Loganberry Books
Stump the Bookseller: S
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S1: Irene
I was very impressed by your stump-the-bookseller page, and hoped
that you could help me. My grandmother was a children's book
illustrator in the Twenties, Thirties and possibly Forties. I
don't know any of the titles of the books or the authors' names. I
realize that this is an impossible request, but I would really
love to find some of her work. She would have used the name Irene Sand, although the earlier books
might be under the name Irene Drelich.
I would appreciate any information or suggestions for my search.
I am not sure how this site works but this
was a request for information about Irene Sand by her
grandchild. I am Jan Sand and Irene Sand (Irene Drelich)
was my mother and I am curious as to what information I can
supply. I have a hunch that the requester was Valerie Sand but I
am not sure because, by monstrous concidence, there might be two
illustrators named Irene Sand, formerly Irene Drelich.
S8: Suzy Pink
Solved: Miss Sniff
S12: Sea Change
Solved: Sea Change
S20: Sleeping Beauty
I'm looking for a Sleeping Beauty
picture book, probably published in the 1970s. The thing I
remember most about it is that the second last page was cut out in
the shape of an arch, looking through to the last page which was a
garden (which in my memory is the most beautiful garden ever
Could this have been a pop-up book? There
was a pop-up Sleeping Beauty published in 1975 by
Chatto & Windus, with illustrations by Karen Avery.
S20 sleeping beauty: perhaps too old - Sleeping
Beauty, a Peepshow Book, illustrated by Ronald
Pym, published Houghton Mifflin 1950. When the cover is
tied back, the book forms a 6-sided star with the scenes viewed
through frames.
S20 sleeping beauty garden: perhaps The
Sleeping Beauty, illustrated by Molly B. Thomson,
published Collins Clear-Type c. 1940s. octavo, 18 pages, stapled
paperback. A "Kiddie Kut" book, referring to the cut-outs in the
illustrations. It's kind of early, though. At least one of the
"Peepshow" books was reprinted in the 1970s, so they may be a
better bet.
I can't believe someone mentioned the Kiddie
Kut books, I have several and they are so wonderful, so
beautiful.....I got them as a child in the 50's...mine are
falling apart and the two that I am missing that I would love to
have are The Water Babies and Sleeping Beauty...I
currently have Snow White, The House that Jack Built, Fun in
the Frozen North, The Bells of London Town, The Three Bears,
Nursery Nonsense, and Jack and the Beanstalk....
before today I had never heard of any one else knowing of
these books..I think as a child I probably looked at these more
than any other books that I had, they were just magical, so
delicately and wondrously wrought. I still get them out
and look at them sometimes and somehow the magic has never
faded. Molly B. Thomson was an extremely gifted
I've attached the end page of my copy of The
Sleeping Beauty, by Molly B. Thomson. It's
published in Great Britain, no date given, but it was mine as a
child and I was born in 1968. Not sure where it came from - my
aunt and uncle lived in England, though. Definitely cherished,
and I thought of it when I read the stumper. This page shows
what could be the second to last pages referred - the window
arch is shown, but the last page isn't a beautiful garden. Her
bedroom looks like a beautiful garden, however.
S25: Sailboat on wheels
Solved: Enchanted
S30: Shapeshifting Bird
Solved: The Land of
Happy Days
S33: Sebastian the Magic Cat
Solved: Tim and the
Hidden People
S35: Sears and Roebuck
Solved: Those
Plummer Children
S39: Simon the mouse
Solved: Hurry Up,
S40: Seasons story
Solved: The Sun
S42: Soap flakes in the creek
This book was read to me in middle
school. As I recall some kids were visiting the country
and while crossing a creek one of them accidentally dropped a
box of soap flakes. The creek was a mass of
soap bubbles. Any help will be
greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I can't vouch for this specific incident,
but maybe Two and Two are Four by Caroline
Haywood, Harcourt 1940, 171 pages "Two children come
from a city apartment to live on a farm and two children come
from Washington to visit their grandfather, the farmer. Four
lively youngsters, two boys and two girls, around six years of
age, make this story suitable for boys and girls of five to
eight years. Very like B is for Betsy in makeup."
Again, can't vouch for the specific
incident, but there's also Puppy Summer, by Meindert
DeJong, illustrated by Anita Lobel, published Harper
1966, 128 pages "Two little boys, vacationing at their
grandparents' farm, are as carefree - and careless - as the
three lovable puppies put in their charge."
S43: Sisters, very different
Hello! I was just given your web site
info from a friend. I have a long shot- I can't
remember the title or the author...it was a teen book that I
read probably in the early 70's. I think it may have come
from a Scholastic book order at school. It was the story
of two sisters, one blond and blue-eyed and her sister,
brown-haired and rather plain. The one sister is popular,
cheery and out-going; the plain sister stays home alot, is
smarter (very stereotypical) and has a yellow room with brown
trim. The plain sister wins out in something at the
end. What a long shot !! I remember reading it a
zillion times! Thank you so much!!
Might be Dancing Shoes by Noel
Well, up until the yellow room with brown
trim, at any rate. If you add a snotty cousin to the mix,
that comes a bit closer.
Could S43 be Jacob Have I Loved?
S43 - certainly sounds like Katherine
Paterson's Jacob Have I Loved
It may be AMY AND LAURA by Marilyn
Sachs, 1966. It was definitely a Scholastic book (although
1966 may or may not be the Scholastic pub. date) Amy, the older
sister is outgoing and the younger sister, Laura, is more
studious and a bookworm. This
web address has a short booktalk about the book.
Perhaps the description will help. However, it's been a long
time since I read the book, so I can't remember the physical
features of the girls or the room.
#S43--Sisters, very different. There
is a book called Second Best, by Barbara
Clayton, about rival sisters. Like Jacob Have
I Loved, it is set on the east coast. Jacob
Have I Loved near the sea in Maryland, and Second
Best near the sea in Maine.
Thank you so much for all this
information!! Jacob Have I Loved can be ruled
out...I'll look into the other two. I thought this book
was gone forever!! I so appreciate this info!
S43 - I'm wondering about Lowry's A
Summer to Die, which starts with the two sisters
sharing a room, and the pretty one gets ill while the
'plain' one makes friends all round the new neighbourhood
A little more on Amy and Laura
by Marilyn Sachs, illustrated by Tracy Sugarman,
published by Doubleday 1966, 192 pages. "The third book
about Amy and Laura Stern develops their sisterhood and their
individual personalities. The girls are opposites in both
physical and emotional attributes, and each responds in her
own way to their invalid mother's home-coming after months of
hospitalization. ... Amy - outgoing, impulsive, and a
self-determined academic failure - must choose a best friend
for the subject of a composition assignment. Laura - shy,
sensitive, and a newly-appointed school monitor - wrestles
with confusing concepts of loyalty and duty. The setting and
the school belong only to the Prospect Park area of Brooklyn,
but the anxieties and joys experienced by Amy and Laura are
known to girls everywhere." (Horn Book Dec/66 p.718)
I remember a book with this plot from that
same time frame. Practially Twins. The
girls were step-sisters, the popular girl's dad married the
plain girl's mother. The plain girl was really the main
character. She was jealous of her step-sister's popularity
& set a kind of trap for her--the popular sister copied a
termpaper written by the plain one & turned it in--got
herself in trouble for plagarism. In the end they worked
out their differences . . . I think it might have been a Whitman
Viola Rowe, Practically Twins. In case this is the book you were
thinking of, I saw it on ebay. Viola Rowe also wrote Freckled
and Fourteen. I know I enjoyed both of these
books way back when . . . (not really so long ago)
Betty Cavanna, The Boy Next
Door, 1950's. I'm sure this is the answer to
the "Sister, very different" query. The older, plain
sister was Jane and the younger pretier sister was Linda.
They were rivals for the boy next door, hence the title. I
also recall Linda wore a charm bracelt and at one point, Jane
looks out her bedroom window at night and see Linda and the boy
together and gets very jealous.
Lois Lowry, A Summer to Die. Have you tried checking A Summer
to Die? The older, prettier sister ends up
dying of leukemia. The "reward" at the end puts me in mind
of the scene where a photo of the plainer sister makes it into a
museum show---she ends up finally feeling a little better about
herself & is more confident in her abilities.
The Odd One. This was a
book about two teen sisters, but focusing on the "odd one," the
sister with the long straight dark hair. Her blonde sister
was always giving her a hard time. The blonde one was
taking voice lessons or something, because she had to
concentrate on speaking from her diaphragm so she didn't
squeak. The dark-haired sister felt very out of place
until an older woman (aunt, teacher, family friend?) took her
shopping for clothes and showed her what colors looked right
with her coloring.
I've been trying to find what I believe is
the same book and have not been able to remember the title or
author, but I do remember a few other details. The
sisters, I'm pretty sure, were named Debra and Dorie Dark, Dorie
being the dark-haired "plain" sister. It's written from
Dorie's point of view, and she describes Debra's beauty as pale
and silvery, but not "the least bit insipid, because her eyes
are so bright and her lips so red". Dorie herself is
described by one of her teachers as "dark by name and dark by
nature" when she is feeling gloomy about Debra always seeming to
be more acomplished and popular than herself. Both girls
are serious students of ballet and Debra always gets better
parts and more attention than Dorie, but in the end Dorie turns
out to be in some way more talented than her popular sister. I'd
love it if someone figured out what book this is, as it's been
bugging me for years. I read it sometime in the mid 70's, about
the same time as I read "Ballet Shoes". It may have been
published in the UK.
Jean Estoril, We Danced in Bloomsbury
Square, 1967. The
last commenter on this thinks she is looking for the same book,
but what she describes is _We Danced in Bloombury Square_.
I vividly remember the names of the fraternal twins, Debbie and
Dori (Deborah and Doria) Dark.
Sounds a lot like a story I read, about two
sisters, one a cheerleader, the other a basketball player. The
basketball player is
able to shoot 3 pointers easily, but is
considered unattractive by classmates. She has a crush on the
cutest guy in school, and when the guy asks her on a date she
finds out that he was dared to do it, as a form of initiation
into a club. She goes on the date with him, and it turns out he
ends up liking her after all. She was called Mike in the story,
and I seem to believe that the name of the book was For
The Love of Mike. Don't know the author, I seldom
Amy & Laura, 1970? I
remember reading this as a preteen & enjoying it quite a
bit. Amy was the bubbly, curly-haired student having
problems with her grades, and Laura was shy and withdrawn, but
also on the safety patrol. She had the unfortunate luck of
having to turn in one Veronica Ganz (another book by the same
author?) Their mother had been in an accident and was
paralyzed and home after a long stay in the hospital. I
remeber something about AMy and a friend going on a long
scavenger hunt on Halloween, and Laura and friends going on an
even longer bicycle excursion in the park. At the end the
sisters got into a hair-pulling, biting scratching fight in
front of their mother over the fact that Laura had helped Amy
with a composition and Amy had taken credit for it. I hope
these details help, and I hope you find a copy. It was a
really nice little book.
VIola Rowe, Practically Twins, c.1968. The book you are looking
for is definately Practically Twins.
The story of pretty Jan and new step sister plain Mary Ann. The
author Viola Rowe was an editor for Scholastic Books. It was a
hardback book with a mostly white cover.
Hi, what a neat site you have. I'm
wondering if S43, Sisters very Different, could be Tempest
and Sunshine. I didn't see that book listed in
the suggestions. Tempest is the darkhaired temperamental
one and Sunshine pretty obviously is the sweet one. What
makes me think of this book is that when Sunshine's beloved
comes to call, Tempest fakes Sunshine's voice being awful to
someone, maybe a servant. This cools the lover's ardor and
turns him toward Tempest but of course in the end, Sunshine does
win out. I don't know the author but do believe the book
might be at least 60 years old.
Amelia Elizabeth Walden, My Sister
Mike. This is
definitely the book you are looking for. The younger,
prettier, sister helps her older sister, 'Mike' (Michelle)
become more popular. Mike sort of sacrifices who she
really is to get the guy that she wants. Not a good message for
young girls but this was the seventies!!
S52: Susan doll
I'm trying to locate a book title from childhood. The story
was about a doll. I think her name was Susan. It may have
been published around the 1950-1960s. The book was
illustrated with black and white photos of the doll. Thanks
for any information.
There's a famous series of books with black and white photos
about a doll named Edith and her bear friends (The
Doll, Dare Wright).
There is the Dare Wright book
Take Me Home aka The Little One published
by Random House in 1965 and illustrated with photos. However,
Susan is the little girl. It's the one with the little naked
doll living in the woods. There's also Suzy Goes to
Mexico by Mary Carney Thielmann, published
by Whitman in 1942, illustrated by photographs. "Suzy is a
bisque porcelain doll that two little girls were given by
their Aunt Catherine. Each page has real photos of two little
girls, Patty and Jo, and their doll Suzy in various costumes
they have made for her. Also pictured in real-life photos is
Mexico of the 1940s. This book introduces children to Mexico
and some of their culture and holiday events near Christmas."
here's another, though less likely because
it's English and the photos are colour - Susan and Spotty,
by Antonio Colacino, illustrated with 24 colour
photographs, published Oxford, Wheaton 1967 24 pages. "Kate
sleeps all the more soundly for knowing that her doll Susan and
her dog Spotty are safely tucked up in bed with her. Little does
she know that her toys have a life of their own, which begins as
soon as she is asleep." (JB Oct/67 p.288 pub ad)
Jones, Elizabeth Orton, Big Susan, 1947, copyright.
There is a recent reprint.
S57: Santa daddy
I am looking for a Christmas book (golden
book size) from my childhood. It is about a little boy who
wants a pony for Christmas and tells the department store
Santa. Daddy travels all Christmas Eve in search of this
pony that he knows that his son asked for. In the middle
of nowhere he finds a open store with a rocking horse in the
window. In the morning the delighted little boy finds his
pony and yippee hyees... (or something like that) :)
I'd love to find this book. Perhaps someone remembers the
I think S57 is A Little Cowboy's
Christmas by Marcia Martin--a Wonder
Book. I have this book and glanced through it
tonight. It's really cute.
S58: Susie and ballet
Solved: The Littlest Star
Hi, This was solved as The Littlest Star. Are you
certain? There’s a series of Susie books by Lee
Wyndham. Susie and the Ballet Family, On Your Toes
Susie, Susie and the Dancing Cat, Susie and the Dancing Horse,
A Dance for Susie. I think that’s all but there may be
more. I know some of them were Scholastic PB favorites.
S62: Silly Nothing Song
Solved: The Silly Book / The Silly
S66: Sea child
S67: Sandals and clogs
Solved: Two For the Price of One
S68: Spots and stripes
This book was peculiar....it was about two lands...one had spots
and one had stripes. I don't remeber the first part of the story,
each land is on a big mountain. there is a telephone wire between
something happens and somebody steals a stripe from the spot
country and everybody in the stripe country wants one. this
creates such a problem with envy that both countries get together
and try to burn all the spots and stripes. Instead, they explode,
and then both countries are covered evenly with spots and stripes.
It was a basic book about diversity, I guess. The pics were all
line drawings with some filled-in space, all black and white. (no
greyscale!!!!) Probably published in the early 80s....I think the
cover had a red border. The book itself was about maybe 4x6
inches? hardcover.
Possibly - Black Bear White Bear,
by T. Harriott, illustrated by L. Kopper, published
London, Evans 1980, 32 pages "May I borrow a black bear,
please? says the white bear who was tired of all the whiteness
in his homeland. This cautionary tale is about the two
travelling salesmen who changed it all by bringing black dots
and stripes to the white land, and white stripes and dots to
the black land. Quite how they sorted it all out with the help
of a "monstrel" is the subject of this amusing and small
picture book." (Junior Bookshelf Jun/80 p.118)
Ted Harriott, illus. Lisa Kopper, Black
Bear, White Bear, 1979. The details don't all
match, but I think this could be the one you want. My copy
was a little (British) hardback 4x6in. sounds about right,
although it didn't have a red border the cover showed a
black-and-white monstrel (sic). The two lands both
contained bears, and, indeed, they were linked by a telephone
wire across a mountain. I don't have my copy of the book
with me, but if memory serves, originally one land contained
black bears and the other white bears. Then a pedlar came
to each land, one selling spots and the other stripes.
After trying various things with the new spots and stripes, two
bears, one from each side, use up all the remaining spots and
stripes to make a monstrel. Unfortunately the monstrel
runs wild and starts eating bears. Eventually it's down to
just the two makers, and they manage to pop the monstrel,
possibly accidentally, with a pin left over from when they were
sewing it together. The resultant explosion leaves spots
and stripes everywhere, as you say, and everyone lives happily
ever after. If the monstrel doesn't ring any bells, this
probably isn't it.
Elsa Beskow, Collected
Stories? This is probably not what you
want, but your description reminds me of a short story by Elsa Beskow included in a
story collection that in the original Swedish was called "Elsa Beskows
sagor" (The stories of Elsa Beskow). This collection
includes a story about two villages. The people of one village
will wear only plaids, and those of the other only stripes.
There is a great deal of tension and rivalry between the two
villages. At some point, a Queen suggests that maybe dots would
be equally pretty, and they start making dotted fabrics instead.
S69: Stone wall holds key to mystery
The next book I'm looking for is a novel,
either YA or children's, and I believe it is English. The
central character, a boy or girl (but if it is a girl it's a
more tomboyish girl), is sent to stay at this old manor. The
tone of the book is very somber and dark, especially at first.
There are all sorts of places to explore, but what I most
remember is that the boy ends up exploring the garden,
specifically some ruins he finds there. An old stone wall. There
is a rune or some sort of clue or message in the stones, and I
think they were covered by moss or vines and he uncovers them.
There might have been a key he finds. At this point another
character is introduced, I think, but this is also where my
memory breaks down. I found the book in an old country
library (think, a couple of rooms in a church basement.
This was in early seventies, before 1975, and I thought it was
an old book. I don't remember any book jacket, just an old cloth
book. The words 'green' and 'stones' seem most familiar, and
possibly 'gnome.' I have tried to find this for years and people
have mentioned the Green Knowe books, but I've seen a new
edition and am almost positive it isn't this book. There was an
overall sad, gloomy tmosphere/tone. Any thoughts? Sorry so
Has this poster
checked out The Secret Garden by Burnett?
There are many similar elements described.
S69 sounds a bit like T39
Philippa Pearce, Tom's
Midnight Garden. 1959. This could be one
of the Green Knowe books by L.M. Boston
but sounds more like Tom's Midnight Garden.
I don't really think this is it, but just in
case ... The Stone Cottage Mystery by Joan
Boyle, Toronto, Macmillan 1958 "16 year old Isobel
Anderson moves to the small Ontario town of Farston. A broken
ankle lands her in a mystery reaching back to the past which
had set one Farston family against another." The students
in the town's Historical Club investigate clues from old diaries
and heirlooms to find a metal box holding papers and a money
pouch hidden behind the 'wishing stone' in a stone wall.
Not much evidence, but maybe Seek There by Eleanor
Helme and Nance Paul, illustrated by Frank Wallace,
published by Scribner, 1930s "A Scotch manor, long-buried
heirlooms, two very real children, their aunt, a neighborly
man friend and a villain are woven into an excellent story of
hidden treasure."
Similar atmosphere - Dark House on
the Moss by Constance Savery, published
London, Longmans 1948, 216 pages "The Moss, called a peat
bog in this country, is fit setting for this English tale of
mystery and will-o'-the-whisps. The story has to do with an
orphaned brother and sister when they go to stay with an
unknown cousin in the north. Here their curiosity is at once
piqued by the strange atmosphere of their cousin's house and
the attitude of people toward him. Suspense mounts high before
the bog breaks loose and the neighboring hamlets are wrecked
by the sunken lake it had contained." Title and setting
maybe, but Cubs? Sammy and the Secret of Sevenstones
by D.E. Booth, illustrated by Kenneth Brookes, published
London, Warne, 1956 "All boys of Wolf-Cub age will find
excitement reading how Sammy and his fellow Cubs unravel the
mystery which surrounds the old manor close by where they are
encamped. Suspicion deepens when two Cubs disappear and there
are many adventures in store for the boys. Illustrated in
line." (Junior Bookshelf Nov/56 publ ad.) And another, by
title and atmosphere The Hobstones by Joy M.
Bagshaw, illustrated by Geraldine Spence, published
London, Chatto 1966 "Four children, looking through old
family letters, find references to some puzzling local
landmarks: "the Sentinels of Stone" "the Place of
Evil". A quest that starts from church registers, old maps in
the library, visits to older villagers, becomes a real
archaeological discover - and a race before "the fleet of
bulldozers come to rip up the moors"."
Could this be The Casket and the
Sword, over on Solved Mysteries? There are some
If it was only earlier I'd suggest - Parsley,
Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, by Jane Louise Curry,
published 1975. "When young Rosemary goes to stay with
her Aunt Sibby in Maine, she finds a hidden herb garden that
the elderly cat Parsley Sage takes her to and shows her the
stones marked Sage, Rosemary and Time (not thyme).when she
picks a sprig of the time. Time stops for her & she soon
ends up back in the 1700s!." "11-year old Rosemary thinks the
word "time" cut into a stone in her aunt's old herb garden
should be spelled "thyme" until she picks up a sprig of the
herb around it and discovers herself back in the 18th
century." Young person visiting relative, old house,
hidden garden, words cut into stones, these match, but it's a
girl, there's magic, and it's too late.
Mabel Esther Allan, Lost Lorrenden, 1956. Not all the details are right, but
shy Phoebe goes to stay with boy cousins at Lorrenden in
Bucks. She's seen a painting of Lorrenden Manor &
wants to find it but, when she eventually finds it, it's all in
ruins and hidden. She scrapes away the moss from a gravestone in
the grounds. Jay is the cousin who's supposed to look
after her, but she makes friends with a local girl called
S69 stone wall holds key: This title sounds
almost perfect - The Garden of the Lost Key, by Forrestine
C. Hooker, published Doubleday Doran 1929. If only it
came with a plot description!
Nancy Bond, A String in the Harp, 1976. I think this might be the book you
are looking for. The main character's name is Peter and he finds
an ancient tuning key that brings him back in time. Part of the
blurb on the back of the book is "...Peter finds an ancient
tuning key that must have belonged to the Welsh bard,
Taliesin.... Then Peter realizes he's being pulled back in time,
forced to intervene to save Taliesin and return the key." It was
a Newberry Honor book originally published by Atheneum in 1976.
The copy I have is a paperback Puffin edition published in 1987.
Andre Norton, Steel Magic.3 children are sent to live with an eccentric
uncle. They go on a picnic on an island on his property
and go explore some ruins. Passing through a doorway in a
stone wall, they enter another land and are involved in a King
Arthur/Merlin/ Camelot kind of adventure. They had taken a
picnic basket with silverware and each child is armed with a
fork, or a knife, or a spoon because fairy folk don't like iron
S69 stone wall key: could it be The
Key, by Joan Penman, illustrated by Michael
Charlton, published Chatto 1971, 88 pages. "Matthew is bored and
lonely until one afternoon he discovers in his garden a silver
key which
lets him into a secret room and leads him on
to surprising adventures. Ages 6-8." (Children's Book Review
Is it possible this is the Secret
Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett? Some
things sound similar to it, ie., garden wall, finding hidden
keyhole in garden wall? The other possibility that comes
to mind is Spiderweb for two by Elizabeth
Enright. Two children are sent on a scavenger hunt of sort
with written clues. One clue directs them to an old stone
wall, where behind some moss, they find yet nother clue.
L M Boston, Treasure of Green Knowe, 1958. I know the poster doesn't think
this is Green Knowe but it sounds very like "Treasure of Green
Knowe". Tolly visits again with his great
grandmother at an old manor in Britain. He explores the
arden and discovers an old ruined tower covered with vines (with
the requisite trap door and fugitive). He meets other
characters as he slides between his time and the eighteenth
century. I'd say the overall tone is a little sad and
lonely because his great grandmother needs money and his
ancestor Susan is blind and has a silly mother and very spoiled
Nancy Bond, The String in the Harp. I also think that this is The String in
the Harp. I re-read this a few years ago and remember that
it has a very dark and dreary tone in the first part of the
book--I think the father has moved the family to Wales from the
US and the protagonist hates it and bickers with the family
about adjusting until he gets pulled into the adventure with the
harp key and all.
The Basumtype Treasure.
Some elements sound like "The Basumtype Treasure" - not sure
of the spelling. I read it when I was in middle school in
the early 80's. I remember a young boy visiting relatives
he doesn't know well in what seems to be an English mansion with
gardens - I don't remember the circumstances of why he is there,
but remember the feeling of loneliness/unsureness. There
is some kind of mystery about a hidden family treasure.
There is a rhyme or something that is passed down from older
generations to tell the location of the treasure, but the
meaning has been lost. The boy solves it in the end. The
rhyme has something to do with a box and a fox and it turns out
the treasure is in the boxwood tree in the garden, which is the
"box" of the poem. The boy, I think, has red hair and
there is a portrait in the mansion of a previous ancestor who he
bears an uncanny resemblance to. I think there may be some
kind of link through time where the boy goes back in time or
sees back in time through some connection with this ancestor he
resembles and this connection helps him solve the mystery.
Here's a synopsis of a
book I read in 1967 or '68 which may be the book you're
looking for - though I'm afraid I don't know the title! My
memory coincides with poster of 69, i.e. manor, garden, ruins,
wall, message and clue. According to an old prophecy, ancient
key stones belonging to houses lost in shifting sands have to
be located in order to safeguard the existence of the last
surviving house, and the key stones from the others have to be
set in place above its door. Our hero is on holiday, staying
at that house with, I think, his cousins... I remember that
the dust jacket featured a drawing/painting of the porch of
the ancient house, with the 3 or 4 key stones shown set above
the door. There's another later book by the same author
which uses the same characters, set in a village in Scotland
where the cousins live, visited by the hero of the first book.
Not nearly such a memorable tale as the other, though it might
jog somebody's memory: surely someone out there knows more..!
Malcom Saville, The Ambermere Treasure.
to get well. They send their father off to recuperate while
they look for places to work. They read an ad through the
newspaper and apply for the job assisting two older
impoverished ladies. They treasure seek while deciphering
clues left years ago. The cover has children kneeling at a
stone wall looking under the vine cover.
Saville, The Secret of the
Ambermere Treasure. English Children stay and work with two elderly
impoverished ladies. They solve clues about magpies (I think) to
find where the treasure is. Book has cover of children
kneeling before a stone wall.
S71: Scottie dog helps girl cope with mom's death
Solved: Underdog
S72: Seagull drops merman
Solved: Lucy and the
S73: Scarry rabbits?
I recall from my early childhood (mid to
late 1960's) a book -- probably a Little Golden Book -- about a
brother and sister rabbit who were at some kind of school (I'm
pretty sure it was a school - I know they played on playground
equipment, and took naps). All kinds of animal children
were there, but I believe the "teacher" was also a rabbit (or
bunny). I can see the brother & sister rabbit / bunny
(he in overalls and she in a skirt) on a see-saw, I believe, and
also recall the many animal children napping (or sleeping?) in
rows of little beds. It very well may have been
illustrated by Richard Scarry; his bunnies are so similar to the
ones I'm picturing, but I don't think he or Patricia Scarry
wrote it -- my memory of this story is just somehow different
than their books tend to be. Of course, I could be wrong,
since I think I was 3 - 5 when I was read this! Anyway, I
would love to find this story to share with my little one.
The Naughty Little Rabbit by
Richard Scarry. Not sure about this but it's a very
early (c. 1960) book about rabbits by Scarry. I liked it as a
very small child, but don't remember it clearly now but think
that it was a more ''typical'' picture-story book in style than
his later books.
Scarry, Patsy, The Bunny Book, 1955. ill. Richard Scarry. Golden Press,
1973. An Australian Little Golden Book #215
I've never read this book, but i ran across
this description of a book on a used book website and remembered
your inquiry. This may fit. This particular book
show is dated 1973 but upon doing further research on google, I
found the original copyright date of 1955.
Helen Wing Illus. by
Marjorie Cooper, The Bunny Twins. A Tip-Top
Elf Book. Twin bunnies (Flipper in red overalls with blue
striped shirt, Fluffy in matching shirt and skirt) get dressed,
eat breakfast (carrots and peas!), and go to school. They
play on a slide, a wagon, and roller skates. They also
play blindman's bluff with the other rabbit children. No
napping but pictures look very similar the Scarry-type
illustrations. Story is written in rhyme. Very
cute. Hope this is the one.
DuBose Heyward, The Country Bunny and
the Little Gold Shoes.
(1939) I own this book. You mentioned something about lots
of little bunnies in beds, and although there isn't a picture
with all of the bunnies lined up like that in bed, there are a
whole lot of them. It's an Easter story, and their mother takes
the place of a an Easter Bunny that's grown too old. It sounds
like your description. I hope you find your book. Oh, and the
copy I have is yellow and hardcover, although there might've
been a dust jacket that I lost over the years.
Virginia Grilley, The
Bunny Sitter. Maybe, if possibly it
wasn't a school but a babysitting service? I do remember
illustrations of the various small animal children tucked in
their beds, and one bedroom that had a great number of children
(and beds).
S75: Sneezing Chinese dragon
The book I am looking for was one I read
around the 1st or 2nd grade. The book was rather slim and the
cover was red. I don't know the author or the title. But the
plot was basically that a Chinese girl and a dragon go to the
evil emperor's palace to try to defeat him. The emperor has two
servants working for him. One is deaf and the other dumb. The
girl learns that the only way the emperor can be defeated is if
someone makes him laugh. Every possible trick is tried until
finally, the dragon accidentally sneezes and laughs at the same
time. The emperor laughs and is destroyed. I don't remember what
happend after that. Any help is much appreciated!
Empress not emperor, but this sounds close:
The Magical Egg, by Elfrieda Read,
illustrated by Alison Green, published New York, Lippincott,
1965 "Ten-year old Kei-lin and a gracious dragon travel
through enchanted lands to make a wicked Empress smile and
thus save a Prince's life. Ages 8-11." (Horn Book Jan/65
pub ad p.20)
S75 sneezing chinese dragon: And it looked
so good, too - found a copy of The Magical Egg,
and although it does feature a little Chinese girl and her
dragon friend, the villain is an Empress whose heart has been
frozen with grief, and Kei-lin makes a dish of phoenix egg to
heal her, letting her weep and smile. The dragon is rather comic
(his tail falls off) but he doesn't laugh and sneeze, and there
are no deaf or mute servants. Well, back to the search.
S77: Strawberry jam
Read this in junior high, so around 82-85.
I remember strawberry jam, magic ( alittle magic person,
possibly a leprechaun type) , a family getting ready for a
country fair at which they were competing with vegetables and
strawberry jam. The jam was the big deal. The protagonist was a
girl, and I remember the title as some sort of question. Help!
Marilyn Singer, Will you take me to
town on Strawberry Day?
1981. There is also The Country Fair by Tasha
Tudor (1968) about a boy and girl entering a calf, gander
and strawberry jam at the country fair. They are both picture
books, but I have no further details.
You have probably checked Strawberry
Girl by Lois Lenski, but I thought I'd
mention it...
S79: Secret Garden, not Frances Hodgson Burnett
Solved: Magic
S80: Sandman
This is a book from the 50s about a
sandman. Sorry this is all I remember of a book my mother
used to read to me and I would like to find it if possible.
Not sure of 1940s or 1950s but Enid
Blyton certianly had a story collection called Sandman
Tales - or something similar.
S80 sandman: There is a picture book by R.
Strahl, translated from the German and illustrated by Eberhard
Binder, published in England by Brockhampton. Sandman
the Lighthouse, 1968, 42 pages "On one of his
regular trips to send the lighthouse keeper's son to sleep, the
Sandman loses his boat in a storm and until he is rescued from
the lighthouse none of the world's children can go to sleep."
(JB Jan/68 p.32)
S81: Scottish historical novel
When I was in elementary school or junior
high (so we're talking roughly 1965) I read a historical novel
(written for young people) whose main characters were a Scottish
girl and boy whose father had disappeared. The story was
set in the 18th century (I think) and they lived in a
castle. I think part of the story involved a man claiming
to be their father, but that's pretty fuzzy. I'd like to
find this book to buy for my daughter to read.
Some differences, but perhaps: Alison's
Kidnapping Adventure by Shiela Stuart,
published by Blackie, 1952 "Another fine Alison story in
which she and her brothers are up against a new kind of
mystery in the Highlands. Who is the visitor to Clarig posing
as their big brother Hamish, and what has happened to the real
Hamish?" (Junior Bookshelf Dec/52 ad)
Sally Watson, Highland Rebel, early '60's. Possibly Highland
Rebel? I've forgotten some of the details,
like the fathers disappearance (their uncle is taken and
hanged), but this book is about Lauren MacDonald and her brother
Malcolm, who are active on behalf of Bonnie Prince Charlie in
1745. Lauren is a semi-tomboy, at least for those days.
There's also a boy named Murdoch MacLeod helping the cause, who
by the end of the book is basically falling in love with Lauren,
even though she's only about fourteen. The story is full
of period detail.
Reminds me of a story called "Quest For A
Maid" Scottish setting, about becoming a bride,
going over seas to collect.
Carol Ryrie Brink, Lad with a Whistle.
(1941, approximate) This
sounds like Lad with a Whistle by Carol Ryrie Brink. A favorite
book when I was a kid, but it's been a while since I read it.
It's set in Scotland, where a wandering boy with a whistle
(named Rob?) helps out a brother and sister (Annie?). I think
they lived in a castle, and their father was definitely missing.
Some people who wanted the estate tried to trick the children
with an imposter as their father. I believe Rob helped the
children escape. I think they might have visited Sir Walter
Scott? They all ended up home in the end with their real father.
S83: Shakespearan treasure hunt
Solved: Surprise
S84: SS Midshipman
Solved: Mister
S85: Sisters, early 1900's
My memories are vague: two
sisters small town took place at the time of the
turn of the century - 1920's. In one chapter the sisters
were playing paper dolls with another girl. She had fancy
store-bought dolls, but they had cut theirs out of a
catalogue. I remember that they came home from school for their lunch, and their mother
served them chocolate pudding. I think there was also
mention of them playing outside until the street lights came on.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I think I've seen this stumper before...
Well, the paper doll part made me think
immediately of On the Banks of Plum Creek, by Laura
Ingalls Wilder, when Laura and Mary go to visit Nellie
Olson but I think the chocolate pudding and street lights
probably rule it out. Oh well, its a great book anyway.
This is a long shot, but I wonder if #S85
could be Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace.
two pairs of sisters in this story, which takes place in the
late 19th century, and the younger girls play with paper dolls
cut from magazines. They also invent a dessert (so to speak!)
called "Everything Pudding."
This is just a guess, but it could be The
House by Christine Noble Govan. It's about
two 8-year-old girls and there's a part where they play with
paper dolls.
S85 sisters early 1900s: it might be worth
looking at All About Marjory, by Marian
Cumming, illustrated by David Stone Martin, published
Harcourt 1950, 148 pages. "Texas in the early 1900s is the
scene of this sensitive story of 8-year-old Marjory and her
little sister Nancy. The band concert in the park, the stolen
dream and Miss Louisa's wedding are among the highlights of
their lives. One delightful chapter tells of Marjory's trip to
New Orleans and her disappointment when the much-talked of
'fairy' that is to carry them across the Mississippi
turns out to be a 'ferry.' Interesting and unusual line
drawings." (HB Nov/50 p.473)
This immediately made me
think of Betsy-Tacy
by Maud Hart Lovelace
(who were friends, not sisters) who would play elaborate games
with paperdoll families cut from the Godey's fashion catalogs.
They were allowed, in nice weather, to take their dinner plates
outdoors where they would sit on a bench that overlooked a steep
hill where they could see much of the town, and Betsy would make
up elaborate fancies, including one where the two of them would
sit on pink clouds shaped like feathers, then float away into
the sunset - by which time their mothers were calling them
home. At the very end of this book, they make a new
friend, Tib; hence the title of the next book, Betsy, Tacy and
Tib. The pudding episode was so memorable because the two girls,
left alone in the kitchen one afternoon, happily sing as they
toss, mix and stir, completely carried away, Betsy's idea of the
most wonderful dessert imaginable: Everything pudding!!
S86: Sinbad and Me
Solved: Sinbad and Me
S87: Satin and Silk pigs
My memory of this one is pretty hazy, but here goes. The
book itself was very small, very much like a Beatrix Potter book
-but I don''t believe she is the author. Like the Beatrix
Potter books, it is intended to be read to very young children and
features a coloured illustration with each page of text. All I
really remember is that the story revolves around two pig
families, one featuring a big pink sow and the other featuring a
big black sow. I think that one of the mother pigs was named
Mrs. Satin, and the other was named Mrs. Silk, but I could be
wrong about this. The illustrations were charming, and I
especially loved the drawings of the black pig. Any ideas?
S89: Science fair plant project
Solved: Top Secret
S90: Sci-fi 2nd WW submarine crew time-warp
1974. This is sci-fi a WW2 submarine is sunk and then the
crew is revived far into the future where war is unknown but are
needed to defeat an alien race on a world 90% water.
Philip E High, The Time Mercenaries, 1968. Not a WWII-era sub, but a British
nuc boat. It is sunk in a collision with a merchant.
The boat is raised years later and the crew are animated,
zombie-style, as a museum exhibit. They are then fully
revived so that they can help defend against the alien attack.
S91: Santa's vacation
Solved: The Year Without a Santa Claus
S92: Sun comes to play
Solved: When the Sun Rose
S93: Street names
This book was a young-adult mystery, and the only plot device I
remember is that the answer to the girl's mystery lies either the
layout of the street's in her neighborhood, or the names of the
streets. Book was probably from mid 1950's to late 1960's. If you
can help, I'll put you in my will!!!
Avi, Who Stole the Wizard of Oz? Someone is stealing kids' books from the
library. Becky and Toby, using
clues from children's books, find the
thief. I remember this book having a lot to do with maps
found in children's books and I think that they relate to the
layout of the city.
Just to mention the possibility that Y 23
and the old, VERY OLD!! stumper S 93 might be the same book! If
so, we now have
more info to go on! I have been working on
this one for eons!!
The Westing Game. In this
puzzle mystery, the directions North, South, East, and West
figure prominently.
S94: Some number of balloons
Solved: Peter Graves
S95: Snow--Sleigh--Old Mansion on cover
Solved: The Snow Ghosts
S96: Sleeping Bedtime
Solved: Sleep
S97: See the duck think
Solved: "Monty"
S98: Shakespearean stories
Margaret Christian, Tales from Shakespeare, 1917.
S99: Seatmates
It's about 2 girls in an Ohio elementary
school who share the same desk.
Let's try Seatmates. by Mary
K. (Katherine "Kate") Reely, illustrations by Eloise
Wilken, published 1949. From the jacket: "Seatmates
is a pleasant, easy-to-read story about a long-ago little
girl in a small midwestern town, but modern little girls will
read about Kate and Lily and Tottie with a cosy, today sense
of identification. Kate's story took place fifty years ago,
but in her small Wisconsin town she enjoyed many of the things
that girls today find fun - May baskets and marbles, paper
dolls and picnics, church Christmas trees, skipping rope, and
diving out to the country with father." Back flap shows
b/w photo of Kate & Lily, the "seatmates" of the book, and
explains that Kate based the story on her early life on a farm
near Spring Green WI. It also shows a picture of Eloise Wilken
with her dog. "Anyone who likes Laura Ingalls Wilder or even
Betsy and Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace is sure to adore this
S99 seatmates: it's not actually called Seatmates,
but Bertie and May, by Andre Norton and
Bertha Stemm Norton, illustrated by Fermin Rocker,
published World 1970, 175 pages does involve girls (sisters)
sharing a desk and is set in Ohio. "The story of a
year in the lives of Berie and May is a leisurely period
piece: Their father kept a country flour mill; and the girls,
always sharing a desk, learned to read and write in a one-room
rural school. But times were changing ... after the family was
forced to move to the strange town, Bertie and May felt like
country fieldmice; their new home, however, meant more
friends, a fine large school, and plenty of books to borrow
from the Sunday school library." (HB Feb/70 p.42)
S100: South Seas island adventure
Sailors(Americans, I think) anchor off of a
South Seas island, which is inaccessible due to high cliffs.
They discover that they can enter an undersea cave, using scuba
gear, and climb though a long cave to the top of the island. The
island is inhabited by savages, and the explorers antagonize
their priest. The inhabitants destroy the sea cave entrance and
they have to escape by rappelling off the cliffs. I have
no clue as to the author or title. I think it was a fairly thin
paperback with a blue or green cover.
Frank E. Peretti, Escape from the
Island of Aquarius,
1990. Don't know if this is right - not everything
matches up. If I remember correctly, a family accidently
sails to an uncharted island. They find that the natives
are being oppressed by some sailors who arrived years
before. They eventually have to escape through an
underwater tunnel. Hope this helps! "When Jay and Lila
Cooper travel with their archaeologist father to an exotic South
Sea island, they find some mighty strange things going on! Could
the arrogant, tyrannical leader of the island colony be the
missing person they've been sent to find? If so, why is he
acting so strange? As the Coopers attempt to solve the mystery,
they encounter deadly perils--vicious poisonous snakes, fierce
biting insects, bone-crunching earthquakes. The very foundations
of the island seem to be jarring loose. Jay, Lila, and their dad
must find a way to overcome the evil that holds the colonists in
a death grip. But can they do it before the entire island breaks
apart? A thrilling tale filled with adventure, mystery,
and sudden danger that will hold readers' interest through the
last exciting page. By the bestselling author of This
Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness."
No - this isn't even remotely similar to what I remember.
I read the book sometime around 1967, if this helps. The parts
about the scuba gear and the cave are very clear in my mind.
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
S101: Strawberry for a princess
Solved: A Present
for the Princess
S102: Sino-Japanese war
Patron remembers reading a book about a
Chinese girl which took place during the Sino-Japanese
War. Is sure the title was "Bright April" but we have been
able to locate nothing by that title that fits her description.
Patron was sure it was a book, not a short story in an
anthology. Thanks!
Just possibly - Peachblossom,
written and illustrated by Eleanor Frances Lattimore,
published Harcourt 1943, 96 pages. "When war came to her
home and planes flew over the farm, six-year-old Peachblossom
was taken on a long walk to the city, where at last she found
school and her aunt and a new home ... Peachblossom, with her
doll and the other small treasures she loved, is the same in
every essential as little American girls of her age."
(Horn Book Sep/43 p.317)
is the story of a refugee family fleeing China for
Japan. Very interesting details, but sad. There is a
little girl who, early on, has a shrapnel wound to her ear, an
older sister and brother, and the mother. At one point,
they are living/sleeping in the railroad station and the
mother is quite ill. Any help?
S103: Sequel to Gulliver's Travels?
Solved: Castaways in
S104: Scottish mystery
Scottish castle, young teens, mistry moors,
and a ghost (which I believe turned out to be fake.)
1960s. Not much to go on....
#S104--See #s S69, S81, and V1 to see if
any of the titles mentioned there sounds like your book.
Rather a lot of possibles ... Camerons
Castle, by Jane Duncan, illustrated by
Victor Ambrus, Macmillan 1964 "The Cameron family go to stay
at Castle Vannich, which the owner is hoping to open as a
hotel. There is a local superstition that the tower of Vannich
will stand as long as the white hind of Vannich does not
leave. It is because little brother Iain (a Downs Syndrome
child) is so devoted to animals, and follows Tibbie and her
kittens, that he finds the lost room in the tower and the
mystery of the white hind is solved." (Junior Bookshelf
Nov/64 p.308) Also - The Black Loch, by Patricia
Leitch, illustrated by J. Duchesne, published London,
Collins, 1963, 192 pages "Kay Innes and her cousins Sara and
Edgar travel North to the Highlands to stay with Uncle Vincent
and his family at Deersmalen, a dilapidated, castle-like house
surrounded by rough country. Edgar becomes the villain of the
piece, and for filthy lucre betrays the curious Water Horse of
the Black Loch to an animal collector. Kay has been accepted
by the household as the future guardian of this strange
creature, so she and cousin Jamie ride off through the night
in pursuit of the thieves. There is an odd character called
Fergus who with his attendant wolves and flowing cloak, can
call seals from the water or set everyone dancing with his
silver pipe." (Junior Bookshelf Jul/63 p.154) Then again,
there's Scottish Adventure by Viola Bayley,
illustrated by M.L. Foster, published London, Dent 1965, 172
pages. "The young laird of Moray has been forced by lack of
money to let his house to some very odd Americans, while he
takes in paying guests in one of the island crofts. While
Oliver, Sara and Hugh are staying at the croft they realise
that something is worrying Iain Macdonald and offer their
help. This leads them into a much more exciting holiday than
they had expected as they help to solve the mystery of the
lost treasure and the ruthless enemy agents." (Junior
Bookshelf Oct/65 p.285)
A few more - Auntie Robbo, by
Ann Scott-Moncrieff, illustrated by Christopher Brooker,
published Viking 1941, 1959 "Tells of 81-year-old Auntie
Robbo who in a mad escape-and-pursuit takes to open country in
a tinker's cart with her 11-year-old nephew and some other,
strangely acquired, child companions. The evocatively created
atmosphere of the Scottish Highlands and of her hastily
purchased rock heap of a haunted island strongly supports this
unorthodox situation." (Horn Book Dec/59 p.483) Also - Highland
Fling, by Sybil Burr, published Westminster
1957. "In this suspense-filled adventrue story, three
youngters explore the Scottish island of St. Bride and become
involved with a secret hidden in an old tower." (HB Apr/57
p.182 ad)
S104 scottish mystery: maybe The
Horse on Ben Awe, by Mel Wayne, published
Duell, Sloan & Pearce 1962. "Two venturesome brothers
who start a pony ranch in the misty Scottish highlands find a
marvelous horse, befriend a frightened girl, and solve a
mystery. Ages 12-16." L(HB Apr/62 p.127 pub ad)
Hilda Boden, The Mystery of Castle
Phyllis Whitney, Mystery on the Isle
of Skye, 1955.
Could this be Phyllis Whitney's Mystery on the Isle of
Skye(1955)? I believe there is a lot of Scottish history,
McLeods and McDonalds, etc. woven into the mystery.
Enid Blyton, The Castle of Adventure
Mystery of Mordach Castle by William
MacKellar (Follett-1970) or one of his other books set in
I would check out some titles by William
MacKellar- Mysteies set in Scotland. One title
comes to mind- Mystery of Mordach Castle. Follett
Publishing Company (1970)
Carol Ryrie Brink, Lad with a Whistle, 1941. One of my very favorite books as a
child, I hope it's the one you're looking for! This description
is from the Clan Cameron website: "Guardian for two
children of wealth and gentle birth is an unusual responsibility
for a young beggar boy who had earned his living by whistling
and playing the drums. But strange events which happened fast
brought young Bob McFarland into this amazing situation. Since
Bob is a lad of convictions and of resourcefulness, as well as
of jolly disposition, he not only wins over the children and
becomes their lively playmate, but also circumvents a plot and
brings the story to an unexpected and happy ending. A lively,
"romantic" story of Scotland in the days of Sir Walter Scott, a
land of wandering minstrels and high adventure."
S105: Scottish children phoenetic speech
Set in or published around the 1950's an
adventire story with two Scottish children in it ,a scarab
beetle set in amber comes into somewhere. The key thing is that
the children's speech is printed phoenetically not as it is
Another possible is Strangers in
Carrigmore, by Meta Mayne Reid, illustrated
by Richard Kennedy, published London, Faber 1958, 176 pages.
"Colly and Kay McKean, their cousin Charlotte and half-cousin
Rosa, become involved in a plot to rob the Museum of Carrigmore
Castle of its priceless relics in gold and silver. They are
instrumental in placing in charge of the hostel part of
Carrigmore Mrs. Warlock, a modern type of witch, who proves to
be the moving spirit of the plot. Tiffany the magic cat plays
his part as usual, so does the swan who responds to the magic of
the hazels which the children hold." (Junior Bookshelf Mar/58
p.71) And another, though probably too late, is The Mystery of
Island Keep, by Hilda Boden, published David McKay 1968, 152
More on the suggested, but nothing
conclusive - The Magic Squirrel, published Stokes
1934, 143 pages. "How Petrushka the magic squirrel and his
comrades brought happiness to Keera, the little Russian boy
who was kind to animals and especially to Petrushka." (BRD
S105 scottish mystery: And here's another -
Scottish Treasure Mystery, written and illustrated
by Decie Merwin, published Lippincott 1960. "Janet
spends an unforgettable, and at moments dangerous, summer with
grandparents on the Isle of Skye. Ages
9-11." (HB Dec/60 p.541 pub ad)
Kooistra, Mary Ellen, The Luck of the
McElroys. (1946)
The speech in this book is written phonetically and the story
features a cairngorm brooch. The book is for younger children
and is illustrated in color.
S106: Squirrels underground
I am also looking for a book of which I
have no author or title, natch, I read in the late 50s about a
boy who goes to live with his grandmother and goes underground
to live with the squirrels who have a complete city
underground. Thanks for your help in advance and keep up
the lovely work.
This sounds like Magic Squirrel
by N.G. Grishina-Givago
S106 squirrels underground: some
resemblance, but not very definite - The Best of Friends,
by Josephine Haskell Aldridge, illustrated by Betty F.
Peterson, published Parnassus 1963, 33 pages. "The boy Tad
and his friend Squirrel admired each other's houses and
decided to exchange. Tad had to enlarge his new home to make
it comfortable, and Squirrel had to make his more cozy. With
the seasons' changes and the passage of time the landscape
absorbed the new houses in which Squirrel and Tad were happy
alone or visiting each other. Illusrations blue and rosy red
wash with black line." (HB Feb/64 p.47) More on the
other suggested, but not much help - The Magic Squirrel,
published Stokes 1934, 143 pages. "How Petrushka the magic
squirrel and his comrades brought happiness to Keera, the
little Russian boy who was kind to animals and especially to
Petrushka." (BRD 1934)
S107: Santa's helpers
Solved: Torten's
Christmas Secret
S108: Scientist's telescope sees through clouds
Solved: Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom
S109: Sci-fi dog
Solved: Star Dog
S110: Satanic mill
Solved: Satanic Mill
S111: Sister is retarded
Solved: Cathy's Secret Kingdom
S112: Searching for a city
of gold
Like a few others I have seen on this site, this is not really a
children's book, though I found it in my 8th grade homeroom
bookshelf. It was a bit racy for that age, but I was mature and
LOVED it. I was mostly about a couple, the husband was
searching for some kind of special city, like a city of
gold. It is
set in modern times, I remember a helicopter. For some
reason it is important that the man have a son. The wife
gets pregnant, but has a girl. They are happy, but there
seemed to be some very important life or death reason that a son
be concieved. The part that sticks out in my mind, (this was one
of the racier parts) the husband must travel again quickly, and it
is so important that she try to get pregnant again, they sleep
together, even though it is really only days or maybe a couple of
weeks at
the most since she gave birth to the daughter.
(Yikes!) I remember it as being pretty exciting. There
was a male friend, too, I am not sure if he wanted to be a love
interest to the woman at one point, but that kind of sticks in my
mind. Thanks!
This may be too recent, but there's Secrets
of the Wolf, by Saranne Dawson, published
Dorchester 1998 "An
artist and the ruler of a lost world find
love despite the secrets conspiring to keep them apart.
Beautiful Amanda Traynor was being followed. As she embarked on
a mission to unearth the lost civilization of the Kassids, the
flame-haired beauty was rescued from an attacker by a seductive
stranger with ice-blue eyes. Hidden deep in the Kassid fortress,
shrouded by the mist of the Dark Mountains, ancient legends
threatened to quench their flames of passion and destroy the
Kassids forever. Together they could save his people, but only
if their love was strong enough to survive the mysteries hidden
in his piercing blue eyes." Somewhat older is Enchantment,
by Kristen Hannah, published Fawcett 1992, 404 pages.
"Emmaline Hatter was a beautiful, brillant, and rich Wall Street
financier in the nineteenth century--until
the crash of 1893 wiped her out completely. Without friends,
family, or money, she decided to take a wild risk and joined Dr.
Larence Digby in his search for the treasure-filled lost city of
Cibola. Somehow, in a world of enchantment, each would have to
learn to believe--to trust the other with their lives, their
secrets, and their hearts."There's also The Takers: River
of Gold, by Jerry Ahern, published Worldwide
1984, 387 pages. "Josh Culhane, two-fisted adventurer who'll go
anywhere, do anything, teams up with the sexy scholar Mary
Mulrooney. They battle halfway across the globe, into the
Brazilian rain forest; far upriver, the jungle yields its
deepest secret: the lost city of the Amazon warrior-women, to a
last stand beneath the Antarctic ice cap, where they find an
ancient starbase whose builders had never gotten home." Then
there's The Sunbird, by Wilbur Smith,
published Heinemann 1974, 500 pages "Like his ancestors before
him Louren Sturvesant had spent money wisely. He had the
financial muscle to fulfil the dreams of his friend Ben Kazin by
funding an expedition to a lost city in the red cliffs of
Botswanaland and the treasure it would contain. But it is a city
haunted by an ancient evil let loose in the distant mists of
pre-history. From the dramatic whirlpool of Africa today - big
game hunts, terrorism and intrigue - the protagonists of The
Sunbird are swept back in time through the battle, romance and
tragedy of their pasts in the savage epoch of ancient Carthage."
S112 searching for city: yet another
possible, This Fierce Splendor by Iris
Johansen, published Bantam 1988. "Scottish beauty Elspeth
MacGregor travels to Hell's Bluff to hire Dominic Delaney to
lead her to the magical lost
city of Kantalan, but at first he refuses
... the last thing he needs is to join a virginal scholar on a
dangerous quest. But Elspeth's fiery will coupled with her silky
hair and milk white skin prove irresistible, and Dominic acts
... first with angry lust, then with a searing yet tender
passion that brands her eternal soul and bonds them both to a
heated and turbulent future. Through wonders and tragedy,
across the untamed splendors of Arizona and Mexico, Elspeth and
Dominic draw closer to their dual destiny: to experience the
dark mysteries and magnificent riches of Kantalan ... and to
fulfill the promise of lasting love and the birth of a bold
family dynasty."
