions of that long-lost favorite children's book, cigarette lighters (really!)--it's all in here.

The children's section is expansive, and ranges from vintage collectibles to contemporary favorites. We've got new board books, tons of picture books, fairy tales, beginning readers, chapter books, middle grade novels (from vintage copies of Little Women to Diary of a Wimpy Kid), and a wall of science and history, incorporating both factual and narrative stories (Common Core style). Nostalgia lovers and young readers are both at home here.
Cards & Tchotchkes

We hate to admit it, but once in a while you need something besides a book--like a card to go with the book you're giving as a present. We carry what is arguably the best greeting card selection in the city (customers' words, not ours), as well as great gift items like stuffed animals or coloring/activity books for the young ones and refrigerator magnet sets, handmade jewelry, mugs, and reading glasses for your more mature friends and family.

The Americana section is home to American History, Presidential (and other famous) biography, Native American, African-American, general Americana, Essays and Pundits, and a large State-by-State section. The Cleveland and Ohio section takes up three whole banks just to the right of this photo.
Performing Arts

The Performing Arts section includes play scripts and books on music, film, theater, production/design, actors, and musicians.

World History, Archaeology, Ancient History, and Travel co-mingle in our History alcove. Mostly arranged geographically, we have particular strengths in Middle Eastern, English, and Russian history. Our travelogues can be quite enticing, ranging from T.E. Lawrence to Freya Stark, and old Baedeker guide books.

One of the best parts of working at Loganberry is watching new customers walk into the Lit Arts room and say "Wow!" Most of the wall space is taken up by the General Fiction, however, you'll also find a Mysteries/Thrillers, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Humor, Graphic Novels, Comics, and Poetry in this room.
LitArts overview

The Lit Arts room is home to most of Loganberry's special events, such as music events, author readings/signings, the Classics Book Club, forums and other talks, and the annual Edible Books Festival.