S113: Strawberry thumb
Solved: Strawberry Thumb
S114: Science fiction
Solved: Orphans of the Sky
S115: Silkworms
Solved: They Loved to Laugh
S116: Stray Kitten
Solved: Peppermint
S117: Science fiction short
Solved: Keeper of the Isis Light
S118: Squirrel in my Pocket
Solved: Nine Fine Gifts
S119: Seagull struck by car
Solved: The Pearl Bastard
S120: Sam Adam's Pipe
Solved: How Sam Adam's Pipe Became a
S121: Sisters in foster car
Solved: Toby Lived Here
S122: Scientist invents anti-gravity sphere
Solved: Peter Graves
S123: Shared Dreams,
Solved: Into the Dream
S124: Scandanavian old man and little girl
This will be so vague. I remember a book from 3rd grade
(I'm 48) that impressed me, but the memories are very foggy. The
book itself was gray in color and the illustrations were of a soft
pencil look. The story had something to do with an old man and a
young girl. He possibly was her father or grandfather. For
some reason, I feel like it was Scandinavian in setting or
authorship. I think the title or author started with s
or t. I want to say it had to do with a ring. I
remember snow in the pictures. I also think there were three
books in a series but I could be superimposing memories from
something else. I know this is a long shot but I have been
intending to try to find out what this was for years now. I
got this address when I finally sent a query to Living Books
newsletter. I wish I could remember something else. The only
thing I remember is the look of the book itself being rather
squarish and thin and gray in color. And I remember where it
was in the library. Big deal, huh? If you can possibly
figure this out, I will be so relieved. Thanks so much for
Two things to check right off the bat: Maud and Miska
Petersham's Miki series, and the D'Aulaire's Ola.
ethnicity, but of course very different.
Another author to try - Selma Lagerlof
S124 scandinavian old man: this was
suggested for another stumper, but perhaps better here - Grandpa's
Maria, by Hans-Eric Hellberg, translated by
Patricia Crampton, illustrated by Joan Sandin, published Morrow
1974. "An award-winning author tells this sensitive, funny story
of a seven-year-old girl left in the care of her grandfather (HB
Oct/74 p.204 pub ad)
I suggest this only because it wasn't
already mentioned! Madame Spyri, of course, wrote
Heidi, but Charles Tritten eventually
produced two sequels, Heidi Grows Up and Heidi's
Children -- so a library might possibly have had all
three books.
Martha Inez Johnson, Singeli's Silver
Slippers, 1951.
This story, translated from the Swedish, is anthologized in The
Golden Books Treasury of Elves and Fairies (Jane
Werner, editor). In it, a shoemaker sews a pair of silver
slippers for his daughter that protect her from harm and lead
her to her prince.
Patricia St John, Treasures of the
Snow. Could this
be it? I haven't read this book for a long time, but your
description of your book made me think of it. It takes place in
the Alps. The main character is a girl named Annette. She lives
with her (possibly widowed?) father or grandfather and younger
More on the Heidi Suggestion. I believe Heidi's
Children has a big revelation involving a ring that
was lost under a stone. One of Heidi's kids finds it and it
proves that Heidi's friend is actually her relation (cousin?). I
remember the little child keeps saying "Schoen, schoen" or
something like that to mean pretty when she finds the ring.
S125: SCW trng wlie
Solved: The Book of Qualities
S126: Set at a convent where the nun solved the mystery
The mother superior was sent away. someone ate poison fish or
something. I just want to know the author. It was set at either a
college or a convent. It was a short mystery, but very funny.
S126 set at convent: a couple of possibles
- Quiet as a Nun, by Antonia Fraser,
Norton 1977, with the detective being Jemima Shore, who is also
featured in a short story set in the convent school. If the
detective is a nun, there is a short series by Veronica
Black, with Sister Joan as the detective.
Dorothy Gilman, Nun in the Closet. I'm not sure if the plot matches, but a
very funny short mystery about two nuns is "The Nun in the
Closet" by Dorothy Gilman (author of the Mrs. Pollifax books).
Nunsense. There's a
musical entitled "Nunsense" that has many of the elements you
describe. I don't know if it was originally a book.
If it was, it would certainly not be for children. It's
very funny, and many of the nuns become sick after eating
poisoned fish. I believe the original Mother Superior dies
from the fish and has to be replaced. One of the nuns has
Amnesia and cannot remember her name, if that helps.
S127: Story Collection
Solved: Treat Shop
S128: Summer Vacation
Solved: Poplar Street series
Still can't figure out
I have had a librarian at the Strongsville library stumped on
this book for many years and we still have no idea what book it
is. It is about an animal, unknown what kind, that wants the
other parts of other animals. It is not the Wingdingdilly or
The Mixed-Up Chameleon. What I do remember is that at some
point the animal has the body of an alligator and the wings of a
crow. This is all a bit fuzzy since it was so long ago that
I remember reading it. Thanks so much to anyone that can
The Aminal or Zagazoo.
Could this be The Aminal about a little boy who
says that he has an "Aminal" and the other children imagine and
animal with all these different body parts, and then it turns
out to be a turtle? Or could it be Zagazoo by Quentin
Blake where a baby that a couple have turns into all these
different creatures representing the phases of a child's life?
This sounds like a popular children's book
when I was a kid-aprox 1970's. I don't know the title or author
but the plot involved a small bird-perhaps a crow? who was not
happy with his body and coveted the other animals bodies. He
ended up by asking the animals that he met one by one if they
would trade with him until he ended up to be very strange
looking indeed and could not eat or drink. He then had to give
back the body parts and on the last page he was a crow again and
happy to be one. Hope this helps.
S129 still can't figure out: perhaps The
No-Sort-of-Animal, by Mary B. Palmer,
illustrated by Abner Graboff, published Houghton 1964, 48 pages.
No plot description available, though.
I don't know the title of the original
request (though I can see a picture of an alligator with small
wings in my head so we must have the book in our library
somewhere), but I think the other book described here is What
Kind Of Bird It That? by Mirra Ginsburg,
Crown, 1973. A goose trades with other birds and gets
Crow's wings, Crane's legs, Peacock's tail, Rooster's comb &
wattle, Pelican's beak, and Swan's neck. Unfortunately,
this makes it difficult to eat, swim, and get away from the
fox. After his geese friends rescue him, he trades back
with the other birds, and "He became a goose like all other
geese, but now he was wise and kind and never envied anyone
S129 still can't: perhaps, Lord Rex,
the Lion Who Wished, written and illustrated by David
McKee, published Abelard-Schuman 1973. "the story of a
lion who wished he had wings like a butterfly, a trunk like an
elephant, a parrot's tail, a kangaroo's hind legs and a
giraffe's neck - and acquired them all. Lord Rex's appearance
becomes more ludicrous on every page until on the last page,
after a final look at his hybrid self in the pool, he wishes
himself back to lionhood. Deliciously absurd." (Children's
Books of the Year 1973 p.22)
S129 Might be You Look Ridiculous,
Said the Rhinoceros to the Hippopotamus by Bernard
Waber, c1966 Houghton Mifflin... also reprints '73,
'79 and '99. Black, White, Green, Red Hippo was perfectly happy
wallowing in some mud until grumpy rhino tells looks ridiculous
because no horn. Other jungle animals agree, but because no
spots, flappy ears, etc. Cute!
In case you have remembered the animals
incorrectly-- In a Dick and Jane reader (New
Places) there is a story of three animals
(rabbit,cow,dachshund) wishing they could be three other animals
(giraffe, owl, duck). THEN, voila: a GIRabbit, a DUCKhund,a
COWL). Story taken from a book by Challis Walker called
Three by Three (Coward-McCann-1940)
Me Too Iguana. This may be a long
shot, but the Me Too Iguana book was part of a series of
books featuring animals with stories to teach lessons. Me
Too Iguana is about Imitating Iguana, who sees other
animals and tries to imitate them till the other animals show
her that being herself is most important. Some of the
other animals were Capable Camel, Zany Zebra, Responsible Rabbit
and so on. All the names were alliterative.
The Scroobious Pip. A
book about an animal made of many different parts. Maybe
in rhyme.
S130: Saints in Silhouette
I'm seeking title and author of a small
1930's book of biographies of saints for children, illustrated
with graceful black silhouettes. Deep violet-red cardboard
cover; black cloth spine. Includes St. Edmund Campion
(Brit. Jesuit); St. Elizabeth (cloak filled with roses); saint
who founded Sisters of Charity.
Sister Mary Jean Dorcy was known for
her lovely black silhouettes cut from paper. She illustrated
some Catholic books with these silhouettes and also was an
author (but not might be the author of this particular book).
Maybe an online search with her name as the keyword or
illustrator will come up with a title. Good luck!
Your suggestion about Sister Mary Jean
Dorcy was excellent. Her style and subject area seem like a
perfect match, as shown on various web sites discussing her
work, but none of the books mentioned was the one I sought. So
I wrote to her student and artistic heir Dan Paulos in New
Mexico. He kindly responded, but said none of her 26 books
matched my description. My only remaining hope, assuming her
to be the creator of the silhouettes I recall, is that he may
not have known all of the books she illustrated for other
authors. The search continues. Thanks again for
your help.
Joan Windham, Saintsseries, 1930s. Could it be Joan Windham? I
have a reprint of Saints by Request first
published in 1937. There were also "Saints specially for boys"
"...girls" "...upon a time" "...you have asked for" "six o'clock
saints" The illustrations are I think woodcuts but very simple
blocky black & white". Publishers Sheed & Ward.
I just included in an order a follow-up
to a long ago inquiry to Stump the Bookseller - after which I
successfully navigated the site and found my old question
(S130) still in place. The last suggestion was about Joan
Windham’s British books on saints. I remember her books
well and know that her breezy style and format were not
compatible with the book I am still looking for. I have
combed the LC catalog, and even started a poky search of the
LC’s microfiched copies of publishers’ annual lists for the
period. (I was dismayed to find that “Books in Print” did not
begin until the late 1940’s.) While I did not find my
book, I did find some funny long-forgotten titles, including
the saccharine “Tom Playfair” and “Percy Wynn” which, along
with “Helen’s Babies,” were read aloud to us by old Sr.
Remigia when teaching 35 fourth-graders got to be too much to
deal with. The only Catholic publisher I found in that
time period was Benziger. Sheed & Ward came along
later. If you know of any others, including British
ones, I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
Just a note - St. Edmund Campion was not
canonized until 1970. In the 1930's he would still have
been Blessed Edmund Campion so your book title might have
something more than just Saints in the title - Heroes, for
S131: Silver hidden in gold
Solved: The Great and Terrible Quest
S132: Shrinking boy rides seagull
Solved: The Fabulous Flight
S133: Shh Mary ann is
Solved: My Dolly
S134: Sorcerer's Apprentice
Solved: The Satanic Mill
S135: Scuttlemagon
Ths story is about the "scuttlemagon" I think. This monster
type animal somehow thinks he is eating an apple, and to his
surprise, he eats the mother's pincushion full of pins...that is
all I remember...this also had lots of pictures...Thank you!
I believe that this is one of the Uncle
Wiggle stories. I say that because the description
conjures up a very strong image of an illustration of the beast
in question biting into a pincushion. The story was one of
many in an anthology I had as a child back in the 1950's or
60's. I think the author is Burgess (Thornton?) -whoever
wrote the Uncle Wiggly stories.
It could be one of Thornton Burgess' Uncle Wiggly
stories... there are so many, though...
S135 Maxwell, Arthur Uncle
Arthur¹s bedtime stories Vols 13-16 [or Series
Thorton W. Burgess was the author of many
animal tales such as the Tale of Reddy Fox, Blackie the Crow
or Old Mother West Wind, these were stories meant to impart
knowledge of how different animals actually lived. Uncle Wiggily
was written by Howard R.
Garis and was clearly a fictional story
character. I don't remember any character with a name
like the one you mentioned.
S136: Superstition
Solved: The Mystery of the Haunted Mine
S137: Shaggy doll
Solved: Best Loved Doll
S138: spiders are a girl's pets
spiders are a girl's pets
More information on this stumper is promised, but in the
meantime, it does make me think of Margaret Bloy Graham's
Be Nice to Spiders (Harper & Row, 1967).
It's a little boy's pet spider who is sent for safekeeping to the
zoo, where she quickly saves all the zoo animals from flies and
other pests. The spider's name is Helen, and her original
owner's name was Billy. Might also want to investigate Edward
Cresswell, Helen, Meet Posy Bates,illustrated by K. Aldous. Oxford, Bodley
Head, 1990. This is the only book I've seen yet which has
a girl with pet spiders. "Posy longs for a pet, but Daff (Mum)
has banned them, so she makes do with Punch and Judy, who are
spiders, and Peg the Leg, a stick-insect. Their lives are short,
so their names are given to a succession of replacements as the
originals die or are swept away in one of Daff's cleaning
sessions." Posy gets a magic bobbin (thread spool) from the
local "bag lady" which helps her when she organises a "green"
pet show in which Punch and Judy and Peg the Leg feature.
Schwartz, Ellen, Starshine. (1995) A possible, since the original
poster hasn't come up with more information to rule it out.
"Starshine Bliss Shapiro has a problem: her name. What's worse
is that she might not go on the grade four camping trip because
of a squabble with her parents. But Starshine has a plan
involving her hobby--spiders--and the help of her best friend
Julie Wong. Now if only her pesky little sister doesn't foul
things up ..." Sequels are Starshine at Camp Crescent Moon, and
Starshine on TV. The American Association of Arachnology is
featured. Her pet spider in the first book is Goldie, a Nephila
spider that accidentally arrives in a box of papayas.
S139: sun slept the day away because of a fly
Looking for a book that might be titled "The day the sun slept"
or "The strongest fly".Might have been written in the early 70s.
Its about a fly that disturbed a possibly a leaf making it fall,
which in turn disturbed something else which disturbed another
animal. Ultimately, it ended up causing an egg to drop from a
birds nest. That made the Mother bird sad and it could not sing to
wake up the sun. So it slept all day.Hopefully you can get me un
Verna Aardema, Why Mosquitoes Buzz
in Peoples' Ears
S139 Sounds like it could be WHY THE
SUN WAS LATE by Benjamin Elkin, illustrated
by Jerome Snyder, Parents Magazine Press, 1966. It's a retelling
of an African folktale in which a series of events, starting
with a fly, causes a bird not to sing and so the sun doesn't
wake up. ~from a librarian
S139 sun slept late: if this poster is also
incorrect about it being a fly, it could be Why
Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears, on the Solved
list. If the memory is correct and it is a fly, it could be Why
the Sun Was Late, by
Benjamin Elkin, illustrated by Jerome
Snyder, published New York, Parent's Magazine Press 1966,
unpaginated. It starts with the fly landing on a dead tree,
which topples with a crash. The fly thinks he did it, and tries
to push two boys out of another tree. When a boy swings at the
fly, he instead knocks three squirrels out of the tree, which
startles four snakes, who slither off into a herd of five
elephants, who rush madly into a hill, knocking six eggs out of
a nest. The mother bird says "Now my heart is broken, too.
Never, never, never shall I sing again." Without the bird's
song, the sun is not awakened. The Great Spirit has to look into
it, and retrace the story, until he comes to the fly, who is too
embarrassed to answer and just buzzes. Or it could be Why
Flies Buzz, retold and illustrated by Joanna
Troughton, published Blackie 1974, 30 pages. "In this
Nigerian cumulative tale a fly buzzing round a boy gathering
palm nuts in a tree sets off a series of reactions that ends
with the guinea-fowl neglecting to call up the Sun. Obassi,
Lord of All Creatures, decrees that the fly shall lose its
power of speech as a punishment."
S140: sheep that mowed lawns
Solved: Sheep of Lal Bagh
S142: Scholastic
Solved: A Kind of
Summer Love
S143: Selfish Giant and
other stories
I am looking for a book from my childhood. I was born in
1972, so this book is most likely from 1980 or earlier. I
suppose there's a very slight possibility it could be from the
early 80s, but I'm fairly sure I read it a lot as a child younger
than that. I cannot remember the title nor editor/author
name. I can somewhat picture the book in my head, though,
and will know it if I see the cover. It was fairly thin,
hard cover, and the cover was burgundy-ish on the border, with a
montage of the artwork from within. I think the title and
such may have been in fairly scripty writing. I'm a bit fuzzy on
the actual stories. I know the many pictures were exquisite
and not cartoony. I've poked around for weeks online and I
have discovered that one of the stories was "The Selfish Giant" by
Oscar Wilde. However, I've also discovered that none of his
other stories ring any bells, so this was NOT a Wilde collection
and did not include stories like The Happy Prince. It is
also not the "Book of Giants" that I keep seeing. "The
Selfish Giant" includes lovely pictures of the giant's garden and
the boy sitting in the blossoming tree. I think the winter
scenes had pictures of an anthropomorphized "wind" character
blowing, or a Jack Frost, or something like that. I think one of
the other stories involved a boy who was a chimney sweep.
There weren't many stories in it, and I'm fairly sure those that
were in it weren't typical Disney-esque fairy tales that are
extremely familiar, ie no Snow White, Cinderella, etc. Any help
would be appreciated!
Hi again, In looking over the new
listings, I have a glimmer of an idea about S143 -- The
Selfish Giant. In 1973, I had to translate a
children’s story about a Selfish Giant from English into French
for a school project. I routed through my attic and found
only the photocopy of the story. It was from the March
1973 Reader’s Digest and was adapted from the Oscar
Wilde story. Perhaps if the original Reader’s
Digest could be located, it would point the direction of the
Just carrying on the Readers Digest thread
like the Selfish Giant and Water Babies
(the chimney sweep?) The covers were turquoise, with
pictures on them, and I am surethe stories were illustrated
Hilda Boswell (ed.), Hilda
Boswell's Treasury of Children's Stories,
1971. This was a Christmas present from my grandparents in
1973 (I was born in '68). Published by Collins UK. ISBN 0
00 12030 4 5. It is a large format, not very fat hardback with
chocolate brown cover-background and montage of illustrations
from the stories inside, as described. It contains "The
Selfish Giant" with lovely illustrations, and personifications
of Snow, Frost, Hail and the North Wind. It also contains
an extract from Kingsley's "The Water Babies", hence the chimney
sweep the reader remembers. All the other 16 stories in
the book (whose sub-title is "A New Anthology of Stories for the
Young Personally Selected and Illustrated by Hilda Boswell") are
either classic Andersen or Lang fairytales, or extracts from
children's classics including Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe" and Spyri's "Heidi" - there is also a bit of David
Copperfield in there. I very much hope this is it - it
certainly sound likely. If so, this is an extraordinairy
coincidence I just happened to be looking through it with
my son the other night, and re-read "The Selfish Giant" for the
first time in about 25 years - if I hadn't, I would not have
recognised the description. And I happened to visit this
website for the first time looking for books by the French
authors Alain and Denise Trez.
I think that might be it. It
certainly sounds right. If only I could see a
photo of the cover, I'd know for sure. And if that's the
book, I'd be thrilled if Loganberry could locate a copy!
:) Sorry I haven't checked back in so long...I had given
Check this website. They may have the
book you are looking for.
The Lost Half Hour.
This was an anthology of translated european stories. It
included a story call "The Selfish Giant", also "The Lost Half
Hour" and one I remember about a pumpkin headed giant. I
have it somewhere and will try to get more info for you.
I believe the story of the
Selfish Giant was read on the BBC Radio 'Children's Hour'. A
recording of this reading exists, and was later issued on a BBC
Radio Collections Audio Cassette. ...
S144: Saint Nicholas
Solved: The Life and Adventures of Santa
S145: Short Stories w/
Solved: Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories
S146: Shrew without his glasses
The last time I can remember reading this
book was in 1st grade, which would be around 1991. I don't
remember the title or any characters' names at all. I only
remember small parts of the plot. I remember a part where
the main character and his friends who I beleive had set out to
accomplish something, perhaps to keep his race from becoming
extinct, come upon a very bitter shrew living in a hole on the
side of a hill. The main character want's to get up the
hill but the shrew throws things out of his hole at them and
yells at them. I beleive the problem is solved when the
main character and his friends find the shrew's glasses and he
becomes thankful to be able to see again so he lets them
pass. I also remember that in the end, the group comes
upon their goal destination only to find a run-down mill at the
side of a river with a bunch of colorful rocks in the
lawn. They are bummed because soemthing isn't the way they
wanted (I don't remember exactly what) but then they realize
that all the rocks were actually eggs and they turn the mill
into a nursery and nurse the eggs to save their race from
extinction. I'm surprised that I can even remember this
much about the book, so much of it may be very very wrong but
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Werenko Ross, Clifford Ross, It
Zwibble, Star-Touched Dinosaur. Th books in this series were written to
accompany some Gund toys: Dinosaurs with stars on their
heads and diaper-like pants.
S147: Slow Joe
This is a children's book I read in the 1960s. I borrowed
the book from the Spencer, Iowa library. It tells the story
of a boy named Joe who did everything slowly. "He walked
slow, he talked slow, etc." It was a book of maybe 30 pages,
and was a quick read. Good for a bedtime story. It has
a happy ending.
S148: Sci Fi short story question
Solved: Examination
S149: Stolen Circus Elephant
Solved: The Boy Who Stole the Elephant
Singali and the Silver Slippers
Solved: The
Book of Elves and Fairies
S151: Snegourochka
I'm looking for the specific retelling of the Russian folktale I
read as a child. In this version, the old couple roast sunflower
seeds and feed them to the village children rolled up in newspaper
cones. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I really appreciate the
help; I have been searching for years! Thank you!
You might ask customer if she read it in a
collection, or as a sepaarate book. [I think we know each other
well enuf now that I may no stop to corect ALL of my
typos.] And if she remembes any ref to a snowmaiden or
snow maiden, because it turns out that it is that story -or a
version of it - sneg, it seems is Russian for snow.
Another thing is that most refs on Google spell it
Snegurochka, without one of the o's.
S152: Sisters sharing a bedroom
Solved: This Room Is Mine
S153: Sinking Island
Solved: Dangerous Island
S154: survival on Venus
I'm looking for a book written before 1958 (and perhaps several
years before that date) in which two young space cadets crash on
Venus and have to survive various dangers. Venus was depicted as a
tropical planet, with dinosaurs, etc. The book is NOT "Five
Against Venus," by Phillip Latham.
Edgar Rice Burroughs, "Carson of Venus"
series. Burroughs, better known for Tarzan,
wrote a series of early science fiction/adventure books about a
spaceman on Venus: "Pirates of Venus", "Lost on Venus", "Carson
of Venus", and "Escape on Venus". May possibly be what you're
looking for.
Rockwell, Carey, technical advisor
Willy Ley, Revolt on Venus: a Tom Corbett Space Cadet
NY Grosset & Dunlap 1954. This
doesn't seem like a bad match for date and subject. "Three Space
Academy cadets on a vacation to find a
tyrannosaurus on Venus find another surprising adventure
Robert Heinlein, Space Cadet, 1948.
I appreciate the suggestions for my entry
"S154," but they are not the book. I'm very familar with the
Burroughs and Heinlein books, and also have the Tom Corbett
series. The requested book is, I think from before 1954,
and starts off from a space station from which the two
explorers leave for Venus, only to crash and be forced
to survive by their wits.
Robert Silverberg, Revolt on Alpha C, 1955, copyright. Did you
rule out this book? It doesn't take place on planet Venus, but it
deals with a tropical, jungle planet populated with dinosaurs.
S155: Space kids enter hollow "planet"
I am looking for a book I read about 1963 about some kids in
space that land on a "planet" and discover a way to the hollow
interior. There are people living there who have no idea
they are living inside a "planet".
Joseph Greene, The Forgotten Star. 1959. This was the first book in
the "Dig Allen - Space Explorers" series. Two brothers
whose family had moved to a colony on the moon meet up with the
title character, who is searching for his missing father.
They eventually find him being held prisoner by a tribe of
humanoid aliens inside an artificial asteroid. Apparently, this
was the only book in the series that made it to paperback.
I got my copy in the early 70s via my school's book club.
Robert A. Heinlein, Universe, 1940. My husband said it could be this
one, or one with a letter-numeral title by Brian W. Aldiss,
which came out in the early sixties. Drat! I forgot to ask
him to tell me again the title!
Brian W. Aldiss, Non-Stop, c.1960. I called my husband and he gave me this
title. I was thinking that since Robert A. Heinlein wrote
using child protagonists more, it would be his, but it could be
this one.
I wanted to say for number s155 that the
book I suggested as a solution, Non-Stop, is
called Starship (in the USA). I loved the last
two books I received from you. I will keep reading the
book stumper in hopes of remembering other favorites from
S156: Sick child and threatening stones
Solved: Marianne
S157: stumper
Solved: Golden Treasury
of Elves and Fairies
S158: Suzuki Bean
Solved: Suzuki
S159: seven stone
Solved: Seven Stone
S160: sad animal fables or
I read this book of animal stories or fables in elementary school
in the late '50s. It may have been grey. It was
presented in the form of at least two farm animals, one a donkey,
telling each other stories during the night. One was about
how the Siamese cat got a kink in his tail. I seem to recall
that many of the stories were sad. At one point, the animal
telling the story worried that he'd caused the other one to cry,
but the crying one said, "The wind blew something into my eyes,"
or "It's just the wind making my eyes water." There may have been
a few illustrations. It is definitely a book with animals,
and not "The Happy Prince" book of sad stories by Oscar Wilde.
I also seem to recall that one of the stories was "The Bremen
Town Musicians," which has a happy ending, but for some reason,
this version focused more on the fact that these animals had
outlived the original usefulness and had run away from their
homes before they could be killed by their owners. (or,
maybe I was just having a bad year at school, and focused on the
sad parts of everything!)
I sent in the original query. Lately I have remembered
another detail from this book. One of the characters,
either in a story, or as one of the storytellers, was called
Birdeen. I think it was a flicker (type of woodpecker?).
S161: Scholastic book
Solved: What's for Lunch,
S162: Secret Club
Solved: The Secret Hide-Out
S163: Sci-Fi - 70's
Solved: The Disappearance
S164: Shrunken boys lost in
Solved: The Boys Who
S165a: Stone Family
Solved: The Little
Brute Family
S165b: Sister/brother brings little girl a seashell to hear
the sea
This is a book my daughter I read my daugher many times in the
early 1980s. It has a scene where the (I think sister) brings the
little one (maybe 3?) a seashell so she can hear the sea.
MacLachlan, Patricia, Sarah, Plain
and Tall, ca1982.
Any chance this is Sarah, Plain and Tall?
Sarah from Maine, answering an ad for a mail-order bride, brings
seashells with her to the midwest. She shows them to the
two children and they listen to the conch shell. In the book,
Caleb (the youngest child) mentions that Sarah can hear the
sea in the movie version, he actually says something to
the effect of "Sarah has brought the sea."
S166: Sidewalk Moving
Sidewalk moving-actually the streets move-- in children's book
from 1950's or late 40's. Instead of walking, you wait for
the street to come to you. Grass is also painted to be
Robert A. Heinlein, The Roads Must
Roll, June 1940.
This short story, featuring moving sidewalks and roads, was
first published in Astounding Science Fiction,
and later collected in the anthology The Man Who Sold The
Moon which is currently published by Baen Books
(ISBN: 0671578634)
I was away and had not checked the website for awhile, and
today I discovered that the stumper I had posted, S166, had been
"solved." But I do not believe that it has been
correctly solved. The book I was remembering was a
children's PICTURE book from that period (late 40's, 50's), not
a short sci fi story. So. Is there anyway to put the
book back on the not-yet-solved list? Thanks.
S167: Stevie and Todd
Solved: The Toy Party
S168: sardine "wars" book
Book from the mid 1940's when I was about 10 or so. Plot is
about two young people who go into sarding canning. They are
up againts a vicious competitor named Jake. Believe locale is New
The only 'sardine' story I could find is The
Runaway Sardine by Emma L. Brock (Alfred A.
Knopf, 1945, c1929). Sorry, no description.
S169: short story on public radio
I heard a recitation of a short story about 10 years ago read
over public radio. The story was about...
...a guy down on his luck who happens across a one-eyed
dog. They band together. The dog brings him food. Then
one day the dog wakes up and is blind in the other eye, too....
Any ideas? Thanks!
Runyon, Damon, Johnny One-Eye, 1940s. Just a guess, but in this story, a
wounded gangster (Ringo?) is holed up in a decrepit building,
where he is befriended by an injured cat whom he names Johnny
One Eye. It doesn't bring him food, but the little girl who owns
it finds him while searching for the cat, and it was her
stepfather who both injured the cat and shot the gangster. Ringo
gets the little girl to carry a message that will bring her
stepfather to him, and uses the cat as a distraction. The cat
and stepfather are killed, the police arrive, and Ringo (dying
by now) tells the police to make sure the little girl gets the
reward money and to buy her a new kitten "with two good eyes".
S170: Samantha and Samuel, two plus ducklings
Solved: Samantha's
Surprise and Gooseberry Lane
S171: short story chili (pepper) eating contest Mexico
I am searching for a short story we read in a high school english
class in the late 1970s. It was contained in some text book whose
title I do not remember. This was in the Albuquerque Public School
System (perhaps they keep records of official texts). It was
about an American who travelled to Mexico, visited a restraurant,
and during the evening entered into a contest with the owner
over who could eat the hottest chili. This happened (as I
recall) when the American complained that the chili they
brought him for his dish was not hot enough. The story was
punctuated with challenges between the men when they would say
things like "a sick baby could eat this chili" or "this is for
growing boys." The story ended when the American backed down
in order to let the owner save face.
James Street, The Grains of Paradise. (1955) I recognized this description
immediately, but checked out my old copy of the textbook
"Encounters" to be sure. I'm certain that this is a match,
right down to the ending. Copyright held by "The Curtis
Publishing Co.", and reprinted by permission of the Harold
Matson Company, Inc. "Encounters" (General Editor G.
Robert Carlsen) ISBN # 0-07 009904-9 My copy shows copyright to
the text is held by McGraw-Hill Inc. I re-read the story
before I wrote this - It's as good now as it was the first time
that my 2nd form teacher read it aloud to us!
S172: Silver Foot
Solved: Silverfoot
S173: steps, hell, stairs, devil, 27, 37, brimstone
Solved: Seven Steps to
S174: streets paved with gold
Solved: Tatsinda
S175: Spider's First Christmas
Solved: How Spider
Saved Christmas
S176: scratch and sniff chocolate and mint
Solved: The Sweet Smell
of Christmas
S177: sangre de cristo new mexico
Solved: ...and Now
S178: Square King made round people square
The book had great line drawings and a story of a country were
people were round or square and at first it was okay to be
different. The Square King felt that everyone should be the
same as him so he made a machine that pushed the round people into
cubes. c. 1955.
#S178--Square King made round people
square: Sounds like a book version of the 1960s song "Little
Boxes," by Malvina Reynolds. Here is a link to
the lyrics.
Walt Disney's Surprise Package, 1944. This book has a story in it called
"The Square World" where members of the society of all shapes
are put into a machine that makes them square. They all come out
looking the same.
I52 has to be related to S178, the stumper
about the square king. I initially thought this had to be
something from an Oz book, but the international stories don't
really fit.
Various, Walt
Disney's Surprise Package, 1944,
approximate. I Googled "Mighty Highty Tighty" because it
was the only name I remembered from a wonderful Walt Disney book
I received as a child. Up popped your website and a reference to
Surprise Package, circa 1944. I probably got it
for my 5th birthday in June of '45 or maybe even Christmas of
'44. It had many, many short stories and poems and I
believe the originals stories for "Mickey and the Beanstalk" and
"Lady", which was turned into the movie "Lady and the Tramp".
The written story was much better! It would be fun to find a
copy of the book. At least now I know what to look for.
Incidentally, the Mighty Highty Tighty, upon seeing that all the
little kids looked like regular kids and not squares, had a
hissy fit and threw himself off his reviewing balcony and that
was the end of that!!
S179: Swing in gazebo sends children to alternate
Solved: The Swing in
the Summerhouse
S180: summer fantasy with magical friend and unicorn
I read this library book somewhere around 1969-1972. It was a
fantasy for young adults. I remember so little--there was a child
but can't remember its gender--around 12 years old I think. I
think the child was visiting a distracted relative for the
summer--out in the country somewhere. While playing outside,
perhaps in the forest, meets either another child who introduces
them to a unicorn, or meets a unicorn who somehow introduces the
protagonist to the mysterious other child. These relationships
developed slowly I think--the child would have to go out and wait
around for the magical characters to appear, coming from the
trees. The end of the season brought closure to the relationship.
I do not remember the guardians of the protagonist being part of
the story--it all took place away from the house.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Season of
Ponies. This may
be Season of Ponies. No unicorns in the
story but magic multicolored ponies.A a girl is given an
amulet? necklace? by her father before she's sent to live with
relatives in the country. She meets a mysterious boy (Ponyboy)
who refuses to exchange names and calls her "girl". At one point
she learns circus tricks/acrobatics.
Jane Yolen, The Transfigured Hart. I can't my copy so I can't be sure, but
this rings a bell. If memory serves, the main character is
desperate to find a unicorn in the woods, waits and waits for
one to appear and believes it does. There's another
character, a boy - they don't trust each other at all at first,
eventually form a relationship. The unicorn may or may not
be a hart ...
Peter Beagle, The Last Unicorn. Just a thought. Could this be The
Last Unicorn?
The reader's description doesn't sound even
remotely like The Last Unicorn. There are
no children in TLU, and the plot is different in every detail.
Elizabeth Goudge, The Little White
Horse,1946. Could
be The Little White Horse (which turns out be to
a unicorn), about an orphan Maria Merryweather - see a
book report here.
Fantastic site that I stumbled across today
and has already helped me re-discover some long-lost, much
treasured childhood classics! Thank you! This stumper is ringing
bells with me, but I can't for the life of me remember the name
of the book or the author. Read it many times back in the early
80s, a blue paperback with a unicorn on the cover in white rays
of light. Something to do with a lost? black? unicorn. A girl
goes on holiday to a seaside resort and befriends a boy who is
being bullied by local boys, they discover a unicorn trapped in
ice?stone? in the hillside and they first use their hands to try
to melt the stone and release the unicorn and then realise that
the 'narwhale horn' above the fireplace in their rented holiday
home is a unicorn's horn and that speeds up the process to free
him and let him find safety before the baddies find him. Hope
this rather random memory helps someone!
S181: Snip, Snap, Snurr
Solved: Snipp,
Snapp Snurr and the Magic Horse
S182: same as before
See P167: Praying Pines
S183: Secret (or Mystery) of the Blue Grotto
Again like the Praying Pines stumper I found it in the British
equivalent of the Cumulative Book Index with the publish date in
the 1920's possibley 1930's. Also as before its a
Juvenile with the story taking place in Bermuda.
#S183--Secret (or Mystery) of the Blue
Grotto--probably Blue Treasure; the Mystery of Tamarind
Court. Helen Girvan, Illustrated by
Harriet O'Brien, first published in hardcover around 1937 and in
paperback by TAB/Scholastic around 1961-1966. Neither
threats nor Bermuda hurricanes stop the tantalizing search for
the "Lost Vermeer." The author wrote several other
juvenile mysteries, at least one of which was about a missing
painting, so the Praying Pines one is probably by the same
J. Clayton, The Blue Grotto, 1931. "Besides this complete novel, this
issue also contains other works of fiction with
various true detective stories as well. This
ever so slick production illustrated with photos is among the
scarcest of all mystery/ detective magazines. So uncommon are
they that often the fiction and essays within were never printed
anywhere else let alone in book form."
Only Blue Grotto story found so far is one
on eBay- The Secret of the Blue Grotto by Kelman
Frost ( Thomas Nelson+Sons- 1964) It looks like a YA
book, it takes place in Capri.. Can't find it listed anywhere
S184: Statues come to life
I remember this book from when I was around 9, plus minus 4 years
(so, late 60's/early 70's). It was something about a group of
children in a garden with statues (of ancient Greeks?) which come
to life. A pencil was one of the details. My mom taught
elementary school for 30 years, and it doesn't ring a bell with
her; she actually thinks I may have made it up myself! The
word "garden" may or may not have been in the title.
E. Nesbit, The Enchanted Castle. In this book a group of children bring a
garden of statues to life with (I think) a magic ring.
S184 This sounds like The Court
of the Stone Children by Eleanor Cameron.
E. Nesbit, The Enchanted Castle,
1907. The children in E.
Nesbit's "Enchanted Castle" -- Gerald, Cathy (aka Puss Cat or
Scratch Cat) and Jimmy -- come across a girl
with a magic ring that gets them into all sorts of
(mis)adventures. At one point, Cathy turns into one of the
statues that come alive at night in the castle's magic garden.
Some of the statues (whose favorite pastimes are swimming and
feasting) are Phoebus Apollo, Hebe, Aphrodite Urania, Hermes,
Hera, Eros, Psyche and Ganymede. A pencil comes into play in a
couple of instances, most strikingly when the person using the
pencil is invisible.
Eleanor Cameron, The Court of the
Stone Children,
1973. I'm not sure if I'm right on this one, but if I am,
your mother is remiss -- this was a 1974 National Book Award
winner (not to mention an extremely famous author). "Who
is Dominique? When Nina first sees her in the French
Museum, she senses there is something unreal about the strange,
beautiful girl. In fact, Domi is from Napoleon’s time, and
she has come to get Nina’s help. For Domi’s father was
executed as a traitor during the French Revolution, and Domi is
convinced that Nina can prove his innocence. But to save
Domi’s father, Nina will have to
solve a mystery that has lasted two
centuries. And she will have to travel back through time,
back to France and the court of the stone children…"
E. Nesbit, ? I remember this
too, but I can't think of the title. I'm fairly sure it
was one of the many books written by E. Nesbit, but a search
didn't bring up a title and description that fit. And her
books are old and sometimes hard to find (I think she died in
the 1920s). If it is the same book I'm remembering, the
author used the phrase "in their marble" to describe how the
statues were alive but still made of stone - as in, they were
moving "in their marble". And yes, they were in some kind of
elaborate garden.
The Stone Garden. I seem
to recall this title, but I don't remember any other details.
I've read all the books listed, but the clue
doesn't quite fit any of them. The title of the last
E. Nesbit "book" (actually a short story is "Man-Size
in Marble" and is creepy as all get-out. Enchanted
Castle seems closest, though.
How about Jane Louise Curry's The
Sleepers?? 1968. stitch in time-King arthur and
LEWIS, C.S., the magician's nephew. Digory and Polly meet and become friends one
cold, wet summer in London. Their lives burst into adventure
when Digory's Uncle Andrew, who thinks he is a magician, sends
them hurling to…somewhere else. They find their way to Narnia,
newborn from the Lion's song, and encounter the evil sorceress
Jadis (by bringing to life a lot of statues)
C S Lewis, The Lion The Witch and The
Wardrobe. (1950
approx) Once Aslan comes takes Susan and Lucy to the White
Witch's castle, he goes around breathing on the statues in the
courtyard, who are all creatures, including figures from Greek
mythology like centaurs and fauns, who have been turned to
I agree with the solution
of The
Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe for this stumper
because I think Edmund scribbles a mustache with a pencil on one
of the stone statues (a lion, thinking it is Aslan?) and then
feels guilty when the lion comes back to life because the
mustache is still there (or maybe still feels guilty but the
pencil mustache is gone).
Catherine Storr, Marianne's
dream. Could it be Marianne's
Dream? Marianne is sick in bed and finds a pencil to
draw with. She draws a garden, house and boy and that night
dreams about him. It was also a tv programme in the 70's.
Quite frightening as the stones around the house come to life!
S185: Super Natural Murder Mystery
Solved: The Straw Men
S186: Sledding gold bars past the Nazis
Solved: Snow Treasure
S187: Set Children's Book of Knowledge circa 1800 England
Solved: The Book of
S188: Sears & Roebuck PBC Phillippines WWII group
Solved: Guerrilla Wife
S189: Sir Rosemary the knight
Solved: Into the Painted Bear Lair
S190: Sloth
Solved: Julie's Secret Sloth
S191: Susie the Shy Little Mouse
Solved: Suzie, A Shy Little Mouse
S192: Subway takes children to 1600s
Solved: The Magic Tunnel
S193: storks building nests on chimneys
Solved: The Wheel on the School
S194: Scarry reader with a bee
Richard Scarry, 1988. We received this Scarry book as a
gift and my kids used it to learn to read. The first story
is very simple beginning, I See the Bee. There is also a
story about a lion, and each story gets progressively more
difficult. I loaned it to a friend, and my older kids want
it back, because of the memories. I can't seem to find it in
the hundreds of similar Scarry books out there.
Leland B. Jacobs, The Read It
Yourself Storybook,
1971. This sounds like a book my mother still has. It is a
compilation, not written by Richard Scarry which could be why
you haven't found it. The first story is about a monkey who gets
stung by a bee. There is another story where a lot of coloured
balls end up on one side of a wall & in the lion story - he
loses his hair & the birds make him a new mane. It is
published by Golden Press N.Y.
S195: stowaway on a ship
The Make Believe Voayage, 1950s. A small child stows away
on a ship. When found, the captain says, "Goodness gracious,
Rosenbloom, what kind of a cargo is this?"
Edward Ardizzone, Little Tim and the
Brave Sea Captain,
1936. Could this be it? Follows the adventures of a
stowaway boy, including his friendship with captain and crew and
near shipwreck during a violent storm.
S195 Little Tim and the brave sea
captain does not have those words in it, unless the
Scholastic copy has been censored. Otherwise, the story fits.
Thank you so much for trying. We are
mystified...how did we dream up that title and the long
remembered words? Maybe we made a few things up as we
read...can't get my memory clear about that. I guess
we'll try to find the book you've mentioned and see if it is
THE book. You are doing a wonderful thing! Again, thanks
for trying. I wish I could read everything on your site. Will
try again, see what I get.
Thank you for your kind response to my
request # S195 re stowaway child. I'll check the library
for Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain to see
if it's indeed the same story we're thinking of. Or,
perhaps you have had more news since our last communcation.
You are performing a great service to all bibliophiles.
S196: Sister and Brother in Central Park
An older sister and a younger brother (hand in hand) ages could
be 7 and 5 respectively. They are entering a major park in
NYC like Central Park Their backs are to us and they
are looking at an ice covered small lake through a tunnel.
This is the cover of the book—and the illustrations are all very
distinctive and vivid.. The narrative is not elaborate—they
have some adventures on the ice, but return though the arch and
the tunnel from this kind of “enchanted “vision to be home before
dark. The book was given to me by an Aunt who was a New
Yorker. It was, probably a limited publishing between
1944-’48. I don’t have an author or a title, but would love
to see it again I have strong visual memories of this dear little
Maud Hart Lovelace, The Trees Kneel
at Christmas,
1951. A brother and sister visit a Brooklyn park on
Christmas Eve
to see if an old Lebanese legend is really
true: that "the trees kneel at Christmas."
S197: sisters growing up 1900-20
Read this series of books when I was in 4th-6th grade in the
50's. There were probably 4-5 of them. The time frame
was around the early part of the century or late 1890's. I
think the family lived in a Victorian house. I believe
they just had girls but am not sure. I remember something
about one of the books sending 1 or 2 of the sisters to Europe My
sense of the book is a lot of details about their home and
descriptions of what life was like around this time—I just can't
remember them!
S197: Roller Skates?
The part about sisters going to Europe
reminds me of the What Katy Did series by Susan
Coolidge (in What Katy Did Next, Katy goes to
Europe). Or it could even be Little
Women, although that's set in the 1860's.
Alcott, Little Women. This sounds very similar to Little Women.
Four girls living at the turn of the century, one goes to
europe...possible anyway.
Sydney Taylor, All of a Kind Family. Sounds like a possible match: "Meet the
All-Of-A-Kind Family [five girls] -- Ella, Henny, Sarah,
Charlotte and Gertie -- who live with their parents in New York
City at the turn of the century."
Maud Hart Lovelace, Heaven to Betsy.
Betsy and the Great World, etc., late '40s, early '50s. This is just
a possibility -- the "older" Betsy books from the Betsy-Tacy
series (the ones with Vera Neville's illustrations, not Lois
Lenski's). The time frame and level of detail are right, and
Betsy travels in Europe in 1914 and has to come home when WWI
breaks out in "Betsy and Joe" her older sister Julia goes
to Germany to study opera.
I think Susan Coolidge's Katy
series looks promising. The five books about Katie Carr and her
family are: What Katy Did (1872), What
Katy Did at School (1873), What Katy Did Next
(1886), Clover (?) and In the
High Valley (?) The family circle seems to consist
of father (a doctor) and a group of sisters: Clover, Elsie,
Katy, Cecy and -Johnnie (girl? boy?) The first 3 Katy books were
reissued by Puffin in 1986- I just happened on one today! Quick
intro to What Katie Did Next--"Three years after
returning home from Hillsover boarding school to the small
American town of Burnet, Katy Carr receives an unexpected and
thrilling invitation- to go to Europe for a year with Mrs. Ashe
and her young daughter, Amy." (An interesting note -Opening
pages mention that some adventure of Johnnie's was detailed in
Nine Little Goslings.) I hope some of this rings the right bell
for someone!
Margaret Sidney, Fine Little
Peppers and How They Grew, 1880.What about the
series of books about the Peppers? they are not all girls but
some prominence is given to their "little brown house". There is
no father in this series if that detail helps. A later
book in the series is Five Little Peppers Abroad in
which the girls, their mother and some family friends do a grand
tour of Europe.
S198: Scat, Scat
Solved: Scat! Scat!
S199: Sisters, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dusty Rose
Solved: Second Best (Cavanagh)
S200: Seals on Wheels
Solved: Seals on Wheels
S201: Scottie in a kyak
The children's book (of the mid to late 70's) was a book in rhyme
about a little black (Scottie) dog that was at sea with a Captain
and the dog was in a Kyak. They may have been at the South
Pole. Thank you so much for your help.
S202: Stubborn Bender or Plush Rascal is led by a daisy
Solved: Stubborn
Secret of The Spanish Cave
Solved: Mystery of the Spanish Cave
S204: smiley possum
Solved: The Possum that Didn't
S205: Scandinavian immigrant/pioneer child
Solved: Kirsti
S206: Stop it, stop it, Peter Poppitt
I am looking for a children's book in which the phrase "Stop it,
stop it, Peter Poppitt" was repeated often throughout the story.
S206: Stop It, Moppet? (Or
Moppit?) It's about a clumsy Easter bunny.
Stop It, Moppit! by Geraldine
Ross, McGraw-Hill, 1959.
S207: Sleepytime Quilt
This book was one of my father's when he was a boy. Mid 1940's.
It featured a little boy in his pajamas going to bed. He had a
quilt. I believe that the boy either dreamed with the characters
in the quilt or imagined a story with the characters in the quilt.
I vaguely remember a cloth hard back (blue) with stars and a moon
on the cover and the boy.
S207 I guess it wouldn't be my old favorite
The counterpane fairy by Katherine Pyle
Dahlov Ipcar, The Calico Jungle. Guessing...
S208: Small green pet shop turtle
Solved: Rosebud
S209: Survival Story
This book was a novel my father read me in say 1952. It was
about a father and son who hire an Indian guide to take them into
the north woods of Canada. The are determined to rough it
and they are derisive of the "softie" stuff the indian brings like
mosquito netting and pillow cases. The indian turns out to
be right about everything and the man and the kid totally
incompetent. Then the indian gets deathly ill and the man
and the boy have to get him out by canoe down the rapids. It's a
wonderful survival story, about 200 pages.
S210: Springbok
The book I'm looking for is a children's book I had in the mid
seventies. It involved the word "springbok" (maybe) and people
living under a dome. It was oversized with one line of
dialogue per page probably. The illustration was bright and
colorful against a white backround primarily.
S211: series about sisters; lady baltimore cake; grey
Solved: The Half Sisters
S212: SunnyCat
Solved: The Tapestry
S213: search for Mountain of Adventure - 1950's
Solved: The Mountain of Adventure
S214: series about a teen-age girl set in Glencoe,
I am looking for a series of books I read
in the late 1950's or early 1960's about a teenage girl and her
friends set in Glencoe, Illinois.
From the Glencoe Library Reference desk: I checked with our children's librarian
and another librarian who has lived in Glencoe since the 50's,
both of whom have been at the library for many years. Neither of
them is able to think of any title which might fill your memory
requirements. It is unlikely that something like this
would have slipped by the longtime resident. I wish I could be
more helpful. If I should stumble across anything later I will
let you know.
Or perhaps try the Glencoe Historical
Society; 377 Park Avenue; Glencoe IL 60022;
847-825-2638. The Society has limited capability to
research individual questions. As far as I'm aware, they
do not have e-mail capability at this time.
Anne Emery, Dinny Gordon series. This series featured a group of
teenage girls and are set in a northern suburb of
Chicago. There were 4 books in all, one for each
year in high school.
S215: Stories from my childhood
Solved: Along Came a
S216: Symphony
This was a 1960s book (and possibly a tv
special as well) about a symphony of instruments. Each
instrument is a character in the story. Each instrument
has a different personality based on the sound that instrument
makes. All I remeber beyond that is that in the end, each
of the instruments keeps playing as they make their way home
from the concert. As each instrument gets to his/her
house, that instrument stops playing. In the end there is
only one instrument left playing as he makes his way to the last
house at the end of the road.
S217: See you in the morning
I have a memory of a book from my
childhood, early to mid 60s, with the following lines in it (and
maybe it's a song not a book!!): "see you in the
morning" "uh-oh... you're yawning" "must I go up?
____ ____ ____ ____."
S218: Squirrel finds toy soldiers in attic
Solved: Miss Suzy
S219: seal baby or sea lion grows up
Solved: Halic: The
Story of a Gray Seal
S220: Scott's childhood book
Solved: Good Morning,
S221: snow queen russian fairy tales
Solved: Snow Queen and
Other Tales
S222: Signora Bertinelli
Solved: Simple Prayers
S223: Sniffles the Mouse
Solved: Mary Jane and Sniffles
S224: snuggle piggy magic blanket
Solved: Snuggle Piggy and the Magic Blanket
S225: Sailboating in England's waterways
Solved: Coot Club
S226: searching through towns time travel
Elizabeth Goudge, 1940s. Though I associate the name
Elizabeth Goudge wiht this particular book, I've never
been able to find any that she wrote that is this one. The
most vivid unforgettable detail is one in which the person
who has been searching for a beloved, finally finds her/his name
and it appears in the colors of the rainbow to his/her
eyes. As you can see, I don't remember the gender of the
person who is searching or who they are searching for. I
think time travel is involved I also remember that the
streets and appearances of the towns are "quaint." The book
might even be classified as an adult novel because I reacll it as
Elizabeth Goudge, The Valley of Song?? I apologize for the vagueness of this
possible lead, but maybe it will jog someone's memory, yea or
nay (I lost this book many years ago after having read it only
once or twice): Valley of Song is one of Goudge's
less common books, and I don't remember the plot, but retain an
impression that it was in what I think of as her "metaphysical"
category (I know there was something about the signs of the
zodiac) while having the old-fashioned scenery/mood
("quaintness") of her children's books like Linnets and
Valerians or The Little White Horse. The
a faint bell also. Another possibility might be one of Charles
Williams' novels -- they're from roughly the same time
period ('30s and '40s?) and even more metaphysical. Good luck!
Eileen Goudge, Swept Away series. Well, there's a
time-travel/romance series by _Eileen_ Goudge with about six
or so. I haven't read them, so I don't
know if they're what you're looking for, but you might consider
taking a peek at them.
I'm the person who suggested this might be Valley
of Song. If it's any help, there's a partial
description of that book at M33.
Ethel Cook Eliot, The Wind Boy.This is a long shot, because the searcher only
appears briefly at the end of the book, but could this be The
Wind Boy? The line about the rainbow is: "And immediately the
name Detra shone out from him in rainbow lettering! It was his
joy that made the rainbow, of course, for it was just printer's
ink for ordinary eyes." The story centers on two children,
Gentian and Kay, who are refugees in a little town (very quaint)
and, with the help of their unusual servant Nan, travel to the
clear land above their own to play with the children there until
they are able to be friends with the village children. The Wind
Boy was recently republished, so if this is it, it should be
relatively easy to find.
S227: Secret of the Seven Keyholes
Solved: Adventure of the Seven Keyholes
S228: stomp em on the mat shoes
Solved: Tiny Tim:
Verses for Children
S229: Space Travel and Problems with Gravity
Solved: Space Prison
S230: sibling, baby
Solved: We Are having a Baby
S231: Sipsipirip (phonetic) scandinavian children's poem
Solved: It's Raining Said John Twaining
S232: seashore, girl babysitting for summer
Solved: My First Love
and Other Disasters
S233: summer-little girl sent to country
A little girl from the city is sent to the
country for the summer to live with a woman & other
children. The first morning the little girl carefully makes her
bed thinking she is being good. The woman yells at her for not
airing her bed before making it. The child is crushed. She so
wants to show that she is good so that she can remain in the
country. I think she is an orphan and I think there are other
orphan children staying there too.
This sounds a bit like Adopted Jane
by Helen Daringer although I do not remember
Jane getting a scolding for not airing bed. I believe she is the
sole child taken in by the woman.
S233 I just skimmed the whole book, Adopted
Jane, and I feel sure it is not the right one,
although she might enjoy it.
The description reminds me of
the opening scene of Understood, Betsy! because that
story (as I recall) involves the city girl thinking she is too
good for the family, but finding out that she's got a lot to
learn in the way of chores, getting along with others,
etc. Hence the constant "Understood, Betsy!" chiding from
her hostess.
S234: sorcerer or miller
Solved: The Satanic
S235: Sweet Potato Doll
Solved: The Sweet
Patootie Doll
S236: Sisters Fighting over Sharing a Bedroom
Solved: This Room is
S237: snowball bushes
A young girl lives in an old house that has
large old-fashioned snowball bushes in the yard. I believe
she may be living with her aunt? I read this in the early
Phyllis Whitney's Secret of the
Emerald Star (1965) has
a mention of snowball bushes. They surround the home where
Stella lives with her grandmother. Stella is blind and lives
next door to the main character, Robin. I don't know if this is
your memory but snowball bushes are found in this story!
Maud Hart Lovelace, Emily of Deep
Valley. Emily
lives alone with her grandfather and they have snowball bushes
in their yard. These figure in the story because her
grandfather wears them in the veteran's day parade.
S238: Science Fiction - immortal couple
Solved: Wild Seed
S239: short stories with lessons for kids
S239: During the late 1940's/early
1950's we had a series of books that had short stories in
them. Each story had a moral to it and the lessons of
several of them have stuck with me all these years. One story
was called "I Can Sleep on Stormy Nights", I believe, and was
about a young farmhand who said that when he was hired by the
farmer. The farmer didn't understand until, on one very
stormy night, he was furious when his young farmhand was
sleeping soundly when the farm should be protected from the
approaching storm. But on further inspection of the
property, the farmer discovered that the boy had routinely done
all the things necessary for that protection and so he could
sleep soundly even on a stormy night, because he had all the
work done already. Another story, for which I have no title,
told of a boy who always took the best of everything for
himself, until, at a family dinner he found that the biggest
piece of meat wasn't cooked in the center, the biggest potato
was rotten in the middle and the biggest pie was hollow.
The whole series is one I would like to pass on to my
grandchildren, if they are available and if the price is
#S239--Short Stories with lessons for kids:
Arthur Maxwell, Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories.
Widely reprinted and readily available, it used to be a standard
in doctors' and dentists' waiting rooms
I sent in a Book Stumper #249 (Short stories for children with
lessons) and got a response of Uncle Arthur's Bedtime
Stories. That is not the one I recall. My
stumper did not have religious references or Christian
messages. It was just stories with morals that make sense
to young children. It was not illustrated and had to have
been published in the late 1940's or early 1950's, at the very
latest. I purchased Uncle Arthur's book and it is totally
wrong. Thanks
Arthur Maxwell, Uncle Arthur's
Bedtime Stories.
(1941) From her description, the book has to be Uncle
Arthur's Bedtime Stories, unless someone has copied or
plagiarized some of the stories for a different book. "The
Hollow Pie" and "I Can Sleep On Windy Nights" are definitely
part of the Uncle Arthur collection. Perhaps she's forgetting
the Christian elements because they came across as
unintentionally mawkish, e.g. "Jesus Understood", in which a boy
runs into traffic, is hit by a car and dying
another boy tells him Jesus visits the
ward at night and advises him to raise his hand for help,
finally helping him prop up his hand with pillows. "In the
morning the little hand was still there. Bobby was dead, but
Jesus had understood." In another story, Maxwell compares bad
behavior to a broken radio and analogizes Ezekiel's "heart of
stone/ heart of flesh" to replacing radio tubes, warning young
readers that Jesus will have to "get rid of" people who don't
accept Him. Other stories include siblings who start a secret
company to help others, and a little girl who's craved a doll
for Xmas but, receiving it at a party, spies a beggar child
looking in from the street and immediately gives her the doll.
It's possible that there were different editions of Uncle Arthur
over the years which were heavier or lighter on the Christianity
depending on the mood of the times.
S240: Stone Agers meet modern explorers
Solved: Adventure in Forgotten Valley
S241: sick girl with storytelling hamster
Solved: Tales of Mr.
S242: Scamp
Solved: The Scamp
S243: Starfish
Solved: The Arm of the
S244: Shadows
Shadows, 1950s. Animals make (paint) the shadows rather
than the sun casting them.
S245: SciFi Rollerskating Race?
Solved: Rollerball Murder
S246: Sam the Lion Books
Solved: I See Sam
S247: sisters, summer house, detailed doll house, horse
Solved: White Ghost
S248: Syd befriends Laura, a ghost
Solved: A Question of Time
S249: School for Gifted Girls posessed by famous writers
Solved: Down a Dark
S250: shadow
Solved: The Shades
S251: statue named Benjamin?
Solved: Beloved Benjamin is Waiting
S252: slinky linx
I am 28 I remember reading(looking) at this
book pretty early on so I am guessing it was about 72-79?
It was a hardcover book with various animals on a ferris
wheel. It was made of several short stories. The
ones that I remember the most are of a "slinky linx" cat burglar
who was caught by a night watch dog who got a pocket watch for
his capture of the linx. Also the second story I remember
was of a family of dancing(waltzing?) mice who one night get
into paint and paint a picture with their feet. The last
story I remember is of somesort of animal boy/girl scout
troop. I think that they had other stories and pictures
alphabets. Well thats about all I can remember.
S252 Try looking up
'lynx' in A-to-Zoo, reference book which catalogs
titles by animal.
Parsons, Lots and Lots of
Bedtime Stories, 1971.http://openlibrary.org/books/OL5447447M/Lots_and_lots_of_bedtime_stories
S253: salamander and magic pebble, pre-1980
Solved: Alexander and
the Wind-up Mouse
S254: Sally-skip-under-the-bed
Solved: Three Mice and
a Cat
S255: Spunky Medieval Girl
Solved: The Maude Reed
S256: So Big
Solved: So Big
S257: Stories behind the nursery rhymes
Solved: Mother Goose in
S258: Sloppy Pixies
Solved: Housing Problem
S259: Spring Vacation
Looking for book that I think had a purple cover. It's about a
girl who is on her Spring vacation from school - maybe junior
high...she goes to stay with her aunt in NYC. She plays tourist -
she's on her own while aunt is at work. One day she overhears lady
on a bus or payphone says she's going to blow up UN. She
ends up investigating, trying to find this lady, playing detective
in the city. She gets aunt involved - who at first thinks it's
nothing, but becomes intrigued. I want to say the author's
name was Louise, or Carol, or had some or one of these names as a
first or last name. Do you know this book?
Catherine Woolley, Libby Shadows a
Lady. (1974) This
is definitely Libby Shadows a Lady, the 4th and last of
Woolley''s Libby series. But the woman Libby, while on
Easter vacation in New York, overhears on the pay phone is
actually talking about a bombing involving the Federal Reserve
Bank, not the U.N.
S260: seashell house and seafood
I'm looking for a book my mom read when she was growing up in
Florida (she's now 56). In the book my mom talks about, a
shipwrecked family lives in a giant seashell and they eat fresh
seafood everyday. I know she remembers it being a happy story, but
that's all I know.
white with gorgeous illustrations
Solved: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs
S262: Sci-Fi take on the Ark and the Flood
Solved: The Lost Millenium
S263: Sandwich shaped book
Solved: The Sandwich
S264: seven brothers
Solved: Five Chinese Brothers
S265: St. Patrick's Day?
Solved: St. Patrick's Day in the Morning
S266: Sea captain lives on beached boat
Weekly Reader Book Club, 1960s? Book
about a retired sea captain/skipper who lives on a beached
boat. Details are sketchy, but influenced me toward US
Naval Academy and later lived on a boat with my wife.
Would really love to find this one. Thanks!
A Little Old Man.
Little old man lives in house on tiny island, wishes he had
company. Storm washes house out to sea, but boat with
completely stocked cabin washes in to become his new
house. As luck would have it, boat also carries cat with
S267: Secret Room
Solved: Lulu's
S268: Scarry, Richard
Solved: Cars and Trucks
S269: small creatures who live in holes
Solved: Who's In Holes?
S270: Siblings collect discarded Christmas trees
Searching for book or story about children living in a city (may
be New York) who are poor and fool their little brother into
believing that Christmas has not come yet until after the holiday
when they collect discarded Christmas trees and decorate their
apartment to make a Christmas for him. My wife told me this
story which probably dates from the mid - to late 1960's. Many
thanks for your help!
have this story in a book of short stories about Christmas.
Unfortunately, it's packed away in my storage building, but I
believe it is "Ten Tales of
Christmas". I searched online and from the titles it
would seem to be "A Christmas
Tree for Lydia" by Elizabeth Enright. When I get a
chance I'll get it out and make sure.
S271: Spanish explorers
Great review in the NYT! I have been racking my brains for
years about this. It was a book I read over twenty times
when I was in about fourth grade about two Spanish explorers in
about the 1500's who got separated from their group and had all
these adventures in South/Central America. One, in fact was said
to be Irish and was a beefy guy named Willie and the other was his
friend who was rather slight, but I don't remember his name. I can
still remember the picture on the dust jacket which was the two of
them trying to push a boat into the water and looking over their
shoulder, I think at the Indians pursuing them. If you can get
this, I would be very grateful. The review was right...it
is a hope to try and recapture something of what it felt like to
be that age again....
You Were There
series, 1950s, approximate. There was an extensive
series of books titled, for example, YOU WERE THERE At the Driving
of the Golden Spike. They were loosely based on historical
events, and probably many of them would not be considered
politically correct today. I have the one about Moctezuma
and the Aztecs at another location, so I can't look to see if the
names of the fictional characters match, but the jacket style
does. See if there is one in the series about South
America... probably so.
S272: Sailing in summertime off East Coast
This is a book that must date from the 1940s or early '50s. It is
about a family that sails leisurely/peacefully one summer, in a
small sailboat, about the coast of some spot on the East Coast
(perhaps Long Island Sound, perhaps Martha's Vineyard or
Nantucket, perhaps Maine). I believe there are two children,
certainly at least one boy and maybe a girl (the boy may have been
wearing a striped shirt and shorts). The book describes the
boat sailing past a bell buoy, a lighthouse. it describes
the child (children) investigating a tide pool. I believe
the book had a blue cloth cover (probably a dust jacket
originally) and blue line drawings. I recall no color
illustrations. The tenor of the book's story was that of an
almost ethereal calm. The boat may have sailed through a fog
bank or mist, as well moved in sunshine. The book is NOT a
McCloskey title. I would be enormously grateful for any
guesses or leads.
Hazel Wilson, Island Summer.
written in the 1940's or '50's (I had to re-box it till I get more
bookshelves, alas, or I could tell you more).
S273: Sailor's grave on the prarie
Solved: And the Sailor, Home from Sea
I recall having a copy of this book in paperback form in the
1960s. It was a book which dealt exclusively with baseball
statistics as they apply to the actual playing of the game.
I recall that the author had cited the the statiical probability
of the benefit of stealing a base as being most significant, even
if the runner had a 40% probability of being thrown out.
Bill James coined the term
Sabermetrics for studies such as the one described and wrote
several books providing statistical evidence, for example, that
with a runner on first base, a sacrifice bunt is almost always
the wrong strategy. There are no James titles as early as
the '60's, however.
S275: sensible princess challenges suitors (plus
salamanders in volcano?)
This is a kid's picture book with text, telling the story of a
'sensible' princess (whose name may start with A?) who doesn't
really want to get married - I think. She challenges her suitors
with various tasks... or maybe somehow she has to perform the
tasks to get out of marrying each one? Anyway, one task involves
salamanders that live in fire/lava, maybe in a volcano - and
possibly making a coat from their skins. The book had a vibe of
'girls can do anything/their own thing' from the early/mid 70s -
slightly reminiscent of more recent 'The Paper Bag Princess'.
[Thanks for any help!]
Not a full solution, but the hint that her
name may start with "A" makes me think this may be a story about
Atalanta, a woman in Greek/Roman mythology. The tale
usually told concerns her legendary racing speed, but she also
appears to have helped demolish a boar that was terrorizing her
town. Definitely an early feminist type.
Jay Williams, The Practical Princess
and Other Liberating Fairy Tales, 1978. I think this is The
Practical Princess by Jay Williams. The version I
have is in a book of short stories, but I think that it was
first published as a picture book. Princess Bedelia does
not want to marry old, ugly and wicked Lord Garp so she sends
him on two quests, one of which is to bring her a cloak made
from the skins of the salamanders who live in the volcano of
Scoria. She manages to avoid marrying him because she is
so practical.
Babette Cole, Princess Smartypants, 1986. This sounds most similar to the
plot of Babette Cole's "Princess Smartypants", but the
publication date of that (1986)is later than you seem to be
thinking. Another possibility is The Practical
Princess by Jay Williams (1969), in which
the Princess Bedelia uses common sense to accomplish a series of
tasks too difficult or dangerous for the princes who want to
marry her.
Sounds like the late Jay Williams'
story The Practical Princess, from the 1970s. It
shows up in more than one collection of his. I remember
misinterpreting the father/king's saying "I don't think much" of
the fairy godmother's gift of common sense because I thought he
meant "what's so great about common sense as opposed to genius?"
Robert Munsch, The Paper Bag Princess, 1973.
S276: Shoe for Blitzen
Solved: My Christmas
S277: Sammy Snail goes on adventure with friends
This may have been a school reader of some sort, but if so, it
would have been a collection of stories, perhaps animal
stories. Not a "From Near and Far" sort of book, I don't
think. All I can remember is one story (or perhaps one
chapter in a longer story?) with a character named (don't laugh!)
Sammy Snail. He was one of a collection of characters, who
would have all been small, but I seem to think of him as being at
the center of the story. I remember a big fountain,
certainly a feature of the story, perhaps illustrated. The
setting may have been someone's yard. And this would have
been sometime in the early 60s. But it wouldn't necessarily
have been published then.
S278: secret room and brass fancy key
Solved: The Velvet Room
S279: Sewing
Solved: Jingle Bell
S280: Short series about young girl (Shiela?), with
scientist friend
Solved: Secret of the Unicorn Queen
S281: Silly Will
Silly Will was a story in a paperback collection of stories for
children. A little boy decides he doesn't need anyone or
anything and the animals begin to take back from him whatever they
had provided for his well being.... the sheep says "I'll take back
my wool" and everything the boy owns that is made of wool
disappears... perhaps moralistic tales but this story holds
strong memories for my mother, brother and me. The book was
approx. 9" x 11", yellow cover, published in the 1940s-50s I
S281 sounds like I53, Silly Will.
Perhaps putting clues form both requestors together will help
solve the mystery?
I think I know the book you're asking
about. The name of the story you're referring to is "Silly
Will." The book contained other stories such as "Three
Billy Goats Gruff," "The Ginger Bread Boy," "The Lion-Hearted
Kitten," The Cap that Mother Made," and "The Little Boy Who
Tried to Obey." I really wish I could tell you the name
and publisher of the book, but unfortunately, the pages that
contained that information in our family's copy are
missing. The illustrations almost look like Tibor
Gergely's work, but no way to tell. Wish I had more
info. I'm hunting too!
I have the story "Silly Will" (by
Lucy Sprague Mitchell) in The Golden Book of Nursery
Tales (A Big Golden Book) (c)1948. This book
is illustrated by Tibor Gergely, is approx. 9x11, 146 pgs, 45
stories including 3 Bears, 3 Billy Goats Gruff, Magic Pot,
Bobo and the Roast Pig, City Mouse & Country Mouse, Cap
That Mother Made, Pelle's New Suit, House That Jack Built,
Chicken Little, etc.. The copy that I have is a hardcover
version w/ a dark blue cover, showing a girl sleeping in her
bed, characters from various stories floating above/behind her,
like she's dreaming. I know you're looking for a softcover
version, but it still might be this book - I know it was
reprinted several times, w/ slightly different cover art.
Maybe one of the editions was a softcover? Hope this
S282: Spider and Caterpillar
Solved: Little Squeegy
S283: soda pop faucets
Solved: Mr. Pudgins
Scottish Terrier
Solved: Greyfriars
S285: Scandinavian children smuggle gold for Resistance
Solved: Snow Treasure and Twenty and
S286: series, early 1900s
Solved: Grace Harlowe series
S287: Skunk/possum? in the Pond and other scary stories
I read in elementary school (1960s/early
70s) a book of scary illustrated short stories. Among
those were a story about a boy who finds a dead animal, I think
either a skunk, or possum perhaps, in a pond near his house and
he brings it home for the family to eat! It then keeps
reappearing in the pond afterwards. Another story in this
book involved I believe a quarry in Vermont, and a third story
concerned a greedy, wasteful fisherman in an open boat out in
the ocean who encounters some sort of squid-like sea monster, a
variation of the hunter becoming the hunted theme. The
most compelling thing about this book were the illustrations,
which were darkly humorous, much in the vein of Charles Addams'
work. I distinctly remember the family of the boy who
brought home the dead animal depicted as sort of "trashy"
including a houseful of unbathed and unruly siblings, something
a little unusual in a book for smaller children. The
fisherman story was also richly illustrated with great detail,
including I think old side-wheeler steamships on the horizen in
the distance, as the fisherman netted/reeled in the monster who
was going to eat him.
S288: School children helped hide Jewish children in their
Solved: Twenty and Ten
S289: Spy for Winston Churchill
Solved: Paladin
S290: Spring
The book I am looking for I read in 1966 in a children's school
library in Syracuse NY. It was about spring and there were birds
sitting in a tree who got covered in snow from a spring snowstorm.
It was a hardcover picture book suitable for kindegarten-1st grade
Duvoisin, Roger, Spring snow, 1963. A farm couple, their house and all
of their animals get covered by a spring snow. A two page spread
is entirely white. But since it is spring the snow melts fast
and the illustrations show different animals, people and house
emerging from the melting snow.
The suggestion that Roger Duvoisin's book
is the solution turned out to be wrong. I found that book and
checked it out and was disappointed to find it wasn't it. The
one I want to find has a page with birds on a branch covered
in the spring snow very disgruntled I might add. Thanks
S291: Small White Book of Wildflowers
I had a small white book, paper cover, given to me by my sister
in law in Iowa in the late 80's. It was called Wildflowers of the
Northeast or something close to that and it had pictures of the
flowers and poetry with some if not all of them. Especially there
was one poem about forget me nots that I loved. My son took to
college for an art project and lost it. I would love to replace
it. Thanks. PS I discovered your website today and am
so excited to have an avenue to search for loved books.
S292: Search for lost item
I hope that someone reading the stumpers on this excellent site
will be able to help me with this; I have spent many hours
searching for the Author or Title. This book was read to a
class of 8 or 9 yr-olds in the UK in the early
1950’s. It was set in an earlier time or different land or
fictional place – transport is by horse, wagon, etc. A group
of people go to a fair or market where things are bought and
exchanged. Possibly they go there to collect the thing that is
central to the plot of the book. Unfortunately, at 50 years
distance, I cannot remember what this ‘thing’ is. Whatever,
this thing gets sold or given in exchange to another group of
people by mistake but it is of such value to our group that they
cannot go home without it. They follow the group they think
has taken it but when they catch up with this second group, they
haven’t got the object after all because it has already been
exchanged for something else. This second group, however, do
want to exchange another object. This exchange takes place and our
group also receive information that will enable them to pursue the
new group that now has their ‘thing’. Each chapter then
follows this pattern; our group travel in pursuit of the latest
group of people they think has their thing, only to find that
those people have already swapped it for something else. Our group
then swaps the last thing that they received for a some new item
and they get information that enables them to follow the group
that now has this thing that they are trying to find. This
pattern repeats until, at the end of the book, they do meet up
with the people that now have what they have been searching for;
and they get it back in exchange for the last object they obtained
in a swap. They can go home at last. Any help in tracing
this book would be much appreciated.
Langstaff, John, The Swapping Boy, illustrated by Beth and Joe Krush. NY
Harcourt Brace 1960. I'm a bit dubious about this one,
since the date is just too late and it doesn't match entirely,
but since it's all I've been able to find so far ... "Based in
an Appalachian Mountain trading song. A young boy who lives
alone except his two hound dogs goes on his horse to London to
find a wife, trades the horse for a cow, and on and on goes the
trading. The song, Swapping Song, with the sheet music is on the
last page."
I have investigated the John Langstaff book and it is not the
one I am looking for but thank you very much for the suggestion.
A possibility from the 50's -Was it a
Good Trade by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers??
Thank you very much for this suggestion. I had not heard of
this author before but having researched the book, Was it a
Good Trade, I find that it is not the one I am looking
Chase, Richard, Jack and the Three
Sillies.NY Houghton
1950. Another possible. Jack goes off to market to sell
the cow, but keeps swapping down for other animals until he
returns home with a rock. His wife sets out to find three people
more foolish than her husband.
I am very grateful for this suggestion but having looked at a
detailed description of the tale, "Jack and the Three Sillies",
I can confirm that this is not the book I am looking for.
Pat O'Shea, The Hounds of the
Something like that happens in this book -- it may have only
been at the end, though, so it's probably not the one you're
thinking of.
Thank you very much for this suggestion. I have researched the
details and while it appears to be a very enjoyable book , it is
not the one I am trying to find.
Try Peter Dickinson's "Weathermongers"
Thank you for this suggestion. Unfortunately this book appears
to have been written many years after I encountered the book I
am trying to locate.
S293: sick boy with cat that licks him back to health
I think this story would have been from the early to mid 70's.
The book is about a boy who is ill, and doctors and parents who
are in and out keep his cat away from him. When after a few days
the cat sneaks into the boy's room, the cat licks the boy, and the
boy gets well. I think the boy was upstairs in his house. I
believe my copy was a thin paperback that was orange.
This doesn't match exactly, but reminds my
of The Tortilla Cat, by Nancy Willard.
The cat does make the children well, but not by licking.
Held off posting, since this is a bit of a longshot, but no one
seems to have other ideas ...
Paul Gallico, Jennie.
this could be one of Paul
Gallico's cat books? "Jennie" does feature a cat
on a sickbed, but most of that book is the imaginary
adventures the boy & the cat Jennie have before he comes
out of his coma; the cat doesn't really "lick him back to
S294: six generations of women, historical fiction
Solved: This Family of Women
Solved: Just Alike
S296: spoons, long-handled
A story about some young boys who have a challnege against some
grown-ups or giants (??) and there are pots of soup. The
only way to eat the soup is to use long-handled spoons. The
giants fumble with the spoons but the young boys use the
long-handled spoons to feed the soup to each other. It is an
illustrated book with black and white drawings. Probably age
appropriate for at least 8 or up.
S297: snowman comes to life melts
We had this book in our home when I was a child 50 to 55 years
ago. It was rather a large book in size. I remember
the icicles had faces and would talk. They became sad when
they started to melt and said they would return. I don't
remember much else but would really like to find the book if
I recently saw a fabulous copy of Crockett Johnson's Time
for Spring (1957) that includes a snowman who promises
to return next winter... but the rest of the details here do
not match.
S298: Sara and Norman
This was a book about a girl named Sara. At first, Sara
didn't like a boy named Norman who went to her high school.
As she got to know Norman better, however, Sara decided that he
really wasn't so bad. The events in the high school in this
book took place a long time ago. I originally checked out
this book from my elementary school library.
Betty Cavanna, Joyride. This is a really long shot...it's a high
school story that takes place in the 1920's, but the main
character is named Susan. I'm pretty sure one of the boys
in her class is named Norman and he's sort of a nerd.
S299: sea monster in a lake
This story was about 2 children who found a
seamonster/seal(?) in a lake at a city park. They brought it
home and kept it in their bathtub. When the time came to let it
go, they put it in a city dumptruck full of snow. The dumptruck
then dumped the snow into the river and the seamonster swam
away. The whole story may have taken place in New York City. I
read it about 25-30 years ago. Thanks in advance for any
S300: series about Whilhelmina and Mary
Solved: Wilhelmina
S301: Shrinking Violet from outer space
Late 1950s, early 1960s. My first grade teacher read us a
book about a little girl from outer space. When she became
embarassed, she would shrink. Her name was Violet. The
book's name might include the word "Star".
Winterfeld, Henry, Star Girl. NY: Harcourt 1957. I'm inclined to think
that the poster is mixing up two memories. There was a 1960s
cartoon show called The Funny Company featuring a little
girl called "Shrinkin' Violette" who shrank when she felt shy or
embarrassed (you can
see pictures here). The other memory might be the Winterfeld
book Star Girl, about Little Mo, who falls to
earth and is helped by earth children. There is a book
called Shrinking Violet about a little girl who
comes out of her shy shell when she is cast as Lady Space in the
school play - but that was only published in 2001!
S302: San Francisco earthquake
Solved: Mystery of
Thunderbolt House
S303: Stuffed Companion Named Juniper
Solved: Behind the Attic Wall
S304: Staircase Room Experiment
Solved: House of Stairs
S305: Soviet Union
I think it was a series of books...about an American girl who
married a Russian and went to live in Moscow?. I read them
in the 1940s when I was six or seven but they may have been
printed earlier. I remember she was decorating their apartment and
could only find ugly wallpaper with tractors on it. There was
something about her passport as well...the government took it?,
she lost it? These books disappeared from the library in the
1950s so they must have been considered pro-soviet.
S306: Sand Castle and Mermaid
Solved: Wishing Penny
and Other Fantasy Stories
S307: Skeleton with three legs in woods
I'm trying to find a book from my childhood
(I'd guess mid 70's to early 80's at the latest). I believe it
was an anthology or at least contained more than one story. It
may have been fiction but for some reason I keep thinking it
might have been more of a documentary "In Search Of..." type of
thing. Anyway one of the stories in the book was about a monster
that lived somewhere in a wooded wilderness. At the end of the
story, a group of men (hunters, I think) come across a
human-looking skeleton in the woods (the monster's) - but the
skeleton has a huge, oversized skull, and three legs. That's all
I remember about that story. The other story I think I remember
from the book was about a man who befriends a pale, emaciated
young boy who lives with an old woman. One day the man feeds the
young boy - he gives him a ham sandwich, I think - and soon
after, the boy disappears. Turns out the boy was dead, and kind
of a zombie servant to the old woman, and the taste of the salt
(in the ham) reminded him of his rightful place - in the
earth. Nobody I speak to seems to know what book this is,
but I remember it clearly, so at least I know I'M not crazy..:)
Something about the description reminds me
of the stories written by Manly Wade Wellman. Worth a
Or a Frank Edwards book? He was a
radio talk-show host who wrote several collections of stories
like that (his most famous is Flying Saucers, Serious
Business). So did Brad Steiger in the 60s
and 70s. I have read elsewhere that zombies can be "brought back
to life" by eating salt. It is part of Haitian tradition. Since
according to some recent reports, zombies are actually live
people who are drugged, maybe there's something in salt which
neutralizes it.
Seals are boy's best friend
Read this in the mid 1960s, I think it was new then. A boy
has to go live with his crabby uncle on the New England
coast. To escape the situation, he learns to coat his skin
with waterproof oil and sneak out at night to go swimming with the
seals. The way I remember, this book gets more and more
surreal until the boy sort of enters the seal's world? I'm
obsessed, have to find this book.
Norman, Lilith, A Dream of Seas, illustrated by Edwina Bell. Sydney,
Collins 1978. Not positive about this, because the date is
later and the setting is Australia, but the plot sounds close:
"It was a dream that drew him back to the sea, for the sea was
the only world that washed them all: the boy, his drowned
father, and the newborn seal cub. An original and compelling
mixture of reality and dream, alienation and belonging, as a
lonely boy is drawn, relentlessly, to his destiny in the
enfolding sea."
Thanks for trying, but this (A Dream of Seas) isn't
it. The book definitely took place in New England, USA,
and it had to be published in the '60s 'cause that's definitely
when I read it. It was on the shelf at the same time as
another book I should put on stumpers, in fact I think I will,
about a young boy in medieval times who is befriended by a
knight who is eventually beheaded. They were both new
books around the same time. Back to S-308, I don't
remember any characters except the boy, his uncle who didn't say
much, and seals without names: wild, mysterious creatures who
accept the boy's presence and lead him to another state of
being. It was a young adult's book, probably too eerie for
everyone but me. If we can find the other book, which I
think was written by a more well-known author, it might lead to
the right time period to find it in publication records.
Could this have anything to do with the
movie, "The Secret of Roan Inish"?
Waters, John F., Seal Harbor, illustrated by Robert Quackenbush, Warne
1973. Again, this may be too late, and not much plot
description "the life story of the harbor seal, a 13 year-old
boy is lonesome when he and his family move to the coast of
Maine." "The lives of the harbor seals on the Maine coast
interest a thirteen-year-old boy new to the area."
We have Seal Harbor, and it
doesn't fit the description given.
Thanks for the two worthy attempts, but no solution yet.
The story was about a lonely boy who moves, by himself, to live
with his lonely uncle who proceeds to ignore him. Roan
Inish isn't it, but after reading a description of the movie I
think I will go rent it. Thank you.
Far Voice Calling by Margaret
Adair (1964) involves seals.
S309: Stuffed Birds Come Alive
Solved: The Spook Birds
S310: Soldier at ocean
One tin soldier?, 1968 ? This
children's story featured a boy who is at the ocean front with
his father, I believe. He has brought a toy tin soldier who
stands firm even when the waves come in. I remember descriptions
of sand pipers and a light in the window.
S311: Sisters who divide their room
Solved: This Room is
S312: Short Stories about young bear
Solved: The Merry Adventures of Little Brown
S313: Summer in Maine
Solved: Ginny and the
mystery doll
Series featuring Augusta and Gloriana Pig
Unfortunately all I have is the plot line and a general knowledge
that the book is pre-1975. The premise of the plot is that
every human is rated, literally, according to their strength of
mind and the number of others they can control. Menial
tasks are done by the 1's, 2's, 3's etc. and the highest numbers
(i believe they were 80's and 90's) obviously run things.
You could move up by challenging a number above you and besting
them in a contest of intellect/will and increase your number
accordingly, with the loser being under your control.
Specific plot points revolved around these challenges and some
type of intrigue involving the higher number
players/characters. Any help on either author or title would
be appreciated.
Huxley, Brave New World. It's probably too far off, and definitely not a
childrens' book, but the rating system does remind me of Brave
New World, where the smart people, the Alphas and
Betas, did the jobs requiring the most brains, and the Gammas,
Deltas and Epsilons did the "grunt work."
Piers Anthony, Split Infinity/The
Blue Adept/Juxtaposition,
1980 and after. This sounds so close to the Apprentice
Adept series by Jack Chalker that even
though I know it was published in 1980 (not 75 like the original
requester said) I had to bring it up as a possibility.
Stile is a serf on Proton. The Citizens of Proton run
everything, the serfs compete in series of games to better
themselves. Each year one serf can win everything and
become a Citizen. Once Stile becomes a citizen he
discovers that the gaming goes on and with each win he controls
more of the Citizens of Proton. About half the storyline
is about the parallel world Phaze where the best gamesters
translate into the best magic users. I know it's a stretch
but the description of the contests just strike a chord with me.
S316: sisters, necklace, scorpion pendants, reunited
This was a 1970s paperback book about sisters who are separated
when they are young. Before they were parted they were all
given a necklace that had a golden scorpion pendant. I'm not
sure, but I think the book was fairly thick with a royal blue
Pat Wallace, The House of Scorpio. This is the House of Scorpio by Pat Wallace
long out of print as far as I know.
Pat Wallace, The House of Scorpio. I realized I should put some more
information about the book there are 6 sisters who live in
a country where your sign of the zodiac determines what you will
look like, what you eat, the colors you wear, etc.
S317: spider
Solved: View from the Cherry Tree
S318: Similar to Seventeenth Summer
Solved: To Tell Your
book published in 1950s, similar to SEVENTEENTH SUMMER, about a
"first romance" that ends sadly for the girl. The scene that
I remember most clearly is that the first time the boy holds the
girl's hand, she is acutely conscious of how sweaty they
are! I know this isn't much to go on, but at least I'd like
the names of authors popular in the 50s other than Janet Lambert
and Rosamond du Jardin. Thanks.
Betty Cavanna, Fifteen, 1955. Could it be Fifteen by
Betty Cavanna? The charcaters live near San
Franciso possibly. The girl is Jane and the boy is Stan???
Seems like I remember sweaty palms in Fifteen
(the boy’s) and Jean and Johnny (the girl’s) by Beverly
Cleary although neither exactly ended badly.
Is it possible that this is the Luckiest
Girl by Beverly Cleary? Or maybe Jean
and Johnny, also by same author? (Doesn't really
sound like Fifteen by Beverly Cleary, as
the ending is not the same as the one described)
I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you, but
Fifteen is by Beverly Cleary.
Mary Stolz, 1950s. I can't
identify your book specifically, but another fine author dealing
with a similar age group and similar subjects is Mary Stolz,
whose work for Young Adults seems almost forgotten now.
Try the Judy Blume books for young
adults. One of them definitely has a scene in it where a
young, tentative couple hold hands and the girl is acutely aware
of sweaty palms. I can't remember which Judy Blume book it
is, but her books are easy to find, so I think it's worth
checking out.
A Special Place and Time. It
may be a Special Place and Time--I'm not sure who
wrote it but the girl carries around a smooth stone that she
picked up the last day of a summer vacation as a talisman and I
believe she lets him hold it in his sweaty hand when they meet
at her first highschool dance when they are both hiding in the
coat closet. That love interest does end badly for her in
the end after she pines for him for all of her high school
years. She is obsessed with the song Mr Tambourine Man and
with the idea of being a better person instead of the awkward
person she feels she is. It does take place during the
fifties or sixties because she talks about wearing pale lipstick
and a poorboy sweater or skirt.
Mary Stolz, To Tell Your Love,
1950. This was Mary Stolz's first book.
It focuses on Anne Armacost's long seventeenth summer, during
which she slowly learns how to recover from her romance with
Doug Eamons (the romance is portrayed through a long
flashback). Secondary characters include Anne's older
sister, Theo, and younger brother, Johnny, as well as her
friends Nora and Sam, who are struggling with an early marriage
and new baby.
S319: Similar to Green Mansions
I read a book similar to GREEN MANSIONS in the 50s, also similar
to but worlds better than the awful movie BLUE LAGOON, in which
two "innocents" in a Garden of Eden setting become friends and
then lovers. It was highly poetic and symbolic, but didn't
have the political overtones of GREEN MANSIONS.
Henry De Vere Stacpoole, The Blue
Lagoon: A Romance, 1908.
is much better than the 2nd movie with Brooke Shields or the
earlier one circa 1949. A sequel exists (The Garden of God,
Another possible answer to S319 is Nathalia
Crane's THE SUNKEN GARDEN. Crane (1913- ?)
was a child prodigy who had this 250+ page novel published (in
1926) while still in her early teens. It's not a great
book, but it's readable and certainly an incredible performance
for a twelve- or thirteen-year old. In fact, this was her
third published book (preceded by two poetry collections).
She later published other poetry collections and at least one
other novel, AN ALIEN FROM HEAVEN (1929) but then
fell silent. She may well still be alive...
More on Crane: here
and here.
S320: Smoke Jumpers and Young Pioneers Railway (USSR)
I am seeking an anthology of adolescent boy's true-life adventure
stories, probably published between 1942 and 1948 or so. Two
stories I remember vivdly: 1. Smoke Jumpers.
In the Pacific Northwest, a wildfire is spotted from an
observation tower. Smoke Jumpers are called in--they
parachute from airplanes into the forest to fight the fire with
shovels and hand tools. 2. Young Pioneers Railway
(USSR). The Young Pioneers (Communist youth
organization) have a small-gauge park railway in a city in the
Soviet Union. The entire railroad is operated by boys and
girls. The plot involves the German invasion of Russia. The
Russians civilians are fleeing ahead of the Germans, blowing up
all the factories and infrastructure behind them. They are
retreating across a river, and will blow the damn and flood the
valley behind them. The Young Pioneers railway is to be
destroyed as well, but the children love it so much that they
disassemble it and pack it out in carts and on their backs and
take it with them as they flee. This helps date the book: it
has to be 1. after Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of
Russia, and 2. before 1948 or so, becuase it clearly dates from
that brief era when heroic tales of our ally Soviet Russia were
acceptable fare for red-bloodeed American boys. Any help
greatly appreciated!
S321: sign language monkey named Friday by runaway boy
Solved: The Boy Who
Spoke Chimp
S322: Starting kindergarten -- pots and pans band
Solved: Katy's First
S323: Sophie moves to new city
Solved: Girl of His
S324: spring
Solved: Really Spring
S325: Secret of the Cave
Solved: The
Secret World of Og
S326: Swimming in the tub
I'm looking for a book about a little boy
who practices swimming underwater in the bathtub and learns to
swim like a fish, without coming up for air. His family doesn't
believe he can swim. I thought this book was called "Jamie
to the Rescue" but the only book I can find by that title is
about a forest fire--not about swimming. The wrong book is
put out by Barrie Publishing and usually doesn't list an
author's name. I have no idea who published or wrote the
book I'm looking for.
S327: Spider with Creampuffs
When I was very young, I remember reading a
book which had a spider running through a town causing havoc
while carrying cream puffs. This was one story in a
collection of 4-5 stories. It was probably written in the
70's. It had color illustrations.
Since no-one has answered, I thought I'd
take a shot at this. It may be MORE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER
by Joyce Cooper Arkhurst, 1972 (possibly 1974 too),
Scholastic Book Services. It has several stories about Spider
based on West African folktales. Spider is a trickster and often
gets into trouble. I looked through the first one (THE
ADVENTURES OF SPIDER) but none of the illustrations
had creampuffs. Unfortunately, I could not find a summary of the
stories included, and I don't have a copy I can check. Maybe
your local library...? The other possibility is the Spider books
by Robert Kraus. I knew them as individual books, but
perhaps they were published together at some point? And I can't
recall a cream puff book, but you know how memory can be...
These books are more cartoony. Spider has two best friends,
Ladybug and Fly. The titles include (and there may be various
publication dates) THE TROUBLE WITH SPIDER, 1962, HOW SPIDER
FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL, 1987. I hope this helps!~from a librarian
Just a suggestion-Spider Jane
by Jane Yolen. It was published in 1978 and it contains
4 stories. It's a possibility.
S328: Stump baby for spinster couple
Stump baby for spinster couple. This
was a story in a collection. It was about a couple who
wanted children but couldn't have any. The "mother" prays
for a baby by any means. The next day a living tree stump
is granted to the couple. But it eats too much. I
forget what else happens. But the moral is watch out what
you wish for. I really want to get my hands on this
collection. I don't remember any of the other stories in
the book. Just this one...
I'm sorry I don't know the title of the
story, but I can tell you that it is an old Bohemian folk tale
and is most often found in collections of Czech or Eastern
European folktales. In 2002, a Czech filmmaker even made a
very bizarre and grotesque film based on this story. The
film is called "Little Otek" in English, and although it
is set in the modern day, it is the story of a childless woman
whose husband gives her a "tree stump" baby that she loves like
a real child. It comes to life, but its insatiable
appetite soon leads to horrific results.
S329: Sawhorse becomes a real horse for a little boy
50's or 60's. A little boy wants a
horse/pony but for some reason can't have one he creates a
sawhorse pony in the barn/garage and rides it adding more
details to make it seem like a real horse. Mane and tail
etc. His family swaps the sawhorse for a real pony on
either his birthday or Christmas, and that is the end. It seems
like he might have gotten sick like the child in the Velveteen
Rabbit. but I am not sure. It was an illustrated older childs
book, line drawings with a wash I think.
D.H. Lawrence, The Rocking Horse
Winner. Could you
mean the classic, DH Lawrence short story?
I'm sorry to disagree, but the stumper
requester's description does not match The Rocking Horse
Winner by D.H. Lawrence. The boy in
that short story rides a rocking horse (not a saw horse) to
determine the winners in various horse races in an effort to
ease his extravagant parents' chronic financial troubles.
He doesn't want a real horse, he doesn't create the rocking
horse, his parents never buy him a real horse, and he dies at
the end of the story. You can read
it here.
Thanks, but it is not the Rocking Horse winner.
It was a children's picture book. I think some of the
family members, may have contributed items, like a yarn mane,
and an old saddle etc. It wasn't a tragic story, but the
boy did yearn terribly for a real pony. It was also
definitely a sawhorse, and kept outside in an old building.
pocket book earlier than 1981. Story about
a women whose husband buys her the house she longs for. At the
back of the bedroom closet she finds a secret door, which leads
to a series of hidden rooms. She does not tell her husband about
the rooms and becomes more and more reluctant to leave these
rooms. At the end of the book it turns out to have been
all in her mind. On the front cover there is a picture of a
women in a chair (rocking?) and in the background there is a
picture of a house (upper left corner) HELP
S331: Spitfire Amy solves picture mysteries
Solved: Hawkeye Collins
S332: six gun city
Solved: Cowboy Jack the
S333: Spaceman
Solved: The First Book
of Space Travel
S334: spider lives in a zoo
Solved: Be Nice to
S335: Sesame Street book with Zero Mostel?
Solved: Sesame Street
Book of Opposites with Zero Mostel
S336: sandwich making women
A book about a land where the men are giants and the women are
tiny. The men go to work at an office and the women spend all day
making giant sandwiches for the men's lunch. A girl hides on the
sandwich delivery truck and goes to the office where her father
puts her to work sharpening giant pencils.
S337: Smokey Joe
Solved: Smoky Joe
S338: Sun is sad and locked away
Solved: How The Sun Was
Brought Back To The Sky
S340: sci-fi or fantasy short story; young people
dominated by old
Solved: Again, Dangerous Visions
S341: Snake becomes member of family
Solved: Crictor
S342: Scandinavian folk tale
Scandinavian folk tale picture
book...........beautiful colored illustrations.....giant husband
and wife stirring cauldron....stirring gets
faster.........something to do with sea (and perhaps northern
lights, aurora borealis not sure)............an Olaf?
Olga? Do not think it's the Mill/Sea Salt one......has to
do with ocean though.....Pictures are in COLOR and are blues,
pinks, not just drawings....all I remember is this page where
the woman is stirring with a huge spoon and you see swirls on
the pages in the cauldron........pinks, blues..........
S342 I checked East of the sun and
west of the moon with black and white illus by the D'Aulaires,
but no kettles being stirred.
You might be on to something here! "East of the Sun and
West of the Moon"......I checked out the title and there seem to
be several illustrators........D'Aulaires among them.........but
some are in color! The story of the little boy who defeats
ogres MIGHT be it! This story, whatever it is, is one of
my strongest memories of my mother reading to me, for some
reason.............I think the pictures actually scared me so
that is why I'm thinking the "ogres" might be the right
one! Thank you....it's definitely a start.........please
let me know if you come up with anything else and I will follow
up as well!
In the late 1960s or so I had a beatiful
large book of Scandinavian fairy tales. The cover
illustration was a side view of a knight and young woman on a
rearing horse. I think the title was Scandinavian
Fairy Tales. Does this sound like what you're
looking for?
(I don't know the title or author, but this
is in regards to S342) This sounds like a book I'm looking for,
too. I'm guessing it was published in the fifties or
sixties. I remember that the husband and wife in the ocean
are stirring a caldron to create a whirlpool. The first
few pages of the book show Lapland life, I think. There is
a brightly painted interior picture, and they also show reindeer
soon after. The illustrations are colorful and detailed
and I remember them being drawn very similar to Jan Brett?s
current books. I remember the picture of the Northern
Lights, maybe with a child in the foreground. There is also a
picture with a goat on top of a house eating grass from the
roof. The strangest part of this book is the final
illustration. The boys have killed a giant chicken, and are
standing in the foreground, with the giant chicken's legs up
ended like trees and the sun setting between the chickens
legs. The boys have saved the town and the town feasts on
the chicken in celebration. (Yikes!) I think the
final words are, "Snip Snap Snout, and now this tale is out."
S343: Seashore for the day
I'm looking for a book that I loved as a
child. I was born in 1949, so this could have been
published in the late 40s or early 50s. It's possible that
it was a Little Golden Book, but I'm not sure. I remember
that it was about children who went to the seashore for the day,
and my strongest memory is a page that showed some kind of
bath-house where they went in to change their clothes.
Dorothy Koch, I Play at the
Beach,1955.This could be the book you're looking
for. Published by Holiday House in 1955 with beautiful
primary-color illustrations by the renowned Feodor Rojankovsky,
this tale of a family's day at the beach is told by a girl whose
brother is her playmate. They bring lots of toys and
"hurry to the bathhouse" to change into their red bathing suits.
I've also been looking for this book for
years and am wondering if the original poster of this request,
ever located the title or the book? All I can
remember is that the two children were boys and for some reason,
the name "Tommy" sticks out in my memory. I remember it also
mentioned- sea gulls, sand castles. I remember it being a
small book, perhaps the size of a Junior Elf, but I'm also not
sure. If there's any further information, I'd greatly
appreciate it. If I could at least locate the name of the
book. For some reason, I think it's Day at the
Beach, but none of the books with thistitle, are the
right one. I was born in 1964 and would have read this book with
my Mom during the late 1960's.
I Play at the Beach by Dorothy
Koch (Holiday House).
Jackson, Kathryn and Byron, A Day at the Beach,
1951, copyright. This is a Little Golden Book that
recounts the activities of Nancy and Timmy at the beach.
There is a bath house where the children change into their
swimsuits and hang up their clothes. Nancy builds
castles and dams but there is no mention of seagulls. (A
book about two boys at the beach is Fun at the Beach by Gloria Trachtenberg, c.
1960, a Whitman Tiny-Tot Tale. Johnny Joe and his
brother follow the footprints of sea gulls in the sand, and
Johnny Joe cries a little when he sees his castle washed
S344: Stone pathways
I remember reading this book in the very
early 80's, and it looking like a brand new book. I also
remember it having some sort of a sticker on it like it had won
an award, but I have checked the Newberry award winner lists
from this time period and nothing seems to match. The
story involved a large family that lived out in the
sticks. The kids had an abandoned house that they would go
and play in. I think toward the end of the book, the main
character that was a young girl was sad because her older
siblings were growing up and not wanting to play with her as
much. For some reason I remember her older sisters talking
to each other while she eavesdropped and they were talking about
boys and one sister said "you have to be coy." I think I
had to go and look up coy in the dictionary.
Sharon Creech, Chasing Redbird. This is a story about Zinnia Taylor and her
large family. She finds an old path through the woods and
spends the summer clearing it. There is an old cabin the
in the woods filled with the mementos of her cousin who died as
a young child and she spends some time there. Her older
sisters advise her on how to act around boys and there is a mild
teenage romance that occurs. Hope this is your book.
Sharon Creech has won the Newbery award but not for this book.
Bad News! The mystery we thought
was solved actually isn't. I read Chasing Redbird,
and while it does have some of the same elements I am looking
for, it is not the right book. The first giveaway is
that there are home computers mentioned in the book, and when
I read this in the very early 80's, no one had computers, let
alone families that live in the sticks. However, reading
this book did prompt some more memories. The family in
the book I am looking for may have been African-American, and
I think that it was a very close-knit family with little
contact with the outside world.
S345: Set of fairy tales
In the 1950's my parents had a set of
children's fairy tale/story books that were bound with a hard
back in the color red. I believe there were about 10 book in the
collection. I'm trying to locate the name of these to see
if they are available for purchase. Thank you for your help.
S345 I think it must be The
Children's hour comp by Marjorie Barrows.
Marjorie Barrows, ed., The Children's
Hour,1953. This
sounds as if it could be the Children's Hour anthology/set.
My 16-volume hardcover set dates to 1953 and is bound in red
(except for a small area on the spine with a black background,
where the volume number and series title appear). While
the overall content is drawn from a variety of genres, more than
one of the individual volumes includes work that might be
counted as fairy tale, fantasy, or folklore.
The Children's Hour, 1954. Set of 16 hardbacks
bound in red. Volumes include: First Story Book,
Favorite Fairy Tales, Old Time Favorites, Caravan of Fun,
Best-Loved Poems, Stories of Today, Favorite Mystery Stories,
Myths and Legends, From Many Lands, School and Sport, Along Blazed
Trails, Stories of Long AGo, Roads to Adventure, Favorite Animal
Stories, Leaders and Heroes, and Science Fiction- Guide.
Field Enterprises, Inc. Educational
Division, Childcraft, 1955. I wonder if
this could be the "Childcraft" series of books--I still have
them. The original copyright dates back to the 1930's so the
1950's series is probably revised. The whole set is 15 books but
my parents purchased them 1 at a time until the set was
complete. The books are red hard backs with illustrations on the
front done in white, black and blue, and the volume # and title
are in black on the binding. They include: Poems from Early
Childhood, Folk and Fairy Tales, Animal Friends and Adventures,
Life in Other Lands, Famous Men and Deeds, etc. Does this ring a
There's a set of red (more burgundy, really)
books from the 1940s: Book Trails, edited by Renee
O. Muriel Fuller. The eight volumes are entitled v.
1. For baby feet.--v. 2. Through the wildwood.--v. 3 To
enchanted lands.--v. 4. On the highroad to adventure.--v. 5. To
turret tops.--v. 6. At the crossroads.--v. 7. Winding
westward.--v. 8. Of trail blazers. The covers are embossed
with a picture of a knight on horseback.
S346: Siblings meet space travelers
Solved: Space Ship
Under the Apple Tree
S347: Spoiled Prince Learns His Lesson
This is a book I read at my grandmother's
home when I was about 10. I think it was originally published in
the early 1900s. It was the only book she had in English so I
read it over and over and would love to find it again, but I
don't know the name of the author or the title of the book. The
story takes place in medieval England (I think) and is about a
very spoiled prince. For some reason (either to help him change
his ways or because he is in some danger) he is taken by a man
(a knight?) to a cottage in the woods where he lives with
someone's former nurse who is by then an old woman. I think that
to disguise the prince they change his name to Hugh. The boy has
to sleep on a poor mattress, help bring in wood and do many
other chores. He tries to refuse and tell everyone he's a prince
but the other kids in the village don't believe him. Eventually
he matures and becomes a hardworking, thoughtful boy. At the end
of the book, the boy is reunited with his father, the king. The
king wants to call someone in to add more logs to the fire, but
the prince does it himself and the King realizes how much his
son has grown. I sure hope you can help me find this book.
I've been looking for it for over 30 years.
Mark Twain, The Prince and the
Pauper. Only a
faint possibility.
Reilly, Robert, Red Hugh, Prince of
Donegal. (1957)
Little Prince I-Want-My-Way. Is it possibly Litte Prince I-Want-My-Way
? This book was read to us in second grade
(around 1961) and the plot sounds very much the same. Hope
it helps.
S348: science fiction teenage read in 1978
Solved: Tom Swift and
His Repelatron Skyway
Victor Appleton II (author), Tom Swift
and His Repelatron Skyway (1963). Entry # S348 reminds me
of a Tom Swift Jr. novel (which were indeed in yellow hard
covers), specifically Tom Swift and His Repelatron Skyway
1963 by Victor Appleton II
S349: Strange host is really a spider!
Solved: The Ash Tree
S350: Short stories for kids
Solved: The Spider's Palace
S351: Science fiction
I read a short sciencefiction story years ago that I would love
to find. It was about two guys who just got released form a prison
asteriod after doing years for murder. The twist is that they have
done the time in advance-they went into prison years ago, and now
upon thier release they have "permission" to committ one murder in
the form of a certificate entitling them to one killing. from the
time they arrive home and start walking to town, several people
contact them apologizing frantically for old wrongs that the two
guys didnt even know about, spouses admitting to affairs, etc. the
two guys get so frustrated-they thought they only had one enemy
worth killing-that the story ends with one of them throwing their
laser pistol thru a window , and when confronted by a policeman
and told that destruction of property is 30 days in jail,,
throwing the certificate down and telling the officer to "take the
punishment out of that". I read it as a kid, and now, being an
attorney, I would love to find it again.
William Tenn, Time in Advance, 1956. This is Time in Advance
by "William Tenn" (pseudonym of Philip Klass). It first
appeared in the August 1956 issue of GALAXY SCIENCE FICTION
MAGAZINE, and has been reprinted in the 1958 Tenn collection
TIME IN ADVANCE and the recent Tenn omnibus IMMODEST PROPOSALS,
plus at least three anthologies: # Introducing Science Fiction,
ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber 1964
# The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction, ed.
Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh,
Doubleday 1979 Science Fiction Century, ed. David
Hartwell, 1997 A story, "Fool Killer" by Stanley
Mullen has much the same premise as Tenn's, but I don't
think that one's been reprinted since its original magazine
appearance in the May 1958 ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION. The
requestor might find it also of interest.
S352: Seniors in high school forced to work for Yearbook
Solved: Yearbook
S353: Secret necklace
Solved: Secret of
Grandfather's Diary
S354: South African friends
There was a children's/young adult book I received from a
Scholastic book order in ~1982 about 2 young boys, one black and
one white, who became friends in South Africa (Swaziland or
Lesotho, I believe). One ended up dying young at the
end. The book was stolen from me only a few months later but
I loved it dearly. I believe the publisher began with an A
(Apple?). Possible words in title: A Time to Live, a Time to
Die. I haven't been able to find information anywhere, and
no one has ever heard of this. It's not "Waiting for the
Rain" or "Forever young, forever free" (I believe), which have
similar story lines. Please help!
Rumer Godden, An Episode of Sparrows. Can't tell much from the information
given, but this might be it.
I remembered something more: the book was
given to me free from a book order (Scholastic/Troll?) when one
of the books I had ordered was delayed. In addition, the
publisher was based in New York my grandfather had spoke
with them many years ago but they couldn't help us find a copy.
It's definitely not An Episode of
Sparrows. This book is set in London mine was
definitely in South Africa, because I remember doing a report
on Swaziland/Lesotho as a result of reading this book.
NOT! Episode of Sparrows.
read Episode of Sparrows many times. It is about
a girl and a boy in England. He is Irish Catholic and she is the
illegitmate daughter of a woman who abandons her to an italian
(?) couple. They steal earth, gardening tools, and, seeds, etc
and plant a tiny garden in the rubble of a bombed out church. It
is a wonderful story, but doesn't match S354.
Laurens Van Der Post, A Story
Like the Wind. Takes place in Zimbabwe though, but
maybe they flee to Lesotho? Another possibility: Into
the Valley by Michael Williams (can't find
an original publishing date for this) Do you know if this was
written by someone local to the area, or by an American who was
writing *about* South Africa?
S355: Spoiled Prince Learns His Lesson
This is a book I read at my grandmother's home when I was about
10. I think it was originally published in the early 1900s. It was
the only book she had in English so I read it over and over and
would love to find it again, but I don't know the name of the
author or the title of the book. The story takes place in medieval
England (I think) and is about a very spoiled prince. For some
reason (either to help him change his ways or because he is in
some danger) he is taken by a man (a knight?) to a cottage in the
woods where he lives with someone's former nurse who is by then an
old woman. I think that to disguise the prince they change his
name to Hugh. The boy has to sleep on a poor mattress, help bring
in wood and do many other chores. He tries to refuse and tell
everyone he's a prince but the other kids in the village don't
believe him. Eventually he matures and becomes a hardworking,
thoughtful boy. At the end of the book, the boy is reunited with
his father, the king. The king wants to call someone in to add
more logs to the fire, but the prince does it himself and the King
realizes how much his son has grown. I sure hope you can
help me find this book. I've been looking for it for over 30
[same as still unsolved S347]
Prince Bertram the Bad,
1960s. I don't remember this book entirely, but it's
definitely about a badly behaved medieval prince who learns his
HRL: Arnold Lobel's Prince Bertram the Bad (Random
House, 1979) is on the Solved Mysteries page, but I don't think
that's it.
Arnold Lobel's Prince Bertram the Bad (Random House,
1979) has been suggested as a solution, but it is not the book I
am looking for. The boy in the book I'm thinking of is between
10 and 14 years old. The book was definitely published before
S356: Sword in the bed
The phrase appears as " (Some condition or event) was the sword
in the bed which prevented a perfect union....."
Thanx. Looking back, I can see that my request may have arched
an eyebrow. The whole line was uttered by Prof. Chaffee, a
respected law teacher who said "The right to trial by jury was
the sword in the bed which prevented the perfect union of law
and equity." The trouble was that the old coot (I'm 75) didn't
give any footnotes for his line, and subsequent "scholars" have
made a sort of cult-thing of it by whispering behind the
Does the poster want a specific book in
which this happens? It's a standard (at least apocryphally) in
legends about knights and maidens. Most notably, Tristan
and Isolde (Iseult). The sword is placed between the
pair as a symbol that even though sharing a bed, they are not
having sex.
The friendly comment was welcomes. My blessed mother was a
Pennsylvania German lady and I learned a lot back there in
Central Penna. about "Bundling Boards" and "Bundling Bags" (Gee!
Mom, I only ever took one leg out of the bag.) So it all makes
sense. I would appreciate one respectable citation for the sword
story. Thanx.
Literary citations aplenty here
and here.
find references in Norse (Sigurd), German (Siegfried), and even
Roman mythology. For a modern reference, check out GB Shaw's
Candida:III:i--" If I were a hero of old, I should have laid my
drawn sword between us."
S357: Swan woman makes quilt
Solved: The Crane
S358: Snowstorm paralyzes town, magic, grey wolf?
Solved: The Grey King
Solved: Hooray
and Other Easy-to-Read Jingles
S360: Sesame Street
Solved: Big Bird Gets
S361: Short stories
Solved: On We Go
S362: Susan Dawn
I am 47 yrs. old and have been looking for
a book that my mother was reading while pregnant with me.
That's how she got my name, Susan Dawn, who was the heroine in
the story. The book had to be published prior to 1957,
that's the year I was born. Please help me find this
book! My mother has recently passed away and I would
cherish this book.
S363: Siblings Sled into Spooky Party
Solved: The Phantom
Cyclist and other ghost stories
S364: Sparrows church children
Solved: An Episode of
S365: Shark on the beach
Solved: The Shark in
Charlie's Window
S366: Spanish sounding title, mystery, children's book
Solved: The
Secret of Smuggler's Cove
S367: Silver Signet
Solved: The Sapphire
S368: Several bedtime stories in book
The Two Carolines, 1950s. The story I
remember was about a girl named Caroline and described her when
she was bad and when she was good. Possibly in an orange-covered
book. A story my mom used to read to me and my sister - in a
book with several other stories.
Maxwell, Arthur Stanley, Uncle
Arthur's Bedtime Stories:first series. 1927. " A
collection of short tales with Christian moral themes for
children, followed by stories from the life of Jesus. "
Contents: Part 1. Moral lesson stories. Shipwreck -- Preserved
from sickness -- Man who cannot move -- Two Carolines -- Amy's
gift -- Hollow pie -- Wilfred's secret -- Conkers and conquerors
-- Tinker -- Dreamy Dora -- Curious Katie -- Jesus understood.
Part 2. Stories of Jesus. Who was Jesus? -- Blind men of Jericho
-- Homeless leper -- Ungrateful nine -- Little girl who went to
sleep -- Boy who ran away from home -- Attacked by brigands --
Jesus and the children -- When Jesus comes back again. " A
collection of short tales with Christian moral themes for
children, followed by stories from the life of Jesus. "
S369: Separated/Estranged Duckling
mid 1980s or earlier. This book is
about a girl named Julia who finds a duck/duckling who is
separated from his/her fellow duck. Julia has red hair
with pigtails or a pony-tail. Julia takes the duckling in
and takes care of it. At one point, Julia takes the duckling to
school. When her teacher finds out, he/she makes Julia
remove the duckling from the school. Eventually, the duck
is reunited with his/her family of ducks.
Julie And The Duckling. The
book that you are looking for is Julie and the Duckling
by J. Barnabe retold by Jane Carruth illustrated by
Jose-Luis Macias Dauvister
S370: sisters talking on a couch - kids book
Looking for a children's book (from at
least 10 years ago or more) about two or more sisters / aunts
who sat talking and talking (perhaps drinking tea?) on an old
fashioned couch / "davenport". I can still see the
illustrations. I think the couch was upholstered in a
colorful, flower-print fabric.
Regarding my stumper (S370), my wife remembers the plot
somewhat differently. She says that the sisters - or at
least one of them - fell asleep on the couch. The couch
was not colorful she thinks, but a dull gray, as the entire book
was not very colorful (I was probably thinking of a different
favorite book about a mother and girl who saved money to buy a
big easy chair - this one brightly colored). She thinks
the book - a hardcover - was square-ish in shape, maybe 6 by 7
Charlotte Zolotow, pictures by Martha
Alexander, Big Sister and Little Sister.
There is an illustration like that in Big Sister and
Little Sister the two sisters are sitting on the
couch sewing. The couch is definitely kind of
old-fashioned (with long, spindly legs) but it doesn't have
flowered fabric (the illustrations in the book are tinted with
pinks and greens, so it's kind of a grayish-green).
No idea about the original stumper, but the
mother and daughter saving money for a chair, in bright
illustrations, is probably Vera Williams' A CHAIR
S371: Stockholm elephant
Solved: Lillian
S372: Space cat
Solved: Voyage of the
Space Beagle
S373: Storybook from the 1950s
I was born in 1966 and I recall looking at
a story book that contained several stories and a poetry
section. The book had been handed down from my 4 older
siblings. The book was purchased by my father for my
oldest sister who was born in 1957, but I don't know when the
book was actually published. By the time I got the book,
there was no cover. I don't think I could read when I
started looking at the book and I recall my mother reading to
me. Later, after I learned to read, I recall stories and
poems that I actually read or sounded out the words from.
All I can recall are the stories. There were probably
more, but these are the ones I definitely recall. I recall
the illustrations were rather odd. The book
included: The Ugly Duckling, Puss-n-Boots, Rapunzel, Alice
in Wonderland, and a story about a jackyl. The poety
section included: Little Pussy by Jane Taylor, Hiawatha
and a poem about a couple of strange animals - a Chingo-Chee (if
I remember correctly). I'd love to find this book because
I spent many hours pondering it. Do you know where I can
find it or do you have one?
Augusta Baker (Editor), Young Years: Best Loved Stories and Poems for Little
Children, 1960, copyright. The stumper
recalls some fine details. The artwork is definitely pretty
odd. :) "Chingo Chee" is one of the characters
in Laura E. Richard's "The Little Gnome".
S374: singing baby
Solved: Baby
adjusting to stepmother
My first stumper was successfully solved (!), so am taking a
chance on submitting another one, although I have less
distinctive, much more vague information this time around.
This book has haunted me for about 40 years. I read it in
England as a child in either 1965 or 1966, so it could not have
been published any later, possibly early 60's, and I have a
strong sense the author is British. I borrowed it from
the public library, and in my mind's eye I see a hard cover book,
no dust jacket, royal or periwinkle blue in colour. I looked
for it in the public library when we moved to Canada later in
1966, but couldn't find it. The names Lillian, possibly
Diana, a common surname like Smith or Brown keep floating to the
surface. Whether this is the author's name or the heroine's
name I don't know, but hazily it seems as though it could be the
author's. It's unlikely this is a book by the famous
American author Lillian Smith or the Canadian children's librarian
Lillian H. Smith. All I can remember about the story is that
a teenager or pre-teen girl is trying to adapt to life with her
stepmother after her mother's death. There is a sense of
trauma and adjustment. It may be considered a young adult
novel. Although the surnames Brown and Smith pop up in Helen
F. Daringer's "Stepsister Sally", I don't think this is the
one. The tone is different from what I remember, and I'm not
sure that adjusting to a stepsister figured in the book I am
searching for.
Vian Smith, 1960s? Hi, I have
a possible solution for the poster of the stumper of a book
about a stepdaughter adjusting to a stepmother. Book was
by a British author, possible name of Smith, written for young
adults, sense of trauma/adjustment. Could the author be
Vian Smith? Author was British, wrote books geared to
young adults. Sober and beautiful style, lyrical, but
definitely not sentimental writing. I was fortunate enough
to find a library with many of the author's works when I was
young. Mostly horse stories but other issues as well
(workers' rights, the Industrial Revolution, etc.). Do not
recall any with stepdaughter/stepmother challenges but I did not
read all the books. But any of them are highly
recommended- Smith is one of my favorite authors of all time-
too bad all of the books seem to have gone out of print.
Thanks for this tip! It certainly
gives me more to work with, and I can see the possibility of
the link with "Lillian/Diana" and "Vian". I will try to
investigate a stepmother/daughter relationship in one of his
books. I don't remember any horse motif, but maybe that was
part of the story also, and it just doesn't stand out for
me. There is something very distinctive and moving about
the author's style of writing that has obviously stayed with
me for all these years. You're right, I don't think
there was anything sentimental about the story at all.
He sounds like a worthwhile writer to seek out, even if he is
not the author of the book I'm searching for. Two more
very slight clues: this may have been a Reader's Union (a
British book club) version of the book. Another memory that
came to mind is that the stepmother is introduced very early
on in the book, even on the first page or so.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find any
books by Vian Smith that matched what I am looking for, nor
can I come up with any additional information, other than the
name Penny as quite possibly the heroine's name. If
someone is skimming through these archives and has any other
suggestions, they would be much appreciated.
S376: Soldier and girl trapped on island
Solved: The Wings of
the Morning
S377: Small town of 1956
Solved: 365 Bedtime Stories
S378: Stolen horse
Solved: Hobby Horse
S379: Six elemental talismans
Solved: The Dark Is
S380: Snow day home from school
1970s. Very quiet, pastel illustrations about a day spent
snowed indoors. A little boy plays with his toy animals. I
remember an illustration of the animals lined up on the window
sill looking out over a snowy city skyline as the sun starts to go
dowm. Definately not The Snowy Day by Keats.
Eleanor Schick, City in the Winter. Could this be it? Jimmy stays home from
school on a snowy day. His grandmother takes care of him while
his mother goes to work. He sees birds on a nearby rooftop and
feeds them some bread. He makes a barn for his animals out of a
box. They walk to the store for milk but the store is closed.
They come home and make soup to warm up, and are glad when his
mother returns at the end of the day.
S381: seeds of the weed
rabbit or animal party, 1970s-1980s. the hard cover looked
similar to the little bear books by Else Holmelund Minarik.
The story is animals invited to a party or picnid at (rabbit's
bunny's) house and each has to bring their own food. The
bird brings "seeds of the weed."
The Very Best Home For Me.
(illustrated by Garth Williams, I think) I think this is what
you're looking for. It's a Little Golden Book and several
animals (kitten, puppy, rabbit, bird, chick, ?squirrel) all live
together. They take turns cooking and of course most of them
don't like what the others want to eat. They decide to look for
new homes and I think the bird finds one where s/he can eat
"seed of the weed."
The book I am inquiring about has been put after just a few
days on the "solved list." My daughter and I were so, so
excited but after checking closer and researching, we both
agreed this book solution offered , The Very Best Home
For Me, is definitely not it. We both knew
immediately it was not a Little Golden Book and the cover
illustration was definitely not the one.
Asheron, Sara, Will You Come
to My Party? 'The specific information for this book
has been taken off of the internet, so....I had a copy of this
book when I was little, and found a copy for my own son.
But it is no longer in his (much dwindled) collection, as he is
now approaching 16...It is a story of animals all coming
together for a party, each bringing his or her own food -
including "seeds of the weed.")
S382: Sky changes colors, no sun
Solved: Drujienna's
S383: Sheriff and a band of outlaws
Solved: Calico, the
Wonder Horse
S384: Sugar Mouse
Solved: The
Sugar Mouse Cake
S385: Spy How-To Books for Kids
Solved: Good Spy Guide series
S386: Salem witch ghost
Solved: A Cry in the Night
S387: Sleep-head Fred
Sleep-head Fred- this book is from my childhood so I am thinking
it was published in the 60's or early 70's I was born in '75 and I
remember my mom reading it. I think it is a Richard Scarry book
but I am not positive. I remember the pages had lots of characters
and they were all trying to go to the same place a picnic or a
race or something like that. The book showed all different kinds
of ways to get somewhere air, water etc.. there is one page that
shows boats and at the bottom of the page there is a line that
says "sleepyhead Fred the frog overslept and almost missed the
boat" and it shows a frog running to catch the boat. I was hoping
someone can tell me what book this is. I know it is not Cars &
Trucks and Things that Go I have already checked that book. I want
to find it to pass it on to my children.
S388: Space, girl astronaut, aloha
Solved: Countdown for
S389: schnozzle
Solved: Pickle Chiffon
S390: secret dreams and wishes
I want to find a book from my childhood that I thought was titledThe
Land of Secret Dreams and Wishes-- but nothing seems to
exist with those title words. I read it some time between 1963 and
1970 (probably between 1963 and 1966). I found it at the Chicago
Public Library, so it could have been older than that. The child
who was the main character had tell someone, I think a little
gnome-ish man, something he had never told to anyone before, in
order to get into a magical land. I think the book was small and
blue. It had full text pages. I don't remember whether there were
chapters, but it wasn't a picture book.
S391: summer vacation
Solved: Key to the
S392: siamese cat
Solved: Mr. Blue
S393: St. Lawrence River island
Solved: Meanwhile, Back at the Castle
S394: Stuff and Nonsense
a friend of mine (honest!) can't remember most of the details to
find a children's book she would like to see again. it
involves a brother and sister who find a key that eventually leads
them into a fairy kingdom. the prime minister of the kingdom is
upset the children have come in. teh boy's customary refrain
is "stuff and nonsense". apparently there's a rule that once
you have found your way in you have the right to be there.
the children get called home for supper, but they still have the
key and can always go back. my friend, of course, does not
remember the title nor the author.
Check out the description of The
Magic Key on the Solved Stumpers page. It
looks like this could be it.
S395: Sisters in New York (1830-1850's) Shipping Series
Solved: Emmy Keeps a Promise
S396: Santa's smallest elf
I have been looking for a Christmas book for years! I read
it when I was a child, so it would have been in the late 70's or
80's. It was about Santa's smallest elf. It was the
story about how Santa was able to get into a house that didn't
have a chimney. Santa would let the smallest elf go through
the keyhole so he could open the door for Santa. I don't
remember much more than that except for it was hardback and had a
very pretty colorful cover. It wasn't really a cartoon and
the cover wasn't childish. I don't remember the title or the
author. I have googled it for years, but I haven't
been able to find it. I came across your site and was hoping
you could help me find it. Thank you!
S396 is not Little Golden The
littlest Christmas elf by Nancy Buss
Knigge, Robert Knigge, Sally King Brewe, Silver Spurs,
Santa's Smallest Brightest Elf (1978) Silver Spurs,
Santa's Smallest Brightest Elf, by R. Knigge, Robert Knigge, Sally
King Brewer Publisher: Knollwood Pub Age
Level: Ages 9 - 12 ISBN: 0915614014
S397: Selfish and spoiled prince
Solved: Star Child
S398: Sisters
I read this teen romance about 30+ years
ago. It was about two sisters, one of whom was very beautiful
but mentally handicapped. The other sister had to watch out for
her which interfered with her relationship with a boyfriend.
Johnston, Norma, Of Time and Of
Seasons. This book
takes place around the time of the Civil War. Bridget has
several siblings, and her older sister is mentally
challenged. I think she (the sister) gets raped by a gang
of hillbilly type brothers and ends up pregnant. A family
friend (?) is in love with her and offers to marry her so her
baby will have a father. Bridget has lots of
teenage/growing up angst, and feels like the ordinary child
among all her talented siblings, but at the end she realizes she
has a talent for acting.
Vera and Bill Cleaver, Where the
Lilies Bloom or Me Too.
If it's a book about a family of kids trying to survive in their
mountain home after their father's death (and not let on that
their father has died), it could be Where the Lilies
Bloom. Maybe. But there's also Me Too, also by the
Cleavers. "Left to look after her retarded twin for a
whole summer, Lydia determines to be the one to really change
S398 I just skimmed a lot of Where
the lilies bloom, and I doubt that it is it.
Caroline Crane, A Girl Like Tracy. Another possibility might be Pamela
Reynolds: A Different Kind of Sister.
S399: Stick Figure Childrens Drawing book
Solved: Make a
S400: Saber toothed tiger is in charge of keeping the fire
for her people
Solved: Ratha's
S401: sampler, gold beads
Solved: The
Treasure in the Little Trunk
I am looking for any books published prior
to 1982 where Santa Claus has a child or children.
S403: Scary Children's Stories w/ Wheelbarrow Story early
This is a long shot but I have been trying
for YEARS to remember the name of this children's book. It does
have illustrations but it's not an illustration-heavy
book. It is a collection of scary stories. It is NOT the
"In a Dark Room" and "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" series
by Alvin Schwartz. The book I am thinking of came out much
earlier than that. I remember getting this book at my elementary
school library which would have been around 1979-1982. The
name had something to do with either the 11:00 hour or the 12:00
hour. And it's not the book "The Eleventh Hour." Something
indicating the hour between 11 or 12 or that when it was
midnight bad things happen. Like "Half Past Eleven" or something
like that. The cover was greenish. There was an
illustration for every story. The drawings were black and
white. The one story/picture I totally remember was
something about a wheelbarrow....the picture was of a stranded
wheelbarrow on the side of a road/in a ditch....very eerie. It
was either haunted and/or used to haul bodies(?) or
something... I think the cover had a drawing of a cabin in
the woods, and when that "witching hour" came near, the
monsters/bad people ascended....this was also a short story in
the book. Any ideas?? This wasn't a funny/scary book at
all. It was scary/scary! And it was pocket-book sized, not
big like a picture book. I think it was hardcover, but that
shouldn't matter...
C. B. Colby, Strangely Enough!,
1967, reprint. I don't know if this is
the correct book but parts of the description remind me of
it. It's a small paperback and the cover is
greenish. There are trees and a weird looking man running
on the cover. It is a collection of stories:
unsolved mysteries, ghosts, eerie happenings, etc. Most
(but not all) of the stories are accompanied by black and white
illustrations. I looked for a story about a wheelbarrow
but didn't find one. However, the copy I have is abridged.
S404: Shy or bashful chum
In third grade (circa 1974) a classmate and
I acted out a rhyming story (or poem?) and all I remember is
this famous line: "Don't be shy or bashful chum there's plenty
more where that came from." I think the main characters were two
S405: stranger with flowers behind his back
I read it to my daughter between 1973 and
1984. It was a hardback children's book about
strangers. I'd say it was a picture book, with a mostly
white cover and watercolor-like illustrations. The point
was that you can't judge a person by what you see. A nice
looking person can have a club behind his back, and a nasty
looking person can have flowers behind his back. It wasn't
scary, and it encouraged talk about strangers.
S406: Seagull
I have been trying so hard for a few years
to find a certain book from my childhood in the early
'50's. I am desperate (well, that's ''desperate'', anyway)
to get my hands on this beautiful book and haven't had any
luck. It was a thin, medium-large format hard-bound book
with gorgeous illustrations - maybe watercolors - which was what
made the deepest impression on the young me. The subject
was a beautiful, realistic-looking white seagull (nothing
cartoonish about these illustrations) who maybe comandeered a
sailboat and got animal/bird friends to go with him to sea for
an adventure of some kind. I would be so grateful if you
could help me!
perhaps Seabird by Holling C. Holling?
Robert McCloskey, Burt Dow:
Deep Water Man.
Longshot. The giggling gull and Burt go fishing and help a
whale who needs a bandage. It does have fabulous
illustrations -- very colorful.
S407: Small Town Kid Detective Series
Solved: Homer Price
S408: salt sandwich
Solved: The Rainbow
Dress and Other Tollush Tales
S409: Serial killer and playing cards
I am looking for the title of a novel for adults. I read it
20-25 years ago. It involves the search for a serial killer
who leaves a playing card with each victim. His intention is
to go through the entire deck, but I believe he only gets through
most of one suit. I don't even know if this was a good book,
but most of the members of my family have read it and also can't
remember the title. We have all commented, however, that
when we see the title of Elmore Leonard's 52 Pick-up, we do a
double-take, thinking for a moment that that is the book. Can
anyone out there help me?
This is a very long shot, but Patricia
Cornwell's All That Remains featured a serial
killer who left a playing card by his victims' bodies. But
I believe it is always the jack of hearts that he leaves behind,
and also the book was published in 1992, so this is probably not
the right book, but I just thought I would suggest it as a
S410: State capitals
Solved: Ready, Set,
S411: Sally
When I was younger I read a book my parents had in their
bookcase. All I remember was that it was about a young girl,
probably from some money, who used to travel with her nanny or
governess on Sunday to visit a family that the lady was friends
with. I don't remember if they were a relation to the house
keeper, nanny, governess. . . They would travel on a train,
I think. At the other house there was a young boy.
They eventually grew up, but fell in love and married. The
housekeeper, nanny, governess watched them go off on their
honeymoon from the house where the girl grew up. I must have read
this sometime in late 60's or early 70's. I was born in
1961. I can remember the feel of the 50's or something in
that book, because the girl was very protected by her nanny.
It seemed a very innocent and sweet story. . I
thought the book was Marjorie Morningstar, because we used to have
that book and I loaned it out and it never cam home. I ended
up buying that book (loved it again) but it was not the book I
remembered. I think the girl's name was Sally. I don't
remember much more than that. But I loved it! I
chanced upon your website last night and was so happy that I might
find my long-lost book's title!
S412: Switch dog's brain with mouse's
This is a book I read in elementary school (I think the 2d grade,
so about that reading level and that also means I read it in
around 1976, which means it had to be written before then,
obviously). It was about a mad scientist (or wizard/magician?) who
wanted to replace the boy's brain with a dog's brain or a mouse's
brain, or maybe both. I think he actually did switch the dog's
brain, but the boy escaped before he switched the boy's
brain. I think the dog's name was Spot, and I think he was a
drawn as a little yellow dog. I think the drawings were sort
of Judith Viorstish (or I could just be superimposing When I'm
Six, I'll Fix Anthony onto this book since I also really liked
that one at the time). I think the subject book was set in a
candy store. I also remember one particular illustration of
the dog (or mouse and dog) on a laboratory table with
frankensteinish equipment on its head.
I can't remember if it's the first or
second book, but it's one of Scott Corbett's books about
Dr. Merlin, either DR. MERLIN'S MAGIC SHOP or THE
Merlin tries to swap out the brain of Nick's dog, but somehow
they trick him and he swaps the brain of his own vicious
dog.~from a librarian
S413: scarf on antenna as signal
Solved: Take Me
to My Friend
School reader about tree
SOLVED: Arthur I Gates,
Miriam Blanton Huber, Frank Seely Salisbury, Two Boys and a Tree, 1951.
S415: Stumpy Boy made of wood turns evil collection of
This book is a collection of short stories
published in the 80's (I think) All of the stories are quite
disturbing but one really stands out about a couple who couldn't
have children so the husband who is a woodcutter makes a baby
out of a tree stump and calls him stumpy. My memory is quite
vague but I think the child constantly eats. I know the child
eventually turns evil. I can't remember the ending either he
gets burnt on a fire or kills his parents. The book contained
other stories from around the world and all of which were quite
unusual. Has anyone got an idea of what this book could be?
I do not know the name of the anthology,
but the story is of a Czech fable called Little Otik.
There was a cool but disturbing film made by Jan Svankmajar in
I can't help with the anthology, but I can
tell you that the story of the wood stump child is a Czech
folktale. In 2000, it was made into a Czech language movie
called "Otesanek", retitled "Little Otik" for
English audiences. I can also tell you that someone else
is looking for this book: see unsolved stumper S328.
Erben, Karel Jaromir, Tales from
Bohemia. This may
or may not be the book that you're looking for. According to the
internet the film "Little Otik" was based on a book written by Karel
Jaromir Erben. Erben's Tales from Bohemia is
described as a children's book of Czech folklore. I wasn't able
to find out whether it contains the "Little Otik" story or not,
but it may be worth looking into.
S416: Set begins with The Firebird
I have been looking for years for a book
containing stories-they may have all been fairy tales-but the
first story in the book was the Russian tale about the firebird
and the Horse of Power. It was a small hardcover book, I'm
pretty sure it was part of set, the others may have included the
Bobbsey twins and Little Women. The cover was gone when I had it
as a child (that would have been in the '70s-early '80s) and
there were fluer-de-leis on the inside of the back cover. It had
the most beautiful illustrations I ever saw, one was of the
Horse of Power standing with his foot on the wing of the
Firebird. Thanks!
Janet Higonnet-Schnopper (editor), Tales
from atop a Russian stove, 1973. This is a
medium-long shot: the mention of the inside cover design and
fact same publisher did LITTLE WOMEN and some BOBBSEY TWIN books
around same time makes it pretty certain this was a Whitman
Publishing Co. Book. Searching library database WorldCat
for firebird as a keyword and Whitman as publisher,
I found this. But: "The Firebird" is not the first story
in the book, and this Whitman is given as based in Chicago,
while the "classic" Whitman books were published in Racine,
Wisconsin. So, as I said, a longshot: Title: Tales
from atop a Russian stove. Author(s): Higonnet-Schnopper,
Janet, comp. Publication: Chicago, A. Whitman
Year: 1973 Description: 160 p. illus. 22 cm. Language:
English Contents: pt. 1: Of craft and cunning. The
soldier's fur coat.--If you don't like it, don't listen.--Who'll
wash the porridge pot?--Anfy and his landlord.--The clever
soldier and the stingy woman.--Not bad-but it could be
better.--Hungry-for-battle.--The peasant, the bear, and the
fox.--The cat and the she-fox. pt. 2: Of heroes and heroines.
The firebird.--Daughter and stepdaughter.--A red, ripe apple, a
golden sauser.--Alyosha Popovich.--Vasilisa and prince Vladimir.
Tales -- Russia. Folklore -- Russia.
Arthur Ransome, Old Peter's Russian
Tales, 1916.
Dmitri Mitrokhan, Illustrator. I'm 99% sure this is the right
book, but I don't have a copy to verify... but I'm very certain
the described artwork (Horse standing on Firebird wings) is in
this book.
I'm not the original poster, but the
original description reminded me of a book I had in childhood
(complete with the fleur-de-lys pattern on the endpapers), and
would like to find because of the great impact the story of the
Firebird and its illustrations made on me. It is not Old
Peter's Russian Tales. I'd never run across
any of the other stories in that until adulthood when I picked
up a copy because it was the only one I could find that had the
'proper' Firebird story. (there are two famous Firebird
stories, and I kept finding the other one). It might be
the other compilation, although I would have sworn it was in our
house earlier than the '70s. More like middle '60s.
hoping this helps sort of at least.
Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it. I'm
pretty sure it's not Peter's Russian Tales. I'm ordering
the Whitman one to make sure, but I think it was a thicker book,
and had a story about a glass cat. The Bobbsey Twins and
Heidi covers in the same series look awfully familiar
though! Just wish the cover wasn't ripped off my original!
Thanks so very much!
S417: Series of books about boy scientist who lives at
Solved: Danny Dunn
S418: Stone wall near pond
Hi, This is a childrens book (age 9-12?) about a child that
drowned in a pond and has left a clue (maybe a secret) in a stone
wall. You have to move a stone to find it. I want to say the girl
looking for the thing in the wall just moved there.
Wylly Folk St. John, The Ghost Next
Door, 1971. If
you remember an owl, then this it! See Solved Mysteries.
#S418: Stone wall near pond sounds
similar to an incident in The Ghost Next Door, by
Wylly Folk St. John. Miranda did, indeed, drown in
the pond, but the clue left under bricks nearby was a false,
planted one. The real clue turned up elsewhere.
Wylly Folk St. John, The Ghost Next
Door, 1971. If
the drowned girl was named Miranda, and the hidden item was a
cement owl "with love in its eyes" made by Miranda and her Aunt
Judith, then this is The Ghost Next Door.
Other characters you may remember are Sherry, who is Miranda's
half sister but never knew that her father once had another
child and the two neighbor girls, Lindsey and Tammy.
Another thing that has always stuck in my head was that they
dyed flowers by putting food coloring in the water. Great
S419: Suburban Couple
I probably read this book in the early 70's. I think it was a
Crime Library or Red Mask title--a cheap book club edition. It was
about a suburban couple with money problems who got caught up in a
crime nightmare. It opened with the wife picking the man up at the
train station. Somehow she had come into possession of some
valuable jewels. The husband wanted to turn them over to the
police, but the wife wanted to sell them. The crooks to whom the
jewels belong start to come after them. I remember there was one
scene where the husband watched through the window as his naked
wife draped her body in the jewels.
S420: Silas Marner referred to?
There was a book that I read as a teenager that referred to the
novel Silas Marner throughout the story. Does anyone have any
recollection of this? Thanks so much!
Bel Kaufman, Up The Down Staircase, 1964, approximately. Silas Marner
is referred to fairly often in this book, which deals with a
young teacher's first year in a New York City high school.
S421: School with no 13th floor
Solved: Sideways Stories from Wayside School
S422: Spacecraft religion
Solved: Orphans of the
S423: Scottish Loch Legend of Fiona
Solved: Deadly Sleep
S424: Stolen jewel
I was hoping you might be able to identify a
childrens/young-adult book that I read in the 1970s and enjoyed
very much at the time, but remember very little of it now. I
would like to read it again if I could possibly identify it--I
can't remember the title or author. Here's what I remember:
the protaganist is a girl, teen-aged at the time, who gets
involved in some type of mystery/spying incident involving a
stolen jewel or other valuable object that she ends up in
possession of. I recall that she had a best friend (a girl)
who was helping her and her older brother was also a main
character, I remember him being very involved in science
experiments that in some way were significant to the outcome of
the plot. I believe they traveled to a tropical island for a
reason, and I think there were at least two books in the series
with these characters. The book(s) would have been written between
1960-1980. One episode I recall is that the two girls
were traveling, with one suspecting the other had gotten
possession of the jewel/valuable object. She engaged the
other in a word-association game, and as a result the other girl
inadvertently revealed she had the jewel/object. I read
those books when I was a kid and borrowed them from my sister, who
doesn't recall which books they were. I've tried different
searches on the internet to try to find it but have been
unsuccessful. The closest I got was "The Westing Game", but
that wasn't the book I was thinking of. Anything you could do to
assist would be most helpful.
I don't know the book, from description
(1960s series of several books with young female protagonists),
I suspect it's listed in the large GIRLS' SERIES BOOKS: A
CHECKLIST OF TITLES PUBLISHED 1840-1991 that's online
here. Lot of possibilities, but maybe requestor will
Julie Campbell, Trixie Belden:
The Gatehouse Mystery,1951.
This is a stretch, but it might be the book you're looking
for. Trixie & her best friend Honey end up with a
valuable diamond, which they plan to keep safe until they can
solve the mystery themselves. At one point in the story
the diamond is hidden in a pincushion, but because they don't
want Trixie's little brother to know about it, they speak in
puns to figure out who has it. However, although Trixie has an
older brother who likes to use long words, I don't remember
anything about science experiments or tropical island visits
... There are several books in this series, which went
through a number of reprints.
Could this be one of the Phyllis Whitney
mysteries? They were published in the late 70s/80s and the
premise sounds very like one of hers.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I checked
those books and they are not the ones. It doesn't seem
that it's a Phyllis Whitney book. One additional detail
that I remember is that the brother was really tall, and that
was referenced throughout the book, and I think in the second
book the girl's friend and the girl's brother got involved
romantically by the end.
Caroline baxter, The Stolen Telesm.
Written in the 70's about a brother & sister and a stolen
"jewel" type thing with a winged horse.
S425: Shhh! It's a Secret
Solved: Shhhhh, It's a
S426: Sister's mail stealing hinders Western girl romance
This is a book about a young woman (older
teen?) who is traveling West with her family and others.
Her father (kind of a lazy ne'er do well) has always favoured
her younger sister (beautiful, spoiled, and perhaps more
fragile.) Both sisters are interested in a young man who is also
traveling with the group. The father convinces the older sister
to work in a frontier "inn",(perhaps a primative B&B) and to
send him the wages. (He may have actually "sold" her labor
without her inital agreement.) She does so, working
slavishly, putting up with the annoying son of the
innkeepers, and considers a romance with a snobbish
Englishman. But her heart is really with the young man,
who seemed to return her feelings. But she has heard no
word from him. She writes letter after letter to him,yet
never mails any, because it was not proper for young ladies to
initiate correspondence. Finally, after taunting from the
innkeeper's son,who has rifled through her personal things,
including her letters, she mails one of the letters in defiance,
but has immediate misgivings. To her astonishment, the
young man she has been longing for reappears, wanting to marry
her. He had been sending her letter after letter, although
she never received any. Apparently, the younger
sister, as postmistress (or helper of such) of a new settlement
had stolen the outgoing letters, hoping the young man would
finally return her affections. The young man convinces the
older sister that she has worked long enough for her
father, (indeed she had stayed beyond the original amount of
time agreed upon, seeing little if any money for her labours),
and even gets the girl's father to agree. I would date this book
to the early 60's, perhaps? I had borrowed it regularly
from the Bethlehem (NY) Public Library in the early 1990's,
until it was pulled from the shelves. I don't believe the
author's last name began with a "J" or anything earlier than
that in the alphabet, based on where I belive it stood on the
shelf. Thanks so much for anything anyone remembers, or
can do. I stumbled upon this site accidentally (while
doing a book search - of all things!) and am very grateful
it exists. What a wonderful idea!!
Jude Deveraux, Wishes. Not a childrens or teen book, but your
description sounds very similar to the plot line of Jude
Deveraux's, Wishes, which was first published in
the early 90s I believe.
s426 is definitely NOT Wishes, which
has nothing to do with traveling or working in an inn but rather
is a Cinderella-esque story complete with "fairy"
S427: Scottish Island Merman
Solved: A Stranger Came
S428: Spooky
Solved: The Witchy
S429: Space disease
Solved: Holding Wonder
S430: summertime birthday
Solved: Becky's
S431: Siamese Cat
I'm trying to locate a book that my Wife
told me she read when she was a girl (approximately 1955). The
only things she remembers are that a girl had a Siamese Cat and
the cat slept in the girl's doll house. Help!!!
S431 I'm pretty sure that this is one
of the books by Flora Gill Jacobs, possibly THE
There is a Siamese cat in these books, and the cat is shown on
the front cover of both books.~from a librarian
Flora Gill Jacobs, The Doll House
Mystery, 1958,
approximately. This book features a Siamese cat that
disturbs the furniture in the dollhouse (based on the author's
cat Annie) and the publication date fits. My copy has a
red dustjacket, but it's probably a later reprint.
S432: Sisters Glass
Stagecoach Imaginary Travel
Solved: The Silver
S433: Scenes from different windows
I remember having a wordless childrens book
in the 80s that consisted of scenes from differnt windows on
each page. One scene in particular I rememeber is of a
goat on the side of a mountain and another was a farm scene from
inside a house where carrots were being cut up.
Corbett, Grahame, Watching at the
window, 1984.
This book is described as a "look-through book" however I'm
unable to find any further details about it.
S434: Snowbound on Indian Reservation
Solved: Snowbound in
Hidden Valley
swollows egg and ties himself in knot in tree
Solved: The Crows of
S436: Sci-fi book Ganymede Gus
When I was about 8 years old (circa 1968) I
read a lot of juvenile science fiction books from the local
library. One of them had a character named "Ganymede
Gus". I have not been able to locate what book it was or
who wrote it. My guess is it was probably written in the
Lester Del Ray, Outpost of Jupiter.This at least takes place on Ganymede!
SOLVED: Milton Lesser, Earthbound, 1952. Finally
ran this down via a search that turned up a hit at Google
Books! Took several years to find it, but at least I
wasn't imagining it!
S437: Sci-fi Hardcover Comic/Illustrated
Solved: The Trigan Empire
S438: Sci-fi book with an Invisible blade
Solved: Heroes
of Zara Keep
S439: Seventies era childrens religious picture book
Solved: Illustrated
Bible Stories
S440: sisters (3)
Solved: Three Blondes
in a Honda
S441: short stories for adolescents, late 1970's
Thin paperback (dark cover?) full of short
stories. One I remember is a science fiction piece about a
boy who buys what turns out to be a magic pencil from a man on
the street. Another entry details the similarities between
Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy and their presidencies. I
read this little book in the late 70's and remember that I
couldn't do a book report on it because it wasn't a novel.
But it was a quirky assortment of stories that kept me
S442: Southern setting, paper mill, Bishop family
Looking for a YA novel whose name I can't
recall, but whose cover proclaimed "Formerly 'The Bishops Rule.'
It was told from the perspective of a pre-teen girl whose father
had left his powerful paper-mill-owning family (the Bishops) to
marry a wrong-side-of-the-tracks girl. Both had died and the
girl was returned to live with her disapproving grandmother and
kind but passive grandfather. A maternal aunt was present as
well. The girl's Uncle Mason is a handsome young charmer who she
loves, but he too falls for a poor girl (Zelda?) (who he
makes pregnant) and dies in a freak accident while in the
military service. At the novel's end the young girl is realizing
that she and this illegitimate baby are carrying on the Bishop
name. Memorable scene: Narrator and a friend smoke "rabbit
tobacco" in hand-rolled cigarettes.
S443: Secret, Surprise, or Hidden Island
Solved: Invisible
S444: Skinny Caveman
This book dates to the mid 1960s, and I
read it in 2nd grade in 1967... I do not know the title or
author. The book was paperback, probably not more than 50
pages or so, and possibly one of a series of paperback books
(but the others were not about cavemen). The story was
about a skinny caveman and how he used his brains rather than
his brawn to survive. For example, to eat, the typical
(chunky) caveman bonked the mammoth with his club; the skinny
caveman designed and built a cage to capture. The typical
caveman drug the mammoth home with brute strength; the skinny
caveman designed and built a cart to do this. The typical
caveman got a cavewoman by bonking her on the head and dragging
her home by the hair; the skinny caveman got a (skinny)
cavewoman by other means (or maybe she got him???). That's
the story as I remember it. I appreciate your help in locating
this. Thanks
Since no-one else has sent an answer, I
suggest looking at STANLEY by Syd Hoff,
1962. It's about a caveman who does things differently and comes
with better ways to live. It's an easy
reader book~from a librarian
S445: Short stories about tattooed man and Guy that walks
out of his body
Solved: The Illustrated
Solved: Welcome to the
Monkey House
S446: Scottie-type Dog, Adventure, Gardens
don't have much to go on here but... This is a picture book, with
full page, rich color illustrations (the ones I remember
anyway). That makes me think is was not a '60's or '70's
book, but I'm positive it was published no later than the mid
'80's. I remember that the dog was a black scottie type dog
who was somewhere without his owner. He at some point walked
though either a formal topiary garden, or a row of conifer-type
trees that had the distinctive triangular shape. I can't
remember what he was looking for. I do think there may have
been an large estate type home or maybe some statuary at some
point in the story. Sorry I can't remember more!
Angus and the Ducks. If
it could have been a hedge instead, it might have been Angus and
the Ducks. Don't remember it having the full-colour
illustrations, though.
Van Allsburg, Chris, The Garden of
Abdul Gasazi.
(1979) This doesn't match your recollections completely,
but conical topiary trees in a formal garden and little dog are
on the cover of this book from the same time period. Grand
estate and statuary also figure in the story.
Here's a guess: Angus Lost,
written by Marjorie Flack (1931)
I don't know if any of these is the correct
solution, but the stumper requester might want to examine the Angus
stories written and illustrated by Marjorie
Flack: Angus and the Ducks (1931) Angus
and the Cat (1931) and Angus Lost
(1932). These are colorful illustrated books about a
little black scottie dog, and they have been reprinted numerous
times. Another set of books with beautiful, full color
illustrations is the McDuff series written by Rosemary
Wells and illustrated by Susan Jeffers, but that scottie
dog is white, not black, and the books may be too recent.
Although the drawings have a vintage (pre 1960s)look, the series
started in 1997. Still, these are worth examining because
one book in the series, McDuff Goes to School, features a black
scottie! The series includes: McDuff Moves In (1997)
McDuff Comes Home (1997) McDuff and the Baby (1997) McDuff's New
Friend (1998) [reprinted in 2005 as Mc Duff's Christmas] McDuff
Goes to School (2001)McDuff Saves the Day (2002) McDuff's Hide
and Seek (2004) and McDuff's Wild Romp (2005).
If you're sure you're looking for a black
scottie and brightly colored pictures, then The Garden of
Abdul Gasazi by Chris Van Allsburg is
probably not the book you're looking for. While it
features a topiary garden, the illustrations are black and
white, and the dog is a white bull terrier with a black patch on
its left eye.
S447: Soap bar adventure
1956, a small picture book- smaller than a Golden Book but with
the same kind of cardboard cover. It told a tale of a boy
and a girl(the girl had curly hair-brown- and I think the boy was
blonde who had an adventure on a bar of soap. The soap bubble had
a makeshift sail. They sailed off and visited various colorful
animals. there was a soap bubble in one scene and a patchwork
elephant- pink squares (I think) in another scene. I think
there was also a yellow giraffe. The animals were drawn like
stuffed animals that were alive. I remember my father reading this
to me and I had to be 3 or 4...so it was in 1957 or 58. My
father died in the fall of 58 and I kept the book for a long time
but I did eventually lose it (I think my mother threw it out or
gave it away!) when I was 10 or 12. I have been searching for it
ever since in any used book store or antique store I go in.
Sam Reavin, Hurray for
Captain Jane!, 1971. I know that the date is wrong,
but it might be worth looking into Hurray for Captain Jane,
published by Parent's Magazine Press in 1971. Perhaps this
is a reprint of an earlier story? It tells the fanciful
bathtub adventure of a little girl who gets to be the captain of
her own ship, after she receives some black jelly beans, a
buoyant bar of soap, and a wax-paper sailor's hat at a birthday
party. On board the ship with her are another girl (Kate,
Seawoman First Class) and a sailor who looks just like Jane's
brother, Simon.
S448: Serendipity
1970-1973, This book is about a fantastic creature who had
different body parts acquired from various insects, birds, and
animals, he had wings, and also had an umbrella and possibly a top
hat. The book was beautifully illustrated in great detail. The
cover was white with a picture of the "serendipity" creature. The
book was large, atleast 9"x12", but the spine was thin. I checked
this book out from my grade school library (a Chicago Public
School -Peterson Elementary)in the early 1970's. The story has the
creature interacting with the different animal kingdoms (insects,
birds, reptiles, mamals) and acquiring their distinctive features.
My memory of the highly detailed and colorful drawings is more
vivid than the plot line.
Eric Carle, The Mixed-Up Chameleon. (1975) This is definitely the book
you're looking for! The chameleon visits a zoo, and
concludes that he is small, slow and weak. He wishes to
acquire the positive attributes of the animals he sees, and his
appearance changes as he describes each desirable trait.
By the end of the book, he is big and white like a polar bear,
and has a flamingo's wings, fox's tail, fish's fins, deer's
antlers, giraffe's neck, turtle's shell, elephant's head, seal's
flippers, man's derby hat, and woman's umbrella. Please
note that there are two versions of this book! The current
and most widely available version has the cut tissue collage
illustrations that are Eric Carle's trademark. There is an
older version, however, that is hand drawn and colored in a wild
and scribbly style. This is the version you're looking
for. The book was originally published in 1975, then
reissued in 1984 with the current illustrations. I've done
a pretty extensive online image search, but can't find a copy of
the older version, or even a cover picture from it! Good
luck finding it!
Here is a little more information about the
Mixed-Up Chameleon from the Official Eric Carle
website. When the new edition was issued in 1984,
"Carle...replaced the heavy-lined, childlike, scrawled colors
with crisp, appealing collages and...streamlined the text....For
example, where the 1975 edition read, “If I could be like a fox,
then I would be smart. Instantly it had a fox’s fluffy red
tail.” Now it simply says, “I wish I could be smart like a fox,”
with the illustrations showing the fluffy red tail.
The title of the book used the word
Serendipity or some derivation of it. Thanks for your
suggestion of The Crazy Mixed Up Cameleon, but, I am
familiar with it and that is not the book that am trying to
Cosgrove, Stephan, Serendipity Books. I suggest you look at the books Stephan
Cosgrove wrote for children called Serendipity Books. I have
never read all of them but I remember they always featured the
symbol of a dragonish sea creature named Serendipity and the
words 'A Serendipity Book' on the title page inside the cover.
Serindipity was maroon with green eyes and spikes, had a flipper
tail, and looked friendly.
Selfish creature turns blue
I'm trying to remember the name of a children's book that was
read to me in the second grade (1985). It was a picture book and
it featured green, furry forest creatures that gave gifts to one
another. One day, a creature decided to accept a gift but not give
one in return, and if memory serves me, it then turned blue. The
creature that did not receive a reciprical gift was hurt and
followed the example of the other creature. Eventually the whole
colony was corrupt. The moral was essentially that one bad apple
can spoil a bunch, or that you should continue to do good to those
that don't recipricate (or do you harm).
Steiner, Claude, The Warm Fuzzy Tale. Not all of the details match, but the
general gist of the story sounds a lot like the Warm Fuzzy Tale.
Sam the lion primer readers
I learned to read with these in the 1970's. They are a set of
yellow primers/early readers and had adventures of Sam the Lion
and Sis the snake.
This may be the Reading for All Learners Program (RALP), which
was originally known as the Beginning Reading Program developed by
the Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and
Development (SWRL). The SWRL program was initially released in
1972. I think the primers you're looking for are the Little
Books on their website. They also have Sam the Lion and Sis
the Snake handpuppets on this page.
Space doctor
This is a science fiction book I read many
years ago. It was about a group of doctors who traveled on
a spaceship bringing medicine to various planets. The main
character was one of the doctors, but he wasn't a human and
faced prejudice from the head doctor. They go to a planet
where they treat some ape like creatures infected with a strange
virus. They figure out that the virus is actually the
intelligent creature asking for help not the apes. At the
end the non human doctor does a heart transplant on the
head doctor saving his life and ending the prejudice. I
hope you can help me find this book. Thanks.
James White. This sounds very
much like one of James White's many books about Sector General,
a hospital space station staffed by members of numerous
intelligent species.
Alan Nourse, Star Surgeon. Aha! My James White guess
was incorrect. It's Star Surgeon, by Alan Nourse, who also wrote
several books with medical themes.
Alan Nourse, Star Surgeon. As someone has already pointed out, this
is Nourse's STAR SURGEON. Of possible further interest --
copyright wasn't renewed on the book and it fell into public
domain so the full text is available online.
Shrunken houses
Solved: Mindy's
Mysterious Miniature
Special beds
What I am looking for is a short story that
my mom used to read to me as a child. It may have been out
of a magazine or storybook- I cannot recall. The subject
of the story was different kinds of special beds that children
could have. One was a tank bed (like a military tank) that
travelled throughout the night as the child slept within.
Another was a bed with a peanut butter and jelly pillow for the
late night snacker. This was around the late 70's or early
80's and as I said it may have been a story in a magazine like
Parenting or Mccall's. For whatever reason this story has
stuck with me and I would love to read it to my kids,
unfortunately until now my search has come up short.
Hopefully you can help-this is really a neat website. I
thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Sylvia Plath, The Bed Book.
Spaceship book
My brother and I received a book, probably
around 1980, containing beautiful illustrations of alien
spaceships. May of the ships resembled bugs and insects as I
recall. Each ship included detailed descriptions and
specifications. We could be entertained for hours with this
book. I'd love to find out what the title is and find a copy for
my kids. Thanks.
Stewart Cowley, Spacecraft
2000-2100, A.D. (1978)
Just a suggestion.
Harry Harrison and Malcolm Edwards, Spacecraft
in Fact and Fiction.
(1979) I suspect it's this one -- cover art is online
here if that might confirm it.
Second bathtub in Yamhill County
Solved: Emily's Runaway Imagination
Summer holidays, children with number names
I'm looking for a children's book I read in the mid 1970s -
before 1977 - in England. The story was about a boy (possibly
called Martin) who was lonely until a family came to live nearby
(possibly on a boat) The children in the family (either three or
four of them, I think four, and some were twins) were all called
by number nicknames. I forget exactly what form these took but I
think Three was Troy. The children spend a summer having fun
together and at the end of the holidays, the lonely boy is asked
to become an honorary member of their family with the nickname
Quin. It was a hardback copy with white cover with blue and green
line drawn illustrations on it. Hope you can help!
Seashells, silver balls, Mrs. Sampshire
I am looking for a book of "modern fantasy stories" for children
probably published around 1950-1960. One of the stories was
about a much-abused girl who wanted to be a ballerina and was
discouraged from even trying. She was, however, an amazing
jump rope artist. She encounters a magical creature at the
beach called Mrs.Samphire who teaches her a spell to use when she
is most desperate, that has the components "seashells, silver
balls" in it. All then promptly goes pear-shaped for the
child who runs to the beach in tears to use the spell, breaking
the handles of her beloved jump rope for the silver ball-bearings.
Another story in this book concerned a little girl who is
dangerously ill and menaced in dreams by a snake. She
encounters an old man with a mongoose in a park; the mongoose
eventually saves the day, tearing to bits a beaded snake that
somehow was connected magically to the snake in her dream that was
making her ill.
Aiken, Joan. I know that both
these short stories are by Joan Aiken - I especially remember
the one with the beaded snake. The problem is that she is a very
prolific writer, and there are MANY collections of her short
stories - I don't know which collection these are in. There is a
list of all her collections as well as her other works
Joan Aiken, More than you bargained
for. The short
stories described are Nutshells, Seashells is the story about
the girl with a skipping rope Mrs Samphire is in Pigeon
Cake for Mrs Samphire and the snake is in More Than You
Bargained For. These were all published in a collection
called More Than You Bargained For, later reprinted in another
collection called All But a Few.
Joan Aiken, More Than You Bargained
For. (1955) This
collection includes "Nutshells, Seashells" and "Pigeon Cake for
Mrs. Samphire." I can't remember which story may include the
snake. The stories were later reprinted in "Not What You
Expected" and in "All But a Few.
Sweet named puppies
Solved: Mr. Moggs' Dogs
Sensitive girl has ESP
Weekly reader book, late sixties or early
seventies. Girl is very sensitive, feels awkward compared
to siblings and classmates. She has abilities that she
can't understand. Her parents may separate or divorce in
the story. She finally comes to accept her ESP (this was
the first time I'd ever heard that term) and to view it as a
good thing when she allows it to lead her and others out into a
blnding storm on the water to rescue someone. Seems as
though her name was Miranda or Myra or something similar.
Think it was a paperback.
Lois Duncan (author), A Gift
of Magic. The girl's name is Nancy. Her
grandmother gave her the gift of magic, her sister Kirby the
gift of dance, and her brother Brendon the gift of music.
The parents to divorce and Nancy uses her gift to find Brendon
and his friend who have drifted out to sea in a homemade boat.
Lois Duncan (author), A Gift
of Magic. I think this is the book you're
looking for. Nancy's sister Kirby has a gift for dance,
but Nancy wonders why she doesn't have a special gift
herself. Then she starts to know what other people are
thinking, or what's going to happen before it does, but she
doesn't believe it. Her parents are newly divorced and her
mom is starting to see other men, which really bothers
Nancy. Little brother Brandon takes off in a small boat
during a storm, and Nancy's ESP helps them find and rescue him.
Zoa Sherburne (author), The
Girl Who Knew Tomorrow. I am absolutely certain this
is a Zoa Sherburne book--my best friend has all of them (they
were her mother's). I can't give a title for certain,
Willo Davis Roberts (author), The
Girl with the Silver Eyes. Okay, I take back my "I'm
certain" about Zoa Sherburne--this book is another likely
candidate, and it also lives on my best friend's bookshelf :p.
Lois Duncan (author), A Gift
of Magic.
Lois Duncan (author) , A Gift of Magic, (1970).
I remember reading this book as a youngster also. Most of
my books were from the Weekly Reader sheets so I think this must
be it. I think it had a point where they were testing the
girl and she deliberately got everything wrong.
Wilanne Belden (author), Mind-Find,
(1980). You might try Mind-Find to see if that's the book you're
looking for. The girl's name is Laurel, but there's a sea
rescue and ESP. There are two other loosely connected
books Mind-Call and Mind-Hold with similar themes. There's
another water rescue in one of the other titles, but it's a boy
with ESP in that one. Another title to try might be The Girl
with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts. Another girl
with ESP/psychokinesis who is awkward around others.
(Although...who wouldn't be?)
Willow Davis Roberts, The Girl with
the Silver Eyes.
This is definitely NOT the book you're after. The girl in
this book doesn't have ESP, she's telekinetic, and the plot
revolves around her finding other kids with similar abilities
(linked by their mothers working at the same drug company when
they were pregnant) - there's nothing about a storm or saving
Cora Taylor, Julie,
1985. I'm not sure that this is the book, but it sounds at least
very similar to the one you're looking for. The back blurb
"Julie Morgan's pyschic ability allows her
knowledge of both the past and the future, but it also makes her
'different.' This beautifully written story of a special child
trying to comprehend what can be only dimly understook will stay
with young readers long after the book is read." It won the 1985
Canadian Library Association Book of the Year Award for
Santa's workshop
Solved: Jolly
Old Santa Claus
S461: Stuffed fox
Solved: The Bobbsey Twins and the Talking Fox
S462: Sou'wester jacket and camp
The book is a kids' book, probably written
late '50s-early 60's about a young (10-12) boy who goes to camp
alone, for a few weeks I think. For camp he needs a
"sou'wester" jacket (I had to look that one up as a kid) and he
begs to wear it before he leaves. The family also has a
sailboat named "thefourofus".
Carolyn Haywood, Penny goes to camp,
1957. Adopted brothers Penny and Peter
spend the summer at camp - I'm pretty sure that I remember a
section about a sou'wester and a boat, though it's been a long
time since I read it.
S463: Silverware as soldiers
Solved: The Secret
S464: Seagull
I'm looking for a children's story our
mother used to tell us. She thinks she read it in a
Collier's magazine or Saturday Evening Post magazine. My
sister was born in 1947 and I was born in 1950 so it appeared in
that time range. It is near Christmas, and poor old Granny
Gruekin (sp?) lives alone. A seagull comes to visit and
there is marzipan.
S465: Shovel red architect disabled
Solved: A Tree for
S466: secret passage French chateau Childcraft
Solved: Nanette of the
Wooden Shoes
S467: Short Stories
I am not sure of the title of this book, I
do know when I had it, it was a hardcover. I read this in the
early 90's, but I don't know how old it is. I have been
searching high and low for this, and I still cannot come up with
anything. There were a lot of stories in the book, and although
I read this when I was around 8 or 9, it had a slightly more
adult theme to the stories. I can remember the first story
in the book is about a village and all the bad children that go
into the forest (which is made of chocolate) and the witch takes
them. This is not Hansel and Gretel, it sounds similar I know,
but it isn't. I am not sure if this is another story or part of
the first one, but I remember a witch who was well, quite mean,
and an old hermit wizard and in the end they got together and
lived somewhat happily ever after, while leaving everyone else
alone. Also, one of the witches might turn the children into
animals. There was a story about a lady in the lake, and
it was frozen? And she fell in love with a boy I think.. The
book also had pictures. I remember distinctly because there was
a story about a really ugly princess who couldn't find a prince
and there was a picture of her. I can't remember anything in
another story except at the end the man dies and is shrunk, and
is found lying in a sack of coins. There is a story about
a king, and all I remember is he wanted to see what it was like
to not be king, so he didn't tell anyone and dressed up as a
peasant, and when he went to do his business in a field like he
normally would, the farmer started chasing him (and possibly
killed him). That's all I can think of at the moment.
Thank you for your time, and I really hope you can find this for
S468: Shrinking princess alone in castle
I'm searching for a fairytale book that
must have been published in the early 60's. It was a large black
and white photo picture book. It's about a princess alone in a
castle, everyone else is gone (I think that the kingdom was
under a magic spell). The princess shrinks to the size of a
small doll. She sews herself a dress from a handkerchief. I
think, there was also a frog that later becomes the knight who
rescues her.
S469: Santa's ill & ?frog or toad? help to deliver
I am desperately searching for a children's
Christmas book I read as a child, and the book was a hardback
and pretty old then - possibly published in 1950's. It had
wonderful oldy worldy colour illustrations and this is what I
can remember: Early on in story, toad or frog (not sure of this
animal) cycles down snowy hill to visit Santa as they have heard
he is ill. anta is ill in bed, being looked after by
elves. He cannot deliver presents, so toad/frog take
over. Whilst flying in sleigh they pass through the
vibrantly multi-coloured 'curtain' between their world and ours
- northern lights - very good illustration of the northern
lights in the book. This is all i can remember, many
CAM, Bill Frog to the Rescue, 1951. Solved for the same person on
another forum, who verified it there. Summary: "When
Bill Frog takes medicine to Father Christmas, it ends in the
most splendid of Christmas parties."
S470: Survival Story - Jungle
Solved: The Survival of
Jan Little
S471: Surprise party for a pig
Solved: The Party
S472: Sorcerer enslaves children with red globe
1940'2-50'2. I read this book in 2nd or 3rd grade. I found
it terrifying, and fascinating, and throughout life I longed to
see it again. It was not a picture book, but more like an
advanced children's book or juvenile literature. I believe it was
around 100 pages long, with some illustrations. The edition I read
had a green library binding, and was about 10-12 by14-16 inches
(not small.) The gist of the story is that children are
attracted to a shining red marble or light, which lures them to a
prison camp where an evil sorcerer keeps them under his thrall. In
the end the hero--a boy of 12 (?) tricks the sorcerer, frees the
other children, and comes in possession of the magic shining
marble, which ends up being harmless glass.
James Wallerstein, Tommy and Julie. Check out Stumper L193. I think
you're describing the same book.
S473: Short story collection
Short story collection (sci-fi or fantasy),
1 story is about an old man who reveals a couple will birth baby
new year
S474: sweet valley twins switch identities
my sister in law won a contest to have her
story idea made into a book. she remembers they switched
identities in it... with a twist that we can't remember! she
thinks she saw it once and on the cover one or both of the twins
were wearing yellow rugby jumpers or sweaters. thanks!
Michael J. Pellowski, Double
Trouble. (1994)
Maybe a long-shot, but your description of the cover sounded
like a book that I used to own when I was a kid, about two twins
named Randi and Sandi Daniels. Randi is tomboy soccer-player and
Sandi is quite the opposite, but they switch identities at one
point in the book, and Sandi has to go play soccer instead of
Randi because everyone thinks that she's her. That's all I can
remember. I'm sure that my copy was red, and the two girls
were on the cover, the one wearing a pretty sweater and the
other in a soccer uniform that I could have sworn was yellow,
but I don't really remember and I don't have the book to check.
I call it a long-shot because I discovered when I was looking it
up that it's apparently the first book in an entire series about
the twins. But I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Pascal, Francine, Sweet Valley Twins
#28 - April Fools!.
This may not be the right book, but it sounds kind of like it.
In this one, Elizabeth and Jessica - who normally switch
identities for April Fools Day -- decide instead to not switch
but pretend that they have. Everybody believes that they've
switched and Elizabeth ends up having a horrible day because of
it. In the end, it turns out that everyone knew that they hadn't
switched and it was really just an April Fools joke on
The Sweet Valley Twins books
aren't in print anymore, but I've seen used copies of this one.
.I hope this helps!!
S475: Star sticker
I don't remember the title or author, but
it was a children's book, probably from the 60's, about a boy
who received a star sticker from his teacher. The star was
placed on his forehead, and he was so proud of it that he
wouldn't wash his face for fear that the star would come
off. His face got dirtier and dirtier until somehow the
sticker fell off or was removed, and then there was a white star
shaped spot on his forehead where the sticker had been,
surrounded by the dirty skin.
unknown, Weekly Reader, 1965 or 1966. I remember
reading this story when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I
recall that it was in a Weekly Reader magazine. The young
boy won the gold star because he had been able to count to 100,
had been able to say the alphabet from A to Z, and had been able
to name the seven basic colors. I hope this helps to
narrow the search a little bit.
S476: School teacher
School teacher voice only. A book I think I
read 15 or so years ago where the only voice you "hear" is the
school teacher. very young children, maybe nursery school to
early primary. Only written in the teacher's voice - i.e. a one
sided conversation eg "sally put pebbles back in his cage" "yes
I know it's cold today but pebbles has a warm fur coat hasn't he
and doesn't need to be down your shirt" "no not even if you're
very careful"...Various chapters with things they got up to at
Joyce Grenfell, Geroge, don't do
that... 1970s.
sounds like a book of nursery school monologues by Joyce
Grenfell, very popular English author and comedienne, approx
1960/70 but reprinted and still available I think.
S477: Stolen Talisman
Solved: The Stolen
S478: Stranded
I read a book in the the late 70's.I don't
remember the title or author! The story was about a girl sranded
on an island/jungle?,from a plane crash or sinking ship? I'm
thinking she may have been pregnant,but not sure!? On the cover
shows a girl(like a painting picture)that is looking over her
shoulder,her clothes are tattered,& there is a jungle scene
behind her? Help!
Might be a long shot, but could it be BABY
ISLAND by Carol Ryrie Brink, 1937,1965,
1993. Two young sisters are stranded on an island with a bunch
of babies after their ship goes down ~from a librarian
Scott O'Dell, Island of the Blue
Dolphins, 1961.
I don't know if this is it or not, but a girl stranded on an
island, who looks after a child for a while, does remind me of
"Island of the Blue Dolphins".
Scott O'Dell, Island of the Blue
Dolphins. I'm not
sure if your book is Island of the Blue Dolphins,
but if it is not, you might be interested in it in addition to
your own book as it is also about being stranded on a desert
island. Another good book is The Blue Lagoon by H.
DeVere Stacpoole, which is available in online texts
(don't judge it by the Brooke Shields film).
Scott O'Dell, Island of the Blue
Dolphin, 1961.
Could this be it? 1961 was the original publish date, but it won
an award in 1976, so the date you recall reading the book fits.
Here is the description: "Scott O'Dell won the Newbery Medal for
Island of the Blue Dolphins in 1961, and in 1976 the Children's
Literature Association named this riveting story one of the 10
best American children's books of the past 200 years. O'Dell was
inspired by the real-life story of a 12-year-old American Indian
girl, Karana. The author based his book on the life of this
remarkable young woman who, during the evacuation of Ghalas-at
(an island off the coast of California), jumped ship to stay
with her young brother who had been abandoned on the island. He
died shortly thereafter, and Karana fended for herself on the
island for 18 years."
I'll check these books out, Thanks!!! The
Blue Dolphin could be it,although the cover could have
changed! Thanks again for your help!
S479: Summer
I'm looking for a teenage romance that was probably published in
the late 70's or early 80's. It was about a girl that lived
near a university in Arizona (Arizona State?) and worked in a
drugstore. She thought she was in love with one guy, but
ended up really being in love with his cousin. She had to do
a "jungle animal" window display in the drugstore and the cousin
got her astroturf to use. There was also a teddy bear that
had a single tear or something like that. I think it had
"summer" in the title. Any clues?
S480: squirrel picture book
1950-1965 I remember it from the late 50's or early 60's
anyway. This was a picture book type book, as I remember.
What stands out are the beautiful water color type illustrations,
but they seemed realistic. It was a tall book and thin, with I
think a brownish/rusty red, kind of textured cover. I'm afraid I
don't remember the story but more the pictures. One page had the
squirrel having taken or found a large round cookie and is taking
or has taken a bite out of it. On what might be the last
page is a picture of the squirrel all curled up asleep, perhaps as
if hibernating. There is the off chance that the story is
actually about a chipmunk, instead of a squirrel but I seem to
remember a larger tail. Thank you.
Walt Disney's Perri,
1957. A Big Golden Book. It has a
squirrel on the cover with an autumn setting and green
background. It's about a squirrel named Perri growing up. My
copy is physically damaged by me or my 4 siblings, but the
pictures are still beautiful.
Miriam Young, Miss Suzy, 1964. Parents' Magazine Press.
It's about 10"h x 7"w, with a school-bus yellow cover picturing
a squirrel and 2 soldiers. It's about a gray squirrel who was
run out of her happy home in a tree and found her way into the
attic of a nearby house. She makes her home in a dollhouse and
befriends / mothers a box of toy soldiers. Eventually, they
march on her old home and oust the interlopers.
S481: Susan, Imaginary Friend, color blue
It was written in the late 1980's. It's about a little girl
who loves the color blue. She has everything blue and only
plays with blue toys. There are no other little girls to
play with so she has an inmaginary friend named susan. Then,
one day, another little girl moves in and her name really is
susan! She loves the color pink (or red) and they become
fast friends. Soon, they both love the color blue and
pink/red. The book is in blue until the girl meets susan,
then it is in blue and pink/red. Thank you in advance!
I haven't found this book for years and I would love to be able to
read it to my children! I hope someone can help me out!
S482: Shack/house
Solved: Why I Built the Boogle House
S483: Secret Window
i read this book in the early 90's. i think it may have been
young adult...not a children's book. i'm really not sure.
however, it involves a young girl who lives in maybe the victorian
era and there is either a room or a wall or a secret window of
some kind in her home. i believe she can either go through it or
she sees through it the life of another little girl living in the
same house, only years earlier. there may have been an evil twist
to the end...not really sure.
Eileen Dunlop, Elizabeth Elizabeth,
(1977). I do believe this is
what you are looking for! A sulky young girl, spending the
summer with her historian aunt in a 200 yr. old Scottish manse,
finds that she inadvertently time-travels into the life of the
daughter of the original owners of the mansion. Yes, there's a
twist or two at the end. Great read--I re-read it this year at
Pam Conrad, Stonewords.
I actually posted this stumper and figured
it out by browsing solved mysteries...thanks!
Pamela Sykes, Mirror of Danger,
1973. Lucy, an orphan
raised by her eccentric aunt, is sent to live in London (?) with
another aunt/uncle and cousins when her aunt dies. Raised to
appreciate the past, she has a hard time connecting with the
modern familly. Seeking escape, she spends time in the attic of
house and discovers she can escape into an alternate Victorian
world and befriends a girl named Alice about her age. Things get
scary when Alice wants her to stay in the past.
Pam Conrad, Stonewords.
The book described could be Stonewords by
Pam Conrad. It's about a girl who goes to live in an old
house...in England, possibly, who meets another girl who is
actually a ghost(?). There is also a time travel element
to the story. Darn it, it's been so long since I read the
book I'm not sure I remember enough to help the poster figure
out if this is, but it popped into my head when I read the
Janet Lunn, Double Spell or Twin
Spell? There's a part
in it where one of the heroines looks out a window at the past.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Spyhole
Secrets, 2001,
approximately. There is an outside chance this could be
"Spyhole Secrets" by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. The book takes place
entirely in modern times, but Hallie (the one doing the spying)
imagines the young woman she's spying on as a fairytale
princess, in fact identifies her with Rapunzel. There is a
subplot about the history of the house and its possibly being
haunted and so forth. Good luck!
S484: Secret Room
i read this book in the early 90's. it was a young adult novel...
it involves a girl coming upon a secret room where once she
enters, time passes extremely fast on the outside of the room. she
may have been posted as missing by her family when she was in the
room. there may have been a romantic twist with the girl and her
sister's boyfriend. It's possible that time was suspended in the
outside world, come to think of it. i seem to remember the
girl/boy bettering themselves, such as working out, and perhaps
hair growing out rather long, so when he/she emerged from the
secret room, the people in the real world, friends and such, were
surprised at how different the person looked- because only a day
had passed on the outside while inside the room, it had been
months or maybe even a year. oooooooh i WISH i could figure this
William Sleator, Singularity, 1985.
Are you sure it was a girl and not a boy? In Singularity,
twin brothers who are very competitive discover some kind of hut
in their backyard that causes time to move differently.
The younger twin goes in and spends approximately a year there,
while only a day passes for his brother. He comes out
looking older and it changes their whole relationship.
There may have been a girl in the story as a friend or who the
twins competed over. Good luck!
S485: Scary Stories
I believe the book to be from the penguin children's collection
(not too sure though) it a small thin hard back book with a
picture of a boggart sitting in a tree at night. The book is a
collection of short 'scary' stories for children and is
illustrated. One story is about an old woman that turns into a
hare at night, another about a boggart who terrorises a household
and another about a nurse who has a very large dog who later dies,
but comes back to protect her in ghost form. This is probably as
much as I can remember. I'm cannot recall the name of the book or
confirm the publisher, but it may be penguin books.
Littledale, Freya, comp., Ghosts
and Spirits of Many Lands. Doubleday,
1970. This is the only book I could find with the Boggart
short story. "contents -- The return of the land-otter, by Mrs.
A. Lang.--The book of magic, by J. T. Naaké.--The boy who drew
cats, by L. Hearn.--The boggart, by T. Keightley.--The eternal
wanderer of the pampas, by M. A. Jagendorf and R. S. Boggs.--Yi
Chang and the haunted house, by E. M. Jewett.--The horned women,
by Lady Wilde.--Musakalala, the talking skull, by P. Savory.--A
dead secret, by L. Hearn.--How the ghost got in, by E. S.
Hartland.--The mysterious path, by P'\''u Sung-ling.--The
rain-lady and the ghost, by A. de Leeuw.--The two friends, by A.
N. Afanas'\''yev.--The lutin in the barn, by N. S. Carlson.--The
boy in the land of shadows, by C. Macmillan.--The King o'\'' the
Cats, by J. Jacobs.--The strange ship of Captain Fokke, by M. A.
Lawson.--Blood on his forehead, by V. Randolph.--Sandy MacNeil
and his dog, by S. N. Leodhas.--A ghost at the door, by J.
Balys.--The woman of the snow, by L. Hearn."
Joan Aiken has written several
'horror' collections for children. This sounds like one of hers.
Some of her books were published by Puffin (could be mistaken
for Penguin). Try A Foot in the Grave or A
Touch of Chill.
13 Ghostly Tales by Freya Littledale,
1950s. Partial contents:
Wait Till Martin Comes,The Thing at the Foot of the Bed, The
Golden Arm, TheRailroad Ghost, The Trunk in the Attic, The Ghost
with One Sock, etc. One story is a Scottish one about a doctor's
house plagued with "bogles." There is a ghost dog story too. The
best one is The Railroad Ghost, a "true" story involving the
saving the life of Queen Victoria! (I wonder about that one
because when I emailed London's Museum of Natural History, they
said they did not have that exhibit - though the story claims
they did - and gave no indication they'd ever had it.) See here
for that story, modified:
Freya Littledale, 13 Ghostly Tales,
1950s.Partial contents: Wait
Till Martin Comes, The Thing at the Foot of the Bed, The Golden
Arm, The Railroad Ghost, The Trunk in the Attic, The Ghost with
One Sock, etc. One story is a Scottish one about a doctor's
house plagued with "bogles." There is a ghost dog story too. The
best one is The Railroad Ghost, a "true" story involving the
saving the life of Queen Victoria! (I wonder about that one
because when I emailed London's Museum of Natural History, they
said they did not have that exhibit - though the story claims
they did - and gave no indication they'd ever had it.) See here
for that story, modified:
Ghostly Tales, 1987.
This was a ladybird book, that I was searching for for ages, and
then found it in our shed. I always loved The Doctors Dog.
S486: Siblings' summer of secrets
Solved: Spiderweb for
S487: Soulful eyed-boy
When I was a child I was given a book with beautiful
illustrations (possibly a Little Golden Book, but not sure).
The book featured a very small boy, with huge soulful eyes,
beautifully illustrated. I remember one picture of him at a
shallow wading pool. He then climbed to the top of the
monkey bars - I think the illustration showed him with a pensive
look on his face, and I recall him saying to himself, "it was kind
of nice up there for awhile". I would love to find a copy of
this book. Can anyone help?
McCaw, Mabel, God's Way,
1961. This is possibly the book you
are looking for.It is a Whitman Top Top Tale, similar to a
Little Golden book. The last page is a close-up of the little
boy's face, with big, beautiful eyes.
Supernatural stories
The book I am looking for is 1950-1970s because it was reprinted,
maybe '80s. It was paperback, it had an eyeball on the first
cover, the second cover had a lightbulb levitating above two
hands. All I can remember about it is that it had several
short supernatural and horror stories in it. Argh, I know
that's not a lot to go on... :0) Any help would be
greatly appreciated... Thank you!!
I believe the compilation was calledStrangely
Enough. That also had an eyeball on the cover
and was a collection of supernatural horror stories.
C.B. Colby, The Weirdest People in
the World, 1973,
approximately. If the companion is Strangely Enough,
the one you're looking for is The Weirdest People in the
World. Some of the stories were reprinted in
the late 80s as The World's Strangest "True" Ghost
Colby, C. B., Strangely enough!, c 1959, '63, '66, '72. The original 1958
Sterling hardcover ed. had the tops of alien heads/skulls?
coming over the tops of yellow, orange and purple sand dunes?
with footprints and a radio tower in the background. The
1963 abriged Scholastic paperback has the lightbulb levitating
over hands and water. It looks like about 10 stories
were dropped from the original '59 ed., though they both have
over 90 stories. I don't have the '66 or '72 eds. so I
don' know if they have an eyeball on the cover. Some of
the titles are: The Light in the Window, The lady
on the Highway, The Seabird, Witchs Revenge, Daniel Abbott,
Battle of the Cheeses, "Lavender", Cigar in the Sky, Yonkers
Saucer, Ghosts That Followed a Ship, etc.
S489: Summer Jewish family compound
A Jewish father buys property to have a compound for his family
for the summer. Siblings share homes as he assigns. In
later years people don't go. Read as a paperback in the late 70s
S490: Seashore, Fear of Water, Rare Shell
1940-55. This story is about a girl and boy who visit the
seashore. An older man teaches them much about sea life,
shells, etc. The seashell was round and yellow, or golden,
color. They capture a seahorse and make a litle aquarium for
it. The boy is afraid of the water and waves. At the
end of the story, it is the last morning before they are to go
back home. The boy goes out very early to walk along the
seashore, he sees the rare shell, overcomes his fear and runs in
and gets it. Nice colored pictures, maybe a little
larger-sized book, short title....I have been looking for this
book for years.
Robb White, The Lion's Paw. I had to do a book report on this book in
eighth grade. I especially remember the part about finding the
special shell on the last day.
Harriett, the solution posted to my
request # S490 Seashore, Fear of Water, Rare Shell is not
correct...I thought at first it might be, but i looked up the book
by Robb White and it is more of a story or novel. The book I am
searching for was definitely a picture book with many colored
illustrations. But the shell still might have been the lion's
paw..or a moon shell..I just remember it was yellow and the old
man said it was special. Also I read this book in the early 50s.
We'll keep trying!
S491: Supernatural Friends
Solved: In a Blue
Velvet Dress
Solved: Collidescope
S493: souls kept in jars
I believe title is one word -- the name of the frog-like creature
who stole souls and kept them in jars, from the early
1970's. This was a picutre book that I used to take out from
the library. It had to do with a frog-like creature who
stole souls and kept them in his underwater cave in jars. I
remember the pictures being really vivid, using lots of blues and
S494: siblings
Solved: The Ghost's of Austwick Manor
S495: Sears & Roebucks
Solved: Black Penny
S496: Star
Solved: Betsy's Little
S497: Snowstorm rescue
Solved: Snowbound in Hidden Valley
S498: seven bridges mystery
Solved: The Mystery of
the Witches Bridge
S499: stolen statue
Solved: Mystery of the
Emerald Buddha
S500: sophomore year
Sophomore Year, 1960s. I don't
remember the author, but the story is about a girl and what
happens all through her sophomore year in high school and
the previous summer. Please help. The same author had one
book listed for each year of high school.
Candice F. Ransom, Fifteen At Last,1990.Sounds like the Kobie Roberts
series. There are books about her and her best friend, Gretchen,
from the ages of 10 to 15.
Candice F. Ransom, Fifteen At
Last,1990s.The stories take place in the 1960s, but
the books were written in the early 1990s. Kobie and Gretchen
live in Virginia and have to deal with school, boys, and new
friends at school.
I believe the book in question is Anne
Emery's Dinny Gordon, Sophomore. I
believe Emery also wrote books about Dinny Gordon's
other three years in high school.
Anne Emery, Dinny Gordon,
Sophomore,1961.If not, there are many a dozen or so
earlier series books on the same <girl's name>
freshman/sophomore/junior/senior year pattern, in case requestor
might have encountered a sixties-era reprint etc. To see a
longer list, go here
and use your browser's "find" command to look for occurences of
the word: sophomore
sock puppet
Betsy Byers, Clementine.
S502: Scottish Boy in American Colonies
Solved: Piper to the
S503: San Jose, new start, family
1969, childrens. Teen brother and sister
move back to their dad's hometown of San Jose, California for a
new start. Dad has never been a "success." They move into a
Victorian house or start to restore one. The young teen girl,
Tess? Theresa? is the main character. Her brother is Tom? There
is a mystery and dad (Garth?) is revealed to someone else in a
stunning scene, maybe a severe storm. There is a link to the
past with the modern characters as reincarnations of an earlier
I remember this book also. In fact I was
thinking I would do a book stumper myself, but I wasn't sure I
really remembered enough. Unfortunately, I don't remember the
title. I think it turns out that the Dad is a
long-lost son or relation to a wealthy family. I'm pretty sure
there is a storm, it is definitely in California, and I think
the family may be Hispanic, which I remember being unusual
(for a girl reading in New Jersey back in the 1970's.) I think
the Dad - Garth - I remember that name - is the handyman or
caretaker of the mansion. It is one of my favorite books -
I am noticing that I really liked the books with a time-travel
theme, or hidden identity. I'm pretty sure the girl's name
is Tess, also. Good luck! I'd like to know, too.
Snyder, velvet room.
not the velvet room? It doesnt match all your details-- its
Santa Luisa not San jose, the main character isnt teresa but
another character is, and another character is theda. this is a
well known book so its probably not right, but your description
sounded alot like it.
Yes, the first poster recalls more
details than I did. I'm glad someone else recalls the book
too. Now, if someone could just remember the
title. It is not The Velvet Room but that one
sounds really interesting...I loved The Egypt Game!
S504: scarred, boy with cleft lip/palate, brother
Solved: Scarred
S505: stupid beauty queen
Solved: Representing
Super Doll
S506: short stories on inventions
INVENTIONS: My Great-Grandmother gave
me a book when I was a young boy (1975 or so), it has various
short stories in it but they all seemed to deal with
inventions. Three stories that I can recall are: 1:
Bicycle Story, it was called a bone-crusher or a
boneshaker. I want to say that the Bicycle was
wooden 2: A Short Story on Telephones and the phone was
called a "newfangled gadget, or something similar. I think
the phone was at a neighbors house or somewhere outside of the
house. I think they did not like Telephones in this story.
3: A boy's trip to a fair or Exposition to see a Large Engine,
it may have been some form of Steam Engine or something. I
remember they described the engine as being very large.
4: I also remember something about a Large ball of string
or twine, but that may have been another book, and I may have
the two books confused. Seems fairly specific, but I have
had no luck using the search engines. Any help would be
most appreciated.
Caroline Dale Emerson, Father's Big
Improvements, 1936. If
it was more of a novel than a book of short stories, this could
be what you want--it's about the Marshall family (Jimmie, Nan
and their parents) and all the new inventions that come into
their lives around the turn of the century.
S507: Stubborn young beaver turns into a bulldozer
Hello! This is a picture book, perhaps
watercolor. The protagonist is a young beaver (I'm pretty
sure) who is really good at knocking down trees. One day he
comes across a huge tree that he can't cut down. He becomes
obsessed and spends his life trying to cut/gnaw the tree down.
Over the years he gradually transforms into a large yellow
bulldozer(?) which finally knocks over the tree. This kills the
beaver/bulldozer in the process. The book ends with the
bulldozer gradually rusting and falling apart next to the stump,
while a new sapling springs up where the old tree was! Kind of a
weird story. I am 32, and read this book as a child. For this
book I've searched on-and-off for years. If you can help, you
are a miracle worker! Thanks a lot.
Guy Buffet, Robert B. Goodman, Robert
A. Spicer, The secret of Beaver
Valley, 1974.
S508: science adventures of two boys
Solved: Danny Dunnseries
S509: siblings sent to fetch pail
The book I'm unable to remember was one I
read in 1992-93. It was a picture book which concerned a pair if
young siblings, a boy and a girl, who were sent into the dead of
night by a parent to cross a rural country road and bring home
either a pail of oil or milk. I can't remember which. The story
was all about them being afraid of the dark while being sent on
this errand. I do remember a couple key images. One picture was
from the children's perspective, looking up to see the tall
branches of an autumn tree against a dark sky. Another was at
the end of their journey when they reached a man in a barn who
had the oil/milk, and he was pouring it into the pail for them.
The only light in the picture was a candle-lit lantern. I
believe the man was elderly and had a pipe in his mouth. The
children then returned with the pail to their house. It would
mean a lot to me if you could help me remember what book this
Bill Martin and John Archimbault, Ghost-Eye
Tree. This sounds like Ghost-Eye Tree,
with double-page spreads by Ted Rand. The boy and his
sister go for a pail of milk, having to pass the ghost-eye tree
(illustrated so the moon shines through its branches like an
eye). On the way back, he loses his favorite hat and has
to double back for it. Excerpt from the book:
"Oooo... I dreaded to go... I dreaded the tree... Why does Mama
always choose me when the night is so dark and the mind runs
S510: Silver dollar pancakes
late 80s, I read this book when I was
around 7-10 years old (1988-1991) when my family was stationed
in Okinawa, Japan. I would rent it frequently from the base
library. It was a story that took place in the early part of the
1900s and was about a father and his two daughers who had fallen
on hard times and were travelling in their car to live with
family when it breaks down. It's the middle of a snowstorm and
they try to find shelter and discover a house. They decide to
enter the house and stay the night only to end up waiting out
the entire winter there. Apparently the dad was awesome at
making "silver dollar" pancakes. I remember it ending with one
of the daughers being very sad to leave the places where their
hardships had temporarily been lifted. Please help!! It's been
bothering me for years!!
I think this may be one of Carol Ryrie
Brink's stories. It may be Winter Cottage,
which was published in the 60s. If it's not though, you
might want to check some of her other titles.
Carol Ryrie Brink, Winter
Cottage, 1968. This book is definitely Winter
Cottage by Carol Ryrie Brinks. The
Sparks family, Pops, Minty (short for Araminta), and another
daughter whose name I can't remember(Eggs for Eglantine?), break
down in their car and stay for the winter in an empty summer
cottage. Pops is renowned for his pancakes.
S511: Syrius the dog star
Solved: Dogsbody
S512: Siblings stranded on island
Solved: Two on an
S513: Shy pony takes dancing lessons
Solved: Hucklebones
S514: Skinny people biting creature, can only be seen from
Solved: The
S515: Shoes, dancing, sore feet
Solved: The Red Shoes
S516: Sally, summer on ranch
My request is for a young adult romantic
book that I read in the mid-1960's about a girl named Sally and
her summer on a ranch. I thought the book was called Sally
on a Fence, the book I found with that name, written by
Clarice Pont, is not the same book.
Betty Cavanna, Spurs for Suzanna,
1947. Could this be the book? Although
a 1947 novel, this was published by Scholastic as a paperback in
the Sixties too. Suzanna, 15, is dreading the prospect of
a summer living in a quiet house in Philadelphia without her
friends, her mother at work and her father recuperating
from TB at a hospital. She loves horses and longs to leave
the city. When she's invited to stay at a working farm
(with horses) for a while, she's thrilled. Living there
among a busy family of six, Suzanna learns to take
responsibility for herself and appreciate her own lifestyle.
I was able to look at Spurs for
Suzanna at the library and it isn't the book I'm looking
for. Mine was a more contemporary story and when I got the
book around 1964 or 1965, it was a new hard cover. For some
reason the title Sally on the Fence is what has stuck
with me all these years but that book by Clarice Pont is not
the same book. If you have any other suggestions, I'd
appreciate it. Thank you
Agatha Mayer, The Secret of the Dark
Stranger, 1963. A long
shot, but maybe: "A Western holiday holds many startling
surprises for the Stuart girls." Part of the Sally and Sue
Mystery Series
Elizabeth Hall, Phoebe Snow,
1968. A story about Lucy Snow’s great adventure in 1904, when
she dresses like the girl in a railroad advertising poster to
get a free ride to the St. Louis Exposition.
S517: science-fiction humans tricked into war w/themselves
by govt
I have to find this book!! a paperback i
read in the 1970's, the cover was a helmet of a spacesuit
reflecting another person in a spacesuit staring back at the
first one. he plot was about a soldier in a space war
where everyone wore similar spacesuits and you could only tell
who the enemies were by the coded symbols on the spacesuits,
there were never prisoners because the spacesuits would explode
when hit. the main character finds out in the course of
the book, that THERE ARE NO ENEMIES, that the government is
tricking its citizens into fighting each other to control
overpopulation and keep down civil unrest on its member worlds.
with everyone on a war footing, no one complains about the
economy,etc.. the hero is left to figure out what to do about
the biggest govt con in history.
i dont remeber the author or title, but i
can SEE the cover in my mind. HELP!!!
Mirror in the sky
S518: Spider needs a halloween costume
Solved: How
Spider Saved Halloween
S519: Siblings flee abusive uncle
Solved: Flight of the
S520: Sugar glider in tree with other night animals
Solved: Mystery in the
Night Woods
S521: Secret hideaway for two girls
Solved: The Secret
S522: Statue comes to life, New York City
I think I read this book in the 1970s. It
was a novel about a kid who traveled about New York City at
night (?) with some statues, or at least one statue, that had
come to life. For some reason, I think the statue, or one of
them, might have been one of the New York Public Library lions.
A wonderful book, but I can't remember the title or the author.
Georgess McHargue, Stoneflight, 1975.
You could be looking for Stoneflight. A girl named Janie
uses something (a magic amulet, maybe?) to bring to life to
stone animals in her apartment building in New York
City...eventually, I think that spreads to other stone animals
around the city. Part of the story is that the animals
eventually want to turn her to stone, and she seriously
considers it to escape her parents' arguing.
EL Konigsburg, From the Mixed-up Files
of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. Could this be From the
Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler?
Georgess McHargue, Stoneflight, 1975.
From the CIP summary: "Janie uses her power to put life in the
stone animals that ornament New York buildings to escape her
parents' quarreling, but when the animals start to turn her into
stone she learns that having feelings is the price of remaining
human." I think she does "wake up" one or both of the
Library Lions.'
S523: Sub Rosa Club
I am looking for a book that was probably published late 40s or
50s, illustrator NM Bodecker i think. don't have author or
subject: a girl growing up in georgia (? somewhere in the
south, anyway) enlists the help of her best friend and a cousin
(?) to form sub rosa club and look for a neighbor's long-lost love
named felicity. includes references to artwork (the 3
graces) and a trip to florence, italy.
Commager, Evans, Cousins. Illustrated
by L. M. Bodecker. Set in the south, about two
cousins, who search for Felicity -- a real person.
S524: Secret Panel
Secret panel in old mansion in c. 1975 paperback. Greenish
cover with old (French Empire?) mansion. The author of the
book was a woman. Paperback with small mass-market
dimensions, probably published by Scholastic. It seems like
there are zillions of books with greenish covers and old French
Empire mansions and woman authors, but this had a SECRET
PANEL. A secret panel in, I think, the library, natch.
There's a whole big, exciting search for something that MUST BE
FOUND that will answer all questions (or provide deeds or proof of
ownership to save the mansion from sale?) and has been secreted in
its secret hiding place in the old mansion. It was a ripping
Lattimore, Eleanor
Frances, The Youngest Artist, 1959. I'm avoiding the obvious--the Nancy Drew
novel The Hidden Staircase. My first
suggestion is The Youngest Artist, in which a
little girl accidentally discovers a secret staircase off of her
bedroom of the family's old house in Charleston. The
family eventually decides to lead tourists through the house and
include the staircase in the tours. I think that one of
the Trixie Belden novels, perhaps The Gatehouse
Mystery or The Secret of the Mansion,
also has a hidden staircase. A third suggestion is, of all
things, the second Partridge Family novelization, called The
Haunted Hall, by Michael Avallone, from
1970, and that also includes a secret room.
Judd, Frances, Mansion of Secrets.
A Kay Tracey Mystery. Abandoned house is
filled with secret rooms and passages.
Brent Locke, Mystery of the Hidden Cat,
1957. I've never seen this in paperback, but
this sounds like Mystery of the Hidden Cat, by Brent
Locke, illus by Jacqueline Tomes. Priscilla and Jane
make friends with Vicky, who moves into their favorite haunted
house. "Spurred on by the near bankruptcy of Vicky's
father and the competitive efforts of a dishonest broker to find
the treasure first, the girls search night and day exploring
every cranny of the house until the "treasure" reveals itself
where they least expect to find it." (Locke is a
woman). There are several secret panels and passageways.
Carolyn Keene, The physical description
of the book doesn't match, but this sounds like an early Nancy
Drew mystery.
Morrison, Lucille Curt, Mystery of Shadow
Walk.This is a possibility:
Victorian house, missing papers, secret panel leading to a
tunnel, found by a group of girls during some kind of party -
slumber party? Serialized in the magazine Calling All Girls.
Kathryn Kenny, Trixie Belden and the
Mystery of the Emeralds, 1975. After stumbling across some items in their
attic that was part of the Underground Railroad, Trixie Belden
and the Bob Whites of the Glen follow the trail from New York to
Virginia, where they befriend an older wheelchair-bound man,
find a hidden panel in the music room of his old mansion, and
then -in a secret tunnel that ran between his mansion and a
neighboring mansion- find a hidden emerald necklace that was an
old family heirloom. They find it just before the evil man
who bought the neighboring mansion busts through the rubble on
his side of the tunnel. The disabled man uses the necklace
to pay for an operation so he can walk again. The hardback
version of the book that came out in the 1970s is lovingly
referred to as to a short and ugly it has an old mausoleum on
front. The paperback (beige oval) that came out in the 70s
has an oval on the front that is all in shades of green
depicting Trix, Honey, and another BWG opening the panel in the
music room. This was #14 in the series.
Elizabeth Marie Pope, The Sherwood Ring, 1958. I have no idea what a 70s edition of
this book might have looked like but it has both the mansion and
the panel and I thought it was worth a shot. Orphaned
Peggy Grahame is sent to live at the family estate,
"Rest-and-be-Thankful". Her eccentric historian Uncle
leaves her alone but forbids her to see a young historian, Pat,
that she has met in the neighborhood. Four family ghosts
from the Revolutionary war tell her their story, which is indeed
a very "good yarn". At the end of the book her Uncle has a
nervous breakdown. Peggy and Pat figure out that he has
obtained an entire set of diaries and letters from one of Pat's
ancestors, who is one of the four ghosts that Peggy has
seen. He has been consumed with guilt about them because
they contain valuable historical information but he shouldn't
really have them. He has hidden them in a "treasure
room" off his library/study. Pat and Peggy find the right
carving to push to open the secret panel and find the papers
setting everything right. It doesn't exactly save the
mansion but it certainly is critical to the end of the book.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, The Velvet Room.
The family isn't living in the home, but are
migrant workers living nearby. One of the girls in the
large family finds a secret panel that takes her from an outside
shed into the library inside the house. She reads many of the
books, and I think finds the deed to the house. It ends up
with the family settling down, and the house restored. I can't
recall if the family ends up living in the house, or just
nearby. The paperback cover was purple, with a line drawing of a
girl sitting in the windowseat of a large mansion.
Nina Bawden, The Secret Passage,
1963. With all the other guesses that are
coming in on this one, I may as well send this one along,
because if it isn't the book you're looking for, I think you may
like it. There is someone on Blogger called chill77 who (in the
spirit of the amazon.com previews) has reprinted the first two
chapters so you can get a taste for what it's like. John, Mary
and Ben have lived in Africa all their lives but then their mom
dies and their father has a nervous breakdown and sends them to
live with crotchety old Aunt Mabel in London. There is indeed a
secret passage, a mysterious old lady, strange treasures, and
questions about the ownership of the home. Bawden has
written a number of marvellous books, many of which are
mysteries, and I would particularly recommend The Witch's
Daughter if you haven't read it already.
Maybe Wylly Folk St. John's Mystery of
the Seven Crows??
I'm sorry, but none of these are it. If
the book was Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden, I would know.
The book has no ghosts, no connection to the Underground
Railroad, no male author, nobody in England, no secret rooms,
no secret passages, no secret tunnels, etc. There is a library
and there is a secret panel behind which there is a stash of
papers. It's like a false back or a bit of panelling
that lifts up. The book was a Scholastic book, it just
was, and if anybody thinks of the book there will be mid-1970s
paperbacks floating all over eBay or someplace. There is
an Empire mansion on the front, right in the center of the
cover. Searching eBay before I placed this want, I
thought the book might be "Mystery of the Green Cat" by
Phyllis A. Whitney, but it was not. Very similar cover,
Bellairs, The Mystery of
Alpheus Winterborn, 1978. Maybe a long
shot but it is about a treasure hidden in a library. The
is also a paper with a clue hidden behind a mirror. The
original edition cover had a picture of a mansion/library on it.
Carolyn Keene, The Hidden Staircase, 1930, 1959.I know you don't think it's a
Nancy Drew book, but I think it is. In The Hidden Staircase,
there's a secret panel in an old mansion (the open panel is
shown on the cover of the version I have), and Nancy must find
it in order to nab crooks who want to scare two sweet old women
into leaving their home/selling it cheap. There are many covers
because the book had several printings (as did all Nancy Drews).
Enid Blyton,
Famous Five, This sounds to me rather similar to
one or other, or several or Enid Blyton's Famous Five stories.
S525: Smoky Mountain Cave
Solved: The Forgotten Door
S526: Secret Cottage
Solved: Mandy
S527: Single Father
The book I am looking for takes place in the early 1900s. It is
about a single father and two pre-teen girls. The father is a
college professor in a small, university town. There were several
books, one where he later marries again. I remember reading this
as a pre-teen and can't remember what they are!
Alberta Wilson Constant, Those
Miller Girls. Those Miller Girls, Does Anybody Care
About Lou Emma Miller, and
the Motoring Millers by Alberta Wilson
Constant are about two sisters whose father teaches at a
small college in Kansas. He remarries the town milliner,
Miss Kate, and they have a son, Barney.
Alberta Wilson Constant, Those Miller
Girls. This is
probably Those Miller Girls! by Alberta
Wilson Constant. Lou Emma and Maddy accompany their
father in their beautiful new Great Smith automobile to
Gloriosa, Kansas, where he is to be a professor at the Eastern
Kansas Classical College. The two sequels are The
Motoring Millers and Does Anybody Care About
Lou Emma Miller? The first two are illustrated
by Beth and Joe Krush.
S528: Sisters in London, spilling tea on a dress, series
I read this book in the mid 70's. I think it was a series about a
family in london maybe? All sisters, maybe five of them and they
were very poor.
They wore itchy wool stockings in the winter and saved money to
ge to sweet shop and get chocolate babies and crackers and they
would eat them in bed after bedtime. One stoty line involved a
sister borrowing anothers sisters white dress without permission
to wear to a party and tea got spilled on the white dress. In
order to make the stain not noticable, she and her friends "dyed"
the white dress in tea to make it the same color as the stain.
Sydney Taylor, All -of -a -Kind
Family and All-of-a-Kind
Family Uptown, 1951 and 1958. Not set in London,
these books take place in pre-WW1's Lower East Side. In
the first of the beloved 5-book series, the five Jewish sisters
wear itchy woolen stockings and starched pinafores. One
day, the two youngest girls, Charlotte and Gertie, go to the
candy store and buy chocolate babies (plus "broken crackers"
from the grocer) for a bedtime under-the-covers feast. In the
third book, mischievous Henny borrows her older sister Ella's
white party dress without telling her and spills iced tea on
it. To hide the stains, she dyes the dress in more tea.
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family. Not London, but New York. This is a series of
books, and the story about the tea stain appears in one of the
later books.
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family.
This matches at least part of the
description of what you are looking for although, it is about a
Jewish family (five sisters and one brother) in New York during
the early 1900's. I do remember specifially the chocolate babies
and cracker scene from one of the books in this series.
See http://loganberrybooks.com/most-taylor.html
for more details.
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family. The story of five sisters from a Jewish
immigrant family, living on the Lower East Side of New York, in
the early 1900s. The girls' names are: Ella, Henny, Sarah,
Charlotte, and Gertie. Baby brother Charlie comes along
later in the series. Another thing you might remember: to
encourage the girls to clean/dust thoroughly, Mama would
occasionally hide buttons and/or a penny, to be kept by the girl
who found them while cleaning.
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family
Uptown. I just finished
reading this book, so I know it's the one with the tea incident.
Carol Ryrie Brink, Mademoiselle
Misfortune. I think
you're looking for Mademoiselle Misfortune, by Carol
Ryrie Brink. Six sisters--Alice, Beatrice, Cecily,
Drucilla, Estella and Felicia. It's set in France
though. There is a second book, Family Sabbatical,
which may be set in London.
Just a quick follow-up to my previous
solution. Having just checked out the books from my library, I
can now confirm that it is in the first book, All-of-a-kind
Family, that the two youngest sisters, Charolette
and Gertie, share chocolate babies and crackers in bed at
night. The incident where Henny borrows her older sister
Ella''s white party dress without permission, then spills tea on
it during a game of tug-of-war, and tries to cover it up by
dyeing the whole thing with tea, is in All-of-a-kind
Family Uptown.
S529: Sailboats, children/families near ocean
Solved: Swallows and
S530: Science fiction/fantasy juvenile story
Solved: Invitation to
the Game
S531: Sisters, beach, ferris wheel
I am trying to find a book that I read as a
child (elementary school age). It was a drama about a
family with several daughters (5, I think). hey either
lived near or took a trip to the beach, and I seem to remember
that it might have been the Jersey shore, possibly Atlantic
City. The story was set in the first half of the 19th
century, I believe possibly in the 1920s. The only part I
can remember is the older daughters taking care of the younger
ones at the beach, and possibly them going on a ferris
wheel. I don't know the author or when it was
written. I hope you can find this for me!
Sidney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family.
Sounds like one of the All-of-a-Kind
Family books, where they go to the beach for the day.
Sidney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family.
I think this book may be one of the All
of a Kind Family books. The polio epidemic has
hit, and the family goes to the beach for the summer.
Their father comes to visit every weekend.
See stumper S528, or the solved section for
All-of-a-Kind Family.
Sidney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family.
To escape the summer heat, the five Jewish
sisters from the early 20th-century Lower East Side go to Coney
Island with their mother. They play on the beach and go to
the amusement park just to look at all of the attractions.
This chapter has a two-page illustration of the family in the
park with the large ferris wheel looming overhead. Henny,
the mischievous sister, is so engrossed by the "freak show" that
she doesn't notice when the rest of the family moves on and she
gets lost.
S532: Skohootnitoot and Skolinkinglot
Solved: Fat Cat
S533: Sally's New Rollerskates
Solved: Try Again,
S534: Stolen silver porringer, young girl with ailing father
and younger sister
Solved: Apple
Tree Cottage
S535: Scandanavian fairy tale
Book I read as a child in the 70's. I
think it's a Scandinavian fairy tale? More a picture
book than novel, beautiful pictures. Main character is a
female, named something like Sygney or Signy. I think a
prince, who's sleeping as well? Swans? Snowy and
cold, a cave perhaps? Wish I could remember more, but I
loved it when I was younger, would love to see it again.
Martha Inez Johnson, The Giant
Golden Book of Elves and Fairies, 1951. This picture-book anthology includes a
story, "Singeli's Silver Slippers," about a Swedish girl who
finds her prince.
This isn't a solution so much as more
information -- I'm looking for this book too, and my memory
includes the girl saying over and over, "You never know what
will happen to you when you wake up in the morning." I think
also the Prince doesn't want to leave with her when she finds
him because she's a commoner, although I could be confusing that
with the Paper Bag Princess. I hope this helps both of us find
the book!
Ann McGovern and Nola Langner, Half a
Kingdom: An Icelandic Folktale,1977. "When you wake up in the morning you
never can tell what might happen to you during the day." Thus
begins, and ends, a most enchanting folktale about a prince who
is kidnapped by two troll girls and the poor peasant girl who
rescues him. Although all the kings' strongest and wisest men
had failed, Signy is able to accomplish the task by means of a
magic spell, two swans, a giant golden egg, and a little help
from the young prince. Of course, he and Signy live happily and
forever after, ruling together half of the kingdom - the reward
for finding the prince. Black-and -white illustrations, often
spreading across two pages, have a misty quality that adds to
the fairytale effect.
S536: Siamese cat and grey cat
I'm looking for an illustrated kid's book from my childhood, that
I read probably around 1990 in the UK, so I'm not sure if it was
published outside the UK. It's about a Siamese cat who lived
a happy life until a fat grey kitten, whose name was Thomas, came
to his house. The Siamese hated the new kitten, but the
kitten loved the Siamese, and grew to be much bigger than
him. One day, the Siamese lost a leg in a road accident, and
the grey kitten helps him a lot. Eventually, the grey kitten
dies. The illustrations are soft and gorgeous, and I think
the cover was blue-ish.
S537: Space "butterflies"
Solved: Sentinels from Space
S538: Stories from many lands
Solved: Stories from Many Lands
S539: Snow nativity & red scarf for girl missing
Solved: Man of the House at Huffington Row
S540: santa claus and jesus
This book must have been published prior to 1954 as I remember my
Mother reading it to me. It was beautifully illustrated in 2 or
three colors, including red and black, I think, with what may have
been woodcuts. The cover may have had yellow on it, it may have
been red and yellow. The story was about "dear Santa"
visiting baby Jesus. One memorable illustration was of Jesus
gently pulling on Santa's beard. My brother recalls that Santa
looked like the "Coca Cola" Santa. If I recall correctly,
the book was rectangular horizontally, with the length less than
twelve inches, I'd guess, and the height about six to eight
inches, although I could be mistaken.
S541: Soldier/sailor kept at English estate, copies wax
Solved: The Reb and the Redcoats
S542: Shipwrecks / Cape Cod Folklore / Ghost Story
Looking for a book about actual shipwrecks with "New England"
and/or "Cape Cod" in the title. This book contains a small
footnote/story that mentions a folklore about a mooncusser from
Chatham, MA who had a horse that he fed cemetery grass. The
grass was said to have given the horse red eyes. As the
story goes, the mooncusser dies (or is killed) while pirating a
ship that he drew into shore, and never returns to his horse (who
accompanies him everywhere.) The horse is distraught and
searches for it's master until it's death... and continues to
search in death. As the folklore goes, if you carry a
lantern on this Cape Cod beach on a foggy night, the red-eyed
horse will come looking for you, thinking you are its
master. I read this book as a child (summer of 1986/87)
while vacationing on Cape Cod. The book was primarily a book
on shipwrecks, with this little story hidden in there. All I
remember was that it was a hardcover and was about shipwrecks on
Cape Cod.
Here are some suggestions. Even if
they're not the correct book, you may enjoy reading
them. Cape Cod calamities : a shocking
scenario of scathing scuttlebutt & scary snapshots
summarizing the seriousness to the secrets of these
sentimental sands -- stretching from scarce scallops to
shipwrecks, Beyle, Noel W., Baldwin, Lee
W. , First Encounter Press, 1983
/ Mooncussers of Cape Cod, Henry Crocker
Kittredge, c. 1937, 1971 / Finding
New England's Shipwrecks and Treasures, Robert Ellis
Cahill, 1984 / Cape Cod to the rescue!
: a mercurial missive of mysterious memorabilia & modern
messages about mooncusser monkeyshines and marine mishaps
amidst the mist and murk of men amidships trying to miss
this mark on the map,Beyle, Noel W., Baldwin, Lee W.,
First Encounter Press, 1984 / Shipwrecks on
Cape Cod : the story of a few of the many hundred shipwrecks
which have occurred on Cape Cod , Small, Isaac Morton,
Chatham Press, 1967.
S543: Spots vs. stripes
A stripey cat and a spotty cat are arguing over which is better
spots or stripes, the argument is ultimately dissolved when the
stripey guy gets measles and acquires some spots, and the spotty
guy gets a scratch and acquires a stripe and the two worry about
each other. I believe the "cats" were very amorphously drawn
and the illustrations were largely black, white and red.
From the 1980's or older.
S544: Science fiction paperback, spaceman head/face on
Science Fiction paperback book with a spaceman's head/face on
cover...late 1970's or early 1980's. Interested in the cover
because I remember it looks just like me! thx!
There were quite a few. Best bet is
to ask on http://www.scifilist.com/
S545: Sesame Street characters on airplane
I am trying to find a book (mid '70s) about the Sesame Street
characters taking a ride on an airplane (going on vacation?). The
only illustration I can remember vividly is a scene showing all
the characters sitting in their seats. It wasn't a small plane,
more like a jet with rows and rows of seats. I hope this rings a
bell with someone! Thanks for your help.
S546: Set in Sweden
A large rectangular picture book I remember from the mid-Sixties
with a vivid cover in blues and greens of a park or yard-like
setting. Heroine is a contemporary blonde girl with long
hair who celebrates St. Lucia's day wearing a crown of candles and
white dress. I first encountered the word "lingonberry" in
this book. I thought the title was "Lingonberry
Summer" but Google and Library of Congress searches turn up
nothing. Have thought about this book for many years and
really want to find it.
Brock, Emma L., At midsummer time, 1940, copyright.
Britta-Lisa Joutsen, Lingonberries in
the Snow, 1968,
copyright. Possibly Finland, rather than Sweden?
Susie Miller's very ordinary life as a 7th grader in San
Francisco takes an exciting turn when her father announces that
the family is going to spend a whole year in Europe. They
go to live in Finland where her father teaches on a Fulbright
Scholarship. She experiences all of the Finnish customs
and traditions and comes to fall in love with this cold country.
Lingonberries in the Snow, 1968. I
bought a copy of this book even though it is a chapter book
and not a picture book. Although I enjoyed reading this book,
I'm sure it's not the one I'm trying to find. Mine had
colorful illustrations, not black line drawings. And the
celebration of St. Lucia's Day figured prominently.
Jeanna Oterdahl, Island
Summer, 1964, copyright. Eight-year-old
Tina and her friend Annika share a wonderful summer on a small
island off the coast of Sweden. Illustrated by Birgitta Norenskjold. The
cover is blue-green, and shows the two girls in red dresses,
holding hands and dancing around a tree stump, with trees behind
them, and a ball of red yarn or something on the ground and
wrapped around some of the tree trunks. I'm mainly suggesting
this based on the publication year and your recollection of the
title, but it's definitely a very long shot. I have not actually
read this book myself, but found it while searching online, so I
don't know how well it matches up. Since St. Lucia's Day is
celebrated in December, I'm not sure how it would figure into
any book with "Summer" in the title - but anything is possible.
Anyway, good luck with your search!
I don't think "Island Summer" is the book because its
cover colors and illustration don't resemble at all what I
remember of the book I'm seeking. I recall it being a
large rectangular picture-book size with a glossy jacket of
intense blues and greens. Thanks anyway for trying to
Jennie Lindquist, The Golden Name Day,
1955, approximate.
I believe this might be the book you are looking for.
Nancy spends the summer with her adopted Swedish
grandparents while her mother recuperates. They all
try to find a way for her to have a name day, even though
'Nancy' is not in the Swedish Almanac. She also gets
to decorate her bedroom while there. She wanted wall
paper decorated with yellow roses. I loved this book
when I was young, and I've found out recently it was part of
a trilogy that included: The Crystal Tree and The Silver House.
I have not read them, yet. Hope this helps.
Although the cover of The Golden Name Day resembles what I
recall of the one of the book I'm seeking, I don't think
it's the book. I read it and it was totally
unfamiliar although worth reading. Thanks anyway.
Not The Golden Name
Day although the blue and green cover are the
shades I remember. Thanks anyway.
S547: Santa's elf helps open doors
Solved: Silver Spurs
S548: Sun imprisons wind, rain, lightning
The sun imprisons the wind, the rain and the lightning. Somehow
they get out of the prison and wreak havoc. The characters are all
personalized. The sun wears a long robe. Lightning wears a suit of
armor and rides a black horse. He burns a house. The rain carries
buckets of water as he flys through the sky. The wind blows wind
from his mouth. There are kites flying in the sky. There is also a
rainbow. The book is very colourfully illustrated. The book
is from the late 50's early 60's.
S549: Scotland -Mystery - Isle of Skye
Looking for young adult mystery (read this at age 12 or so) set
in Scotland. I think it was set on the Isle of Skye and was
written (and takes place) during the 60s or the 70s. The 50s might
be a stretch. I think that the heroine is also named Skye and
there is a family of Camerons. Heroine goes to Scotland (she's a
teenager, not a child as in Phyllis Whitney's Isle of Skye book)
and she falls in love and solves a mystery pertaining to her
ancestral home. I believe that one of the last sentences metions
her "returning to Skye for keeps". This is a romantic
suspense-type mystery. I seem to recall a cover with tartan on it.
I have a pretty clear picture in my head of the book's cover, but
not the author or title.
Hilda Boden, The Mystery of Castle
Croome, 1966,
copyright. This sounds like The Mystery of Castle
Croome, where a young heiress and her two college
friends go to check out the Castle she has just inherited and
solve a mystery involving a hostile caretaker. There is a scout
troup camping near by, and the girls get help from the young men
who are in charge of the group, and the heroine falls for one of
the fellows. The author is British, but the book had both UK and
US printings (hardcover and paperback) over a period of about 10
Stewart, Mary, Wildfire at Midnight. I don't remember many details of this
book, but it takes place on the Isle of Skye, and it's a
Phyllis Whitney, Skye
Cameron, 1957, copyright. Skye Cameron:
A Dark Mansion Becomes a House of Fear for a Brave Young Girl in
This Exciting Novel of Romance, Mystery and Suspense: A
Paperback Library Gothic. Whitney (who died earlier
this month at 102) wrote this book first, and her children's
novel, Mystery on the Isle of Skye in the late 60s.
Your description is NOT
at Midnight. The heroine in that is not a
teenager. Janet/Gianetta is in her late 20s and
divorced. She goes to a Skye hotel for a vacation from
her modeling career and unexpectedly meets up with her
ex-husband. There's a serial killer on the loose who
gets captured, but Janet doesn't solve the crime, Skye is not
her ancestral home and she has no plans for returning for
S550: sled, snow, lost, flags
It was a beautifully-illustrated book which was probably set in
Russia, although I don't think it was a folk tale. There was
a sled, with flags or banners flying from the top, which was
engulfed in a snowstorm, and it was only by the flags sticking up
that the sled was found and its occupants rescued. A girl was
either the occupant or rescuer. Many thanks to all.
Kruse, Dean,
'78, the mother of all blizzards, 2008, copyright. I know
that this doesn't answer your question about the Russian story,
but it's a real-life incident that is similar to what you've asked
about. I hope the link works, if not, you might try copying
and pasting. It was published in the Jan. 26, 2008, issue of
The Indianapolis Star. There were numerous articles
published in American Midwest newspapers that day, the 30th
anniversary of the infamous January 1978 blizzard. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008801260461
S551: "So Did I" story book
I'm looking for a children's story book from early 1900's. My
grandfather had this book when he was a boy. He was born in 1911.
There is a story about Santa Claus and a poem called "So Did
I" ('That long-lanked dude that sparked our Sue came to our house
last night. Talk about having fun, I thought I'd die outright....
He came to supper and of course we had a dandy spread. Ma trotted
out the chocolate cake and Sue the fancy bread. Thank long-lanked
dude he stuffed himself with cakes, preserves, and pie. He drank
fourteen cups of tea- and so did I..' etc etc. I have been looking
for this book for years.
S552: Secret playroom
Solved: Don't
Touch My Room
S553: Sisters at summer camp get money to make pocketbooks
I read a chapter of this book in my reading textbook when I was
in third or fourth grade. The chapter I read described the
time two sisters spent at summer camp. It was written in
first person and I'm pretty sure the sister who was not the
narrator was named Elaine. The narrator was never identified
by name if I recall correctly. The sisters didn't really
want to go to camp, but once they determined that they were stuck
there, they made the most of their time at camp by writing to all
their relatives claiming they were having a great time at camp and
especially loved arts and crafts. They said in their letters
that it cost $1 for the supplies to make a leather pocketbook, and
if the relative sent them $1, they could make "the S-W-E-L-L-E-S-T
pocketbook" for the relative. Many of the older relatives
sent dollars. A camper the sisters especially disliked
ratted them out to a counselor, and the sisters were punished, and
also forced to actually participate in pocketbook-making (which
they considered to be the worst punishment of all.) They got
even with the fink camper by walking into her cabin, looking her
directly in the eye, and saying "We put the swear curse on you,
[whatever the name of the fink camper was]", which scared the fink
out of her wits. Not much to go on, I'm sorry. The
tone of the story was very conversational and the antics and
emotions it described were very realistic. I'd love to read
the rest of the book if I could find it!
Ruth McKenney, My Sister Eileen, 1938, copyright. This is a true
story/autobiorgaphy of Ruth McKenney and her family,
particularly her little sister Eileen. Very good read!
S554: Student nurse
1950-60. It was about a girl
in nursing school and I'm thinking the title was her name,
possibly "Joan (something), Student Nurse." I remember one part
where she and her friends were taking an exam and afterward
someone said, "Such picayune questions!" Also the girl had planned
to stay in one night and do laundry and put up her hair and so
forth, but then her boyfriend showed up and she went dancing with
him instead. And another part where she and her friends were
driving to Florida, and one girl saw a road sign and said
"Annapolis is that way!" and wanted to go there instead, but the
others insisted that they go to Florida as planned.
Helen Wells, Cherry Ames, Student Nurse,
1944, copyright. Based
on the title you recall, this one might be worth looking at.
You could also consider "Sue Barton, Student Nurse" by Helen Dore Boylston. Both
books are the first in a series, all similarly titled (eg. "Cherry
Ames/Sue Barton, (Senior, Visiting, Neighborhood, etc.) Nurse.")
Kathleen Harris, Jane
Arden series, 1956 - 1962, copyright.
Perhaps this series includes the book you're looking for.
Jane lives in Ohio, but heads for Palm Beach, Florida after
graduation from nursing school. In the first in the series, "Jane Arden,
Registered Nurse" she arrives by plane. Other titles in
the series include Jane
Arden, Staff Nurse; Surgery Nurse; Head Nurse; Space Nurse.
Helen Wells, Cherry
Ames, Student Nurse, 1943, copyright.
Could this be your book? It fits the title you described
pretty well.
Faith Baldwin wrote several books about
nurses. The time frame fits. I don't know the details of any
of them.
It's not "Jane Arden", nor "Sue Barton", I
have those. I realize there are a million "student
nurse" book series out there, and every time I see one
with that title I buy it, but so far none is the one I
remember. Looking for the one with the specific dialogue
I quoted. Thanks so much for everyone's help.
Perhaps one
of the Kathy Martin stories? The titles don't
match the posters memories but worth a look. While
looking for the Kathy Martin titles I came across a
website that might be helpful: http://www.tinypineapple.com/nursebooks/
It had summaries and cover photos of hundreds of older
nurse books.
Kay Lyttleton, Jean Craig Nurse,
1949, copyright. Here's another nurse story to
consider. This is part of the Jean Craig series which
isn't all nurse, but the last two have her studying
nursing and then becoming a nurse. You also might
consider the Julian Messner Career Romance for Young
Moderns. There were several of those concerned with
Here are some
other 'student nurses' -- Mary Ellis, SN /
Hope Newell,
1958 ---- Judy George, SN / Patti Stone,
1966 --- Julie Otis, SN / Betty Stirling,
1956 --- Mary Adams, SN / Alice Brennan,
Mary D. Roberts,
Get With It, Joan.
Could it be Get With It,
Joan by Mary D.
S555: Space station, madman, ham radio
Solved: Terror by Satellite
S556: Subsie Numinie
formerly posted as L227
I am looking for a book from the late 1800's with a female
characte by the name of Subsie Numinie, it could be Subsynuminie
or something close. My daughter's great grandmother did not like
her name, she read a book with this name Subsynuminie and was
nick-named Subsy....her great granddaughter (my daughter) now has
the middle name of Subsie NUminie. It would be wonderful to be get
this book.
Subsie Numinie or
Subsinuminie or similarly spelled name is a female character in a
book read by my daughter's Great Grandmother…@ late 1800’s. Does
anyone remember or recognize this name? Thank you.
I don't
have a book or author to suggest, unfortunately, but the first
thing I thought of when I saw "Subsie Numinie" was that it sounded
like a corruption or spoken form of the Latin phrase "sine
nomine," which means "without name."
There is also a Latin phrase "sub nomine," which means "under the
name of." The three words could have
been combined into one phrase--sub sine nomine--and, if said
quickly, they could easily come out eventually as "Subsie
Nominie." Perhaps the character in the
book was a foundling or for some other reason without a name and
eventually came (or chose) to be called by the Latin phrase,
denoting namelessness--like being called "Ann Onymous" for
"anonymous." (Odysseus did something similar in The Odyssey,
tricking the Cyclops by telling him that his name was "Nobody.") That would be fitting since you say that
the great-grandmother did not like her name, and if she refused to
be called by it, she or her family could have thought it a good
joke to be nicknamed something that meant "nameless." Another possiblity--could she have been
studying Latin, rather than reading a story (the story of how the
name came about could have gotten turned in the telling as it
passed down)? Anyway, hope this helps.
S557: Sea monster
Sea Monster that eats light
emitting fish until its completely dark and he gets scared.
Probably Parents' Magazine Press, late 60's early 70's.
Massie, Diane Redfield, The Monstrous Glisson Glop,
1970, copyright. This
HAS to be your book: it is a Parent's Magazine Press book
and is just as described. The Glisson Glop lives on the
ocean floor and his favorite foods are lantern fish and electric
eels. He finally eats all of them in sight and gets scared
in the dark. After awhile, a lantern fish comes with an eel and
the glisson glop decides maybe he likes jellyfish and abalone
pies. The illustrations are mostly a turquoise-green color.
S558: Scary
Stories w/Death on cover
Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep
S559: Stuffed
Elephant Left in the rain
Solved: Laura Charlotte
S560: Sailing
dinghy holiday
Puffin GB Paperback (probably 9-12
age group, not less) purchased new in 1962 (possible reprint?).
Story about sailing dinghy holiday in the UK, text interspersed
with occasional line drawings, such as sailing dinghy and knots.
Arthur Ransome, Swallows and
etc. Just a suggestion, as I don't know
about specific illustrations (though the Puffins I have in this
series do have line drawings), but I would start looking at the
series of books by Ransome; many public libraries have them, or some of them.
S561: Scientists
create souls, story collection
About 10 years ago, I found a
science fiction book at the library. It appeared to be not new and
a little old, the author had a European name I believe. I've
considered Stanislaw Lem but have not seen any content in The
Cyberiad or others that reminded me of the book of stories in
question. Anyway the collection of stories were about
different scientists and people who create a soul, each story in
their own way, and the manner in which they created or established
a contained universe for that soul to exist and thrive in.
The stories were rather dark by nature, many of the scientists
left public life and were very isolated in their endeavors.
I have asked on message boards over the years to no avail. I am
hoping someone here has heard of this book. Thank you.
Constance Ash, editor, Not of Woman Born,
1999. This is a sci-fi anthology of stories by various
science fiction authors. Each concerns creating life in a
non-traditional way. I haven't read this myself, but I've
been considering buying the anthology so your description caught
my eye. It might be the one you are looking for. You
can find more info on the contributing authors online. It dates
from 1999, so it may be the one you saw.
The response is not correct.
S562: Space
Girl with Clear Protective Film Suit
A girl is taken into a rich space
family, she is made a special protective suit which is applied
into all of her orifices and becomes part of her. If she ever is
spaced it will protect her for a small amount on time. It also can
protect her from weapons and disease. She has an enemy who tries
to hurt her, and he ends up spaced; his suit expands like a bubble
but he is not saved and dies in space. I read this book in the
early 1990's.
S563: Sailing
YA romantic suspense
I read this in the late 80s - early
90s, but it could have been published before that. Set in
New England (I think). She was spoiled and somewhat bratty
at first. She's big into sailing. I think she was in high
school. He was a little older - maybe in college and has a
summer job in her town. She has a crush on the popular guy
who, of course, turns out to be a real jerk. She keeps
screwing everything up when she's around the hero, and they really
clash at first. There's a scene toward the end where she
takes her sailboat out even though she's been told not to, there's
a storm, the bad guy is either in the boathouse or ends up on the
boat with her. The hero, naturally, comes to the rescue. The
heroine's summer job is either working at a camp teaching kids how
to sail or babysitting a few kids because I think I remember a
scene where she is setting up ropes for the kids to practice tying
sailing knots on. I'm almost positive she has her own
sailboat (don't remember she bought it herself, it was a gift, or
she inherited it somehow). It was definitely a YA book, I'm
almost certain it had elements of both romance and suspense, and
I'm 80% sure I ordered it from Weekly Reader or another company
that distributed order booklets & forms via schools.
This isn't "Sailboat Summer" by Anne Reynolds.
Betty Cavanna, The Scarlet Sail.
Heroine - Andy - is bratty at the beginning, having taken her
mother's remarriage very badly. However, a wonderful summer
on Cape Cod with her own boat (once she gets over the
too-prominent red sail) and a new beau helps her come to terms
with her new family.
Betty Cavanna, The
Scarlet Sail, 1959, copyright. 15
year-old Andrea spends the summer in Cape Cod with her mother
and new stepfather. They give her a sailboat and she has
to take lessons from Mike, a Cape native who resents
tourists. They clash during the lessons. Andrea
ultimately learns to sail well and her relationship with Mike
grows warmer. She proves herself in a sailing race in the
end. In this book, the heroine doesn't fall for a loutish
guy and there's no thriller subplot.
Elisabeth Ogilvie wrote a lot of YA
romance/mysteries from the 50s through the early 70s.
Most of them involved Maine, or sailing, or both. You
might want to check into some of her titles.
I know it isn't anything by Elizabeth Ogilve, and
I'm waiting for a copy of "Scarlet Sail," but, based on
synopses that I've read, I'm not hopeful. I'm
seriously beginning to think that either I'm the only
person on the planet who read the book I'm thinking of or
that I imagined the whole thing. lol. Thanks to everyone
for your help; I'm still hopeful that the answer will turn
up some day.
S564: sit-down
apple tree; Jump-over-Bonnie.
children's book. Little Golden
Book? About animals who are friends.
S565: Scottish Girl
Solved: Cathie Stuart
S566: Short poems for kids about frogs
1965-1975 childrens
book. This was a little trade paperback, whimsical,
with black and white, cartoonlike illustrations to accompany each
short poem. I can quote one whole poem from memory:
"There was a frog who had a car - he drove it fast - he drove it
far - He drove it every day and night - And never stopped for
traffic lights - "I've learned to drive quite easily," - "But
never learned to stop," said he." There's another one about pies
where a lady frog eats all the pies herself. Every poem is short,
and funny, with a twist at the end. My mom and I are at our
wit's ends trying to figure out who wrote it and how we can get a
copy. She used to read this to me daily. If you can help, I owe
you a plate of brownies or a 6-pack of Belgian beer. Your pick.
S567: Sci-fi fantasy, rival clans
I am looking for a sci-fi book, or
sci-fi fantasy I should say. The book is about a young man,
raised in a sort of idol liesure. In a clan dispute, his family is
wiped out by a rival clan, Raven clan I think. Gustav Raven I
think was father of the clan. They used power suits, had
duels. The young man finds his family dead, all their holdings
gone to the raven clan. he gets help from a suit mechanic,
and begins trying to get revenge and bring his family name
back. His girlfriend is the grand daughter, or daught of the
Raven clan leader. His plan for revenge includes fighting
duels in the power suits for weaker, poorer clans, because he cant
attack the raven clan directly. The raven clan hires a "gun for
hire" suit Duelist. A traveling mercenary that fights in his suit
in established duels. I am pretty sure Raven clan is the
antagonist, as well as gustav raven. I cant remember the
young mans name. For some reason, Badger clan, and Frog clan
spring to mind.
FASA, BattleTech. This sounds like the BattleTech series, what with
the clan names and having duels in powersuits. BattleTech is a
very complex fantasy universe as detailed as Star Trek or Star
Wars, and it has been a roleplaying game, several computer and
video games, a collectible card game, a series of more than 100
novels, and an animated TV series. It's been around for over 20
years and has been extensively covered on Wikipedia. You could
check there to see if anything looks familiar.
The info left didn't help, thank you though. I am
very familiar with the entire Battletech genre. The game, the
books, the works. They always deal with large
"robots"...Mechs. There are later books and gamemods dealing
with smaller armour worn by personel, but its not this I think
(wiki didnt bring up anything that sounded
familiar). I'll be more specific on what I
remember. The young man grew up on a planet where
clans (probably where the Battletech thinking comes in) rule
their own territories. He is sneaking around meeting a mystery
lover, the daughter of the clan head that rivals his own clan.
He's out at a tryst with her, he comes home, finds the place
wiped out. Goes into a type of exile to the free cities. Meets
what is called a suit mechanic, that just so happens to be a
retired duelist (gun for hirer). He helps the young man out,
gets him a suit, trains him. The young man can't
directly attack his enemy clan, but all disputes are settled
by a champion, trial by combat. So he goes to some of the
smaller and poorer clans and asks them to let him fight for
them to provoke his enemies. One was a fight over a stream or
creek that bordered the bad clan he's fighting and the clan
that owned the stream was so poor that basically had nothing
but a name. He does this for several clans, so the
bad clan calls in a special duelist to challenge the young
man. He manages to win somehow, and with help from others,
begins to make direct attacks on his enemy. It all
culminates in an all out assault against his enemy, he wins
the day even though they brought in alot of mercenaries
wearing battle suits. (it's always individuals wear powered
body armour). I am almost positive the antagonist
was the Raven clan. I have googled a ton, no luck.
S568: Short scary stories, yellow raincoat
boy dies, paper lanterns children disappear at party
A kids book of short scary stories
from the late 80s, early 90s. One of the stories was about a kid
in a yellow rain coat with bags under his eyes, and he's following
some guy and asking for food I think, and the guy keeps ignoring
him and maybe even pushes him, and I think the kid falls and the
guy feels bad and walks back, and the rain coat is empty, and it
turns out the kid had been hit by a car and died the day before or
something. There was also another one about a kid stuck at home
sick in bed, and I think there was another kid he knew from school
who was weird and didn't have a lot of friends, and it turned out
there was something wrong with the kid, like he was actually dead
while bringing the sick kid his homework or weird shit. And the
last story, I think, was about a party a kindergarten teacher was
having for her students and parents, and end of year party? And
its getting dark, and they make paper lanterns and the parents are
socializing and let the kids walk off with the lanterns, and then
they never come back.
Ooh, I remember that yellow raincoat story! No idea
what book it was in. I just remember that it was really creepy!
S569: Single mother goose and her 12
Mother teaches her children to do
the chores so that she can do her job of delivering easter eggs to
children. 1970, childrens.
Du Bose Heyward, Marjorie Flack
(illus), The Country Bunny
and the Little Gold Shoes, 1939, renewed 1967,
copyright. Not a goose, but otherwise sounds like this one.
Country Bunny always dreamed of becoming one of the Easter
Bunnies, but after having 21 babies, how could she? But she taught
2 to sweep, 2 to make beds, 2 to cook, 2 to wash dishes, 2 to tend
garden, 2 to do laundry, 2 to mend, etc. proving that she was not
only wise, and kind, and swift, but also clever, and therefore not
only qualified to be an Easter Bunny, but also available to do so.
A very sweet Easter story.
Du Bose Heyward, The
Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, 1939,
copyright. I think this must be the book and that you have
the animals wrong. The mother bunny dreams of being one of
the five Easter Bunnies who gets to deliver eggs to all the
children. When her chance comes to replace a retiring
Easter Bunny, she gets chosen because of how well she has raised
her 21 children. She also taught them to do all of the
household chores and to enjoy doing them.
S570: Story about a shrunken ghost
This book might have been published
in the 1970s or earlier. The story is about a ghost happily living
in an empty house until a family moves in. He is very upset and
wants to get rid of them. Somehow he gets trapped in the washing
machine/dryer and comes out very small. He is quite upset until he
realizes that he can be useful to the family by doing chores such
as dusting the furniture. There is also something about pink
lemonade in the story but I can't remember any more of the plot.
Jane Thayer, Gus Series, 1960, approximate. Could
this be one of the Gus books, by Jane
Thayer? I don't remember Gus shrinking, but he is
friends with a mouse, who looks to be the same size. Two of
the titles I remember are "Gus was a Friendly Ghost" and "Gus Loved his
Happy Home". There are a few others--a christmas story
and at least one where Gus travels.
Unfortunately, I do not believe the Jane Thayer books
are correct. The ghost looked like a "typical" ghost in
a sheet. His shape was without adornment, color or
embellishment. The story was also somewhat dark (the ghost was
quite antisocial and was very happy to be alone) until he
began to like the family near the end. One main plot of the
story is his dealing with and then accepting the fact that he
had been shrunk in the wash. The other is his accepting the
new family that moved into the house. After he accepted them,
he then liked to zip around the house helping with household
chores, like dusting. It might have been that pink lemonade is
what spilled on him which precipitated his washing/shrinking.
S571: Snipp snapp and snorr story in other
Solved: On We Go Reader
S572: Summer Adolescent Friendship
Solved: The Secret Summer of L. E. B.
S573: sack, castle, magic, boy, stairs
Solved: The Big Jump and Other Stories
S574: Secret of the Seven Crows?
Solved: The
Secret of the Seven Crows
S575: School girls and orphan friend pick
purple flowers
70s or 80s, childrens. The
book had a purple cover and I thought the title had something to
do with violets, lavender or some other purple plant or garden
event. The story was about two sisters (cousins?) who are
sent to a private school (not a new one to them) that is run by
nuns. The younger sister becomes friends with an orphan (charity)
student named Agnes (?). One of the sisters was named Lavinia
(Vinnie) or something like it. There was a scene at the ice cream
shop, where a nun told the older sister that ice cream cones will
ruin her complexion; they also eat pickles. Before this they had
agreed how much they were going to spend by combining their pocket
money. I believe at the end Agnes dies. I think it was set in
England, and seemed to be around the early 1900s.
Natalie Savage Carlson, Luvvy and the Girls,
1950, approximate. This
one comes up frequently. I'm positive this is the book you
are seeking. It follows the book The Half Sisters.
S576: Sierra Nevada stories
Trying to trace a book read back in
the early 70s with western stories from around the Sierra Nevada.
I think it was a large book, possibly A4 and each story taking 1
or 2 pages (but not sure), some b/w sketch illustrations.
Publication date possibly 1950s? High Sierra rings a bell.
Oscar Lewis, High Sierra Country,
1955, copyright. Four
hundred and thirty miles of rugged peaks and granite spires,
interspersed with mountain meadows, crystal lakes, and snow-fed
streams, make up the area known as the High Sierra Country. A link
in the vast chain which stretches from the southernmost tip of
South America to the fog-bound islands of the outer Aleutians, it
is among the great mountain ranges in the world. The area's
eventful history begins with the first expedition across the lofty
summits in 1827. Stories of trail-breakers are still among the
most exciting adventures of the Far West. In this book, Oscar
Lewis gives a panoramic picture of the entire region. From
accounts of its spirited history and descriptions of the unusual
climate and scenic wonders to colorful anecdotes about past and
present personalities. Part of the American Folkways Series.
Not High Sierra
Country by Oscar Lewis. This book was a larger format
(A4?) and included b/w line drawings and sketches. I remember
a map of Nevada state inside. Possibly green board cover?
S577: Smackover (little boy's name)
This is a book I would have read in
the early 1960's. All I can remember is that a family with 2
girls and their little brother move in next to a lonely
girl. The 3 new kids were all named after the towns they
were born in. The girls both had somewhat normal names, but
the little brother was named Smackover. I don't remember any of
the plot or the other character's names.
I read a book around
1975 where the children were named after the cities they were born
in, except I remember the girl being called "Wichita," because I
had never heard of it. They meet a "witch" who tells them
how crude oil is made from dinosaurs.
S578: sea face after bucket of salt water
A ship sets sail. The
captain, who has seemed pleasant on shore, calls for a bucket of
sea water. He plunges his head into the bucket and pulls it
out a few moments later with his sea face on -- transformed into a
much scarier figure than before. I had long thought this was
a scene from Moby Dick, but I cannot find it there. I read
it about thirty years ago, but the book could have been old then
S579: Skunk pet
Boy moves to country town from the
city, living in stone (?) farmhouse. Goes to new school and
is bullied. Finds a skunk in a trap in the woods, frees it
and makes it his pet. Bully comes to his house and skunk
sprays bully. Illustrated. For ages 8-10 (?)
Ester Wier, Leo Summers (illus), The Space Hut, 1967,
copyright. A long shot, but it is about a boy and his pet
skunk. "When Mike and his family move outside the city, he
discovers that he has inherited a pet skunk from the previous
homeowners. He finds a friend in an elderly man who watches him
build his space hut in a tree with great interest, then fights
city hall when a local government official orders his space hut
torn down as an eyesore. His quest engages adults, and mobilizes
both his skunk and the press to his aid."
Robert McCloskey, Homer
Price, 1943 (+ later reprints),
copyright. Six episodes in the life of Homer Price
including one in which he and his pet skunk capture four bandits
and another about a donut machine on the rampage. There is a
sequel, titled Centerburg Tales (also published as More Homer
Price) which features the further adventures of Homer
Price, including a juke box that sets the whole town singing
against its will, and a mad scientist who develops weeds that
overrun the town.
S580: Summer magazine interns
Solved: Clotheshorse
S581: Spy, Dyed hair, boat blows up,
changes identity
Hi All, I am trying to find the
title of a book I read in high school, so around
1983-1985... It is about a spy... he has to dye his hair -
either to red or from red and he also had to change his
identity. Possibly either shaved off a beard or had a fake
one put on. There is also a part in the story where a boat
is blown up... but the spy isn't on it. I know it's not much
to go on, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Roth, Holly, Mask of Glass,
1954, approximate.
Although I am unable to find a synopsis of this book's plot, I
read it many years ago and can recall a few details that remind me
of this Stumper. A red-haired young man was injured in an
explosion set by spies of some sort. As a result of his
injuries, his hair turned white. His face was also changed
by scarring from the explosion. As a result, he looked quite
different, a virtual disguise. This enabled him to seek out
the spies and destroy their organization. His name was, I
think, Jimmy, but after he recuperated from the explosion, he
looked so much more mature that his associates called him Jim
Thanks for
the response, though Mask of
Glass is not the one I'm looking for.
S582: Series, brothers & sisters,
Solved: The Boxcar Children
S583: Story collection with "The Fairies"
by Allingham
I'm searching feverishly for story
book I had around 1950-55. It was a collection of stories and
included the poem "The Fairies" by Allingham - "Up the airy
mountain, down the rushy glen..." etc. There was a colour
illustration going down the same page as the text of leprechauns,
rocks, rushes etc. Could this be the same book as the "Elves
& Fairies Golden Book" shown on your site? Am pretty
sure my book would have been publ. in UK as that's where I'm
from. Other stories I remember (though not necessarily from
the one with the above poem) are one about Will O' the Wisps
leading people astray in a marsh and another where a young woman
dresses as a soldier to join sweetheart - there's an illustration
where she's emerging from cupboard in grandfather clock where
she's been hiding! These 2 stories were part of a collection
of stories in a hardback story book. If any light can be
shed I'd be eternally grateful! And is it possible to send
me image of the illustration accompanying "The Fairies" poem by
Allingham in "Elves & Fairies" 1951 edition? I remember it (in
UK) as illus. going down page of elves/clumps of rushes/rocky
landscape. As these early editions v. pricey I need to make
sure it's book I had before trying to buy one.
S584: slavery, spaceship crash, metal ring
Solved: Iron Cage
S585: Stairs, girl in black, mannequin
Solved: The Bad Times of Irma Baumlein
S586: Star-like
1950s, childrens. Fairy tale
with memorable artwork. Most lasting memory is of beautiful young
woman (fairy?) with star-like eyes (I think it was the
frontispiece of the story). I don't remember color in the artwork,
but I do remember it was dreamy and mysterious. I seem to recall a
winding staircase featured behind the woman. Perhaps the main
characters were a brother and sister. (Not much, right?) The book
is NOT "Shadow Castle," although that stuck in my brain for years.
George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin. Could you possibly be
looking for "The
Princess and the Goblin"? I loved that book as a child!
Princess Irene discovers a hidden staircase that leads her to a
beautiful woman (her grandmother)...and I believe she is described
as having "starry" eyes. It's a long stretch--but worth a shot :)
There IS a suggestion at S586, but it is of a book much
more recent than the one for which I am searching.
S587: Science
fiction short stories
I'm looking for a short story
collection, though I may be confusing stories from different
books. I read these probably between 1977-1986. All would have
been paperback and some may have been school texts since my mother
was a teacher. One story was about a girl who could predict the
future; I remember she was on a bus to school and knew someone
would get batter on their clothes in a home-ec. class (she may
have predicted a bus crash, too). Another story was about a boy
(man?) who could travel to other dimensions. I vaguely recall
somewhere in the book that someone was floating from a bed near
the ceiling (not sure which story). Another was about a sinister
kid who could do things (can't remember much) and took place, in
part, in a tree-house. I think all of these are in the same
collection (I also recall an occasional simple sketch of some
scene in the stories). Another story that at may be in there or in
other collections was about a girl, high-school aged I think, who
told everyone she had been abducted by aliens and she ends up
getting x-rays (school nurse?) The ending was something like "They
finally believed her. They had to because inside her where her
organs should have been were machines." Lastly, I remember a
story, possibly in first-person, in which the speaker/main
character remembers going to a relative's funeral and seeing a
strange man there whose glove seemed limp in one finger; it turns
out this man was an alien (maybe befriended by the dead
relative?). Any help you can provide will be much
appreciated. I've wanted to find this book (books?) for years and
will be glad to get it/them if I have to research the stories
separately, though I'd prefer the book(s) themselves. Thank
I don't know the
specific anthology you're looking for, but the story of a
"sinister kid who could do things" brings to mind two short
stories: "Talent"
by Theodore Sturgeon and
"It's A Good
Life" by Jerome Bixby.
Both have been anthologized a number of times - searching for
anthologies containing these stories might help you in your
quest. "Talent"
is about a sadistic little boy, Jokey (short for Joaquim) who can
change things (eg. a real pig into a life-size china piggy bank)
with his mind. He terrorizes his family, but when he tries
to frighten a neighbor girl called Precious by turning himself
into a giant stag beetle, she stomps on him with her shiny shoes,
believing that he is an actual beetle. What's left of him is later
discovered under her bed, still stuck to her shoe, when he
eventually turns back into himself. Part of the story takes place
in a barn, but there is no treehouse. This story can be found in "50 Short Science
Fiction Tales" edited by Asimov and Conlkin, and in "100 Tiny Tales of
Terror" edited by Weinberg,
Dziemianowica, and Greenberg. It's probably in others as
well. "It's a
Good Life" is about a three-year-old boy, Anthony, who
can both hear/feel the thoughts of others (both animals and
people) and can create or change things with his mind. When a
neighbor angers him by singing, he tranforms the man into
something unrecognizable, then thinks him into a grave in the
cornfield. He also causes a rat to eat itself, begining with the
tail. There is no treehouse, but Anthony enjoys spending time in a
grove of trees beside a cool spring and pond, watching the birds,
insects and small animals, whom he generally likes and sometimes
tries to please. Anthony has removed the town, Peakesville, from
the rest of the world - it exists apart, in a sort of limbo - and
everyone is terrified of him. They are constantly claiming that
everything is "good" even when Anthony kills someone, or causes it
to snow, killing half the crops, because he will kill or transform
anyone who is dissatisfied with the world as he has created it.
This story is in many anthologies, including "The Science
Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. 1" (ed. by Silverberg), "The Twilight
Zone: The Original Stories" (ed. by Greenberg, Matheson, & Waugh),
and "Isaac
Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories: 15" (ed. Asimov, Greenberg). Both are
terrific stories. Hope this helps!
Thanks to the person who tried to help, but those are
not the stories. I know that the mean-boy story was in a
skinny paperback book with at least some of the others I
described. It may have been a Scholastic book (with simple
sketches to illustrate some of the scenes in the tales), but I
don't know for sure. Thanks anyway; I appreciate the help!
Elwood, Roger, Children of infinity. Could it be one of roger elwood's
anthologies? he's a brilliant editor -- picks stories with
great surprise twists. children of infinity (i think)
includes the story of a boy who notices that a particular
additive is in every food product in the house, refines it,
and takes it straight. turns out the entire society is being
kept docile with this additive. if that's not the collection,
maybe it's one of his others.
Don't know for sure, but
maybe it could be one of Ray
Bradbury's collections of short stories.
don't think it is the Roger Elwood title you mentioned; at
least the story you described isn't familiar and when I
looked up the book, the cover wasn't either (I'm sure I
would remember it when I see it). It's possible that some
of the Elwood's kid's collections have some of the stories
I remember, so I will try checking those as I can. As for
Bradbury, I've read many of his stories and none of them
are the ones I remember. I appreciate all of the
suggestions, though, and will keep looking.
S588: Story
collection, 'Little Black Sambo', 'Teeny Tiny Woman'
My mom had a book when she was
little (born in 1954) that she read to me when I was little (born
1978). It was a collection of various stories. I
remember it being a larger (maybe 12x12" square), hardcover book
with a black cover with orange on it. She says that there
were 2 books in a set, but I'm not sure. I remember it had
"Little Black Sambo," "The Teeny Tiny Woman," (she lived in a
teeny tiny house - everything was teeny tiny and drove my mom
nuts!!) and "Wynkyn, Blynkn, and Nod" in it. It seems
like it was hardcover with paper pasted on it - not a dust jacket,
but for some reason I remember the paper on the cover maybe
peeling at the corners. The book(s) have been lost for a
long time and I'd love to find a copy of this book to read to my
daughter (born 2000). Thank you for taking the time to
hopefully solve this mystery for me.
Wallace C. Wadsworth, The Real Story Book,
1927, copyright. This
book was originally published in 1927, with reprints in (at least)
1930, 1944, and 1946. Stories in the 1930 edition are: How Jack
Found His Fortune; Bob-White And The Farmer Man; Peter Rabbit; How
The Sea Became Salt; The Cock, The Mouse, And The Little Red Hen;
The Gingerbread Man; The Old Woman And Her Pig; The Straw Ox; The
Seven Wonderful Cats; The Three Wishes; The Three Bears; The Pied
Piper; Little Black Sambo; The Teeny-Tiny Woman; The Three Little
Pigs; Mrs. And Mrs. Vinegar; The Little Red Hen; Epaminondas;
Titty Mouse And Tatty Mouse And Henny Penny. Epaminondas and
Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse appear to have been omitted from the
1944 & 1946 reprints. Does not contain Wynkyn, Blynkyn and
Nod, but might be worth looking into all the same. The cover
is dark green cloth-covered boards with a paste-down illustration
of a little boy in blue, with a yellow cape, holding hands with a
blonde girl in an orange gown, walking on a forrest path, with a
castle, trees, and a sailing ship in the background. Beautifully
illustrated in color throughout by Margaret Evans Price, with many full-page
Compiled by Marjorie Barrows, The Children's
Treasury, 1947, 1951, copyright. I think this is
(are)the book(s) you want. Yes, there are two books. Brown cover
with gold illustrations and title. One book has the Little Black
Sambo story and the other has the Land of Nod. Hope this helps.
S589: Spurs and
childrens, 1930? A boy and a
girl were born on a Southern plantation. When their parents
died in a carriage accident they were sent to live with grumpy
childless relatives in Ohio, maybe. They could only take 2
things to remember their southern home; the boy took either spurs
or a sword or both and the girl took a family portrait. They
grew to love their grumpy relatives and offered to sell their
family treasures to pay for the aunt's operation.
S590: Shipwrecked
1950's Picture Book. This
book was a detailed and richly illustrated picture book about a
boy mouse who was shipwrecked on a deserted island. He goes
about building an elaborate shelter from the wreckage. He
salvages a carpenter's footlocker and uses all the old time tools
to construct his dwelling on the ocean shore. There was one
illustration showing the outside of his home with a lantern lit
inside. It was beatiful! I can't remember if he was rescued
or not. It could have been a british book because our family
was stationed in Germany at the time (1950-54), but it was in
Could this be Abel's Island, by William
Except that I just read "Abel's Island"
about a week ago, and it isn't a picture book, but a chapter
book. And it isn't what I'd call richly illustrated, although it
does have pictures throughout. Just black and white drawings
though. Most importantly, Abel doesn't build an elaborate house
on the island, but lives in a log with the ends blocked up with
stones. It is about a stranded mouse though...
Margaret Wise Brown, The Sailor Dog, 1953,
copyright. This may be the book, except that the
shipwrecked animal is a dog rather than a mouse.
Everything else pretty much fits, though: it's a picture book;
it has fantastic illustrations (by Garth Williams); Scuppers, the shipwreckee,
does build a house (although he does so out of driftwood, not
out of the ship); he does use an old carpenter's chest
(although he does not recover it from the ship but rather
finds it on the beach); and there is a picture of the house he
builds lit by a lantern and with smoke going up the ramshackle
chimney (I think he's cooking a fish he caught).
Happily, Scuppers does escape the island, but not by being
rescued: as he sleeps on green boughs in the house he's made,
he dreams that if he can build a house then he can repair the
ship. So the next day he does so, then sails to a port
where he buys new clothes and supplies, and then sails off
again in his ship.
Wise Brown, The Sailor Dog, 1953, copyright.I still think
this is the book. If the requester can go to a website
entitled "Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves" and do a search there
for The Sailor Dog, s/he'll see a few illustrations from the book,
including one of Scuppers the Sailor Dog on the beach making a
house out of driftwood with the carpenter's chest he found
there. It's not the only picture of the house in the book --
I'm pretty sure there's one of it at night with the light on,
which I think is what the requester remembers -- but there will be
no mistaking the style and quality of the Garth Williams
illustrations. I generally can't tell whether people look
back at these suggested solutions or not, but I'd be very
interested in knowing whether this one turns out to be right.
Wise Brown, The Sailor Dog,
1953. Right or wrong?
S591: settlers,
pioneers, Texas, Galveston, shipwreck
I checked a chapter book out of my
elementary school's library and read it around 1960. A
family set sail during the nineteenth century, eager for new
opportunities in the new state (or territory?) of Texas.
They were shipwrecked and came ashore on an island. They
managed to salvage enough materials and belongings to build and
furnish a cabin and plant a vegetable garden. One of the
pieces of salvage was their piano. Time passed and the
family adjusted well to their reduced circumstances and their
survival situation, but the father, consumed with guilt for taking
his family away from their formerly prosperous and comfortable
life, set off for parts unknown to find a way to fulfill his
dreams for them. Shortly after his departure, Native
Americans, who viewed the newcomers and their demonic sound-making
apparatus (the piano) with fear, attacked and set fire to the
house. The teenaged daughter led her family to safety in a
refuge within a thicket of saplings that had grown in a circle
around a massive oak nearby. The father returned shortly,
having discovered that they had been living on the unoccupied end
of Galveston Island, not far from a thriving new city. The
book had been shelved in the younger students' section of the
library by mistake. When I tried to check it out again, the
librarian would not let me do so, as it was deemed too mature for
a third-grader--silly rules!
S592: Spiral
staircase/sea conch
Mystery of ...formerly titled
"Tigers Eye?", fifties-sixties, juvenile. Story is of
children related to Louisa May Alcott or they live in a mansion
formerly owned by her. There is financial difficulty, father
may have died, mother looking to pay off debts to keep
house. Children, boy and girl, discover a secret or clues to
hidden jewels once owned by LMA. There is a dollhouse with a
spiral staircase, there is a sea conch, the boy dreams he is
inside the dollhouse which catches fire. The boy also dreams
he's inside the conch falling into the spirals of the conch.
They find a hidden staircase within the walls of the mansion that
"spiral"? There is a sense of dread and tension until they mystery
is revealed.
Jane Langton, The Diamond in the Window. This often-sought book is
almost certainly the basis for your memories. There are
several dream sequences, including one that takes place inside a
chambered nautilus, and much discussion of the New England
Transcendentalists (of whom Louisa May Alcott's father was one).
S593: Ship brings cold girl oranges
Story / excerpt 1972-84 elementary
school reader? Girl waits for supply / cargo ship bringing
supplies & oranges. Eats orange reminiscent of sunshine.
She wears parka. Cold climate – Eskimo, Inuit, Alaska,
Newfoundland, Greenland ?
S594: Store, ice cream or candy
1970s, childrens. A man runs
a neighborhood ice cream or candy store that is very popular with
the kids. When he weighs the peanuts, he always puts a few more
on. When he makes the ice cream cone, he puts a little bit down in
the cone, then the main scoop on top. His grown-up son goes off to
college to learn how to help run the business. He comes back with
lots of new ideas including measuring the peanuts and taking a few
off and making the ice cream cone without the little extra bit.
The son is perplexed when the kids stop coming. Eventually he
figures it out and the business does great.
I don't remember the
name of the book, but was the man who ran the shop named Mr.
Alice Miller, Little
Store on the Corner. I just read this
book! The store owner's son comes home from college with
lots of big ideas about management and takes over while he's on
vacation. He skimps on the servings and the kids
eventually show him the right way to do things.
The Little Store on the Corner
- see Solved Mysteries.
S595: Spooky house, cat
I remember very few details for
this one. Spooky house on a hill, (black?) cat with vivid
green eyes. Not sure if this is the same book, but – a boarding
school in the woods?
Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart? See Solved Mysteries.
Maybe The Witch on
Hissing Hill by Mary
Calhoun? I haven't read it for years, but the
cover has a spooky black house in the background, and a black
cat with vivid green eyes sitting in the foreground. I
think it was about how a mean witch became nice though, and I
don't remember a boarding school.
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds, The Witch Herself, September 1,
2002, reprint. Could this be "The Witch Herself"? The cover
of a reprint of this book has a black cat with bright
greenish/yellow eyes and the "witch" has an old Victorian
house on the top of a hill.
S596: sick grandmother lost flowers
I read the book in the 70's, book
from 60's? Book was about a girl whose grandmother lived
with the family. Grandmother was sickly or senile, always
asking for her flowers, that she had left in her room. at
the end of the book, the girl stumbled on a hidden room, and on
the table are the flowers.
Cook, Lyn, Samantha's Secret Room,
1963, copyright. Sam
(Samantha) Wiggins lives on a farm in Penetanguishene, Ontario
with her parents, two brothers and great grandmother. As the
girl of the family, One of the themes running through the book is
Samantha's dislike of doing domestic chores, especially for her
grandmother, simply because she is the girl of the family.
Her relationship with her grandmother isn't fantastic. Her
grandmonther frequently asks for the "book with the flowers in it"
which Samantha can't find and doesn't believe exists.
Samantha escapes her great grandmother and her brothers by hiding
out in the old root cellar, which she has decorated with
mail-order posters of holiday destinations. Another theme
running through the book is Sam's search for the secret room
belonging to her 19th century ancestor of the same name. She
searches through their big 150 year old farm house for the room
without success. At the very end of the book, she is tearing
things off the wall of her root cellar hideout when she stumbles
across a second secret room, hidden behind the walls. This
of course, is the other Samantha's room, and also contains her
great grandmother's "book with the flowers in it" - a diary (from
memory!) that has dried flowers pressed between its pages.
S597: set of children's story books
1950, childrens. this book
had many stories in it. also puzzles games, magic fun for
kids and nursery rhymes. It came in a set of books.
some of the titles were- "the Fox Who Lost Her Tail" "the
Bull and the Mouse" "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp"
"The Goose Girl" "The Golden Goose" " The Star Silver" " The
Tale of the Valiant Siegfried" "Gulliver's Travels" etc. Also this
(these books had "Reading Units" Like "Projects and
Recreation" "classical Nursery Rhymes" " Aesop's fables
Retold" and "Famous Stories Retold". These Books had a hard
cover and were red. I would love to get these books again
and know who published them.
Marjorie Blackman, Aesops Fables Retold. Hi, if you have a look at
www.fantasticfiction.co.uk and search for this title it says there
is a whole load of this series of books but says by many authors,
so you might have to search a bit more.
S598: Sledding kids on ice cream splotched
snowy hills
Solved: The Littlest Snowman
S599: Strange family, crystal ball
Solved: A Visit to Folly Castle
S600: Star Trek Interstellar Saran Wrap
1970's-80's, original cast. USS
Enterprise is enveloped by a giant creature like a big rectangular
film the size of North America. The creature cries for help
as they fight, and as the Enterprise heads to the safety of a
planetary system, another one that could "envelop Sol" comes from
Peace and long life. You
might check the Complete Starfleet Library at
http://www.well.com/~sjroby/lcars/. I couldn't find anything there
that resembled your book but the descriptions often seem to be
just the back-cover blurbs... not much detail. But perhaps enough
for you... if you look at the pages for the years your book would
have come out, perhaps you will recognize it. They show the book
covers. You could also try memory-alpha.org. Good luck!
S601: 60s-70s book involving boy, grandma,
bike & spy or assasination plot
Solved: The Kidnapers Upstairs
S602: Science fiction short story
Solved: "Willowisp"
S603: Star on staff imprint on snow
Read part in 1983/4. Fantasy novel
centering on a boy. An early scene he has a staff/rod that leaves
a star/crown? imprint on the snow in the woods as he walks. Think
he has lost his memory. The imprint is a clue to his identity
which is politically important. Crows/ravens are recurring
Susan Cooper, The Dark is Rising. I don't remember about the
imprint in the snow, but there are lots of rooks in The Dark is
Thanks for the suggestion but that isn't the one.
Setting is a world other than our own. The boy is being
pursued through much of the book and the symbol on the
staff(?) is evidence of his destiny. I think his
pursuers sought to kill him initially and failed.
Limited on how much I could put in the original post by PayPal
though honestly my memory is the biggest limitation here.
Patricia McKillip, Riddlemaster of Hed,
1976. Some details
don't match exactly, but it sounds like McKillip's Riddlemaster trilogy.
Morgon has three stars on his forehead, and also obtains a
harp with the three stars. They are key to his
destiny. Some people do try to kill him and he wanders
throughout the land, meeting up with (among other people) a
shape-shifter who turns into a crow for a time. Not
absolutely sure but a staff may also be involved.
S604: Scruffy
Childrens book from 1980's;
possibly late 1970's. The title of the book is Scruffy, but
it's not the books by Peggy Parish or John Stoneley. The
book is about a dog who runs away and the boy who finds him.
Prudence Andrew, Dog, 1973, copyright. This might
be the same as B649 in unsolved mysteries. Andrew pleads with his
father for a dog. For the twentieth time his father explains to
him that dogs aren't allowed in the housing project where they
live. Then one wonderful day, Andrew finds a hungry, shaggy,
little stray. Andrew is determined to keep the dog. He names him
Scruffy, cleans him up and feeds him, and hides him near his home
in an abandoned car.
Prudence Andrew, Dog,
1973, copyright. "Why can't I have a dog?" Andrew
pleads. For the twentieth time his father explains that dogs
aren't allowed in the project where they live. Then, one
wondeful day, Andrew finds Scruffy -- a hungry, shaggy, little
dog that belongs to nobody. Andrew is determined to keep Scruffy
-- and, somehow, he's going to do it! Front cover shows a
scruffy little brown and whitish terrier sitting in the snow,
with barren trees behind him.
S605: Sisters in boarding school 2 book set
Solved: The Mystifying
S606: Smokes dad's cigar and turns green
Book set in Paris, France (possibly
originally a French story translated to English) about a boy with
a fat friend called Edwin, whose favourite shop is a delicatessen
called "The Epicure". One day he smokes one of his dad's cigars in
the park, goes green and gets sick.
Goscinny and Sempe, Nicholas, late '70s?, approximate. You
might be thinking of the first collection of Nicholas stories,
which were written by Rene
Goscinny (best known for Asterix), illustrated by Jean-Jacques Sempe and later
translated from the original French by Anthea Bell. There
are several volumes of collected stories, and they're uniformly
delightful. They were first published in the UK in the late
'70s and early '80s, and have been reissued by Phaidon Press in
the last couple of years. The story you describe could be "The Cigar",
in which Nicholas and his fat friend Alec (not Edwin, but there is
another friend named Eddie) smoke a cigar and suffer
ill-effects. The English title of the collection it appears
in is "Nicholas".
There's a quotation from the story in this review of the recent
reprint edition: http://archive.southcoasttoday.com/daily/03-06/03-11-06/08living.htm
- scroll to near the end. And here are a couple of the
illustrations from the book, which might look familiar: http://www.bookmakingwithkids.com/?p=217.
S607: Seventh-Day Adventist basic reader
I was in 2nd grade (in 1978)
reading the green covered "Neighborhood Friends", when I looked in
an empty desk and found a reader for another class. I don't
know what level. It was a deeper blue/purple than "More
Neighborhood Friends" and had snow over 1/2 the cover w/ a snow
covered cabin. Title?
Young, Ethel, Neighbors About Us,
1958, copyright. Found
it! You can see a picture of the cover at
I saw this title "Neighbors About Us" last week, and
while the description of the snowy cabin fits, I remember a
bluish/purple cover with no people on the front. I am
looking into whether or not what I remember was possibly a
later publication? Also, it may have been a supplemental
reader, not the main reader for the particular grade level.
S608: Short story, space ship, extra weight
Solved: The Cold
S609: stories
Solved: The
Hutchinson Illustrated Treasury of Children's
S610: Sci/Fi book 1970s caterpillar gems
I read this in in the 1970s,
written for children/young adults. Protagonist is a woman, in a
different world/galaxy/planet, where they use precious gems as
currency. In the story, we learn that the gems are actually the
feces of worms/caterpillars. The author wrote other kids
sci/fi books, too.
Naomi Mitchison, Memoirs of a
spacewoman. This is a long shot, but one of the episodes in this book
has a planet where the caterpillars make jewel/faeces patterns as
part of their mating ritual. However, if they do this they never
turn into immortal butterflies, so the butterflies try to stop
them. One of the human crew gets too involved with the
caterpillars and feels sorry for them, so she kills a supposedly
immortal butterfly. I know it's not an exact match but
thought it was worth mentioning.
S611: Scary color picture book I read in
Solved: Grandpa's ghost stories
S612: Short story collection
Solved: The
Little Bookroom
S613: Sundial enables time travel
It is about siblings, 3 I think,
who were sent to live with a relative. They kids discovered
a sundial that enable them to travel back in time. They met
kids who had previously lived in that same house. It
is up to the contemporary kids to save the past kids from a
tragedy that already occurred.
Edward Eager, The Time Garden. This reminds me of The Time Garden,
which is about the four children of one of the siblings from
Eager's "Half Magic". The time travelling is done with the aid of
a sprig of thyme, which comes from a magic garden (I think there
is a sundial there). At one point the characters encounter
the Half Magic characters as children, and help them return to the
time they came from.
Antonia Barber, The
Ghosts. Lucy and her brother Jamie meet
two mysterious figures in the garden, beginning a dangerous
friendship with two children who had died a century earlier.
They must travel back in time to save Sara and Georgie from the
tragic fire that took their lives.
Anne Lindbergh, Shadow
on the Dial, 1987, copyright. This
could be Anne Lindbergh's
on the Dial". I don't think there's a past
family tragedy, but they are trying to change something in
their uncle's past. It also sounds a little like Peni Griffin's "A Dig in Time",
but it's not a sundial that makes them travel in time.
There's another title with a sundial that's just eluding me at
the moment, but it may be by Andre
Antonia Barber, The Ghosts.
Edward Eager, The Time Garden,
1958, approximate. Possibly this one, although I
don't remember them averting a previous tragedy. "In this
sequel to Knight's Castle, the four kids - Roger, Ann,
Eliza, and Jack - are together again, this time staying at
the house of a distant relative, Mrs. Whiton. Mrs. Whiton
just happens to have a rather extraordinary garden, which
includes a sundial (inscribed "Anything can happen...when
you've all the time in the world") Another
possibility is Moondial by Helen Cresswell, which
also has a sundial that allows time travel.
edward eager, the time garden,
1958, approximate. there were 4 children but one
thought he was too old to join in. they see queen
elizabeth, jo march, etc. his books are great, and most
are intertwined with each other, the children being the
same or related in most of them. he credits e nesbit
with most of his ideas.
Cresswell, Helen, Moondial,
1987, copyright. From the book description:
While staying with her mother’s godmother, Minty finds
herself drawn to a mysterious sundial which takes her
back in time and links her life to that of two unhappy
children she meets in two different centuries.
Antonia Barber, The Ghosts.
This sounds like The Ghosts, although I
don't remember whether a sundial is involved.
I do remember something about The Wheel of
Time. Lucy and Jamie Allen and their widowed
mother move into a house when the mother is made
caretaker. The ghosts in question are children
(Sara and Georgie Latimer) traveling forward in time
to ask for help because their uncle/guardian is
trying to murder them. This was made into a
movie called "The Amazing Mr. Blunden."
Curry, Jane Louise, Parsley, Sage,
Rosemary, and Time, 1975,
copyright. I think this is the book. It has
been reprinted several times.
Eager, Edward, The Time Garden,
1958, approximate. The sundial isn't what
enables the children to travel through time,
it's the magic thyme that grows in the garden,
but a sundial is prominently featured in the
This sounds
exactly like a bbc children's programme from
the 80s called Moondial.
(the only difference being that it was a moon
dial, not a sundial.)
S614: Small Strange Witch
Solved: The Second Witch
S615: Sun sad, won't shine
Solved: How
the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky
S616: Subterranean boy has adventures above
Tale about a boy born to people
living in a subterranean world, rafting on rivers. He
separates and emerges into the world above. Gets horribly
sunburned; treks through the land and has a series of experiences.
I read the book in 1970 at age 10, I believe, may have been an
award winner?
Mary Q. Steele, Journey Outside,
1969, copyright.
Mary Q. Steele, Journey
Outside. Journey Outside was a
Newbery Honor Book. Kirkus Reviews (via Amazon) described
it thus: ' Borderline science fiction/fantasy with stratified
symbolism that reads like Plato's "parable of the cave" in raw
outline. Dilar leaves the dark world of his Raft People (who are
looking for "a Better Place") to find the legendary world of
"green" and "day." Climbing up a (rabbit?) hole, he encounters
sunlight and green trees and Dorna of the People Against the
Tigers. After sharing their pleasant but no-future-planning
life, he stumbles into the cave of a devout animal-lover whose
concern for the welfare of his four-footed friends blots out
care for the boy's human desires. Escaping, he passes the Not
people (who almost ignore him) and, still looking for a Wise
Man, he comes upon Vigan, who doles out the answers
dramatically. He explains the Raft People - how they retreated
to the underground river after a harsh life on earth and refused
to admit their mistake - but cannot dissuade Dilar from wanting
to return and lead them back to the light. "To do a difficult
and dangerous thing is the reason for being young and strong."
Until he gets to Vigan the fuzziness is frustrating, and once
explained the "truth" sounds facile.'
Mary Q Steele, Journey
Outside, 1969, copyright. Sounds like
this book: "The Raft People live in darkness and travel a
circular journey on a underground river. One boy finds his way
outside and tries to learn as much as possible so he can
ultimately lead his people there to the Better Place."
Steele, Mary, Journey Outside,
1970s, approximate. Dilar, one of the Raft People who
travel on an underground river, goes above ground and meets
several different groups of people, each with distinctive
S617: Seven
sisters time-travel YA story
Solved: The Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the
S618: series of children in many countries
I'm looking for a series, published
during the 60's. Each book was about a child in a different
country. They were short -- and the ones I remember were
paperback. There was definitely one about a dutch boy, with a
skating theme. I think there were sold as a package -- not
one by one.
Lucy Perkins, Twins series. Could this be the Twins
series by Lucy Perkins?
The Dutch Twins does have a skating theme. Each book
featured twins--most often a girl and a boy, but sometimes two
boys--from a different country and historical era. Lucy
Perkins started writing them around 1916 and they last one was
around 1969. As a kid, I loved them. As an adult they're
awfully predictable, and old fashioned. The kids range from
The Spartan Twins to the American Pioneer twins, to almost every
European country on the map...
Lucy Fitch Perkins, "Twins" series. Lucy Fitch Perkins wrote a
26 book series about twins from different countries.
Twins series, originally written by Lucy
Fitch Perkins?
See Solved Mysteries. (On the T page, search on Lucy - it's
somewhat easier that way.)
Elizabeth F. McCrady, Children of Foreign Lands, 1936, also
1960, approximate. If the paperbacks were more like
pamphlets, sold as a boxed set, this may be a set of stories
published as Children of Foreign Lands. The only
paperback title from that set that I have is Matsu and Taro of
Japan (the family visits shops and Matsu gets a doll). The
book of the same title collected many of the stories, among them
Olga of Norway, Ching Ling and Ting Ling (of China, who fly a
bird of happiness kite), Wilhemina of Holland (where the cover
picture shows her skating, though the story is set in summer,
near a canal). Each story ends with a poem that summarizes
the story.
S619: Stories Collection, 1970s, Color
Glossy covers, red(?) spine; major
publisher, possibly Macmillan or Random House. Different
illustrator for each story. Evocative pictures include 1) man
visits witch's cottage, witch has broom for head; 2) lemon,
peppercorn and pitcher walk down dirt road; 3) Death loses bet, is
stuck in cherry tree.
S620: Series of books about little people
who live on the Moon
Solved: The Matthew & Maria
Looney series
S621: Shared conciousness between two
may have had the word mind in the
title, 1990's, juvenile. I first read the book in 1998, but
the book was 5 to 10 years old then. It's a book meant for
childern approx. between 12-15. The book is about two childern, a
girl and she lives in america, and a boy that is a prince and
lives in europe. For some reason their brain waves are linked and
they can slip in and out of each other's conciousness. Even
though they have never met and live an ocean apart. While linked
the girl learns there is a plot against the royal family. Later
both childern are kidnapped, they have to use their link to save
each other. Or something like that, I'm not sure of all the
details. I know the cover was blue with a picture of a girl and
boys face on it, the book was soft cover and slim.
This sounds very much like the young adult fantasy novel Of Two Minds
by Carol Matas and Perry Nodelman. The two
children with mind powers are Lenora, a headstrong princess who can
make anything she imagines real, and Coren, a shy prince from a
kingdom where everyone can read each other's thoughts. The two
are betrothed by their parents, the rulers of neighboring kingdoms
(both made-up places). They are kidnapped and taken to a
strange country where their normal powers are gone. Together,
they have to defeat the evil tyrant Hevak and save both of their
kingdoms. Originally published in 1995, I read this in the
late 1990's too, when it was published as a Point Fantasy
paperback. The cover is dark, with a picture of Lenora
right-side up in the lower right corner, and Coren upside-down in
the upper left corner. There are also a few sequels, called More Minds, Out of Their Minds, and A Meeting of Minds.
Pamela Service, Being
of Two Minds, 1991, copyright. Except for
the dates, the details match Being of Two Minds by Pamela Service. The two
characters that could get into each other's mind were an American
girl and a crown prince of a small kingdom. The prince is
kidnapped when the girl Connie is in his mind. Perhaps this is it.
S622: sisters at a school in New York
Book about sisters, orphans.
Older just got a new job as a teacher. Younger
enrolled as a student, becomes friends with another girl, who is
rich-- her father's wealth began when he found a golden walnut.
Older sister starts dating friend's brother... it's cold and she
gets sick... ends happily.
Madye Lee Chastain, Emmy Keeps A Promise,
1950s, approximate. This
classic book is about Emmy and her beautiful sister Arabelle who
move from their small upstate town to New York City near the turn
of the century. Arabelle is a music teacher and falls in
love with handsome ship captain Andy, the cousin of Emmy's rich
schoolmate Lissa Spenlow. Arabelle is always too proud and
independent to seek any help but when she gets very sick during
the cold winter, Emmy is the one who takes charge and gets the aid
they both need. In this way, she keeps the promise she made
to their aunt back home that she would watch out for
Arabelle. The book has wonderful illustrations and captures
the sights and sounds of lower Manhattan and its mix of people
before modernization. But I don't remember anything about a
"golden walnut."
S623: short stories, medieval times?
Book-possibly Scholastic-I believe
it had short stories, possibly in medieval times-one was about a
boy who had to solve a riddle? One of his solutions to finding
something no one else had seen was opening a nut! Read at
least 35 years ago? Perhaps a 3-6th grade book?
Benjamin Elkin, The Big Jump. This description made me
think of The Big Jump, except that as I recall the something new
that the boy shows the king isn't a nut but a chick that has just
S624: Stuffed dog and cat made with
patchwork material tear each other apart
Solved: "The Duel"
S625: Strawberry blond girl with Swedish
braids becomes queen and overthrows evil man in black with mask
An illustrated book about a
blondish girl (braids on top of her head) who becomes queen of a
kingdom ruled by an evil tyrant who wears a dark mask. In one
scene, she stands up on the tables she was waiting on to confront
the man. A friend also lights himself on fire and throws
himself from a tower. (I read it in 2001-2).
S626: sorceress's daughter fixes magical
Solved: Black Unicorn
S627: Spelling Everything He Wants
Solved: Arthur Gets What He Spells
1970s, childrens. This book
was about a little boy who was having trouble with his spelling,
so his parents challenged him to spell everything he wanted. They
bought him everything he spelled. When he spelled something
incorrectly, they bought him this wrong item. Finally, as he got
better at spelling, the book concluded with him telling his
parents he wanted some spaghetti. His mom and dad waited anxiously
while he tried to spell this request.
Armstrong, Louise, Arthur gets what he spells,
1979, copyright. Arthur,
a poor speller, is promised that he will get anything he wants if
he will spell it instead of say it.
Louise Armstrong, Arthur
Gets What He Spells, 1979, copyright. This does
indeed sound like the book! Thank you so much!
S628: Skedaddle puppy runs away
Story about a puppy named Skedaddle
who runs away - or gets lost. He goes about town and curiousity
takes him to various places. One of those places was a meat (?)
market. Skedaddle is shushed out by the grocer. The picture shows
him running away with a string of hotdogs in his mouth. Skedaddle
is finally caught by a dog catcher and taken to the pound, where
his adopted family finally find him and take him back home.
I do not know when the book was written, but I read it to my
little girl who was born in 1971. Therefore, I would have
purchased the book shortly thereafter. I don't believe it to be a
Little Golden Book, but it was a book similar in size and
structure. My now grown daughter has seen a poster at her
vet's office of Skedaddle, one that she remembers from the book.
So, if even a poster can be found, that would be so great.
Thank you for any help you can find.
S629: Scandinavian Boy's Mythological
This is a large format, not very
thick, beautifully and fancifully illustrated hardcover book with
very colorful not very detailed pictures. If there are words
they are sparse. It's the story of a boy (8-12 yrs. old) who
for some reason is on a solo mission through forest and mountain
plateau (Norway) encountering trolls, a giant, and near the end a
dragon. I think I remember a goat being in the story.
I specifically remember an illustration with him in a snowladen
landscape where the trees bent with snow take on the implied
shapes of other beings. The name Per comes to mind but this
could be misleading. My family had it in the mid 1960's. Thanks.
Peer Gynt. This sounds like it could
be a retelling of Henrik Ibsen's
Peer Gynt,
which takes place mostly in Norway. There have been
illustrated versions for children. There are trolls,
reindeer, a giant type creature,.... It's a possibility.
S630: Science fiction trilogy
Solved: The Exciles Trigoly
S631: short stories, little girl really
likes birds, mother gets her up early to find worms
I'm looking for an older book of
short stories with "silhouette" illustrations (solid black or blue
outlined against a white background, like the picture I linked to
below). The story I remember most was one of a little girl
who thought it would be the most wonderful thing to be a bird
instead of a human. Her mama tries to discourage her
fantasies but to no avail. So to show her how good she really does
have it as a little girl, Mama wakes her up very early in the
morning for breakfast: she must go dig up the jars of food
("worms") that Mama buried in the garden/backyard - because that's
what little birds must do to eat since their meals don't arrive on
Mama's table as scheduled! This book must have belonged to
my late mother when she was younger. I'm 47, and I remember
reading it while curled up on my grandmother's squeaky old porch
swing (the metal kind with that pine green, yellow, black, and red
striped awning and cushion!) Thank you so much for your help
jogging my memory!
I'm not sure of the
title either, but I'm sure we're looking for the same book!
My stumper number is L253. It's good to know somebody else
has a fondness for this obscure little book :) Hopefully
we'll get an answer soon!
S632: skunks and little boy
in 1949, my mother Jerline Peaslee
created a story for her students in a one room school.
It was based on a picture of a row of cute skunks marching along ,
with tails and noses high, while behind a tree a little boy was
watching with saucer-sized eyes. This & others were
published under a pen name. The pen name was possibly Brown
or Green. I am looking for any information on the stories my
mother wrote. Jerline Peaslee may have used the pen name Green or
Brown. The skunk story was one in a group of eight
stories. Another story - a longer one was about
children and a pet deer. Animals talked to each other
in many of her stories.
Not a title
but some suggestions. PTLA (Publishers
Trade List Annual) was an annual publication that included many
(not all) publishers catalogs. A few
research libraries have either the volumes or microfilm covering
1949-50, and looking through them might help to find an 8-book set
with a story about a skunk and a deer. Internet Archive has the
Cumulative Book Index covering 1949-52, a volume which
(theoretically) lists all titles published during those years. I couldnt find anything under peaslee,
brown(e), or green(e) that looked promising, but it might be
possible to go through the book more carefully since it is online.
Finally, the U.S. Copyright Office might have suggestions. (It seems probable that the copyright was
in the publishers name, but there may still be a way of tracing
the author.)
S633: spaghetti
Book read to me in grade school,
early 1980s. Decently elaborate, whimsical illustrations,
had a fairy tale/ old world feel to it. Story of a someone
who made a pot of spaghetti that kept getting bigger and bigger,
until the whole town was over-run by spaghetti.
dePaola, Strega Nona, 1979. It was a Caldecott honor book.
Strega Nona, an elderly woman who does minor magic for her
village, hires Big Anthony to help around the house. She
tells him never to touch her magic pasta pot, but of course he
spies on her and hears how to make the pot produce pasta.
One day when Strega Nona is away, Big Anthony turns on the pot and
starts serving pasta to the whole village. However, Big
Anthony doesn't know how to stop the pot, and soon there is pasta
everywhere, running down the town streets. Strega Nona comes
home, says the magic words to stop the pot from making pasta, and
makes Big Anthony clean it all up.
Tomie DePaola, Strega
Nona, 1980s, approximate. Good chance this
is it!
S634: seven little bears
the story is about 7 little bears,
all brothers. I can't remember all the names, but the
eldest was called Marmaduke, and after him came (probably
not in the correct order ), Algernon Cuthbert and Edward, with the
youngest brother called Wee One who was the naughtiest. One
of the books and my favourite, was on a schoolday when the lady
teacher asked them to fill up the inkwells. the ensuing argument
over who did what ensured the ink went everyehere but the
inkwells. another book in the series is about a
sunflower growing contest and Wee One's sunflower grew as high as
the upstair window. i learnt to read with these books
and would love to have them again, its the happy memories of so
long ago sitting on my mum's lap, reading about these funny little
bears. it would be really great if you can find them.
Chris Temple, The Family of the Little Brown
Bears. These stories seem to
have come from a periodical called Little Dots Playways.
Chris Temple, Little Brown Bears stories.
I found this on a bears site: ""The Family of the Little
Brown Bears" written and illustrated by Chris Temple. The family
appeared in four books – "At the School," "At the Farm," "At the
Seaside," and "At the Zoo" – and in the Little Dots monthly
periodical in the 1920s. The family of Little Brown Bears included
Marmaduke, Clarence, Cuthbert, Algernon, Archibald, Frederick, and
Wee One. While attending Mrs. Bruin's School for Little Brown
Bears, the brothers met fellow bears Oswald, Edward, and
Claude." Seems to me that I also read one of these stories
years ago in Playways Annual.
S635: shadow game
Older book around 1950-1960. Three
kids a brother and sister and another boy play a game where they
Shadow People. They follow someone discreetly and record
what that person is doing and the time in a notebook. The
girl chooses a man because of his looks and they follow him
around. At a later date when reading the local newspaper the
man they had "shadowed" is being charged with murder or some
serious crime. They recognize the date as the day they had
shadowed him. They locate their notebooks and compare the
times and dates. They present them to the authorities and
the grateful man goes free. The next time the kids go to town they
see other kids carrying their notebooks shadowing people.
Mary C.
Jane, Mystery by Moonlight.
Im not sure this is the right title, but I think its one of the
books by Mary C. Jane.
I think the book
is older than something written by Mary C. Jane. Thank you for
suggesting it means someone is out there looking.
S636: Sister is reincarnated missing sister
Author name may start with
something after "Keene"; prior to 1993, likelier from 80's or 70's
or before. It starts with a teen or young adult female
driving her mother to a morgue in a small car (maybe a toyota) in
the rain. They were going to look at a body that might have
been the sister to the young adult woman. The sister, who
may have had dark curly hair and may have been named Molly or
Emily, vanished when she was only a little child and had been out
playing with her kitten, and she vanished before the young adult
sister was even born. The mother felt guilty and I think it
broke up her marriage, too, so she was always tracking down
stories about amnesiac and dead women who matched her missing
daughter's description. The young adult woman, on that
miserable rainy day, decided to put her foot down and stop
looking. Over the course of the book, she is hypnotized and
regressed and learns that she was her missing sister. Near
the end, the principal of the elementary school gives a deathbed
confession to her only, stating that he accidentally ran over her
sister and then covered it up by burying the girl and her kitten
in a fresh grave. Then the bodies were found and the mother
found closure.
I'm not sure of the
title but I think I've read that. I keep thinking the author's
name is Lorne or Loren. I remember thinking it seemed to have been
based on Gillian and Jennifer Pollock. These twins said and did
things which suggested they were the reincarnations of their
sisters who had been hit by a car. Their father believed it was
them and was obsessed about it.
Bolton, Little Girl Lost,1980, copyright.This is the
book. Liz is the girl in the story whose sister, Carrie
disappeared before she was born. She had a kitten and turns
out at the end that the school principal was having an affair and
in his hurry to meet his lover, hit the little girl and never
confessed. He finally does because he is dying of
cancer. Liz is hypnotized at one point in the story and
remembers being Carrie. Its not played up much in the
book but definately hints at reincarntion. Her mother tries
to kill herself and Liz saves her life by "knowing" something is
wrong. Hope this will help solve your mystery!
Bolton, Little Girl Lost, 1980, copyright.Some of this
matches your stumper. There is a "scene" where the daughter
is driving the mother and they go to identify a body. The
missing sister is Carrie. She was out playing with her
kitten when she disappeared and the mother has devoted her life to
the memory of the child. The other sister tries to solve the
mystery and does get hypnotized at one point. It is the
principal who ran over Carrie and does confess on his
deathbed. Excellent book! If you like mysteries, its a
must read!!!!!
Bolton, Little Girl Lost,1980, copyright. Fits the description...the sister that is
lost is Carrie and the mother hasn't recovered even though its
been 20 years since her disappearance. Her sister,
Elizabeth or Liz decides to solve the mystery and is hypnotized
and there is a brief part that makes you think she is
reincarnated. She finally does learn that the
principal killed the sister by accident and buried her in the
cemetary in a fresh grave. He was having an affair and
didn't want anyone to know that's why he was in such a hurry and
ran over the little girl. He is dying of cancer and so he
S637: Sesame Street color mansion
I had this book as a kid, so it
goes back at least to the 80s. The Sesame Street characters
somehow (perhaps they get stranded?) end up exploring a mansion
where every room is a different color; so Grover opens a door and
finds a blue room, Big Bird, yellow; Elmo, red; Count, purple;
Zoe, pink, etc.
Sunshine, Madeline, The House of Seven Colors 1985, copyright. Sesame Street
characters Grover, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, the Count, Oscar
and Betty Lou explore a house whose every room is a different
Scary Stories Book for Kids/Teens
One story was about a indians in a
snowy cave,one turns into a wendigo,the last story was about 2
girls that were invited to stay at Elizabeth Bathorys
castle(revealed in footnotes at end of book)one was about a father
and daughter with a ribbon and bowtie around their necks that
keeps their head on.
Alvin Schwartz, Sacry Stories to Tell in the Dark, 1985. There was a series of the Scary Stories
to Tell in the Dark books. They were collections of short stories,
some of which were pretty creepy. The story about the heads tied
on with ribbon sounds like it may be one included in one of these
It's definitly
not the scary stories(Swartz) series, and I just found out the
ribbon story was in another book. Another story was about a
demonwoman with long fingernails that attaches herself to a man
until he dies. She then chases his friend saying"you're next"
S639: Siblings
search for kidnapped witch
Solved: Mystical Beasts
S640: Sea
stories, colorful, childrens
Oversized, color, many short Sea
stories. Cover: a sailor looking out over the sea, (with
spyglasses?) up in the mast. Or maybe it is a young boy up in the
mast, looking Id buy a copy or two of this book.
Holling Clancey Holling, Seabird, original, 1948; renewed 1975,
reprint. Beautifully illustrated, broken into separate chapters
that may be seen as separate stories of a cabin boys
adventures on an old whaler, which sails around the world. He
carves a seabird at the beginning, which accompanies him
throughout his adventures, and passes it on to his grandson at
the end of the book, in the modern age.
Kathryn and Byron, Pirates, Ships and Sailors, 1950, copyright. Could this be
the book? Pirates, Ships and Sailors, a Giant Golden Book,
was illustrated by the renowned artist Gustaf Tenggren.
There is indeed a drawing of a young sailor boy standing atop a
mast, pointing at a pirate ship which has been partially
hidden by an island, on the books cover. This book is a
collection of 42 stories, poems and songs (celebrating the sea,
and the sea-persons (?) life, of course.) If this is the
requestors book - he or she is in luck - as it has recently been
reissued, so finding a copy or two will be a simple task.
(Tenggren and the Jacksons also collaborated on another Giant
Golden book, Cowboys and Indians, published in 1948. This
one doesnt appear to have been reissued, however, so current
prices for Cowboys and Indians are more in the range of
childrens collectables.)
cover humor book on sterling silver flatware PATTERNS
frequently chosen by southern women. The premise of the
book is the silver patterns represent character traits much like
the zodiac. The pattern one chooses denotes one's personality
and when one marries she should chose a husband who's mother has
a similar or compatible pattern. Chose the man your going
to marry by matching your silver pattern traits to your future
mother's in law's personality by way of silver pattern choice.
Schwartz, A Southern Belle
Primer: Why Princess Margaret Will Never Be a Kappa
Kappa Gamma.The silverware
"zodiac" is only one of the funny chapters. The
explanation for why southern belles have big hair is also great,
and the information about beauty pageants (and the curtsy that
they do in Texas) is amazing!
Sparrow and Swallow families
I'm looking for a friend's favorite childhood books --
probably late 1930's- early 1940's, involving (human) families
named Sparrow and Swallow. (Maybe Sparrows and/or
Swallows) From his description, I think there must have been
a series of books about these families. Any help
apprec. Thanks!
Arthur Ransome, Swallows and Amazons, 1930, copyright. A long shot, but could this
be Arthur Ransomes famous Swallows and Amazons series? There are
two families, one with boys and girls (the Swallows), the other
with two girls (the Amazons), who have many adventures, mostly
sailing, but on land as well, through a dozen books: Swallows
and Amazons (1930), Swallowdale (1931), Peter Duck (1932),
Winter Holiday (1933), Coot Club (1934), Pigeon Post (1936), We
Didn'\''t Mean to Go to Sea (1937), Secret Water (1939), The Big
Six (1940), Missee Lee (1941), The Picts and the Martyrs (1943)
and Great Northern? (1947). All still in print...as far as I
know, they'\''ve never been out of print! Pigeon Post won the
Carnegie, the UKs most important award for childrens books.
Ransome, Swallows and Amazons, 1930, copyright. Just a
possibility that your friend is thinking of this popular series,
which features the adventures of imaginative children from two
families who sail, camp, and otherwise explore the rural Lake
District of England during their summer holidays.
Ransome, Swallows and Amazons. Its a long shot, but could the
books be Arthur Ransomes Swallows and Amazons series? Not
the kids last names, but the names of the boats they sail on on
of the lakes in the Lake Country in England in the first
book. Two sisters have the Amazon, and a family of five
children have the Swallow. There are other adventures in
other locations.
Ransom, Swallows and Amazons
series. I
think your friend might be looking for the Swallows and Amazons
series. Two families, sailboats and lots of
adventures. (I think the Amazons last name is Kite, or
some other kind of bird.
Swallows and Amazons,
Arthur Ransome, 1930, approximate. Maybe
your friend is remembering the Swallows and Amazons series about
two families of English children who sail and have
adventures. Their family names are Walker and Blackett,
but their boats are named The Swallow and The Amazon, and the
children call themselves Swallows and Amazons. Swallows and
Amazons, the first in the series, was published in 1930.
The author based the stories on friends he sailed with as a
child, and their boats were called Swallow and Mavis (also a
bird), so maybe that'\''s the Sparrow your friend remembers.
Ransome, Swallows and Amazons, 1930. Could this friend be
looking for Arthur Ransomes famous series about adventurous
British children who go sailing, camping etc etc in Norfolk
Broads and elsewhere, best-known title is Swallows and Amazons
but the whole series is known as the Swallows and Amazons
Ransome, Swallows and Amazons. Could this be Swallows and
Amazons? There was a series written in the 1930s about these
kids and (mostly) their boating adventures on the Swallow and
the Amazon.
Ransome, Swallows and Amazons, 1930, approximate. From the Wikipedia entry,
about father and daughter aliens observing humans
Series about father and daughter aliens observing humans.
Sylvia Engdahl, Enchantress from the Stars, 1970, copyright. Elana is a
member of an exploratory team sent to study less developed
worlds. Her father is also a member of the team.
Although its forbidden, she reveals herself to a boy from that
planet and together they must stop an invasion of his world by
another alien race. Engdahl also wrote another book about
Elana, "The Far Side of Evil."
Engdahl, Enchantress from the
2003, reprint. This is a reprint - originally 1971, but it has a
father and daughter alien pair observing other
cultures/planets. There is a 2nd book titled The Far Side
of Evil.
Siblings in England
Super suit pajamas
"It was a kid who used his pajamas
as a super suit, and went to a factory that made adults gumpy and
mean, to stop it." Probably before 1986.
Super suit
pajamas, "It was a kid who used his pajamas as a super suit, and
went to a factory that made pills that made adults grumpy and
mean, to stop it." Probably before 1986.
S646: Seasons
Children's Book
Solved: A Book of Seasons
S647: Stranger
than Fiction
I am looking for children's
picture book from approx 40 years ago here in Brisbane,
Australia. Am sure it was
called "Stranger Than Fiction" though maybe time has
dulled my recollection, as I never would have believed it
would be so hard and elusive to find. I can see it
clearly in my mind's eye - glossy red hardcover, some of the
content pics in box form on front cover, colour pictures
with text starting underneath or on opposite page. it
included a story about the Minotaur and a story on witches
(i can remember that, because i'm sure it was the first
time in my life i ever heard the word "Walpurgisnacht").
It was very mild mythology /
occult-y stuff for juveniles aged about 10-11.
have been looking for this all of my adult
life- and would pay ANYTHING for it.
Norton, C.B., It's a fact: truth stranger than fiction,1945, copyright. A very long
shot, as there are many books with titles approximating
"stranger than fiction" out there, but since you said you read
it in Australia and have never not since been able to find it,
maybe this old title which was obscurely published in NSW and
shows only two Australian holding libraries now (plus Yale U in
the US, per WorldCat)? Found in WorldCat and in the
Libraries Australia site at http://librariesaustralia.nla.gov.au/apps/kss?mode=bas
Just a suggestion--could your
book have been one of C.B. Colby's short "true" ghost
stories? "Strangely Enough" and "The Weirdest People in
the World" both had dozens of short (one to three page) stories
about supposedly real supernatural occurances. They were
reprinted in several different formats, and abridged for
different age levels. Very creepy stories, and often found in
juvenile collections.
...I've never yet found that elusive
book. ... I'm aware that there are sooooo many other books called
'Stranger than Fiction'. there is even one which has a
similar description (but I have that one, so I know it's not the
One). 2. This was a book for young children...the text
to each picture wasn't even a 'story', it was just plain old
S648: Sepia
toned Egyptian characters
Small book
(not sure if childrens book) which is sepia toned and has
pictures of either cavement or egyptian characters (pharoahs)?
Yates, Ten Little Mummies, 2003, approximate. If you're thinking
of a recent book, it could be Ten Little Mummies
S649: Summer on Cape
Series of books checked out from library in
the 1970s. Summer on Cape Cod? Kids learned how to sail and swam
in the cold water. Could have been set in Maine.
Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, Cheaper by the Dozen,
1948, copyright. Either Cheaper by the Dozen or Belles on Their
Toes. The Gilbreth clan spent their
summers in Nantucket, Massachusetts learning to swim and how to
sail a boat. They live in old
Do you remember anything else about the books?
It could be some of the Elizabeth Ladd "Meg" mysteries, which were
set in Maine. Or maybe Elizabeth Ogilvie, who wrote semi-romances
set in Maine and on Cape Cod. Louise Rich also wrote some stories
set in Maine. Good luck!
This was a series-at
least 2 books. Definately not a YA
book-more like 7-10. Kids took sailing lessons in small boats-
rocks o the beach hurt their feet.
Space travel via radio waves
This is a 1930s or 1940s children's book-think book was smaller
than your average book size-dealt with kids who were able to
travel in a space ship on the radio waves.
System Travel
Solved: The Magic Universe
Secret Garden
This book was about several little boys in England who find a key
that unlocks a garden that has a magic lawn gnome (perhaps
several). At the end of the book all the little boys get
long pants but lose the magic. Read in the late sixties.
The Thyme Garden. This is a longshot, because
the Thyme Garden has boys and girls. It is set in England and
the garden is magic. Not sure about the long pants.
Scary illustrated book- girls hair turns white &
can no longer speak right
Scary illustrated children's book. Probably published in 80's
-early 90's. A girl who experiences something so scary (definitely
monstrous- possibly ghouls & goblins?) that by the end of the
book her hair has turned white and she can no longer "speak
Small Children with round smudged faces and features of
all races playing together
I am looking for children's book or
anthology maybe from the 60's, 70's or maybe earlier featuring
small children with round faces and all races playing
together. They would be in a playground or meadow or hiding
in trees, behind bushes and they were all so very cute. The
main thing that is noticeable is that the children are beautifully
illustrated in color. They all had round faces and "fuzzy"
type features and hair meaning the illustrator made it seem as if
he/she pressed their finger to the drawing and made the children
look "smudged" but this technique added to the personality of the
children, it made them look "cozy" and really cute and they
were all races of small children playing together. Like I
said it may have been part of an anthology or a few pages of a
Mother Goose book Gyo Fujikawa, Mother
Goose, 1968, copyright. This author/illustrator wrote many books, including two
Mother Goose books. Fujikawa is known for showing children
of different races together, long before it was commonly
accepted. Her pictures of children are known for their round
faces and dot eyes, with simple, often bright colors.
Fujikawa, Oh, What a Busy Day!
Round-faced children of many
races playing together suggests Gyo Fujikawa to me.
Fujikawa, Oh, What a Busy Day, 1976, copyright. It could be
any other Gyo Fujikawa book, but Oh, What a Busy Day is the one I
grew up with.
Maybe something by Gyo Fujikawa? It could have been either her
version of Mother Goose, or my favorite--Oh, What a Busy Day! The
illustrations are very similar to what you describe.
S655: Story
Collection from the 1920s
I am searching for a collection of
stories from different countries given to my mother between
1925-1935. all i have remaining of the book is part of the
table of contents: the bears make a visit, the miller's daughter,
mary's baby, wang and his star, the king finds a beautiful hair
and more.
Edgar Dubs, The Fairyland
Reader New Fairy Stories for All Nations, 1914 / 1924. New York (1914 Frank D.
Beattys and Company, 1924): Noble and Noble, Publishers.
Illustrations by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Stories include: THE BEARS
Edgar Dubs Shimer,
Fairyland: New Fairy Stories of All Nations,1924.This has to be your book. The dates
are right and so are the contents according to a brief mention
on iobabooks.com. It is also called "The Fairyland Reader". It
looks hard to find. However I did find one copy on abebooks for
$34, another on amazon for $65. And to think it only cost 50c
when it came out! Story Collection from the 1920s.
Shimer, Edgar Dubs, Fairyland Reader: New Fairy Stories for All Nations,1924,
approximate. A search shows The Bears Make a Visit, Wang and His
Star, and The Scarlet Blanket were all published in The Fairyland
Reader (Noble &
Something About a Cat
1987-1995, juvenile.I borrowed a book several times from the
library in the years between 1987 and 1995 (???) that was the the
juvenile/young adult section. It couldn't have been more than 300
pages long and was in hardcover. I don't remember any cover
art/book jacket. I would love to have this book or read it again
but cannot recall the title or the author.I remember that a young
boy ended up helping an elderly woman (maybe it was a a form of
punishment) take care of her cats. I think the children in the
neighborhood thought she was scary so he was uneasy about helping
her at first. I remember that there were lots of cats and that
they had a special room in the house. I remember that she had a
cat that didn't like new cats and that eventually it injured
another cat in the home, or that it was injured itself. The cat
may have been black and deformed?
You might try The Witches of Worm
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
and It's Like This, Cat
by Emily Cheney Neville.
Neville, It's Like This, Cat, 1963, copyright. It's definitely
"It's Like This, Cat" - I just read it last year in the course of
reading all the Newbery winners. It won the medal in 1964.
The House of Thirty Cats,
Mary Calhoun.
Dean 1950's
My mum talks about a childhood book and i
would love to find a copy of it for her.
She received it in 1955. She thinks the title
was strawberry dean. It was about a brother and sister who had
magic pebbles. She said it was hard cover brown with black and
white illustrations.
Evelyn Davey-Collins,
Strawberry Dene. Maybe this one? I can't find a plot
description.(Apparently a "dene" is a type of wooded valley, at
least in England.
S658: Spoiled Princess & a Tiger Prince
This is an Asian (Chinese?) story.
Their is a woman (maybe princess) that is spoiled. There is a
tiger rug (alive?) that likes candy canes (peppermint?). I
remember the rug being beaten clean. The tiger rug turns into a
prince at the end. I'm pretty sure it's part of a book of
Henie Doll
1970s juvinile book. You
don't know, she was an ice skater and movie star from that era. The murder is eventually solved, and it's
a complete shock as to who did it. My
school library had this book, and I have no idea who wrote it.
I'm the
one who sent this request in, and it was heavily edited. A
lake is drained, and a car and trailer from the 1940s are found
with the skeletons of a man, woman, and child who's holding a
Sonja Henie doll. The murder is eventually solved, and
everyone is completely shocked regarding who did it.
S660: Stamps in a Hollow Tree
Children's book...a kid
spends time at grandparents (?) house. Grandparent, when young,
had stashed old box with stamps in hollow of the tree - hollow
closed over time. Culmination - a lightning strike cracks open the
old hollow - the kid finds grandparent's box within...
Helen Fuller, Mystery in the
Pirate Oak,
1964, approximate. I loved this book as a child and my daughter
and I just recently read my old paperback copy together. I
believe the elderly woman was a neighbor, not the grandmother,
but the details about the tree and the storm are correct. The
box contained a rare and valuable postmaster's stamp.
Fuller Orton, MYSTERY IN THE
PIRATE OAK, 1954, and republished later.This is
definitely MYSTERY IN THE PIRATE OAK by Helen Fuller Orton, 1949
and published later by Scholastic Book Club.~from a librarian
Snow Globe Town
Town in snow globe
A book I had in the 1950s, all I remember is a town that seemed to
be inside a snow globe. i think it might have been a collection of
Supernatural Stories
Trying to remember a
book that has at least 3 stories in it, one dealing with ghosts,
one with astral projection and one of remedies given while in a
state of hypnosis. To give more information on this, as I thought
I'd be able to do it after the transaction: In this book there
were three distinct stories that I recall. There may have
been more, but I can only remember three of them. I'll describe
them as I remember them and not sure in what order they were in
the book.
First story:
This couple was on a trip, driving a long distance and for some
reason had to come to stop. They sought help from a couple
living in a house and the couple living there were very friendly
and welcoming. The traveling couple stayed the night and
were very thankful for the kindness offered to them. After
they managed to get back on their way, they stopped at a town
nearby (for gas and a few snacks I guess) and told the clerk about
the couple they met. When they described where the couple
lived, the clerk told them that wasn't possible because no one had
lived there for a number of years. Baffled, they went back
to that house only to find that it was in ruins, unlike before
while they were visiting there.
Second story:
This kid had this uncanny ability to give recipes for curing
ailments and illnesses when he would go into a trance/state of
hypnosis. As I recall, it was discovered by accident when
something happened to the kid and he slipped out of consciousness
and started talking to his father. Part of what he said was
to hurry before it'd be too late to save him (the kid). The
father did as instructed and his son recovered. After that
they came to realize that he was able to recite remedies for
unusual or seemingly fatal situations.
Third story:
This was the longest in the book I believe. It started off
with this guy committing a crime and ending up in
jail/prison. While in there he ended up in a deep dungeon
(or some sort of solitary confinement or something) and was abused
by the warden. After being in there awhile, he started to
experience astral projection. One of the times he did it, he
had looked in on his neighboring cellmate (whom he had talked with
through the wall) and saw a bad aura surrounding him (ie, was a
bad person on the inside). He eventually started visiting
this girl for reasons unknown to him and surprisingly she could
see him (and was the only one who could). They became
friends of sorts, with him visiting her at different times, like
one time while she was at school. As time went on, he
stopped but had somehow learned a bit of his future. He even
told the warden what the future held, which included his being
freed from the dungeon and eventually set free altogether.
This happened because an official took interest in his case and
after investigating everything had determined that he had been
abused and that while he may have been guilty of a crime, his
punishment was excessive and pushed for his released. Once
released, he happened upon a girl and almost instantly (or very
quickly) they both recognized each other - it was the girl he had
been seeing during his projections.
I had read this book in the 1980's and believe it may have been a
book supplied by Scholastic, but I'm not 100% certain of
that. I just know it was the mid 1980's that I had read it
and I have a feeling the book had originally been released a
number of years before (perhaps being reprinted). During the
past few years, I have been racking my brain trying to think of a
way to look up this book to no avail. I don't really have
enough to be able to narrow it down from to a reasonable list from
all the infinite books that are out there, so I have to hope that
someone else remembers this book and has additional information
(author, word in the title, title itself, more stories in the
book, first release, etc). If this book can be named, I
might be able to buy a copy and that would be simply wonderful.
This isn't much help but the
second story you mention has some similarities to Edgar Cayce's
early life.
Upon asking around, I have since
learned that the first story is titled, "The Guests" and has
appeared in a book named "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark"
(978-0064401708). However, it doesn't look like the other
two stories are in that same book. So finding other books
with "The Guests" in it may find the book I'm looking for.
#2 is either a biography
of Edgar Cayce's life, or a fictional story based on his life.
#3 I believe is an
adaption of The Star Rover. In TSR,
the ending is different. However other
parts that I have read seem to match very closely to what I
recall. The guy was tossed into a
dungeon as punishment for not confessing to something, with a
reward being rewarded with extra privileges.
Also, where he made a bet with the warden that after being heavily
strapped in a straight jacket for a number of days, if he could
still smile, then the warden had to buy cigarettes (I think) for a
couple of other dungeon mates.So basically looking for a book that
has these three stories in it, most likely with #2 and #3 being
adaptions of the original.
S663: 70's
teen romance, sailing, country club, class boundaries
Book I read in early 70's, young teen
romance, heroine lived near the coast (new england area) and was a
charity sailor, but exceptional, and it put her in society she
didn't know how to handle (like a country club dance). Made me long to sail.
Hero didn't see class distinctions, fell for her.
I can't say that I
have a specific title in mind, but the author Elisabeth Ogilvie
wrote a bunch of books in the 1950s - 70s set in Maine and along
the coast of New England, with sailing and dating as a huge part
of most of her plots. I don't know that your book is one of
them, but it's a good place to start.
Stands on a Chair to Look over the Fence
I remember this book from early
80's about a boy who first stands on a chair to look over the
fence in his backyard, and wanting to see further, he begins to
stack more and more toys and climbs higher and higher on top of
them until he eventually can see across the whole world.
Maybe this
will be a better description:
The book
I remember, which was while I was in elementary school back in
the early 1980's, was a picture story book about a boy who
sees the world from his backyard. He stands on a chair
to see over the fence and then wanting to see more he begins
to stack whatever he can find on the chair to get higher up,
or a better vantage point per se. I remember the pile of
stuff he stacks includes many things such as some toys, and he
climbs so high that he is able to see across the oceans and
into other lands. It's a neat short story with great
pictures and one I've been trying hard to find who wrote it,
when, and the title.
S665: Stuie, Inventor,
Likes Chemistry
I think the boy's name is Stuie. The book is
probably from the 1950s or 1960s judging by the style of line
drawing illustrations. Stuie does chemistry experiments and made
something that smelled like rotton eggs. His friend responds:
"What are you gonna call it - sweet lily of the valley?" Stuie
writes stuff with a fountain pen, maybe with invisible ink. He
makes a flashlight out of a ruler, bulb and batteries and gives
it to his sister who got stuck in a closet. He puts some
experiment in the refrigerator, but his dad makes him get it out
of there. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Lillian Moore, Everything Happens to Stuey,
1960, copyright.Stuey Wilson is an average boy with a propensity
for getting into trouble without meaning to do it.When he works
with his chemistry set and invents a secret formula the whole
family is involved...
Everything Happens to Stuey
(1960, illustrated by Mary Stevens, who also illustrated two of
the All-of-a-Kind series by Sydney Taylor) by Lilian Moore, who
died in 2004 at age 95. From her NY Times obit: "(she was) a
poet and an editor who helped make children's books more
affordable and worked to combat racial stereotypes in children's
literature..." She wrote the Little Raccoon series from 1963 to
2001. Two others I knew were The Snake that Went to School
(1957) and Too Many Bozos (1960). She worked with many
well-known illustrators, including Arnold Lobel, Leonard
Shortall, Trina Schart Hyman, Gahan Wilson, and Ib Ohlsson.
Hicks, Alvin Fernald
series. Alvin Fernald's best friend is
nicknamed "Shooie" -- could this be it?
Scott Corbett, The
Trick series.This is a long shot, but could it
be the Trick series by Scott Corbett? There were several--The
Lemonade Trick, The Hairy Horror Trick, The Disappearing Dog
Trick--and the boy was named Kerby, but there's definitely a
chemistry kit and one of the books had smells. I don't think
there was a sister, but there was a cousin named Gay.
Hi everyone. S665 is definately "Everything
Happens to Stuey" by Lillian Moore. I remember reading that book a
lot as a kid but no one from my family could remember the title.
Thanks you to whoever recognized it. I'm glad I found this
A Strange Fantasy
Solved: The Gammage Cup
Strawberry kiss little girl and boy
A picture book from the 50's. It is
the story of a little girl and little boy and at some point in the
kiss the little boy's lips are red and you aren't sure if it's
from the beautiful strawberry he might have eaten or a kiss from
the little girl
Jane Lowe Paschall, A Present for
the Princess
S668: Sun cheered up by animals
including a hedgehog
Solved: How the Sun Was Brought Back to the
Steep Hill dilemma with horses
1960. The story takes place in a
town with a steep hill. To get up the hill, the townspeople
ride a trolley which is pulled by a horse. They use gravity
to roll down the hill, leaving the horse on top. This
creates the dilemma that all the horses end up on top of the hill
and a townsperson has to go up and lead the horses down. The
person ends up with a bent over back because the hill is so
steep. A little boy comes up with the bright idea of
building a platform at the back of the trolley so the horse can
ride down, solving the problem!
Secret Horse
I read this book for ages 8-12 in
the late 1970s. A girl moves to a new town (Virginia?) and
discovers a hidden overgrown pasture, a run-down barn and a
neglected horse which she secretly cares for and brings back to
health. I think she makes a new girl friend along the way.
suggestions: The Secret Horseby Marion Holland(1959) OR Claudia's
Five Dollar Horse by Natlee Kenoyer (1960).
Marion Holland, The Secret Horse, 1959. Definitely The Secret Horseby Marion Holland, first printed in 1959 in
hardcover, and twice by Scholastic in paperback (1975 and 1988),
cover art was different for each of the three editions, so don't
worry if one doesn't seem familiar! It's
Nickie who lives in Maryland, Gail (and her younger brother),
come to stay with Gail's grandmother who lives next door to
Nickie, who is stuck at home instead of going off to summer
riding camp because when termites ate the front porch they
essentially gobbled up the funds for camp too! Nickie's house is
one of a row of houses that backs on Mr. Olds large estate,
complete with stables, which he keeps up but rarely stays in.
Nickie and her friends (who are all off at that camp!)
discovered the way through the fence years before, and use the
old stables as their clubhouse. When Nickie and Gail see an
abandoned horse at the animal shelter where Nickie is adopting a
kitten, they realize that the horse isn't going to be kept there
for long as the shelter is obviously isn't equipped to care for
large animals. Believing that the horse will end up euthanized
if they don't do something, they sneak out at night and "rescue"
him from the shelter, hiding him in the the stables of the empty
Olds estate. Then Mr. Olds decides to come home, and things get
complicted for Nickie and Gail and the horse they've named
wrote one other horse book, called Casey Jones Rides Vanity,
and at least one short story, "Crazy Over Horses", which was
published in Everygirls Horse Stories (Grosset & Dunlap
1956), both worth finding.
Smart skunks living under porch
Solved: Operation Stinky
Summer vacation on coast. Maine? Storm upends tree from roots.
SOLVED: Robert McCloskey, Time of Wonder, 1957. This is the book I was looking for.
Skeleton kids 1890 mystery
This book I read when I was in 4th
or 5th grade, so about 1990. It was about two kids who found a
skeleton in a construction site, that had been left there a
century before. They solve the mystery of who he was, I think with
the help of the skeleton's ghost. Might be part of a series.
Nickerson Wallace, The Ghost
of Dibble Hollow, 1965,
copyright. It could be this one. In 1900, a boy carrying a large
amount of someone's money home from a fair disappears, and is
accused of stealing it. Many years later, descendents of the
family move back into his house, and with the help of his ghost
the kids prove that he was murdered by thieves and his body
washed downriver to another town.
Eloise McGraw, The Trouble With Jacob,1988. Might this be the right book?
Twins, a brother and sister, meet a shy boy they gradually
realze is a ghost, who is concerned because his bed has been
taken away from him. They do find his skeleton at one
Richard Peck, The Ghost Belonged to Me,1975. This *is* part of a series, but it's
set in the 1910's. The skeleton that the kids dig up was buried
sometime just after the Civil War. Actually I'm not even sure
the kids actually do the digging, but they are led to the spot
by the ghost of the girl (not boy) who's buried there. The
previous suggestion sounds more likely but I thought I'd throw
this out.
none of those are what I remember. The ghost was an adult male,
and he had died in 1890. I also remember the cover border being
red, and it was about 3/4ths of an inch thick. I did call my
elementary school, where I had read it, and my teacher
remembered the book, but not much more than I. The book had
unfortunately "disappeared" a few years after I'd read it.
Author and title unknown,
approx. 1960. I think this was a short story included in the
anthology "Arrow Book of Short Stories" Edited by Nora Kramer. The book
included: King O'The Cats Jimmy Takes Vanishing
Lessons The Wonderful Cat Of Cobbie Bean Teeny-Tiny The
Conjure Wives Spook's Bones Which Was Witch and The
Water Ghost. The story you are remembering was "Spook's Bones." As
I remember the story, a ghost from the 1800s gets two boys to dig
up his bones and rebury them before his gravesite is disturbed by
new construction. I think I remember that the ghost contacted one
of the boys first and got him to involve the other boy - That was
somehow important - The other boy had to be involved because of
his name or something like that. They had to move a woodpile to
either dig up the bones or rebury them. I also remember that the
ghost was super-polite and appreciative and as they buried his
bones, he became more and more dim until he disappeared
completely. It's possible this story in the anthology was a
condensed version of a book, but I don't know the name of the
author of the story - only the editor and I got that by doing a
search for "Spook's Bones" - I remember the story and title well.
Wish I had all those Arrow Books I read from the 60s - They've all
disintegrated to dust in the attic by now. Kramer, Nora
(Editor, Arrow Books of
Ghost Stories.1960s-70s,
approximate. Sorry, in my
previous post, I said "Arrow Book of Short Stories" - The name of
the book was actually "Arrow Book of Ghost Stories."
No, this was was a standalone story,
about the size of an Encyclopedia
Brown. Doublechecked anyway, and confirmed that this
wasn't it. :(
Louis C.
Jones, Spooks of the Valley,
1960 approximate. Try Spooks of
the Valley by Louis C. Jones: AS a result of a favor to George, an uneasy ghost, Pete
and Joe, two 13-year-olds, meet some of the most famous persons in
the legends and folklore of the Hudson River Valley. With George's
guidance the two boys are soon on speaking terms with their
restless spirits.
Squirrel in doll house
SOLVED: Young, Miriam, Miss Suzy.
Spelunking, kaarst, mystery, Kentucky,W.V
This novel concerns itself with a
boy in Kentucky or West Virginia who discovers a cave, or karst as
he calls it, and tries to keep its local hid from
individuals whom I cannot remember. The boy is a spelunker, he has
no father, and he lives with his mother.
Story Collection, 365 stories, Santa, 12 Dancing Princesses
Greetings: I'm looking for a story
book gifted new to me between approx. 1963-67. A wonderful
anthology-compilation, appropriate for ages 5-12. After years of
looking, no luck in searching by key words a book which matches
the cover I distinctly recall.
AUTHOR: unknown!
TITLE: something like "365 stories,
a story for every day" (perhaps 365 bedtime stories).COVER: Red,
with Santa sitting (at small desk?), reviewing a long (to the
ground) list of children's names (good/bad children). The
shiny-type HC (not cloth or paper), so came with no DCSIZE: thick,
large, approx. 9" x 12" Each story was, I think, 2-3 pages,
with B&W drawing (ink? charcoal?) at the top 1/4 to
1/3 of the first page. There may have been additional drawings
scattered throughout. There was no theme, just unrelated stories,
some historical, some contemporaneous.
Some stories I remember:
- The 12 Dancing Princesses*
- The Way Meat Loves Salt*
- last story,day 365: story about
Baby New Year
- The first day/story may have been
something about a sister (or bros) reading to younger brother(?)
*It seems some were shortened
versions of classics, like Grimms. I hope I am not confusing two
books, but I definitely recall the cover pretty clearly
(regardless of the content). Any help is very much appreciated!
Series young adult books New Rochelle or Bronxville, early
20th Century
Series about a girl coming of age
early 20th Century. Very sensitive with a boyfriend named
Kenneth. He had an older brother Doug who was a
troublemaker. There was a friend named Stella who was an
Irish Catholic and had a brother. Series centered on
romantic story and also high school life.
Johnston, The Keeping Days,etc, 1970? There are lots of books by this author,
but the series about Tish Sterling as a Bronx teenager, c.1900,
begins with "The Keeping Days". There
are three others, plus a couple that mention Tish as an adult.
Summer camp book
SOLVED: The Winnemah Spirit
Years ago, I read a wonderful book
but I do not remember the title to. I have been searching and
asking former classmates, teachers, librarians and web-searches
over the years to no avail It is about a young slave boy being purchased at auction on
either Haiti Granada or Trinidad. A British onlooker who doesn’t
believe in slavery felt so bad for the boy he purchases him. I
think it is a French colony. A slave revolt happens and the boy
ends up saving the man’s life. The “master” has red hair. In one
passage, the boy, his owner and another slave are just fleeing for
several weeks to avoid the revolt. The master is so tanned he
could pass as a mullatto except for his red hair. Another passage
just after he is bought, the boy is looking at the ships in
bottles that his master collects.In another passage some pursuers
chase the boy and he jumps off a cliff, but lands on a overhang
with a cave. The pursuers don’t know about the overhang and think
he is dead. The boy doesn’t want to be discovered and stays in the
cave. There were stores (hams etc in the cave). An earth quake
happens and a ham bounces down stairs in the back showing a way
out.There is action, an earth quake, witch doctors, a leap
from a cliff, and escape from a cave in this book. Wish I could
find this again and see if I still liked it.
Spoiled rich cat is unhappy until he finds a box to play in
A spoiled cat has been all over the
world with his owners on balloon rides, cruises ect and he is
always unhappy. Some dry cleaning is delivered in a box and
playing in it makes him happy . It was read to me when I was a
child in the 80s and the illustrations are pencil (more doodle
than sketch)
The stump was stuffed
I thought the book was titled, "The Stump was stuffed", but cannot
find it at the library or on-line. It
takes place in the forest and one by one small animals take refuge
in a stump as winter approaches. Even
animals that normally would be enemies.
As the stump fills, the line, "the stump was stuffed" occurs in
the book. Finally, a bear gets in and
I think the whole stump explodes from being too full. It is a story much like the current "The
Mitten" and maybe predates that story and might have been an
inspiration for it?
Scotland, Scotttish history,conflict between
Scotland and England
Constance Clune and her brother, Avis and Jamie Moray
(brother and sister). There was rivalry between these 2
families. This ballad appeared
frequently in the book: (I remember only these fragments) " The
light will break in dawning, The sun will shine again, Stand fast,
keep faith for Scotland, For lo, her king shall reign. When the cairngorm comes to Scotland,
O'er Scotland her king shall reign." I
think the name of the ballad was "The Luck of Scotland".
Song book for children
This song book was used in my
northwest Detroit Catholic elementary shool in the late
1950's-1960's. I think it had a yellow cover. Songs included were
"O Susan Blue", "Pasquale", "Donkey Dear"
S684: Squirrel and
pumpkin house
An Autumn/Halloween children's book
that has a squirrel and a pumpkin. as the book goes on the jack o
lantern face slowly gets softer until the end when the squirrel is
hibernating in the closed pumpkin. I had it as a child so its cira
Edna Miller, Mousekin's Golden
House, 1964. This sounds like Mousekin's Golden House, one of Loganberry's most
requested titles. We have a page for this book here.
Golden House may not be your book.
There are no squirrels in Mousekin's
Golden house. There's an owl
(swooping down to try to catch Mousekin), there's a cat and a
turtle (who are both frightened by the pumpkin), a bird and a
chipmunk (who both caution Mousekin against staying in the
pumpkin). At the end, the
jack-o-lantern does shrink closed, but it's Mousekin who is
hibernating there as the snow begins to fall.
There was a book with this
title in the Euclid, Ohio library system maybe 3 years ago.
I think it might have had a Halloween theme. Sorry this is
all the info I have. Am trying to find it for my sisters.
Louis Slobodkin,
Trick or Treat,1959.
If there was also a magician involved, it sounds as if it could be
Slobodkin's Trick or Treat.
S686: Scholastic
Books, imaginary world
The book
I’m looking for I read in Jr. High….6th & 7th grades….I
think I may have bought it through Scholastic Books in 1970 or
1971. It was a white hardback…maybe 8w x 10h. Hand sketched
front cover but it seems there was some color to the cover in
blue…winter scene with large old house up on a hill…not a
mansion but it was big. The story is centered around siblings
stuck at home either during a winter break or due to bad weather
so school is cancelled. They discover an imaginary (or real?)
world when they push/crawl through dense bushes or trees. It has
much the same foundation as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, without the
symbolism. It was pure fiction but like a wonderful dream and
left me feeling wonderful and hopeful when I was done reading.
This was the first book to capture my attention when I was
young. It was not illustrated but had lengthy pages of graphic
scenery and dialogue. I hope you are
able to find it.
Dean, The Secret Country
(Trilogy- book 2: Hidden Land,
book 3: Whim of the Dragon)
(Maybe?) This book
involves a group of cousins who have ''pretended" a secret country
for years, and then crawl through a hedge at a mysterious old
house and find themselves in the place they created- except that
it has grown in some directions they did not plan. They are
participating in events they made up, rituals and holidays and
traditions they created for their play. They are even playing the
part of various characters they made up for their stories.
This is a great trilogy- really well written and holds up
Netherclift, The Snowstorm
(published by Scholastic as The
Snow Ghosts) The cover and story matches the description of THE
SNOWSTORM (also published as THE SNOW GHOSTS) by Beryl Netherclift
I wonder if the querent
is remembering two different books. The description of the story
-- especially the hedge and the Narnia-like quality sans moral
message (thankfully) -- almost matches the beginning of The Secret Country. But that
takes place in summer, there are five children, and anyway that
didn't come out until 1985. It has two sequels, The Hidden Land and Whim of the Dragon. The
description of the cover matches the Netherclift book which came
out in 1967. In that story three children are helping their Aunt
Amethyst fix up her decrepit house and find a snow globe that
takes them back in time. In both books, children are stuck at an
aunt's house while parents are away. Both books are magical and
inspiring but in different ways.
Fenton, The Phantom of Walkaway
Hill, 1961,
approximate.No magic in
this one, but the rest of your memories fit. The kids are cousins,
and they're stranded in an old house at the top of a hill during a
blizzard. They've just moved there, so they start exploring.
Someone or something seems to be in the house with them they find secret rooms, hidden treasures,
and the real reason behind their "haunted" house.
There's also a sequel called The Riddle of the Red Whale, which
has a simlar mystery in a different house.
S687: seashore,
magician, amazing, adventure, marvelous, machine, Little guy
maybe neamed Magee???
Read in 1990, chapter book for age
7-13. Family visits east coast seashore, kids meet guy, have
summer adventures, go home (Wash D.C.??), he lives under public
fountain (tunnel to family basement). Each time guys name
appears same long description listed (lots of adj including "a
plumber, a fixer of things, a hero). Saves day. More: The little guy wasn't exactly a guy, he was
more like a little creature, but a guy none-the-less. Parents did
not know about him. Kids didn't want
to leave the seashore to go home because they wanted to keep the
friendship with the "creature". He
might have had red hair. Once back in
the city, the kids found out that he was also there and lived
under the fountain. There were other
beings there too, and they got trapped and he saved the day
Mary Steele,
Because of the Sand Witches
There, 1975,
approximate. I don't know
that this is the right book, because it was so long ago and my
memory is hazy. I also can't find any information about it
online. But I read it back then, and I think it *may* be the one
you're looking for.
Thank you for the
suggestion - but Sand Witches is not the same book I am looking
for. The little guy was more like a
very small person. The kids were two
girls (friends).
S688: Sci-fi about
telepathic husband/wife spy team
Sci-fi, no later than 1980s, with
telepathy. Some people are mainly senders, others
receivers. Main characters are husband/wife team where
husband can receive and wife can send, and so they act as spies,
and wife gets captured and tortured while husband "listens".
May have had other plot lines.
Heinlein, Robert A.,
1949, approximate. This reminds me of a story by Heinlein,
reprinted in Assignment in
Soup book
SOLVED: Sam and the
Impossible Thing, 1967.
S690: Short story, wager, prison, books
Chekhov, The Bet, 1890.
S691: Sick
girl misses winter snow
The book is about a little girl is
sick over winter and misses out on the snow, she is staying with
her aunt and during the spring gets better and gets to play in her
orchard this book is pre 1985ish? Thanks!
S692: Scifi, Blond
supersmart people vs savages outside
1983 Maybe for adults? Blond
supersmarts live in a city and play The Game, the only important
thing. Men get themselves fixed so as not to distract from
game. No one thought the MC's mother was a full woman, or
fertile, then she had him. Is he half savage? He
leaves the city on a quest? Thanks
Hesse, Hermann,
The Glass Bead Game.
Could this be The Glass
Bead Game by Hermann Hesse?
Thanks very much for the
good suggestion of Magister
Ludi/The Bead Game. However,
the book I am looking for is more science fiction-ish. The blond smart people stay in the
technological city and play their game, while others live outside
in a lower level society. Thanks
Paul, O-Zone. Could this be O-Zone by Paul Theroux? From Wikipedia: "A portion of
America is a nuclear wasteland after leakage of stored radioactive
waste, off limits to all but the very rich. Eight of them,
referred to as ''Owners'', visit this O-Zone as their personal
playground. Some of them come to the disturbing realizations that
the life-forms outside of their walled in cities, assumed to be
just ''things'', seem as human as the Owners themselves"
Rowe Townsend, The Creatures,
1980. I think this could be
the right one! Talk about an unmemorable (and unsearchable) title
S693: Southern
California boys that make friends and are into hotrodding
The the group discovers an old
airstrip which is being used for drag racing. They think they'll
lose their racing spot to development. In the end, the strip is
purchased by a sanitation company that allows them to keep racing
in turn for the sanitation CO. owner being able to sell
Could this be one of the
several excellent hot rod books by Henry G. Felsen?
S694: Six volume
set of books, early or mid 1950s, stories, poems, pictures
Set of books from early or mid
1950s. 5 or 6 large volumes; light blue with dark blue
spines. Outside covers- little drawings in dark blue on the
light blue part of the covers, including Humpty Dumpty?
Title was maybe the "Wonder Books" or "Family Treasury." Anthology
w/ stories, poems, pictures.
S695: Shopping,
escalator, work?
SOLVED: Tibor Gergely, Busy Day, Busy
People, 1973.
I think I
have solved this one myself. I randomly came up with a key word
that helped in my search. I have ordered this book online, and
hope its the right one. I know it is definitely a book I had as
a kid, but I'm looking forward to seeing if there is an
escalator in it!!
Santa, lost, reindeer
SOLVED: Santa's Busy Day.
S697: Secret room,
missing staircase
Date: 1990-1998. I am looking for a book that my daughter
remembers, she was born in 1983, so I'm guessing this would be
from the '90s. It involved 2 siblings sent to live with an aunt
or grandmother, not sure what happened to the parents, and the
house they are sent to has a shut up room that used to have
stairs going up to it that have been removed because something
happened on the stairs. The only way into the room is a trapdoor
in a closet. The house was a regular sized house, but had some "
castle-like " feature such as a turret or something else. The
cover may have had a drawing of a house with a child looking out
of the window. That's all I know.
Enright, The Four-Story
Mistake. I'm going to guess The Four-Story
Mistake, although all the details don't fit.
It did have a cupola and a secret room, although the family moved
to the house together (nobody was sent away).
Langton, The Diamond in the
like it might be The Diamond in the Window. Edward and Eleanor
go to live with their aunt and uncle, and find a hidden attic
where their other aunt and uncle disappeared years earlier as
Langton, The Diamond in the
Window. This
"Hall Family Chronicles" tells about the adventures of Eddy and
Eleanor Hall who live with their Aunt Lily in Concord,
Massachusetts. The brother and sister duo discover that their
Aunt Lily must pay a significant amount of money in back taxes
or they will lose their home. It is about this time that the
brother and sister discover the attic, which leads them to a
history of family secrets. The magical attic has a beautiful
stained-glass window, toys and two empty beds where children
once slept. Aunt Lily has no choice but to tell them about the
disappearance of her brother and sister from their room in the
attic. Prince Krishna, who has also stayed in the house,
disappeared as well, soon after the children. The police were
never able to find any of them. Eddy and Eleanor begin
investigating the attic, which leads them into a magical world.
They decide to move into the tower room in the attic and then
they begin finding clues to the disappearance mystery. Eddy and
Eleanor discover how extraordinary their house is and are able
to save their house and their loved ones.
The Diamond in the Window, and
The Four Story Mistakeare not the right books. The book we
are looking for had something weird or sinister connected with
the secret room, and there was definitely a "missing" staircase.
Thank you posters for your suggestions though. Those are both
very good books.
My daughter just told me that she thought maybe that someone had
fallen down the stairs and possibly died, and that's why the
staircase had been removed. The kids in the story found another
way into the room like a trap-door.
Beth Walker, Meg and the
Secret of the Witch's Staircase,November 1982, reprint. The
description reminds me of Meg and the Secret of the Witch's
Staircase, by Holly Beth Walker, (though not all the details
match), originally published by Whitman in 1967, and reprinted
as a paperback in 1982. The reprint does have a cover
picture of Meg looking out a window. I haven't read it in
20 years, so I don't recall whether they stayed in the house,
and the girls are not siblings but best friends - Meg Duncan and
Kerry Carmody, and the secret room may have been a cellar not an
attic. Hope you find the right book soon! Good luck!
S698: Soccer Book - diagrammed
and explained best plays in history
Read it from public
library in 80's as a kid. Had something like 100 of the top pro
soccer (or did they call it football? can't remember) plays ever
made. On one side had actual pictures and description, on the
facing page had the play diagrammed in symbols. Big book - at
least 8.5.x11 or more.
S699: Scavenger
Read in the 1970's I believe this
book was a mystery. Details are vague but there was a large
house perhaps a mansion. I believe there was an iron fence
around the house. One of the characters was a young girl along
with perhaps a friend or her brother. Inside the house there
was suppose to be a chandelier in perhaps a ballroom. There
was one or maybe two older ladies living in the house in
seclusion. I believe they had groceries delivered to them.
The young girl wants to see the chandelier and finally has an
opportunity to visit the house only to find out that it was sold
to pay expenses as the old ladies(s) are out of money. At
some point the young girl and friends take the ladies(s)to their
old summer home (also behind a fence) where after a scavenger hunt
orchestrated by the old ladies father they find his will which
leaves them free to sell the summer property which is worth a
large sum. I believe the will is found in a grandfather
clock, but I could be wrong on a few details.
Carolyn Keene, The Secret of
the Old Clock,1930.
The elderly ladies and the will in the clock are all part of the
Nancy Drew novel "The Secret of the Old Clock." But the rest
of the details don't fit. It sounds like whoever wrote your
book stumper borrowed some details from Nancy Drew!
S700: Seven Seas
SOLVED: Charlotte Austen
(Auerbach),Adventures with
Rosalind, 1947.
S701: Squirrel learns about life in the woods
Squirrel (toy) learns about
life in the woods. This book was published in the early 1950s. It
is about two toy animals that become real and have to learn about
the woodlands. One of them a squirrel is the protagonist in the
story. He learns to eat skunk cabbage and finds out what spring
peepers are.
Byrona Myers, Turn Here for Strawberry Roam,1950. This (or its
sequel, Yo-Ho for Strawberry
Roam!) has to be it! The toys are, as you remember, a
squirrel and a mouse named Golly. "After Squirrel and Golly, two
toy animals, are thrown out in an alley they set off to find a new
home and have many adventures along the way until they finally
find their new home'' Strawberry Roam.
S702: Silly Willy
I recall a children's story
about a boy named Silly Willy who lacked common sense. As I recall, he dragged a loaf of bread
home on a string, carried butter home as it melted?, along
w/several other items he damaged or ruined.
I would LOVE to find this book again!
The poster didn't mention a
year , but it sounds like a variation of Epaminondas. So
she/he can look atEpaminondas, retold by Eve Merriam.
Illustrated by Trina Schart
Hyman,1968 (also
published as That Noodle-head Epaminondas
)orEpaminondas and his AuntiebySara Cone Bryant, 1938 or Lazy Jack / retold by Vivian French illustrated by Russell Ayto,
1995 or Epossumondas /
written by Coleen Salley
illustrated by Janet Stevens, 2002.
Sara Cone
Bryant, Epaminondas and His
approximate. Your
description sounds like this old story about a silly boy who
often visits his Auntie. She gives him things to take home to
his mother, and he takes them home in an inappropriate way,
ruining them. When Mama tells them how he should have carried
it, he applies her instructions to the next item, but the
instructions don't apply to the next item. He drags bread home
on a string, because that's how he should have led a puppy. He
carries butter home under his hat, and it melts all over his
head, because that's how he was told to carry a piece of cake,
Sounds like the English
folktale Lazy Jack. Not to be confused with The Adventures of
Silly Billy by Tamara
Kitt, 1961 - you can read the details about that book at
B46. I suspect Kitt's book is based on tales of the wise men
of Chelm. There are several versions of Lazy Jack, but here's
Joseph Jacobs':http://www.authorama.com/english-fairy-tales-30.html
Tamara Kitt,
The Adventures of Silly Billy.
This is a traditional tale, but
this may be the one you remember.
The Story of Epaminondas and his Auntie.You may be thinking of Epaminondas, who
keeps going to get things from his aunt, but gets his instructions
all messed up, ie carrying butter in his hat, where it melts dragging home a loaf of bread on a
string, etc. The little boy here is black, and the story is told
in dialect, but it's been told in other forms, possibly the Silly
Willy version you remember, Hope this helps.
Epaminondas and His Auntie. This is an older book
that is controversial because of the black stereotypes. The story matches your description. There is also an updated version of
Epaminondas by Eve Merriam that is out of print.
You can find the same story elements in the Lazy Jack story from
Joseph Jacob’s English Fairy Tales.
SOLVED: Travis
Falcon, Secret Messages
(Usborne Spy Guides).
1960 approximate date. A tall guy, maybe named String Bean, on a
submarine makes a repair and becomes a hero.
Sea monkey-like creatures
sea monkey-like creatures who live in the ocean climb to the roof
of the palace and dance in the ligh of the full moon
S706: Spaceship
with hydroponic lab
I'm trying to find a book about a
boy and a girl who go up in a spaceship with a hydroponic lab. At
some point in the plot, the food supply dwindles and they end up
eating dandelion leaves. This is a chapter book; our best guess at
publication would be the late 60's/early 70's.
Anabel / Edgar Johnson,
An Alien
Music, 1982. Maybe
a long shot based on dates, but this may be An Alien Music
(def has the dandelion leaves and hydroponics on a spaceship):
"Sixteen-year-old Jesse relates the experiences of the Sky-Lab
Seven crew as they become the sole survivors of the dying planet
Earth only to have their plans to colonize Mars irreversibly
S707: Sick bird
board book
I had a little board book with a
picture of a sick bird, I think it is a robin with a
thermometer. Text says (I think) rest rest rest is best best
best so put this bird to bed a pillow neath his
head and rest his temperature. For he has a
common cold for which I have been told there is no cure
S708: Sisters in
My book was probably written
sometime in the 1970s or early 1980s. It's about 2
sisters. The older one, Babette, is studying ballet in
Paris. She has a boyfriend who is a chef. Her younger
sister goes to Paris to live with her. They may have a cat
named Minette? Thank you!
S709: Short scary
story about a man who disguises himself as a woman named
This is a short scary story. On a
stormy night, people hear a knock at the door. A little older lady
asks if she can come in to keep warm by their fire & says her
name is Eunice. Later the people notice she has hair on the back
of her hands and is wearing boots under her long skirt--Eunice is
a man!
Edited by Nora Kramer, THE
originally sent this book title as an answer in for C738 and was
waiting to see if anyone else had a different answer. But the
story "The Ghostly Hand of Spital House" within this book involves
a man dressed as a woman asking if "she" can spend the night by
the fire at the inn. The observant servant (I think her name was
Bella) notices that the guest is wearing heavy men's boots. She
fakes sleeping in order to keep an eye on the guest, and when he
thinks that everyone is asleep, he uses a dead man's hand and a
candle to cast a spell to keep all the sleepers in the house
asleep. But the servant is not asleep, so she is not under the
spell. She must save the household before the robber lets his band
of thieves into the house.
S710: Snowed in at
Grandmother's home
Granddaughter staying at
Grandmother's home in the country during a snowstorm and powercut,
sleeping by the fire and eating porridge with peaches, making snow
angels next day. A favorite children's book from our school
library in the 1980s.
Elaine Moore, Grandma's
There's no plot per se, but there's a storm soon after Kim
arrives, so she and Grandma have a mini-adventure without
electricity for several days. They pack pine cones with peanut
butter and cornmeal for the birds, go ice skating, and snuggle
into a bed roll beside the wood stove.
S711: Short story
collection, monkey, coconut cake, ghost story, two kids, black
and white illustrations
SOLVED: Childcraft.
Thank you so much! It's definitely "Wappie's Surprise Cake"
from the Childcraft book.
S712: Secret House
Decorated with Seashells
I am looking for a children's /
young adult chapter book I read in the 80s (but I have no idea
when it was published) about a girl who decorates a secret cottage
with seashells.
Julie Edwards, Mandy.
Andrews, Mandy, 1971.
SOLVED: Julie Andrews, Mandy. You were quite correct - Thanks!
S713: A
shopkeeper's aptitude test, and the boy who aces it
An old children's reader that
was likely used as a textbook (I believe it was a
textbook) illustrated with engravings. It was pretty certainly
pre-1920. One of the included stories has stuck in my mind, so
I'll summarize it here, in case it strikes a chord with any
readers. Note that I'm improvising names for the characters, as I
don't remember them.
Mr. Jones, the
aging manager of a store, wants to retire but decides to find an
assistant whom he can train first. Accordingly, he sets out a
"BOY WANTED" sign in his store window. [Yeah, I know, girls need
not apply. This was published, I think, before women got the
vote.] Very soon, he gets a taker, Bobby. The task set before
him is to organize a large, heavy trunk in the store's attic
that's crammed with old hardware of all sorts—nails, bolts,
screws—all indiscriminately jumbled there. Bobby sets his mind,
reluctantly, to the task for a perfunctory hour or so, then
quits in disgust. (The same thing may happen with the second boy
who applies, as there may be more than two.) Then Willy arrives
and volunteers for the job. Like the others, he is taken to the
attic, shown the trunk, and told that his task is to set it
completely to rights. Willy spends all day on it. Around 5 p.m.,
he comes downstairs, and Mr. Jones asks him, "Are you done?"
"No," replies Willy, "there is ever so much more to be done."
"Are you coming tomorrow?" "You bet!" And he does. It takes
Willy about three days (or more), but he finally succeeds in
getting to the bottom of the trunk. Mr. Jones takes a peek at
the trunk before the task is finished, and is impressed.
Willy has sorted everything out by kind and quality, and
used small shingles (probably of wood) to divide the trunk into
compartments, labeling each shingle: "Pretty good nails," "Not
very good nails," "Broken nails," "Bent nails," "Screws,"
"Pieces whose use I don't know," etc. The author notes something
like this: "There was not very much that had value." But this is
about perseverance. Finally, Willy comes down and tells Mr.
Jones that he's done with the task. He hands over a silver
dollar he found at the bottom of the trunk. Mr. Jones merely
remarks, "That's an odd place for a silver dollar," but is
secretly elated. Willy returns home, knowing that he's been
hired. As for Mr. Jones, he says to himself, "Well, if I am not
mistaken, I have found myself an apprentice and Willy has found
himself a fortune."The story ends with a motto (in the form of a
framed piece that Mr. Jones gives Willy): "He who is diligent in
small things can be trusted to be diligent in great things." (Or
something to that effect.)
Effie Mae Hency, A Hive of Busy Bees.
As soon as I read your
description, I knew this had to be the book you were talking
about. It scared and traumatized me as a child, and yet...I found
myself reading it over and over again, all the same! The specific
story in the book you're looking for is called "Bee Honest." The
boy was named Charles, and it was a five dollar gold piece that
was at the bottom of the chest full of nails (though a silver
dollar appeared later in the story).
Thanks for
suggesting Effie Mae Hency Williams' A Hive of Busy Bees, but it appears that I'm looking for a different book—a
much older illustrated anthology of stories, poems, etc.
I read the Williams
version (the text is posted on Project Gutenberg), and while
there are several similarities to the quest story—the one in the
book I'm looking for—there are some notable differences. For
example, the detail regarding the shingles doesn't appear in the
Williams version. Also, in the quest version, the druggist (or
hardware dealer) doesn't ask Charles if he's acquainted with Joe
and Henry (the two dishonest boys who precede him), and I don't
think that the motif of their opportunistically stealing the
gold pieces from the shelf is included in the quest story. The
quest story ends with the Charles (the honest boy) being hired,
as I've described it, and doesn't include the druggist's
repeated testing of his honesty by placing coins where he's sure
to find them, then seeing if he returns them.
My guess is that Williams
adapted the older story, which went into considerable detail on
how Charles found the trunk, what was inside, and how he solved
the problem. There was only one mention of a silver or gold
piece—the one he unearths at the bottom of the trunk. In
Williams' version, both steal $5 gold pieces from the druggist.
In the quest story, neither of the two quitters (i.e., Joe and
Henry in Williams's version) remain on the job long enough to
excavate it. Thanks for the response. But can we continue the
S714: Stories:
little red monster and bubblegum machine
hard cover book containing two
stories ( that i recall) one about a little red monster ( fuzzy
looking) with green legs who is too little for anything but then
finds out that his family was planning a party for him. they ate a
rainbow cake. the second about a little boy who builds a bubblegum
The Red
Book of Wordplay Stories,Susan Batko. The cover has a hand with two fingers held up. The stories
are "The Bubble Gum Bubble Maker" and "The Smallest
S715: Story
Collection, includes butterfly girl adopted by flies
Book is pink and narrow with blue
bubbleletters on cover. Has 4 stories I recall, One is about the
bremen musicians, the next one is about a magician that gets
shrunk by his own mice, the third one about a butterfly girl that
gets adopted by flies living in lamppost. last is about possums in
S716: Sally, lost
doll, great aunt
Looking for a children's book I
read mid '70's grade 4-5 about a girl named Sally who was sent to
live with her great aunt. She was trying to solve a mystery of a
lost doll belonging to another girl named Sally. It turned out
that the doll belonged to her great aunt Sarah, called Sally as a
child. Sally had been given a set of books that she took to
her aunt’s. During a rainstorm/flooding, she read to a group
of schoolchildren to keep them calm. (I'm pretty sure that
was part of this same book.) She was able to find the doll
when she noticed that her cat had been playing in a corner of the
attic and had a piece of doll hair stuck in its claws.
Norma Kassirer,
Magic Elizabeth. The reading-aloud-in-storm scence is not in this book, but
the rest of the details match.
Kassirer, Magic Elizabeth.
The book is Magic Elizabeth,
but the part about reading to children in a rainstorm isn't part
of it.
Kassirer, Magic Elizabeth.
Definitely the book.
Kassirer, Magic Elizabeth.
Magic Elizabeth,
without a doubt! Bet you get lots of
answers on this one.
Kassirer, Magic Elizabeth,
1966. I'm pretty sure this is the book you are
looking for. Sally looks for the doll
in a picture in her Great Aunt's spooky house
she goes back in time and eventually figures out that the little
girl in the picture is her aunt a cat
does help her find the doll hidden in a crevice in the attic.
S717: Science
fiction/dystopian novel
Science fiction/dystopian novel for
teens read in 1985 or so.
There is a book called Utopian and
Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults by Carrie Hintz, and it's
possible she covers your book in there.
O'Brien, Z for Zachariah.One of many possibilities. Others include
Lois Lowry's The Giver, Rosemary Harris'
A Quest for Orion
or perhaps even John Wyndham's The Chrysalids.
S718: Santa after Christmas
I am looking for an illustrated
children's book about Santa coming home after delivering presents.
He was alone & opened presents, got socks from Mrs.
Claus, which he seemed grumpy about, opened a package that had a
bottle in it, smiled and thought "Jack." Published pre-1980.
Small, squarish, color.
Briggs, Father Christmas,
1973. Sounds like Raymond Briggs' Father
S719: Short horror
Young adult's book of short horror
stories with a girl who tries to find her grandmother's purse, a
boy who plays a trick on a witch and gets transported to the dark
ages, a boy who thinks his girlfriend's family is vampires but are
actually werewolves, a girl who works on a haunted hayride, etc.
S720: Space
command center Omaha, NE (YA series)
There's a series of YA books, early
chapter-book level, with pictures. They're SF, on Earth in
the future, and mostly on space ships, I think. There's a
command center operating out of Omaha, NE. I read them from
the library, and they were hardcovers of about 6" x 8" ... this
was in 1985-7ish.
S721: Statues Come
to Life
A children's book published in the
early 90's about a loner girl who befriends a boy and he takes her
to a garden with statues that come to life. It is not
"Stonewalkers" or "Court of the Stone Children". The statues may
have been real people who were turned to stone. Not sure.
Betty Brock, The Shades,
1973. Except for having
the boy and the girl reversed, and it's shadows instead of
statues, this sounds a bit like The Shades. Tom (I think it's Tom)
comes to live with a relative temporarily for the summer. When he
goes out into her back garden, he discovers that, if he runs water
from the dolphin fountain in the yard over his eyes, he can see
real people in place of the shadows. Some have been there for
years, and some are new. The magic in the dolphin is what brings
them to life. However, an evil force is choking out the dolphin,
and Tom has to help The Shades defeat it. It may not be the
right book, but it was the first one that came to mind.
Sketch the scene mysteries
Boy and girl are best
friends that solve mysteries. Boy is an artist and sketches the
scene for each crime, which are illustrations in book.
Mystery can be solved by examining the image, and the solution is
resolved at the end of the story. One mystery per chapter maybe?
believe this was a series of books, but I am not certain about
that, that I recall reading in the early to mid '80s. There are
two main characters, a boy and a girl, that are best friends.
They pretend to fight with each other when other kids see them
together as they're at an age where they are assumed to be
dating rather than just friends. They solve mysteries, and I
think that each chapter in the book is a separate mystery. The
key component is that the boy is an artist, and for each mystery
he sketches the scene, which appears as an illustration in the
book. The reader can muse over the illustration and try to solve
it, before continuing on in the book where the mystery is
revealed. Each mystery can be solved by examining the
illustration closely. One specific one I remember is about a man
who was claiming that he fell and was asking someone for money.
The sketch shows the man walking with a cane, but the footprints
behind him show that he switched the cane to the other side,
which means he doesn't really need the cane, which means he's
I also remember a couple of
random details - the girl's favorite color is orange, and
there's a scene where she has math cards she's studying, one of
which shows an example of a quadratic equation.
Masters, Can You Solve the
Mystery? 1983. Hawkeye
Collins and Amy Adams solve mysteries in a series of books similar
to Encyclopedia Brown. Hawkeye always
has his sketchbook handy and makes sketches of the crime scene
which help them solve the mystery.
S723: Scavenger
hunt game turns real in a house with a squid in the basement
A book I read in the 80's. Group of
kids in a house seek items of power to break a curse. The game is
a real ritual to free a coven bound there, trying to possess the
kids and escape. A squid in the basement, part of the coven, was a
person, and helps the kids to escape. Cover: Clock face with eyes.
S724: Song:
"Jennifer Jane"
Song that we sang in a British
primary school in the 1960s. First verse: Jennifer Jane has a cold
in her head/ And a terrible big Achoo/ And it's 'Where's your
hankie?' and 'Come indoors' / And' Blow for Nursie, do!' Had
thought of A.A. Milne and Rose Fyleman, but doesn't seem to be
S725: Short story
Boy doesn't realize he's dead
I am looking for a
short story that I read sometime between 1980 and 1988 about a boy
who doesn’t realize that he’s dead or at some point doesn’t
realize he’s been killed. It may
or may not be a “young adult” titIe. I
vaguely recall the story taking place in a city, something about a
fire escape and also his not being able to get back into his
apartment. In the same anthology
(or perhaps single author collection) I recall a story told from
an alien’s p.o.v. about landing on earth and encountering humans.
S726: Sea voyage
account of fantasy plants and animals
The book has a color plate
on one side and description on the facing side like ancient
manuscripts. It supposedly records the plants and animals
encountered on an exploratory voyage by sea (I think). I remember
a flamingo plant that eats fishermen and sea monsters. Came across
it in very early 90's.
S727: Siblings
care for Abandoned baby
1940-55; genre: childrens. This one
is for my Mom, she would have read it during the 1950s so it was
probably written during the 40’s or 50’s. She thinks it takes
place during the depression. Two children, a brother
and sister, are often left alone at home while their parents work,
so they spend their time in their shack out in the woods.
One day they find an abandoned baby. Instead of bringing it
home, they take it to their shack, where they take care of it and
bring things out to it. She doesn’t remember how the
story ends, but she does remember that they both wore
coveralls, or overalls so it may have had a few
The Little
Kidnappers? This was actually a 1950s movie, but maybe
there's a book?
She's very
sure it's not the Little Kidnappers. She
definitely remembers them as being a brother and sister, with
mother off to work.
S728: Shoe
salesman father wants to be an artist
Chapter book set sometime in the
2nd half of the 20th century. Main character a girl with (I think)
a twin brother and a younger brother (named Sammy?). Father is a
shoe salesman but wants to be an artist, and he's fired for
truthfully telling a customer that a pair of shoes don't look good
on her. Updated: I
recall some other details: the girl regrets having to eat the
school lunch instead of bringing lunch from home, the little boy
always wanted to stay up all night, the two boys quarrel a lot and
the older boy finally offers to let his little brother bop him as
a birthday gift, the girl's friends save all their cereal prizes
as a gift for her little brother. Hope this helps.
Mary Stolz, The Noonday
Friends, the
1960's, approximate. This is a classic story of a poor white
family living in New York City. Father is an unsuccessful
artist and has to work in a shoe store, a job he is totally
unsuited for. He gets fired and he is replaced by the
cousin of his daughter Franny's best friend. The cousin is
perfect for the job and the father seems headed for success as a
S729: Seagulls
living behind signboard
Children's book about seagulls
living behind a billboard, possibly on a beach. I think it was a
Scholastic book from the early 1960s. It might have been about a
seagull family.
Don Freeman, Fly High, Fly
Low.Could it be
the Caldecott Honor book Fly High, Fly Low?
"Fly High, Fly Low, a Caldecott Honor book, tells the story of two
San Francisco birds who hatch some eggs in a very unconventional
place-the letter "B" in the sign on top of the Bay Hotel. But what
happens when the sign is taken down?"
Don Freeman,
Fly High, Fly Low,1957. Not seagulls, but this one is about pigeons
who nest in the letters of a neon sign in San Francisco.
The drawings of the pigeons flying look a bit like gulls and the
sign resembles a billboard, so this could be what the poster is
thinking of.
S730: 70's book of
skipping rhymes and nonsense verse from around the world
Around 1978, I had a paperback book
with kind of "hippie-ish" line drawings illustrating kid's games,
skipping rhymes, nonsense verse, poetry, & maybe songs from
around the world - American, Indian, African, etc... no idea what
it was called, can't find it on Amazon, Alibris, Powell's etc.
S731: Several
fairy tales including Neptune's/Poseidon's daughter
Book was in print by the 60's.
Collection of 5 (?) fairy stories. One was Puss in
Boots. I remember best Neptune or Poseidon's daughter,
who came onto the land and fell in love with a human. There
was a struggle over whether she would stay with him. Her
voice is the sound you hear in seashells.
S732: Short story
about an alien
The story is about a little alien
that was found and put on a zoo on earth, and its name sounded
something like "chtzl". The planet they found the alien on was not
his home planet; he was only exploring it, but the humans thought
he was from there and so put him in the wrong environment at the
S733: Space
adventure series
A series of space adventure stories
with b&w drawings? These were around in the early 80's and
aimed at 6-7 year olds were mostly black and white artwork on each
page with the story. Does anyone know what series was called? The
text was quite large font. Pages less than A4 size. Quite
thin books.
Yolen, Jane, Commander
Toad series, 1980s. Yolen's Commander Toad series was for beginning
readers. Some illustrations were
lightly colored others were black and
white. Toad -- "brave and bright,
bright and brave" -- is the commander of the ship Star Warts. Titles includeCommander Toad and the
Dis-asteroid, Commander Toad and the Planet of the
Regarding the (above) suggestion:
That is a good suggestion but I am sure it is not Commander Toad. The stories I
remember were more serious and dull! But from my memories the art
definitly did remember the 1950's space art style.
S734: Squirrel, tin can
This is a children's book about a
little squirrel who gets stuck upside down in a tin can.
S735: Santa's
Christmas Eve Sleigh Wreck
I remember this book from the early
60s-don't know the title or author. The plot-Santa's sleigh wrecks
in the woods & all the reindeer run away. The racket of
the wreck wakes up a hibernating bear, he helps Santa re-load the
sleigh & takes the place of the reindeer to get the presents
Ray St. Clair, A Christmas
for Bears, 1954.
This short story about a bear who scares Santa's reindeer away and
is persuaded to take their place so the children won't be
disappointed, is included in The Tall Book of Christmas, which is
where I read it. I don't know if there are any stand-alone
S736: Series or
In early 70's I read a few books at
library either in series or by same author. Stories were
similar and I seem to remember Rusty as character. Rusty's
spaceship seems familiar but author's other books are not. We
moved before I really got into the books. Sorry I can't remember
S737: Series of boys
Date: 1930's or 1940's? I read this series of boys books as a kid in the late 50's,
early 60's and they seemed old then.
There might have been a boy's name in the title?
"So-and-so and the adventures of...?"
I think they were of the mystery/adventure genre, but I may just
be remembering the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew books I read about the
same time. This series (I remember
them having a red hardcover?) would now seem politically incorrect
as far as promoting racial stereotypes (I think I even thought so
then). I know this is little to nothing to go on, but thought I'd
give it a $2.00 shot.
I can think
of a few boys series of that era--Rick Brant
Electronic Adventuresby
John Blaine
did have a red cover, so
they're probably the closest. But some others were the
Ken Holt mysteries
by Bruce
Campbell (Ken was a
reporter, but the books were either brown or orange) and Biff Brewster mystery adventuresbyAndy Adams (purple covers). Good luck!
Many of the children's
series books published by the Stratemeyer Syndicate in the early
1900s were politically incorrect to the extent that many were
edited or even re-written later so it could have been any of them.
Here is a list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Stratemeyer_Syndicate_series
Appleton, Don Sturdy Series,
1920s. The Don Sturdy series written by Victor Appleton (a generic house name) published by Grosset &
Dunlap in the 1920s all featured a red hardcover book beneath the
dust jacket. Don Sturdy was an adventurer (a younger version
of Indiana Jones), who explored exotic locations around the
globe. The natives of many of these areas were written in
very patronizing stereotypes, with matching language skills and
S738: Scavenger
hunt, abandoned mine
A boy goes with his friends on a
scavenger hunt one evening. They some across an old mine shaft on
the side of a hill near a wooden water tower. One of them climbs
down the hole by stretching his body out so his back and feet are
braced against the sides of the mine shaft. They were probably
trying to find diamonds or gold. I think they get trapped down
there, but I’m not sure what happens next. I remember that the boy
slicked back his hair with gel before he left his house, and they
drove in a convertible car (circa 1930). This story came from an
anthology probably written 1930-1960. It’s not The Mad Scientists’ Club but has a similar feel. Thanks for your
S739: Sister
injured by ride-on lawnmower
Read around '91-'93, title has 2 words, starts with White, other
word is a flower (I think), 2 sisters, one has accident with
ride-on mower, story from other sisters POV watching injured
sister in and out of hospital, injured sister eventually dies.
Additional information:
is a book I read when I was in elementary school, which was
around 1991-1993. It involves two sisters, one of which has an
unfortunate accident with a ride-on mower. Through the course of
the story, the sister with the injuries is in and out of the
hospital, and the POV is that from the other sister and how she
deals with everything. The sister eventually *spoilers* dies in
the end. The title is White *something* and that something is a
type of flower that I THINK starts with an A. At the end of the
book, a picture has been drawn of the injured sister holding the
white flowers. I remember it being flowers clearly because when
I first read the title, I had no idea what the word meant and
was so glad when I learned what it was at the end of the story.
I have been searching for this book for years and have had no
luck. So help me Obi Wan. You're my only hope.
Patricia Hermes, Nobody's
Fault,1981. In Nobody's
Fault, the sister narrates, but it's a brother who is
teased and injured by the lawnmower.
Other than that though, it does sound like your book.
My Dad read this book to me when I was a child.
The final page of the book says 'finis said the zucchini'. I do not remember the name of the book,
what it was about or the author. I
have tried to find it several times since without luck.
Polly, Green Machine,
1969. There are some scans
online, including the last page with "Finis said the
zucchini." (The book is also listed on Loganberry's
Polly Cameron page.) Scans
The only book that even sounds
close is "I Can't, Said The Ant", about a group of animals and
objects that join up to help their friend, a teapot who fell down
and broke in the kitchen. All their short comments rhyme with the
name of whoever said them, so finis/zucchini would fit right in.
Hope this helps.
Bodecker, Let's Marry, Said the
Cherry, 1974.
Someone posted the full
text online, but it didn't include "Finis, said the zucchini"...
however, it fits so well with the format ("Let's marry, said the
cherry. "Why me?" said the pea. "'Cause you're sweet," said the
beet." "Say you will," said the dill...) that it could be the line
in question was on the end page.
S741: Science
fiction, transport booth, cloning, ridge on lower back
Young adult scifi from 1980s.
People travel long distances by entering booths and having copies
their consciousness made into tapes or cassettes...which are then
inserted (w/a telltale bump in the small of the back) into copies
of the person at their target destination....boy discovers he is a
copy. 3/26S742: Seasons book
In 1998 a girl read a book to my
4th grade class about the four seasons. It had no characters/plot,
but it talked about each season starting with Winter, then Spring,
etc. I think the pages were mostly white with text, but I know it
had illustrations on each page.
Provensen, The Year at Maple
Hill Farm, 1978.
This is the first title that comes to mind. It describes the
natural changes that occur on a farm and in the surrounding
countryside from January through December.
I don't think it was The Year at Maple
Hill. It was like that,
but instead of going through the months, it went through each
season itself (winter, spring, summer, fall - in that order). And
I don't remember it being specifically about the farm either, but
it said things like "Spring can be warm, and spring can be wet."
S743: Shipwrecked,
'The Invisible Island???'
Read in the early 1950s'. A family
moves to a new town where all the children are quarantined. Since
there is no one to play with, the family's children go exploring
and discover an invisible island just behind their new home. Their
parents agree to let them be "shipwrecked" on the island. No
adults allowed.The book tells of their adventures establishing a
place to live on the island and solving mysterious happenings
which start near the end of their summer fun on the island. I read
this book when I was about 10-13 and have never forgotten it. I
would like to share it with my grandchildren. I am 72 years old
and read this book in the late 1940's or early 1950's.
Marshall, The Invisible Island,
1948. This is The Invisible Island by Dean Marshall, published
in 1948. The four Guthrie children arrive at their new home, in a
small town where all the children are quarantined. They find and
invisible island surrounded by trees etc., in a field. They have
many adventures on the island.
Marshall, The Invisible Island,
1950, approximate. Although I
don't remember the quarantine part, I'm sure this is the
book. The kids figure out that the land near their house
makes an ''island'' that is divided off by creeks and a
river. They set up camp and live mainly ''adult free'' for
much of the summer. It's a great book I own an old
copy and still re-read it occasionally and I'm 66!
Marshall, The Invisible Island.
I'd like to add that her book
"Dig for a Treasure" is ''kind of'' a sequel to The Invisible Island, with some of the same characters.
Marshall, The Invisible Island,
1950. I'm sure this is the book
you are looking for. The island is ''invisible'' because it
is a portion of land with creeks and a river surrounding it.
The kids have a great time being mostly independent of adults,
setting up a camp on the '''island'' It's one of my favorite reads
too. I'm lucky to have an old copy, as well as the semi-sequel,
Dig for a Treasure. (Has some of the same characters.)
Invisible Island by Dean Marshall perhaps.
"The four Guthrie children, Edith (Dit), Alan, David and Winnifred
(Winkie), live in a cramped city apartment with an irritable
landlord who dislikes noise. When one of the children's uproarious
games goes awry, a downstairs visitor agrees to help their parents
locate a more suitable home. A little over one month later, the
family arrives at their new home in a remote village in the middle
of a measles epidemic. Since all of the local children are ill or
in quarantine, the four siblings decide to amuse themselves by
exploring the surrounding countryside. The children are surprised
and delighted to find an invisible island in the middle of a
field---a large piece of land completely surrounded by brooks and
a pond. The children, who enjoy reading stories about shipwrecks
and deserted islands, decide to play castaways for a week. They
establish a campsite and arrange for the regular delivery of
"rations" from the "wreck"---the house inhabited by their mother,
father, and family cook, Hester."
Marshall, The Invisible Island,
1948. I'm not sure about the
plot but there is a book by this title. It was reprinted in
1949 and published by Dutton and the Junior Literary Guild.
It's been a while since I've read the book but it does sound
similar to it, as far as the children pretending to be
shipwrecked, etc. I don't remember anything about the quarantine
part but the rest is remarkably accurate.
S744: Scot kidnaps
wrong bride from wedding
I read this book around 1992 -
1994, it was a paperback book with a bright (red?) binding on it.
I saw it on the bookmobile shelf and the bright color caught my
eye so I picked it up and looked at it. It was the first romance
novel I ever read and I read it over and over again...but I can't
remember the important things like the author or title or even
character names! Here's the plot as best I can remember it: A
woman is getting married. She is at her wedding getting ready to
say her vows to a man she does not love but family honor demands
that she marry him as she has been told to. A Scotsman on a horse
rides in and grabs her and kidnaps her. He tells her that he's
taking her to her love. She tells him she doesn't have a "love"
and she is furious that she has been kidnapped even though she
didn't want to marry her husband-to-be. They get to some campsite
and meet a man. The man tells the Scotsman that he stole the wrong
bride and he doesn't know this girl. The man leaves and the
Scotsman is left with the girl. The Scotsman doesn't know what to
do with the girl, so he keeps her. (I don't remember the reasoning
or if she wanted to go home or go with him or something else.) He
takes her back to his people. He was stealing someone else's
bride, so I have to think his family was poor. I'm just guessing
on that, though. I thought the book was called Captive Bride, but I've read
every Captive Bride book
I could find and none of them are the right book.
S745: Short story
narrated by ghost
A man hangs himself at home.
His ghost or soul narrates the story. He watches his wife
and others discover his body. The story ends with the ghost
watching a replay of himself entering the room and hanging
himself. Implying the ghost is trapped in an ever repeating
Sisters go outside to play
It is the story of sisters. Mom is busy in the kitchen and
asks big sister to take little sister outside to play. Published
prior to 1989-1992.
Se, Bas, and Tian
Book was published 1958-1963. Don't recall much about
it, but here goes. There were 3 boys named Se, Bas, and Tian. I
recall a girl who couldn't smile so they went to a professor (who
was a parrot) and after he got her to smile, he fixed the smile
with some pins.
Sisters at seaside
Hi - I am so excited to find your site. I've searched
for a particular book that was my daughter's favorite while she
was in elementary school, and have not had any luck. I pray
you are able to help me. Julia was in elementary school in Sulphur
Springs, Texas, in 1989 - 1992.The book was well-worn by
then. I do not know the author or title...only the basic
story line.
It is the story of sisters. Mom is busy in the kitchen and
asks big sister to take little sister outside to play. Big
sister does so very reluctantly. They end up climbing on rocks by
the lakeside/seaside. Little sister sings a little song, "Going to
the rocksy-tocksy-wocksies" as she heads toward the shore.
(Spelling of these words might not be correct, but it's all I
remember.) Little sister stumbles, falling into the
water. Big sister then realizes how much she loves little
sister, and all ends well.
This is all I know. My daughter checked this book out
each week until the Librarian said, "No more, Julia." I
would love to find this old book and give to her as she is
expecting her first little girl.
Do I Have to Take Violet? By Sucie
Stevenson Editorial Review - Kirkus Reviews:
A new author-illustrator makes a promising debut in a charming
picture book about two bunnies who learn that playing together can
be fun--even for sisters. Mama Bunny, needing some peace and
quiet, prevails upon Elly to take younger sister Violet for a walk
on a nearby rocky beach, which effectively spoils Elly’s plans for
swimming, climbing trees, or skateboarding. Resentful, she tries
older-sister tricks--ignoring Violet, attempting to scare her,
telling her to go away--but Violet proves impervious, and even as
good as Elly when it comes to scaring sisters. When Elly finally
decides to give in to the inevitable, they cooperate to make
seaweed soup; and she learns that Violet is an enjoyable,
imaginative playmate--who gets hungry at the same time, too. Told
almost entirely in dialogue, this is a predictable story redeemed
by Stevenson’s ear (Violet’s singsongs are especially believable)
and her eye for the gestures and expressions of the age group she
is depicting. The pictures, done in splashy colors with slapdash
images, delightfully display Stevenson’s ability to ground her
story in small, concrete realities. She shows interesting
Sci-fi: boy and girl escape from spaceship ('90s or earlier)
A teen boy is taken from their home by a government official
and put on an empty computer-controlled spaceship except for a
robot. The boy finds a wild/feral girl on board and they try to
escape. On the cover the 3 are climbing a bedsheet (?) rope out of
the spaceship.
Series about kids who start a business
A bunch of kids that was led by a smart know it all. They
started some kind of business and in the last part of the book was
on TV. The second in the series was that one of the kids had to
move to San Francisco with his mom and he starts an ice cream
business. He lived on Lombard Street.
The first book in the series is The
Turtle Street Trading Company and the second is Turtles
Together Forever by Jill Ross Klevin.
Short story, amnesia, Mexico
Short Story read in 90s- 2 HS grads go hiking, Boy A injured
gets amnesia. Boy B lies, says they're brothers. They go to
Mexico, B gets job with girl who looks just like old girlfriend.
Friend recognizes A & tells family. Villain-B falls off broken
balcony trying to protect his lie.Char: "Barb"&"Dan"?
They Never Came Home by Lois
Duncan. If you're sure it was a short story, this isn't it,
but the plot was so similar I thought it might be what you are
looking for. There's even a character called Dan.
Sci-fi short story
Short story about alien trapped inside a house. Need author
or book of short story.
Could be a number of
stories, I suspect; one possibility is "Stranger in the House"
by Kate Wilhelm.
Could be a lot of stories, but
at a guess, maybe "Stranger in
the House"by Kate Wilhelm --
magazine publication in 1968, collected with one other Wilhelm
story as ABYSS in 1971.
Sheep; Beauty parlor with checkered floors; Black, white and
pink book pages
Three sheep left the farm to go to a
beauty parlor that had checkered floors. They got their wool
permed and hooves painted a "delicate pink." The last line was
something like "they skipped away home." The pages were black,
pink and white. Please help! This is for my first niece's baby
Sheep in a Shop.
There's also Sheep on a Ship and others.
Sisters share upstairs bedroom
Its a children's book about two sisters who share an upstairs
bedroom - and they fight over which half of the room each can use
- or something- so they draw a line down the center of the room -
one sister gets the door- the other a window- from which to go in
and out of the room -
I can't remember if its an "imagination" thing - but the book goes
through all the illustrations of how the sister with the window
half creates a pulley to get things up from the ground to her room
-and I believe goes through the age progression - so she is
depicting her children going in and out of the window once shes a
mother - etc. There might be a "happy ending" where the sisters
make up - but I can't remember- and I think the illustrations were
in color - but cant remember- sure hope you can find it !
This room
is mine (A Whitman small world library book), Betty
Ren Wright (Author), Judy Stang (Illustrator).
This is a popular bookstumper. Be sure to check the solved
stumpers section for more descriptions of the book.
This is "This
Room is Mine!" by Betty Ren Wright and Judy
Strang. My sister and I shared a room that looked
very similar to the room in the book, and we used to act the
story out all the time!
Lois Lowry, A Summer To Die. Could this be Lois
Lowry's "A Summer To Die". The details are not the same as what the
stumper requester described, other than the part about the two
sisters having to share a room, and one of them drawing a
chalk line in the middle so that each would have her
designated side. But I figured I would put it out there anyway
as an alternate possibility.
Sidney the Selfish Seahorse
The children's book was probably published in the 1960's. It
was about a seahorse who didn't want to share and let the other
seahorses play with his shells. If they wouldn't play his
way, he would have a "snit."
S755 may be Sidney the Selfish Seahorse by Ruth
Coburn. Can't find the actual book itself, but found it
under a list
of copyrights
Sidney the Selfish
Seahorse, Ruth Coburn, 1964. This one is going to be
a bit tricky to find a copy. All I've been able to identify is
an entry in the Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third Series,
Volume 18, Part 1, Number 1: Booklets and Pamphlets Including
Serials and Contributions to Periodicals (January-June
1964). That entry is for a publication titled Sidney the Selfish Seahorse by Ruth Coburn,
published by the Dunkin Visual Aids Co. in 1964. This appears to
have been a booklet or pamphlet intended to be used with Bible
School or Sunday School lessons. It may not have been published
as a regular book at all. Is it possible that you read it - or
had it read to you - in a Sunday School class? Good luck in your
S756: Skylight through which children travel
This is a science fiction/fantasy book I read around
1974-1977. At night the children exited their room by a
skylight and somehow magically flew off or were possibly
transported by a flying animal to an adventure. They were
helping people or the world. There were several books in
this series.
Not a flying animal, but maybe a bed? This
kind of sounds like Bedknob and
Broomstick, by Mary Rogers. Except
that the mode of transportation was a magical bedknob.
There are animals in the book though, and the bed definitely
leaves via a skylight, so it might be worth looking at.
It is definitely not Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
S757: Secret message template book
SOLVED: Alan Mendelsohn, Boy From Mars
S758: Sabrina
I am looking for a book from the 1970s or 1980s. I it about
a vampire girl on mars. It is sort of a romance and I think
the main character was Sabrina.
I think this is Sabella by Tanith Lee."On the
pink planet of Novo Mars, Sabella, the beautiful young recluse,
lives out her uneasy daytime life behind drawn blinds. And at
night she feeds on the blood of deer. After what has happened
before, she no longer wants - or dares - to take the blood of
men. But something, it seems, is intent on throwing Sabella back
into her former existence of danger and despair. Forcing her
first to consume the handsome young stranger, Sand, and then to
confront Sand's invincible and terrifying brother, Jace, the
avenging angel. When predator becomes prey, some kind of death
must end it-And only blood will answer for blood."
Almost certainly SABELLA, OR, THE BLOOD STONE by Tanith Lee (1980)
S759: Slug People
I don't remember much about this book, all I remember is
that it is about slug people and how they live. I think this was
an older book from the 60's or 70's and it had a green cover and
pencil like drawings.
Almost certainly Fungus the Bogeyman by Raymond Briggs.
S760: Science fiction story in diary form
My stumper is for a science fiction story that is written
in diary form. The main character is a boy who is kept chained in
the basement because he is viewed by the family as some type of
abnormal creature. All I distinctly remember is that he calls his
sister "The Little Mother."
This is Richard
Matheson's "Born of Man and Woman". It was
published in 1950, and it was one of many stories about mutants
written during the Cold War. You'll get many responses to this;
it's a classic and has been reprinted in many anthologies.
"Born of
Man and Woman" by Richard Matheson. From
Wikipedia: "The story is written in the form of a diary in
broken English kept by an apparently misshapen child, eight
years old, who is kept chained in the basement by its
I am pretty sure this is "Born of man and woman" by Richard
Matheson. My copy is in Science Fiction
Hall of Fame volume II (ed Robert Silverberg)
This is "Born
of Man and Woman", a science fiction short story by
American writer Richard Matheson, originally published
in 1950 in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science
by Robert Swindells.
S761: Sea/pirate journey, rich colors, no
An illustrated children's book
from the early 1970s without any words. The book was a
kind of journey with luminous colors in golds and warm
tones and I recall it as a kind of sea, pirate journey
though there may have been some underground part.
This is a long shot, but your
description reminded me of this wordless picture book
that follows a a monkey, Jacko,
and a parrot, that escape from a ship and make their way
to a tropical island. The author/illustrator, John S. Goodall did a large series
of wordless picture books featuring animals that
featured half-pages interspersed in the larger pages
that you turn to advance the story. You can see several
good reproductions of this style (for another book of
his, Creepy Castle) here.
S762: Shy girl, boyfriend named Chip,
It was a hardback library book for
young teens probably written in the 50's or 60's.
The story was about a girl that was rather shy in school
and hanging out with her own crowd. She dropped
her lunch tray in the cafeteria and was assisted by a
popular boy named Chip. They become friends and
start dating. She gets to know his friends in the
popular crowd and starts to not hangout as much with her
old friends. She has a party and just invites Chip
and his crowd. He asks her why her best friend is
not there and she admits to only inviting his
friends. He gets mad at her over this attitude and
breaks up with her. At the end of the book, he
drops his tray and she helps him pick it up and they
become friends again. Its just kind of a cool
growing up story that I remember reading in Jr high back
around 1972 or 73. It could be a Betty Cavanna
book, as I read alot of those, but it might just be
similar to her books.
The name Chip made me think of Now That I'm Sixteen by
Margaret Maze Craig,
though I can't swear it's correct. It was published in
1959. The girl's name was Beth, and she was shy and
wanted to change her social life.
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